- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: ?Jln. Marina indah Raya No.1, PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibahara, Beppu
- Size: 21 m2? m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- Kitchen set
- AC
- Ranjang 160
- Kulkas
- Meja rias
- Lemari
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Gorden
- Tv
- Dispenser
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Clinic
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Restaurants
- ATM center
- play ground
- Laundry
- Hawker
- Tokyo Market
- Salon kecantikan
- Coffe Shop
- Additional Info: Per Year
- Selling Price: Dijual studio luas 21m2= 235 juta
- Rental Price:
- Tipe Studio Full furnished Rp.22.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Studio semi furnis ,AC ,ranjng ,lemari ,AC ,kulkas 15jt setahun diluar ipl
- unit studio bisa bulanan 2.9jt perbulan udah include ipl
- Contact: Rita 089650693556 Ivan 085890500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
tokyo river side pik2
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Studio Full Furnished Tinggal Bawa Koper
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya no 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Fuji, Akibahara, Edogawa
- Size: 21 m2? m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Ranjang 160
- Kitchen set
- AC
- Kulkas
- Water heater
- Wardrobe
- Kompor
- Smart tv
- Gorden
- Meja rias
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee shop
- Restaurants
- Billiards
- Dental Clinic
- Hawker
- Barber shop
- ATM center
- Laundry
- Shuttle bus
- Play ground
- Tokyo market
- Area parkir dan keamanan 24 jam
- Additional Info:
- Pertahun
- Minimal 6 bulan
- Selling Price:
- Dijual studio 235 Juta luas 21m2
- Rental Price: studio Rp. 21.500.000 pertahun diluar IPL
tersedia juga sewa:
✓2br kosongan AC :Rp 17.000.000/year
diluar IPL, listrik,air luas 36m2
✓2br Kosongan luas 40m2: Rp 22.000.000 pertahun, AC gorden
✓2br kosongan semi 36m2 :Rp.18.000.000 pertahun ,AC ranjang ,gorden lemari
✓2br Full FurnishedRp. 38.000.000 tinggal bawa koper
✓Studio AC Rp.12.000.000 pertahun - Contact: Rita 089650693556 Ivan 0896050693556
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – 2BR dan Studio Full Furnished Tinggal Bawa Koper
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibara dan Chikusei
- Size: 21 m2, 36 m2 dan 40 m2? m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2br Full furnished :
- Ranjang 160
- Lemari
- 2AC
- Meja rias
- Kulkas
- Gorden
- Kompor dan gas
- Tv
- Kasur kingkoil
- Unfurnished
- Studio
- Kosongan AC
- 2br : kosongan AC
- 2br Full furnished :
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee shop
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiard
- Dental clinics
- Hawker food
- Barbershop
- Tokyo market
- Reflexology
- Atm center
- Laundry
- Play ground
- Shuttle bus
- Additional Info:
- Per enam bulan
- Per tahun
- Selling Price: Dijual luas 40m2 : Rp 550.000.000
- Rental Price:
- 2BR Full Furnish hanya Rp 33.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Studio Full furnished Rp 21.000.000 per tahun diluar IPL
- 2BR 36m2 Full furnished Rp 33.000.000 diluar IPL
- 2BR kosongan 2 AC+kasur : Rp 21.000.000 pertahun
- 2BR kosongan AC, ranjang, lemari, gorden Rp 18.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Studio kosongan AC Rp 10.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Contact:
- Rita 089650693556
- Ivan 08960500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Fully Furnished Type Studio, 2BR – Tinggal Bawa Koper
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No.1 PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Ginza, edogawa
- Size: 21 m2, 36m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Water heater
- Lantai sudah vneel
- Ranjang 160
- Kitchen set
- Kompor Gas
- Smart tv
- Lemari
- Meja kerja
- Facility:
- Minimarket
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee Shop
- Restaurant
- Dental clinic
- Hawkers food
- ATM center
- Laundry
- Security 24 Jan and secure parking
- Play ground
- Additional Info:
- Minimal per enam bulan
- Tahunan
- Selling Price: Dijual 2br luas 38 M2 : Rp. 480.000.000
- Rental Price: Keterangan terdapat unit lain
- Studio full furnished Rp 23.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Studio kosongan AC Rp 11.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan luas 40 M2 tanpa AC: Rp. 15000.000 pertahun
- 2br Kosongan Ac +hordeng Rp. 20.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan semi, AC, ranjang, lemari, Gorden 17.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Fully furnished 2BR : Rp. 33.000.000 s/d Rp. 40.000.000 diluar IPL
- Contact:
- Rita 089650693556
- Ivan 085890500888
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Fully Furnished dan UnFunish – Studio dan 2BR Luas 40 m2 / 38 m2 / 36 m2
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibara, Bepu, Edogawa, Fuji
- Size: 21 m2, 36m2? m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Studio furnished
- Ac
- Ranjang 160 +kasur
- Kulkas
- Water heater
- Tv
- Kompor dan gas
- Kitchen set
- Gorden
- Dispenser
- 2br furnish:
- 2ac
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Water heater
- Ranjang 160 dan ranjang 1meter
- Smart tv
- Meja makan
- Gorden
- Lemari
- Kitchen set
- Studio furnished
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee shop
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiard
- Dental Clinic
- Hawkers food
- play ground
- ATM center
- Barber Shop
- Tokyo market
- laundry
- dll
- Additional Info:
- Monthly
- Yearly
- Selling Price: Rp 475.000.000 2br luas 38 view city
- Rental Price:
- Studio Fully Furnish21 m2 Rp. 22.000.000
- 2Br Full furnish Rp. 35.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br Full Furnish Rp. 32.000.000
- Studio kosongan AC =Rp. 11.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan AC luas 36 M2=Rp. 16.000.000 pertahun
- 2br luas 40m2 +2AC, gorden=Rp. 23.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br semi, ranjang, AC, lemari, hordeng 18 juta pertahun
- Tersedia juga bulanan Furnish Rp 3.100.000 include IPL
- Contact:
- Rita 089650693556
- Ivan 085890500888
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Unfurnished + AC
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside Pik 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No.1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Bepu, Chikusei
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kosongan
- Ac
- Facility:
- Security 24jam
- Japanese Garden Theme Park
- Reflexology path
- lapangan Bola basket
- Sun deck Lounge &Party Deck
- Floating Deck
- Kolam renang Olympic size
- Comunity Plaza
- Super market
- Taman Bermain anak
- ATM BCA and ATM center
- dekat Club house
- Starbucks
- Hawker kuliner Indonesia food
- Cafe
- Salon kecantikan
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price:
- 2br luas 38 :Rp. 475.000.000
- View sea and city
- Rental Price:
- 2br luas 36 M2 kosongan +Ac : Rp.16.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br luas 36 standar developer kosongan: Rp. 14.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br luas 40 M2 kosongan 2ac dan hordeng :Rp 22.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL
- Studio Kosongan AC : Rp 11.500.000.pertahun diluar IPL
- Contact:
- 089650693556
- 085890500888
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – 2BR Unfurnished Luas 40 m2
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No.1, PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Ginza, Ishikawa
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished ,2 AC , water heater,Gorden dan Smart lock
- Brand new
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Minimarket
- Hawker Food market
- ATM center
- Parkir
- Security dan cctv 24 Jan
- Shuttle Bus
- Additional Info: Call for more info
- Selling Price: Rp.580.000 .000 nego
- Rental Price:
- Rita :089650693556
- Ivan 0858500889
- Contact: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo River Side PIK 2 – 2BR – Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina indah Raya No.1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Ranjang 2
- AC 2
- Kitchen set
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Hordeng
- Kompor
- Jemuran handuk
- Vneel
- Facility:
- Jogging track
- Food court
- Traditional market
- Secure parking
- Additional Info:
- Siap huni
- Lantai middle
- View city and taman
- Selling Price: Rp 470 Juta 2BR luas 36 m2
- Rental Price:
- Semi Furnish Rp 25.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL (IPL Rp.611.000)
- Fully furnished 2br Rp 35.000.000 luas 36m2 pertahun diluar IPL 611 ribu perbulan
- 2br kosongan Rp 15.000.000 pertahun
- Studio kosongan Rp 8.000.000 pertahun diluar IPL, IPL 338 perbulan
- Studio fully furnished 22 juta pertahun diluar IPL (IPL 346 RB perbulan)
- Contact:
- Rita : 089650693556
- Ivan : 089690500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo River Side PIK 2 – Semi Furnish 2BR 36 m2
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Beppu
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2 AC
- 2 Ranjang
- 2 set Hordeng
- Facility:
- Japanese Garden Theme Park
- Fitness Center and Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology Path
- lapangan Bola Basket
- Sun Deck Lounge and Party Deck
- Floating Deck
- Kolam renang Olympic size
- Terdapat juga akses spt Mall and Foodcourt
- klinik, Day care, Comersial Care
- ATM Center
- minimarket, library, laundry
- cafe and salon kecantikan
- dekat Club’ house
- Starbucks
- ATM center
- Additional Info:
- Disewakan studio kosongan +AC 10jt pertahun diluar ipl
- Disewakan 2br +AC =18jt pertahun diluar ipl
- Disewakan FullFurnish studio 21m2 22jt pertahun diluar ipl
- Disewakan FullFurnish 2br luas 36m2,38m2 =35jt pertahun diluar ipl
- Disewakan kosongan 2br luas 40m2 :sudah ada Ac 22jt pertahun
- Selling Price:
- Studio 250 juta
- 2BR 450 juta
- Rental Price: Rp. 24.000.000 pertahun sudah dengan Dua AC, ranjang 160 dan 1 meter dan hordeng
- Contact:
- 089650693556 Rita
- 085890500889 Ivan
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartment Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – 2BR 36 m2 & Studio 21 m2 Full Furnish dan Ready UnFurnish Studio, 2BR Luas 36 m2, 38 m2, 40 m2
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No. 1,PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibara, Chikusei, Ginza, Fuji
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnish 2br:
- Kamar utama ; Ranjang 160, lemari, meja rias, hordeng
- Kamar anak ranjang 1m, lemari hordeng
- Ruang tamu: meja makan dan kursi, rak tv dan tv, kitchen set dan kulkas, kompor
- Dua AC
- Studio Fully Furnished
- Ranjang 160
- Kitchen set plus kompor
- Lemari ,meja makan
- Tv ,kulkas
- Kompor
- Hordeng
- AC
- Facility:
- Luxurious Lobby
- 24jam securty
- Parking lot
- Mail box
- Lively foodcourt
- Shops and mini market
- Laundry
- Pharmacy
- Membership based sportclub
- Additional Info: Expratriate are most wellcome
- Selling Price:
- Studio 250 jt
- Duabr 36m2= 465jt
- Rental Price:
- 2br luas 36 M2 Full furnished 35 juta/tahun diluar IPL
- Studio Full Furnish 21m2 = 21 juta pertahun diluar ipl
- 2br luas 40m2 kosongan 2ac = 22 juta pertahun diluar ipl
- 2br kosongan luas 36m2 +AC satu = 17 jutapertahun diluar ipl
- 2br kosongan luas 38m2 plus ac : view laut 19 juta pertahun diluar ipl
- Contact:
- 089650693556 Rita
- 085890500888 Ivan
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo River Side PIK 2 – 2BR UnFurnish Luas 40 m2 / 38 m2 / 36 m2
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibara, Bepu
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kosongan + 2 AC
- Unit Baru serah terima
- Facility:
- Luxurious Lobby
- 24 hour securty
- Parking lot
- Mail box
- Lively foodcourt
- Shops and Minimarket
- Laundry
- Pharmacy
- Membership based sportclub
- Additional Info: Expratriate are most wellcome
- Selling Price: 2BR kosongan 475 juta
- Rental Price:
- 2br luas 40m2 kosongan + 2AC : 23 juta pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br luas 38m2 kosongan AC 1 : 21 juta pertahun diluar IPL
- 2Br kosongan luas 36m2 AC 1:17 juta pertahun
- Studio kosongan AC +hordeng :12 juta pertahun diluar Ipl
- Studio kosongan tanpa Ac 8juta pertahun diluar IPL
- Contact:
- 089650693556 Rita
- 085890500888 Ivan
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo River Side PIK 2 – Tipe Studio 21 m2 Full Furnish, 2BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside Pik 2
- Location: Jln.Marina indah Raya no 1,Pik 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Edogawa dan Akibara
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished studio
- Ranjang 160 x 2mtr
- Lemari
- Meja kerja dan kursi
- Kitchen set
- Tv
- Kompor
- Hordeng
- Smartlock
- UnFurnish: kosongan
- Furnished studio
- Facility:
- Area Balai Warga
- Fitness and Sport center
- Sun deck Lounge and party deck
- Minimart
- Hawker food market
- Terdapat akses ke area tempat jualan makanan seperti mall dan food court
- Community plaza
- Parkir basment dan gedung dengan sistem keamanan secure parking
- Petugas keamanan 24jam, cctv
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: 2BR luas 36m2 : 475 juta
- Rental Price:
- Full Furnish Studio star from 19 juta pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br Full Furnish 36m2 : 35 juta pertahun diluar IPL (546 ribu perbulan)
- 2br Full Furnish 38m2 : 40 juta / tahun diluar IPL
- 3br Full Furnish 57m2 :55 juta / Tahun diluar IPL
- Studio kosongan, AC, hordeng 12 juta pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan 36m2 +AC :16 juta / Tahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan 38m2+ AC : 20 juta pertahun diluar IPL
- 2br kosongan 40 M2+AC :22 juta / Tahun
- Contact:
- 089650693556 Rita
- 085890500889 Ivan
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@gmail.com