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Apartment Name: Transpark Cibubur
Location: Jl. Alternatif Cibubur No.230 A, Harjamukti, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16454
Tower/Floor/View: Tower B
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Apartemen Rapih dan terawat dengan full furnish.
Tempat tidur
Lemari pakaian
Kichen sett
Facility: Akses langsung ke Mall Transpark Cibubur
Terdapat kolam Renang yang besar dan nyaman ada 2 kolam buat anak-anak dan dewasa.
Terdapat Play ground untuk bermain anak anak.
Tempat Fitness dengan alat untuk gym yang lengkap
Setiap kamar mempunyai akses Card tersendiri untuk keamanan penghuni.
Mendapatkan safety box untuk menerima surat-surat penting penghuni.
Terdapat Ruang khusus untuk menerima barang paket.
Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam
Terdapat akses berlangganan internet.
Additional Info:
Akses untuk menuju apartement transpark bisa dengan,
Kendaraan umum : – Bus Trans Jakarta di Halte Juntion – LRT Harjamukti koridor Cibubur – Duku Atas Sudirman
Kendaraan Pribadi : – Tol Cibubur – Tol Harjamukti – Cibitung – Tol Jatiwarna
Selling Price:
Harga Jual Rp 378.000.000
Dijual harga dibawah pasar karena akan pindah ke Luar Negeri
Contact: Anie 081218813273
WhatsApp: 081218813273
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No.5, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15220
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Swimming Pool
Children Playground
Jogging Tack
BBQ & Picnic
Sky Garden Terrace
Skyline Wellness Terrace
Parking Area
24 Hours Security
Additional Info:
Nearby Facilities (Under 10mnts Drive)
Mall : Bintaro Xchange, Lotte Mart Bintaro, Ace Hardware & Informa
Hospital : RS Premier, RS Pondok Indah Bintaro
Jogging & Cycling Track Bintaro Loop
Market : Pasar Modern Bintaro, Fresh Market
Train Station
Near the Toll Road Gate
Many Big Brands Restaurants Nearby
Lots of street food choices walking distance
Selling Price: Rp. 630.000.000
Contact: 0811153119
WhatsApp: 0811153119
Apartment Name: Apartemen Transpark Juanda Bekasi
Location: Transpark Juanda, Jl. Insinyur H. Juanda, Margahayu, Kec. Bekasi Tim., Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor / City
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with modern amenities. Includes a Smart TV, full air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, a refrigerator, a stove with kitchen utensils, bathroom essentials with towels, and access to Netflix & YouTube.
Relaxation & Social Spaces: Stylish lounge for comfort and gatherings.
Fitness & Wellness: Fully equipped gym and fitness center.
Convenience & Dining: On-site mini market and Kyoto Japanese Restaurant.
Leisure & Recreation: Swimming pool and a jogging track
Upcoming Facilities: Ranch Market and an integrated commercial area
Additional Info:
Meikarta District 1 Business Hub: Features restaurants, a food court, a supermarket, retail shops, and more.
Papaya Fresh Gallery: A go-to destination for fresh groceries and daily essentials.
Lippo Cikarang Citywalk: A vibrant shopping and lifestyle center.
Siloam Hospital: Providing top-quality healthcare services.
Rental Price: Tahunan : Rp. 40.000.000
Contact Number: 081283236300
WhatsApp: 081283236300
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Tower/Floor/View: CHICAGO / 29 / CITY
Size: 23.68 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Facility Out Door
Infinity Pool
Kids Pool
BBQ Area
Gym Center
Jogging Track
Sky mini Golf & mini Cinemas
Parking Area
Security 24 Jam
Facility Indoor
Furnished Hotel Bintang Lima
Kitchen Set
Air Conditioner
Smart TV
Water Heater
Dispenser Panas Dingin
Ranjang Queen Bed
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartement Studio Full Furnished yang beralamat di CBD Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan, lokasi premium yang sangat strategis.
Berada di tengah pusat bisnis CBD Bintaro
Selangkah menuju Pondok Indah, yang merupakan property termahal dengan harga sewa yang sangat mahal.
Harga sewa yang hanya 5 juta perbulan, mendapatkan lokasi premium setara Pondok Indah.
Connect to Transpark Mall
Connect to SOHO (Smart Office Home Office)
Best Location CBD Bintaro
Diapit 2 Toll JORR 1 & 2
Hanya 5 menit ke Stasiun KA Jurang Mangu
Hanya 15 menit ke Pondok Indah
Hanya 25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
Rental Price:
Bulanan >> Rp 4.000.000
Per 3 bulan >> Rp 11.500.000
Per 6 bulan >> Rp 21.000.000
Tahunan >> Rp 40.000.000
Contact: 0853-8384-8848
WhatsApp: 085383848848
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No.5, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15220
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Swimming Pool
Children Playground
Jogging Tack
BBQ & Picnic
Sky Garden Terrace
Skyline Wellness Terrace
Parking Area
24 Hours Security
Additional Info:
Nearby Facilities (Under 10mnts Drive)
Mall : Bintaro Xchange, Lotte Mart Bintaro, Ace Hardware & Informa
Hospital : RS Premier, RS Pondok Indah Bintaro
Jogging & Cycling Track Bintaro Loop
Market : Pasar Modern Bintaro, Fresh Market
Train Station
Near the Toll Road Gate
Many Big Brands Restaurants Nearby
Lots of street food choices walking distance
Selling Price: Rp 660.000.000
Contact: 0811153119
WhatsApp: 0811153119
Apartment Name: Transpark Cibubur
Location: Apartemen Transpark Cibubur Jl. Alternatif Cibubur No.230, Harjamukti, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16454
Tower/Floor/View: B/2/City
Size: 50 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
kompor gas, sink & rak piring
AC Sharp 3 set
LED TV 55″
Mesin Cuci 1 tabung
Lemari Pakaian
Meja Rias
Tempat Tidur
SOFA BED bisa digunakan sebagai tempat tidur
Window Seating Puff
Swimming Pool
Parking Slot
24 hours Security
Mall & Supermarket
Jogging Track
Basement Parking
Additional Info:
Disewakan bulanan
Lokasi strategis dekat dengan:
Mall Trans Studio Cibubur
RS Meilia
Tol Jagorawi, JOR II dan Tol Bogor
Akses LRT
Direct Owner
Selling Price: Rp
Rental Price: Rp. 5,500,000 / month + deposit Rp.1,000,000
Contact: 081111 02141
WhatsApp: 08111102141
Apartment Name: Chicago Transpark Bintaro
Location: Transpark Mall Bintaro
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago/32/Mountain
Size: 25 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Gym Center Lengkap dan Gratis
Kolam Renang dan Jacuzzi
Barbeque Area
Sky Garden
Play Ground
Kitchen Set
Smart TV
Lemari 3 Pintu
Water Heater
Meja Belajar
Meja TV
Terhubung Langsung ke Mall Transpark Bintaro
1 KM dari Toll JORR 1 dan JORR 2
1 KM ke Stasiun Kereta Jurang Mangu
Ada Shuttle Bus ke Sudirman, Stasiun MRT Fatmawati
500 meter ke RS Premier dan RSPI
100 meter ke RS Bina Medika
DI bawah apartemen ada Ace Hardware & Informa
Selangkah ke Pasar Modern Bintaro
Dekat dengan Sekolah BPK Penabur, Al-Azhar, Sekolah Jepang, Sekolah Global, dll
Parkir Mobil banyak karena terhubung dengan Parkir Mall dan ada juga parkiran Apartemen sendiri
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartemen Transpark Bintaro, Lokasi sangat strategis di CBD Bintaro
Apartemen yang berada di pusat kota Bintaro yang memiliki konsep Super Block yang langsung terhubung dengan Transpark Mall Bintaro
Dengan mengambil konsep ‘Green Belt di Kawasan Bintaro’, hunian ini menghadirkan keasrian dan penghijauan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung healthy living, mulai dari gym&fitness centre, jogging track, hingga bicycle track
Memiliki Fasilitas sky garden terrace, wellness & yoga terrace, reflexology garden, children playground, sky meeting pods, dan community centre.
Di Dalam Transpark Mall terdapat pusat perbelanjaan seperti Transmart, Trans Snow World, H&M, Cinema XXI, Solaria, Raachaa, Cafe dan Resto, dll
Kelebihan nya :
1 KM dari Toll JORR 1 dan JORR 2
1 KM ke Stasiun Kereta Jurang Mangu
Ada Shuttle Bus ke Sudirman, Stasiun MRT Fatmawati
500 meter ke RS Premier dan RSPI
100 meter ke RS Bina Medika
DI bawah apartemen ada Ace Hardware & Informa
Selangkah ke Pasar Modern Bintaro
Dekat dengan Sekolah BPK Penabur, Al-Azhar, Sekolah Jepang, Sekolah Global, dll
Full Furnish dengan kualitas nomor 1, tinggal bawa koper saja
Dijamin suka dengan Furnish nya dan Betah, silakan lihat foto-fotonya
Disewakan 4,3 Juta Per Bulan
Hubungi Telp/WA yang tercantum di kontak
Rental Price: Rp 4.300.000
Contact: 081808499939, 081703036000
WhatsApp: 081808499939
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: CBD Bintaro
Tower/Floor/View: Manhattan & Chicago
Size: 25,51 | 51,15 | 74,58 | 80,48 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: New
Infinity Pool
Kids Pool
BBQ Area
Gym Center
Jogging Track
Sky mini Golf & mini Cinemas
Parking Area
Keamanan 24 Jam
Additional Info:
Connect to Transpark Mall
Connect to SOHO
Best Location CBD Bintaro
Diapit 2 Toll JORR 1 & 2
5 menit ke Stasiun Jurang Mangu
15 menit ke Pondok Indah
25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
Selling Price: Start From 699 Juta-an
Rental Price:
Bulanan 4,5 juta
Tahunan 54 juta
2 BR:
Bulanan 10 juta
Tahunan 120 juta
3 BR
Bulanan 15 juta
Tahunan 150 juta
Contact: 0896-5462-8413
WhatsApp: 089654628413
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15220
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago / 10 / Citi
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio, Queen
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Air Conditioner LG Dual Inverter
Water Heater
Kulkas 2 Pintu Samsung Inverter
Microwave Sharp
Dispenser Galon Bawah
LED TV 32 inchi Sharp include Indihome Internet dan TV
Kompor Gas Tanam 2 Tungku
Sprindbed by Fabelio
Kitchen Set
Peralatan Dapur dan Makan
Rak Penyimpanan Baju
Additional Info: Disewakan minimal 3 bulan
Rental Price: Disewakan Rp. 3,65 juta perbulan (sudah include IPL dan Sinking Fund)
Contact: 08126008663
WhatsApp: 08126008663
Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda
Location: Bekasi Timur
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Water Park
Kolam Renang
Sikat Gigi
Air Minum
Kopi, Teh, Gula
Additional Info: –
Rental Price:
Senin sd Kamis:
3 Jam : Rp.150.000
6 Jam : Rp.200.000
Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu, Tanggal Merah:
3 Jam : Rp.200.000
6 Jam : Rp.250.000
Sewa Harian
Senin sd Kamis:
Jumat, Minggu:
Cheapinn Customer Service:
WA: 0822-10000-335
WhatsApp: 082210000335
Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda Bekasi
Location: Margahayu, Bekasi Timur
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Sapphire
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unit baru furnish
Facility: Waterplay & swimming poll, tennis court, integrated mall Transpark Mall, 5 menit Sta commuter line KRL Bekasi Timur
Additional Info: Tempat tidur queen bed 160X200, AC, lemari es, Smart TV + Wifi, Meja kerja, Sofa, Balkon hadap taman, free IPL & singking fund
Rental Price: Rp 3,500.000 perbulan
Contact: Heryudhi (owner) 087738880400
WhatsApp: 087738880400
Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda bekasi
Location: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 180, Margahayu, Bekasi Timur, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17113.
Tower/Floor/View: Sapphire Tower / 35th Floor / Park View
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished
Smart TV
Full AC
Free Wi-Fi
Kompor + Alat dapur
Alat mandi + Handuk
Netflix & YouTube
Facility: Kolam renang Free akses
Additional Info: –
Rental Price:
3 jam Rp 100.000
6 jam Rp 150.000
12 jam Rp 250.000
Full 24 jam Rp 350.000
Weekend : + Rp 50.000
Contact: 085709519937 (Danu Setiawan)
WhatsApp: 085709519937