- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Parcel CBD City, Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard No.55F, Pagedangan, Kec. Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: West Tower, 33 / City View
- Size: 115 m2
- Bedroom: 2BR Luxury
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Disewakan unit 2 BR Luxury Fully Furnished dan Fully Electronic tinggal bawa koper saja
- Facility: Building Facility
- Indoor Residence Car Park
- Indoor & Outdoor Pool
- Spa
- Gym, Gymnastic Studio
- Clubhouse
- Party Room & Bar
- Outdoor Space & Water Feature
- Outdoor Playground
- Dogpark
- Library & Business Lounge
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Gaming Room
- Study Room
- Bike Rental
- Mail Box
- Minimart
- 24hours Security System & Concierge
- Additional Info:
- 5 minutes to Aeon Mall BSD
- 5 minutes to The Breeze BSD/BSD Green Office Park (Office location of Unilever, Traveloka,MyRepublic, etc)
- 5 minutes to Prasmul University
- 5 minutes to Atmajaya University
- 5 minutes to Exit Toll BSD Timur
- 7 minutes to ICE BSD City
- 10 minutes to Pasar Modern Intermoda (Modern Market)
- 15 minutes to Terminal Trans BSD (Bus Station)
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station/Stasiun Cisauk
- 45 minutes to Soekarno Hatta International Airport
- Close to McDonalds and other restaurants around
- Easy to reach by Gojek & Grab driver
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR (57 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 120 Juta / tahun (Include IPL)
- 2 BR (88 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 150 Juta / tahun (Include IPL)
- 2BR Luxury (115 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 260 juta / tahun (Include IPL)
- Semua Furnish masih Baru
- Contact: Irwan Sales Inhouse 087715091984
- WhatsApp: 087715091984
- E-mail: Irwanproperty09@gmail.com
the branz bsd
Disewakan Apartemen Branz BSD – Type 1 BR 58 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Parcel CBD City, Jl. BSD Grand Boulevard No.55F, Pagedangan, Kec. Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: North Tower, 27 / City View
- Size: 58 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan unit 1 BR Fully Furnished dan Fully Electronic tinggal bawa koper saja
- Facility: Building Facility
– Indoor Residence Car Park
– Indoor & Outdoor Pool
– Spa
– Gym, Gymnastic Studio
– Clubhouse
– Party Room & Bar
– Outdoor Space & Water Feature
– Outdoor Playground
– Dogpark
– Library & Business Lounge
– Karaoke Room
– Meeting Room
– Gaming Room
– Study Room
– Bike Rental
– Mail Box
– Minimart
– 24hours Security System & Concierge - Additional Info:
- 5 minutes to Aeon Mall BSD
- 5 minutes to The Breeze BSD/BSD Green Office Park (Office location of Unilever, Traveloka, Holywings, MyRepublic, etc)
- 5 minutes to Prasmul University
- 5 minutes to Atmajaya University
- 5 minutes to Exit Toll BSD Timur
- 7 minutes to ICE BSD City
- 10 minutes to Pasar Modern Intermoda (Modern Market)
- 15 minutes to Terminal Trans BSD (Bus Station)
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station/Stasiun Cisauk
- 45 minutes to Soekarno Hatta International Airport
- Close to McDonalds and other restaurants around
- Easy to reach by Gojek & Grab driver
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR (57 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 9,5 Juta/bulan (Nego Sampai Jadi)
- 2 BR (88 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 15 Juta/bulan (Nego Sampai Jadi)
- Feel Free to Ask
- Rp. 55,000,000 / 6 BULAN
- Rp. 95,000,000 / 12 BULAN
- 1 BR (57 Sqm) Fully Furnished – 9,5 Juta/bulan (Nego Sampai Jadi)
- Contact: 081293877100 – Feel Free to Ask
- WhatsApp: 081293877100
- E-mail: laurentiusleonardo95@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – 1 BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B/ 2-36 / All View
- Size: 58 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semua unitnya Free Furnish standard developer
- Intercom.
- Meja Solid Surfaced
- Kabinet dapur, sink, kompor, penghisap asap
- Lemari pakaian
- Water Heater, shower screen
- Kabinet kamar mandi
- Air keran bisa langsung diminum
- Dog Park & Pet Friendly
- Lantai kamar Marmer
- Standar Jepang
- Children Playground
- Gym
- Swimming Pool Outdoor
- Swimming Pool Indoor – Air Hangat
- Game Room, Party Room, SPA, Karaoke room
- Study Room, Coworking space
- Lobby paling mewah di BSD
- Additional Info: PROMO !!!
- Diskon harga
- FREE PPN dari pemerintah
- LIMITED unit
- Selling Price:
- 1 Bedroom Only (Luas sekitar 58 sqm)
- Harga awal : 1.6 M an
- Harga penghabisan unit : Rp
- FREE PPN 11% dr pemerintah : Rp
- Contact: IRWAN
Marketing Inhouse
Website : https://apartmentbranzbsd.com/ - WhatsApp: 087715091984
- E-mail: Irwanproperty09@gmail.com
Dijual: 3 Unit PROMO Low Floor Khusus Lantai 2, 3, 5 – Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: North / 2, 3, 5 / City Utara
- Size: 58.31 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Tinggal beli Springbed, Gordyn, Sofa, TV & Rak TV
- Langsung bisa huni
- Dapatnya :
• AC + Water Heater
• Lemari Pakaian Nempel
• Kitchenset + Kabinet + Kompor + Sink
• Saluran air, bisa diminum langsung
• Kabinet Kamar Mandi, Shower screen, gantungan handuk.
• Lantai Marmer
- Facility: FASILITAS :
- Lobby Luas dan Mewah banget
• Standar Jepang
• Swimming Pool Outdoor & Warm Indoor
• Area Book Bar / Coworking space
• Gym
• Billiard
• Garden
• Dog Park
• Children Playground
• Study area
• Gazebo
- Lobby Luas dan Mewah banget
- Additional Info: Walking distance Prasetya Mulia & AEON MALL BSD
- Bangunan Standar Jepang dan Rapi
- Parkir Luas & Banyak
- Selling Price:
4 UNIT SUPER PROMO (Cash / KPA)- Fl 201 – Rp 919.000.000 + PPN 11%
- Fl 301 – Rp 949.000.000 + PPN 11%
- Fl 501 – Rp 979.000.000 + PPN 11%
- Fl 207 – Rp 999.000.000 + PPN 11%
Harga Rp (include PPN)
* selected unit ONLY - UNIT (CASH ONLY)
Harga Rp,- (Fl 3) - HARGA JUAL 2BR (Cash / KPA Ow)
Harga Rp,-
- Contact: Informasi lebih lanjut :
0812 3222 7770
website : http://apartemen-bsd.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Open!! Dijual Unit Batalan 2 Bedroom – Hanya 2 Unit Saja – Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: East, North / 31, 23 / City
- Size: 87 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kondisi Semi Furnish
- Free Kitchen Set
(Meja Top Table, Kabinet atas + bawah) - AC, Water Heater
- Lantai Marmer
- Lemari Pakaian
- SHOWER SCREEN, Kabinet, Mirror
- Facility:
- Outdoor + Indoor Pool
- Children Playground + Ping Pong
- Billiard room + party room
- Co working space
- Studyroom
- Karaoke Room. SPA, meeting room
- etc
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen paling mewah di BSD dengan Standar pembangunan Jepang
- Keran air bisa minum
- Lobby Mewah
- Selling Price: Harga :
- 2BR : Rp 1.880.000.000 + PPN 11% = Rp 2.086.800.000
- 2 BR : Rp 1.850.000.000 + PPN 11% = Rp 2.053.500.000
- Rental Price: UNIT TERBATAS!!
- Contact: Hubungi :
Michael Batista
0812 3222 7770 - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Disewakan Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang Selatan – 1BR Tower A
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Boulevard, Parcel 55-F, Grand CBD BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: A / 7 / City
- Size: 43 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Terletak di lantai rendah, unit Branz BSD Apartment yang satu ini bisa Anda jadikan pilihan yang smart. Menghadap ke City dengan kondisi fully furnished dilengkapi dengan ac, dapur, kulkas, tempat tidur, dan tv. Di bagian kamar sudah dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur dan perlengkapannya.
- Sedangkan di bagian kitchen sudah disediakan dapur. Bagusnya lagi, di unit ini sudah terpasang listrik dengan kapasitas yang ukurannya pas dengan kebutuhan elektronik yang tersedia di unit ini, jadi Anda tidak perlu takut mati lampu karena kekurangan daya.
- Facility:
- Branz BSD merupakan hunian vertikal yang dibangun ditas lahan seluas 5,3 hektare dan berada di kawasan premium di BSD. Mengusung arsitektur khas Jepang, Branz BSD dibangun dengan teknologi anti gempa yang bisa menjamin kenyamanan dan keamanan tempat tinggal Anda.
- Berada di kawasan premium BSD, dari apartemen ini Anda bisa menjangkau beberapa lokasi dan tempat penting dan menarik di sekitarnya seperti AEON Mall, ICE BSD, Swiss German University, Jakarta Nanyang International School, GIANT Supermarket, dan Mall Teras Kota.
- Selain unggul dalam desain arsitektur dan interiornya, apartemen Branz BSD juga menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas yang mampu memanjakan penghuninya dan memberikan rasa rileks yang memberikan kenyamanan dalam hidup sehari-hari.
- Beberapa fasilitas unggulan Branz BSD adalah spa, kolam renang dewasa (indoor & outdoor), kolam renang anak, perpustakaan dan ruang santai, ruang pertemuan (meeting room), ruang karaoke, bar & gaming room, dan minimart.
- Menariknya lagi, Branz BSD menawarkan fasilitas sewa sepeda yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk berkeliling apartemen dan sekitar serta adanya ruang pesta yang bisa digunakan untuk acara-acara penting dalam hidup Anda.
- Additional Info:
- Visit unit kapanpun anda mau
- Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih detail
- Apartment dengan view terbaik di Tangerang
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 26,000,000 / 3 BULAN
- Rp. 51,000,000 / 6 BULAN
- Rp. 96,000,000 / 12 BULAN
- Contact: SELI – 081110511935
- WhatsApp: 081110511935
Last Chance FREE PPN – Dijual Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – 1BR SEMI FURNISHED
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: City
- Size: 57m²
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisinya sudah:
- Lantai Marmer
- Free Kitchen Set
(Sink, Kompor, Cooker Hood, Kabinet atas & bawah, Meja Granit) - Free AC
- Free Lemari tempel
- Free Shower Screen. Kabinet + Mirror kamar mandi + Shower screen
- Drinkable kran
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool (Indoor + Outdoor)
- Gym
- Gazebo, Garden
- Meeting room
- Karaoke + SPA Room
- Bilyard
- Partyroom
- Dog Park
- Studyroom besar
- Additional Info: Untuk FREE PPN
- Low Floor Promo : Rp 999 juta
- Non Low Floor Promo : Rp 1.099.000
(Hardcash ONLY)
(maksimum pembelian+lunas di 27 Des 2023)
(PPJB + Handover tanggal 29 Des 2023)
(1 NPWP hanya berlaku 1x selama periode FREE PPN) - Non FREE PPN harga + 11%
- Selling Price:
- Untuk FREE PPN
- Low Floor Promo : Rp 999.000
- Non Low Floor Promo : Rp 1.099.000
(Hardcash ONLY)
- Low Floor Promo : Rp 1.108.900.000,-
- Non Low Floor Promo : Rp 1.219.890.000,-
(Hardcash & KPA)
- Untuk FREE PPN
- Rental Price: Yuk Buruan segera ambil FREE PPN di apartemen paling mewah di BSD-Gading Serpong
- Contact: Contact Person
081232227770 - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Sewa Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang Selatan – 1 Bedroom, Luas, Lantai Tinggi – Dekat ICE, AEON, GOP, The Breeze
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: West / 21 / South
- Size: 43 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Include AC, bed and bed frame, wardrobe, Smart TV, refrigerator, microwave, kitchen set, gas stove, drinkable tap water, water heater, washing machine, dining table, sofa.
- Facility:
- Gym
- Indoor & Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Indoor & Outdoor Playground
- Karaoke
- Party Room
- Billiard
- Library
- Spa
- FamilyMart
- Additional Info:
- Located in the BSD West CBD. Close proximity to established universities, schools, malls, hospital and business parks.The Breeze, AEON Mall, QBIGUniversitas Prasetya Mulia, Monash University Indonesia, Universitas Atma Jaya, IPEKA, Jakarta Nanyang School
- ICE, Eka Hospital
- Unilever Head Office, BSD Green Office Park, Foresta Business Lot, BSD Digital Hub.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 9.000.000 (1 month) – negotiable
- Rp 105.000.000 (1 year) – negotiable
- Contact: Indra 0811191019
- WhatsApp: 0811191019
- E-mail: indra.tjhai@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – 1 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Boulevard Parcel 55F, Grand CBD BSD City, Pagedangan, Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: North Tower / Low Floor
- Size: 43 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- North Tower, where all the facilities are located (residents of the other towers will have to walk to the North Tower to use the facilities)
- Only 17 units per floor, with dedicated 4 elevators
- Size 43 m2, very spacious for 1-bedroom unit
- High quality King size bed
- Fully furnished, including sofa bed for 2 people, AC, 4-seater dining set, refrigerator, washing machine, TV, stove and hood, kitchen set, wardrobe, work desk, etc
- Facility:
- Drinkable water from kitchen tap
- Indoor swimming pool with heater
- Library
- Meeting room
- Spa and karaoke (with fee)
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Family mart convenient store
- Gym
- Water featured outdoor hangout place
- Indoor and outdoor children playground
- Party room
- Gaming room / billiard
- Bicycle rental
- Additional Info:
- Strategically located at the heart of BSD CBD area, which is:
- 3-minute walk to AEON mall
- 3-minute walk to Prasetya Mulya University
- 5-minute walk to Unilever office building
- 5-minute walk to ICE
- 3-minute drive to future Serpong – Balaraja tol gate
- 3-minute drive to the Breeze
- 3-minute drive to Green Office Park
- 10-minute drive to Eka Hospital
- Rental Price:
- Rp 7.5 million / month
- Rp 85 million / year
- Contact: Pesah (0878-8881-8271)
- WhatsApp: 087888818271
Last Chance FREE PPN 11% – Jual Apartemen Branz BSD 1 BR Semi Furnish
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / City
- Size: 58 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: /li>
- Karaoke Room (S, M, L)
- Condition:
- Condition is Standard Japan.
- All Type received semi furnish standard
- Type B (very limited)
- Floor is Marble & Full Glass Windows
- 2 Unit Air Conditioner Panasonic
- Kitchen set 1 (Cabinet sink, sink, Granite Table) (Drinkable Water)
- Kitchen Set 2 (Cabinet, Stove, Cooker Hood, Granite Table)
- Bathroom (Shower screen, Water Heater, Cabinet, Mirror)
- Bedroom (Parquette Floor, Cabinet Wardrobe permanent)
- Cabinet shoes permanent
- Type D (limited)
- Floor is Marble & Full Glass Windows
- 2 Unit Air Conditioner Panasonic
- Kitchen set (Cabinet sink, sink, Granite Table, Stove, Cooker Hood) (Drinkable Water)
- Bathroom (Shower screen, Water Heater, Cabinet, Mirror)
- Bedroom (Parquette Floor, Cabinet Wardrobe permanent)
- Facility: Facility 5 Star Hotels
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Indoor Warm Swimming Pool
- Party Room
- Meeting Room (S, M, L)
- Study Room
- Karaoke Room (S, M, L)
- Indoor Children Playground
- Outdoor Children Playground
- SPA Room
- Infinity Garden
- Billiardroom
- Library room
- Minimart
- Lobby
- Smart System
- Additional Info:
- Branz BSD building by Japan Technology Developers with Japanese standard from Tokyuland walking distance to Mall & Office ..
• Buy & Full paid maximum December 2023
• 1 NPWP id only 1 time
• Maximum Rp 2 Million
• Handover maximum June 2024 - FOR CREDIT BANK (KPA)
• Buy & Signed KPA December 2023
(YOU MUST consider time for bank analyze term)
• 1 NPWP id only 1 time
• Maximum Rp 2 Million
• Handover maximum June 2024
- Selling Price: *PROMO*
- Special Only 3 unit
Special Price FREE TAX VAT Rp 999.000.000,- - Special Unit 36 unit Last
SpecialPrice FREE TAX VAT Rp,- - Payment Method for FREE TAX VAT :
• Hardcash
• Credit Bank / KPA Bank
- Special Only 3 unit
- Contact: Contact Person : Michael 0812 3222 7770
- WhatsApp: 081232227770
Disewakan Apartemen Branz BSD 1 BR Full Furnish – Fasilitas Lengkap
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Boulevard Parcel 55F, Grand CBD BSD City, Pagedangan, Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: Low Floor
- Size: 43 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- North Tower, where all the facilities are located (residents of the other towers will have to walk to the North Tower to use the facilities)
- Only 17 units per floor, with dedicated 4 elevators
- Size 43 m2, very spacious for 1-bedroom unit
- High quality King size bed
- Fully furnished, including sofa bed for 2 people, AC, 4-seater dining set, refrigerator, washing machine, TV, stove and hood, kitchen set, wardrobe, work desk, etc
- Facility:
- Drinkable water from kitchen tap
- Indoor swimming pool with heater
- Library
- Meeting room
- Spa and karaoke (with fee)
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Family mart convenient store
- Gym
- Water featured outdoor hangout place
- Indoor and outdoor children playground
- Party room
- Gaming room/ billiard
- Bicycle rental
- Additional Info:
- Strategically located at the heart of BSD CBD area, which is:
- 3-minute walk to AEON mall
- 3-minute walk to Prasetya Mulya University
- 5-minute walk to Unilever office building
- 5-minute walk to ICE
- 3-minute drive to future Serpong – Balaraja tol gate
- 3-minute drive to the Breeze
- 3-minute drive to Green Office Park
- 10-minute drive to Eka Hospital
- Rental Price:
- Rp 7.5 million / month
- Rp 85 million / year
- Contact: Pesah (0878-8881-8271)
- WhatsApp: 087888818271
Dijual Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – 1 BR Free Furnish Standard Developer
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B/ 2-36 / All View
- Size: 57 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semua unitnya Free Furnish standard developer
- Intercom.
- Meja Solid Surfaced
- Kabinet dapur, sink, kompor, penghisap asap
- Lemari pakaian
- Water Heater, shower screen
- Kabinet kamar mandi
- Air keran bisa langsung diminum
- Dog Park & Pet Friendly
- Lantai kamar Marmer
- Standar Jepang
- Children Playground
- Gym
- Swimming Pool Outdoor
- Swimming Pool Indoor – Air Hangat
- Game Room, Party Room, SPA, Karaoke room
- Study Room, Coworking space
- Lobby paling mewah di BSD
- Additional Info: PROMO !!!
- Diskon harga
- FREE PPN dari pemerintah
- LIMITED unit
- Selling Price:
- 1 Bedroom Only (Luas sekitar 57sqm)
- Harga awal : 1.6 M an
- Harga penghabisan unit : Rp
- FREE PPN 11% dr pemerintah : Rp
- Contact: IRWAN
Marketing Inhouse - WhatsApp: 087715091984
- E-mail: Irwanproperty09@gmail.com