- Apartment Name: The Accent
- Location: CBD Bintaro, Sektor 7, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: lantai 10 no. 7
- Size: 39.43 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Swimming pool, play ground
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp. 1.4 M
- Contact: 085945141527
- WhatsApp: 085945141527
- E-mail: yuwita.martha@yahoo.com
the accent bintaro
Jual Apartemen Bagus di Bintaro The Accent Sektor 7 – 2 BR 59 m2 Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: The Accent Bintaro
- Location: Sektor 7 Bintaro – Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Accent / City, Pool
- Size: 59 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2 tempat tidur
- Kitchen set
- AC 1
- Facility:
- Infinity pool
- Kids pool
- Children playground
- Cana bean cafe
- Gym
- Laundry
- Multi purposed hall
- Additional Info:
- Akses Jalan Tol (Kunciran dan Pd. Aren)
- Dekat Jalan Raya
- Dekat Kawasan Bisnis
- Dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan (Fresh Mart, BXC, Lotte Mart dll)
- Dekat Stasiun (Pondok Ranji)
- Dekat Sekolah (global jaya, japan school, britihis school dll)
- Dekat Rumah Sakit (RS. Pondok Indah, dll)
- Dekat Tempat Ibadah
- Selling Price: Rp 1,550,000,000
- Contact:
- 0813 1647 2202
- 0877 8723 8194
- E-mail: aniutania@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen The Accent Type 2 Bedroom Full Furnished di Tangerang Selatan
- Apartment Name: The Accent bintaro
- Location: CBD/D No 1 jln wahid hasyim pondok jaya pondok ar kota tangerang selatan bintaro sektor 7en
- Tower/Floor/View: The Accent/15/ pool city
- Size: 77 m2
- Bedroom: Dua
- Bathroom: Satu
- Condition: Full furnished Tinggal bawa koper aja
- Facility:
- infinity pool & kids pool
- Children playground
- Multipurpose Hall Room
- Fitnes Center
- Caffe resto by canabean
- Laundry
- Minimarket
- Car lift mobil
- Barbeque Area
- 1 lantai hanya ada 11 unit
- Additional Info:
- The accent Apartemen kelas premium di kawasan CBD bintaro satu lantai hanya ada 11 unit aja parkiran Luas Lokasi berada di kawasan central bisnis distrik bintaro dan hanya 10 menit dari pintu tol jor
- Harga sewa sudah termasuk service charge Belum Termasuk pemakaian Listrik air dan indihome Wajib deposit ya
- Selling Price:
- 2 Bedroom star harga 1.4
- Informasi beli boleh chat karina ya inhouse jaya Real property tbk
- Rental Price:
- 1 Bulan Rp 12.500.000
- Langsung 3 Bulan Rp 36.000.000
- Langsung 6 Bulan Rp 69.000.000
- 1 Tahun Rp 132.000.000
- Contact: 0852 888 10084
- WhatsApp: 085288810084
- E-mail: Karinajayaproperty@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen The Accent Tipe 2 Bedroom Full Furnished Bulanan atau Pertahun
- Apartment Name: The Accent
- Location: CBD/D 1 Jln Wahid Hasyim Pondok Jaya Pondok Aren Bintaro Jaya Kota Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: The accent 15/ pool city view
- Size: 77.81 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: Tersedia
- Condition: Full furnished tinggal bawa koper aja
- Facility:
- Infinity pool & kids pool
- kids playground
- Multipurpose Hall
- Fitnes Center
- BBQ Area
- Roof Garden
- Laundry
- Minimarket
- Coffice shop
- Securty Acces Card
- 24 Hours securty system
- Exclusive Car lift
- Apartemen the Accent unit hanya 273 unit satu lantai hanya ada 11 unit jadi Nyaman bgt ga krodit
- Additional Info:
- Harga sewa di iklan perbulan boleh tiga bulan Atau satu tahun masih Ada diskon
- Harga Sewa Belum Termasuk Listrik & Air
- Indihome Rp 400ribu
- Deposit Menyesuaikan Lamanya Sewa
- Selling Price: 2 Bedroom Rp 1.118.854.545. Untuk informasi beli segera chat karina juga ya marketing inhouse jaya Real property tbk Boleh tanya
– Cara bayar
– Pricelist harga
– Simulasi cara Bayar
– Visit show Unit - Rental Price: Rp 12.500.000/bulan klo ambil 3 bulan atau 1 tahun di awal masih ada diskon ya
- Contact: 0852 888 10084 karina jaya Property
- WhatsApp: 085288810084
- E-mail: Karinajayaproperty@gmail.com
Promo Akhir Tahun Apartemen The Accent Diskon Ratusan Juta & Diskon PPN
- Apartment Name: The Accent
- Location: CBD/D 1 Jln Wahid Hasyim Pondok Jaya Pondok Aren Bintaro Jaya Kota Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: The Accent/rendah,sedang,tinggi/City
- Size: 77.81/ 82.92 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: Tersedia
- Condition: Semi furnished
- Kitchen sett by vivere
- AC
- Facility: Apartemen the Accent memilik Fasilitas premium
- Infinity pool & kids pool
- Kids playground
- Multipurpose Hall
- Fitnes Center
- Barbeque Area
- Roof Garden
- Laundry
- Minimarket
- Coffee Shop
- Securty Acces Card
- 24 Hours securty system
- Exclusive Car lift
- Additional Info: Apartemen the accent Apartemen kelas premium di kawasan Bintaro jaya unit hanya 278 unit dan 1 Lantai hanya 11 Unit.Dapatkan segera unitnya karena stok Terbatas
- Stok Unit Terupadet
– 2 Bedroom Luas 77.81 m2
– 2 Bedroom Luas 81.92 m2 - Cara Bayar
– Cash keras Dapat doubel Diskon
– Cash Bertahap 24 bln Dp 0%
– KPA Dp mulai 10% ( Bank Cimbi Niaga, Maybank, UOB, BNI, Mandiri ) karina bantu proses sampai akad kredit - Promo Terdahsyat
– Diskon Up to 30%
– Diskon PPN 0%
– Free Ac 2 unit
– Free Kichen sett by vivere
– Free Service charge 1 th - Informasi Lebih lanjut segera ya chat karina marketing inhouse Jaya Real Property Tbk
– Boleh Tanya Simulasi harga
– visit Unit 24 jam
- Stok Unit Terupadet
- Selling Price:
- 2 Bedroom Luas 77.81 Rp 1.118.854.545
- 2 Bedroom Luas 81.92 Rp 1.339.772.727
- Rental Price: Rp 12.500.000/bulan type 2 Bedroom
- Contact: 0852 888 10084 karina jaya Property
- WhatsApp: 085288810084
- E-mail: Karinajayaproperty@gmail.com
Disewakan 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartemen The Accent Tangerang Selatan – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: The Accent
- Location: Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 39 – 82 m2
- Bedroom: 1 dan 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Kids and Infinity Pool
- Kids Playground
- Multi Purpose Hall
- Fitness Center
- Laundry
- Minimarket
- Additional Info:
- Access toll JORR, JORR 2 & JORR W2N
- Access Jurangmangu and Pondok Ranji Station
- Standard International School: British School, Japanese School, Global School, Pembangunan Jaya, Al-Azhar
- Hospital: Medika Lestari, Premier Bintaro and RSPI Bintaro
- Mall: Lotte Mall, Bintaro Plaza Mall, Bintaro Xchange Mall
- Rental Price:
- 1 Bedroom: IDR 8.000.000 per month
- 2 Bedroom: IDR 14.000.000 per month
- Including : service charge
- Excluding : water, electric and internet
- Contact: 089663462886
- WhatsApp: 089663462886
- E-mail: adaemen18@gmail.com
Dijual 3 BR Apartemen The Accent (Connecting Door) Lantai 9 Semi Furnished (*Jual Rugi) BU
- Apartment Name: The Accent
- Location: Jl KH Wahid Hasyim Blok FG 42 Bintaro, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/lnt.9/view perkotaan
- Size: 77&39 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Semi furnished
- Wardrobe
- Kitchen set
- Facility:
- Infinity pool
- kids pool
- Gym
- Coffeeshop BY CANABEANS
- Mini market
- Securityguard24hours
- Exclusive CARLIFT
- BBQ area
- Children playground
- Laundry
- Multipurposed hall
- Additional Info:
- 0 menit ke Lotte mart Bintaro & CIMB NIAGA office tower
- 3 menit ke pusat kawasan bisnis Bintaro (jalur kebayoran Arcade Bintaro) yang sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai pusat kegiatan seperti,
- Gedung perkantoran INDY TOWER, BANK BCA, Bank Permata Office tower
- Pusat Pendidikan Sekolah BPK Penabur, Global JAYA School, Mentari international School
- Pusat Pengobatan : RS Pondok Indah Bintaro
- Pusat Perbelanjaan : Hari-Hari Swalayan, HERO, GIANT, Pasar Modern Sektor 9 Bintaro
- Pusat Hiburan : BX change Mall, Bintaro Plaza Mall
- Pusat Kuliner : Taman Jajan, Warunk Upnormal, etc
- 5 menit ke Exit toll Pondok Aren
- 5 menit ke Sts KRL Jurang Mangu
- 5 menit ke Shuttle Bust INTRANS BINTARO (tujuan BSD – Stasiun MRT Fatmawati)
- 15 menit ke Jakarta Selatan (Lebak Bulus, Pondok Indah, TB Simpatupang)
- 30 menit ke Bandara international SOETTA
- Selling Price: Rp 2.700.000.000
- Rental Price: Sewa per bulan : Rp 20 juta
- Contact: 085959590189
- WhatsApp: 085959590189
- E-mail: thedetzwie@gmail.com
Disewakan Mingguan / Bulanan / Tahunan Apartemen Bintaro Icon – Studio / 2 Bedroom Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Icon
- Location: Jl Jombang Raya, Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Amethyst & Crysant/Mid & High Floor/City & Pool
- Size: 22-68 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Parking
- Security access lift card
- 24-hour security
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location.
- Nearby International School: British School, Japan School, Pembangunan Jaya University.
- Nearby Hospital: International Bintaro Hospital Ramsey, Pondok Indah 2 Hospital, Prodia Medical Check Up, Ichsan Medical Center.
- Nearby Shopping Center: Electronic City, Bintaro Exchange Mall, Bintaro Plaza, Informa & Ace Hardware, Lotte Mart, Hero, Hari Hari Pasar Swalayan Bintaro dll.
- Surrounded by many restaurants
- Near access toll to International Airport Soekarno Hatta.
- Near access to Railway Station of Pondok Ranji, Jurangmangu and Sudimara is frequently used by professional worker
- Selling Price:
- Studio Type Start from IDR 380.000.000 – IDR 550.000.000
- 2 Bedroom start from IDR 970.000.000 – 1.350.000.000
Tersedia juga info jual / sewa apartemen sekitar Bintaro seperti Apartemen The Accent Bintaro, Apartemen Bintaro Plaza Residences Tower Altiz dan Tower Breeze, Apartemen Emerald Bintaro dan Apartemen sekitar Jakarta.
- Rental Price:
- Studio Type start from IDR 3.500.000 – IDR 4.000.000/month
- 2 Bedroom start from IDR 7.000.000 – IDR 8.000.000/month
- 2 Bedroom Mansion start from Rp. 11.000.000/month
Tersedia juga info jual / sewa apartemen sekitar Bintaro seperti Apartemen The Accent Bintaro, Apartemen Bintaro Plaza Residences Tower Altiz dan Tower Breeze, Apartemen Emerald Bintaro dan Apartemen sekitar Jakarta.
- Contact: Anisa 085211254142 (whatsapp/call)
- WhatsApp: 085211254142