- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmad
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Jasmine, Lt 19
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Anda akan menjadi Penyewa Pertama di Unit kami dengan perabotan baru, terdiri dari :
- 2 Unit AC masing² 1 PK
- 1 Unit Kulkas 2 pintu
- 1 Unit Smart TV 32 inch
- 1 Unit Dispencer Air normal – dingin
- 1 Kitchen Set
- 1 Sofa Bed + Meja
- Access Card hanya untuk tiap lantai
- TV Cable
- Facility:
- 1 area dengan Mall Basura
- 4 swiming pool yg bs dipakai olrh semua penghuni tower (tersedia 1 swimming pool unt setiap 2 tower )
- Fitnes / Gym / Lap Basket
- Playground
- Basement parking lot
- Security & Receptionist 24 jam
- Toko Retail (Alfa / Indomart)
- Warung makan rumahan & coffee shop
- Additional Info:
- 5 KM ke Kuningan, Sudirman
- Access Kasablanka, By Pass, Tol Becakayu, Cawang, Halim
- Dekat Kampus Tri Sakti, Mpu Tantular
- 1,5 KM Stasiun Tebet
- 2 KM RS Premiere Jatinegara, Hermina, Brawijaya
- Dekat SMPN 115, SMA 8, 26, SMAK Vincentius, Asisi
- 2 Km MRT Cawang
- Rental Price:
- Disewakan per bulan 4.5 juta
- Per 3 bulan : 13 juta
- Per 6 bulan : 25 juta
- Per tahun : 47 juta
* Harga per 6 bulan / per tahun NEGOTIABLE bila dibayar cash di depan
* Harga sewa sudah termasuk maintenance charge (IPL)
* Harga EXCLUDE (Tidak termasuk) biaya listrik + air + wifi + parkir (tanggungan penyewa)
* Belum termasuk deposit
- Contact: Lydia : 081332090707
- WhatsApp: 081332090707
- E-mail: lydia.rosa28@yahoo.com
tanpa perantara
Sewa Apartemen Jakarta Selatan – Kebagusan City – Studio Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kebagusan City
- Location: Jl. Baung Raya (Simatupang), Tanjung Barat, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan (Dekat Gedung Nestle Arkadia TB Simatupang dan Stasiun Tanjung Barat)
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower C / Lantai 8
- Size: 22 m2? m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished : 1 tempat tidur queen 160 x 200, lemari pakaian, AC, cermin besar, meja + kursi, kitchen set, penjemur pakaian, shower, kloset duduk.
- Facility: Lift dengan kartu akses, parkir mobil dan motor, keamanan 24 jam, kolam renang anak dan dewasa, taman bermain anak-anak, jalur jogging, area parkir, ATM center, minimarket, binatu, farmasi, klinik, kantin.
- Additional Info: Apartemen bisa jual atau disewakan secara bulanan (tanpa perantara).
- Selling Price:
Rp 325.000.000 (nego)
- Rental Price: Rp 2.1 juta/bulan
- Contact:
Dijual (Owner) Studio Apartemen Jasmine Park Bogor Kota – Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Jasmine Park
- Location: Jl Ibrahim Adjie (Sindang Barang) No 8 Laladon, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Green/02/17
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: – Type studio unfurnished + AC
– Unit rapi/tidy
– Mountain view, tenang tidak berisik
– Lantai rendah/second floor
– Lokasi strategis, dilewati angkot 24 jam
* 10 menit ke pintu tol Yasmin
* 15 menit ke IPB University
* 10 menit ke Transmart
* 5 menit ke RS Medika Dramaga
* 5 menit ke terminal Bubulak
* 30 menit ke stasiun Bogor kota– Bagus buat investasi, prospek sewa bagus
– Saat ini sudah ada penyewa - Facility:
- AC
- Lift + Kartu Akses
- Kolam renang
- restoran Grill ‘n Dip
- gym
- musholla
- secured parking 24 jam
- Additional Info: Pemilik langsung.
Tanpa perantara - Selling Price: Rp 325 juta, nego.
Pajak dan biaya biaya lain ditanggung pembeli - Contact:
- WhatsApp: 081314834670
Disewakan Rumah Susun Rusun Tanah Abang Lux Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Rusun Tanah Abang
- Location: Jl. KH Mas Mansyur
- Tower/Floor/View: Blok 31
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: AC, parkir
- Additional Info: Disewakan RUSUN atau RUMAH SUSUN TANAH ABANG, di Jl KH. Mas Mansyur.
- Baru renovasi total
- Lux fully furnished
- Type: 2 kamar (36 m2)
- Fasilitas:
- AC baru.
- TV LED 43 Inch
- Kipas Angin baru (3 pieces)
- Lemari pakaian 3 pintu
- Kitchen set
- Kompor gas
- Kasur
- PLN Pasca bayar
- Air PAM Pasca bayar
- Gas Pasca bayar (Tidak perlu beli gas Melon)
- Parkir Motor dan Mobil
- Harga sewa 15 juta /6 bulan (TP)
- Deposit: 2 juta. Jd byr pertama 17 juta
- Deposit akan dikembalikan setelah semua bill di lunasin.
- Sewa sudah termasuk Service AC tiap 3 bulan.
- Tanpa Perantara, Bagi yg berminat hubungi pemilik langsung via WhatsApp no hp 081290803441
- Rental Price: Rp 15/000.000
- Contact: 081290803441
- WhatsApp: 081290803441
- E-mail: Nasutionandyzulkarman@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Bintaro Park View Jakarta Selatan – Tower A, 2 BR 36 m2 Fully Furnished, Pool View
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Park View
- Location: Jl. Bintaro Permai, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/6/Pool
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Lokasi di Tower A yang merupakan tower utama dengan akses langsung ke kolam renang, gym, laundry, mini market, coffee shop, dll
- Sudah full furnished, wallpaper, dan interior design yang homey & cozy
- Unit langka dan jarang karena langsung hadap kolam renang, sehingga memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik & view indah. Jika pintu / jendela balkon dibuka maka udara sangat sejuk dan terang
- Berada di unit rendah (lt.6), tidak perlu lama menunggu lift
- Sudah ada kitchen set dengan alat masak, peralatan makan, rice cooker, kompor, kulkas, dispenser
- 2 bedroom, lengkap dengan bantal & guling, AC, lemari besar/wardrobe, dan meja kerja di kamar utama
- Sudah ada Wifi dan TV cable serta dilengkapi AC di ruang TV
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
- Jogging Track
- Gym
- Taman Tematik
- BBQ Area
- Minimart
- Foodcourt
- Laundry
- Security 24 Jam
- Mail Box
- Elevator Acces Card
- Water Sprinkle, Fire Alarm, Hydrant System
- Additional Info:
- Akses toll: JORR, Airport (Soekarno Hatta), Bintaro-Serpong, Yanah Kusir, Ciledug
- Dekat dengan business district (Bintaro, Pondok Indah, Gandaria, Cilandak, TB Simatupang)
- Transportasi publik 24 jam
- Dekat dengan mall (Bintaro XChange, PIM, Citos, Gandaria City)
- Dekat dengan sekolah swasta & negri (Pembangunan Jaya, Global Jaya, Al Azhar, Penabur, International School) and university (STAN, STP Trisakti, Moestopo)
- Dekat dengan stasiun kereta dan busway
- Dekat dengan rumah sakit (RSUD Pessangrahan, RS Premier Bintaro, RS Pondok Indah, RS Suyoto)
- Dekat dengan pasar & pusat perbelanjaan (Lotte, Superindo, Farmers Market, dll)
- Unit langka, view langsung kolam renang dari balkon dan kamar
- Rental Price: Rp 5.500.000/bulan (Bisa Nego)
Per tahun tentu ada harga spesial - Contact:
- 081280314080 (Corry)
- 085213217000 (Putri)
- WhatsApp: 081280314080
- E-mail: marianaputri_ns@yahoo.co.id
Dijual Apartemen Studio Cinere Resort Furnished 22 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Cinere Resort
- Location: Cinere, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Senggigi/3/Perumahan & Gunung
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Apartemen Cinere Resort tipe studio (22 m2) milik pribadi, furnished:- AC
- Kitchen set
- Spring bed
- Meja & kursi
- Kompor 1 tungku
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
Lapangan basket mini
Taman dan meeting point
Security 24 jam (access card)
Secure parking
Laundry kiloan
- Additional Info:
- Dekat akses pintu tol Cinere (5-10 menit)
- Dekat pasar tradisional (5 menit)
Dekat mall cinere (5 menit)
Dekat masjid (2 menit)
Dekat rumah sakit (RS Jantung Diagram)
- Selling Price:
Dijual tanpa perantara.
Cocok untuk investasi dengan passive income (sewa apartemen).SKEMA PEMBELIAN:
1. Harga 230 juta, (hard cash, BBN ditanggung pembeli dan jual lepas)
2. Harga 250 juta, (cash, BBN 50:50, dengan jaminan sewa dan pembelian kembali dari saya)
– Garansi langsung disewa (rent guarantee) 2 tahun dibayar di muka (35 juta per 2 tahun)
– Garansi pembelian kembali (buy back guarantee) setelah 2 tahun jika unitnya ingin dijual kembali ke saya (+ 5% dari harga jual)3. Harga 275 juta, angsuran tanpa bunga (DP 95 juta, angsuran 5 juta/bulan selama 36 bulan)
* Penawaran terbaik tanpa riba ini berlaku siapa cepat dapat ya– Unit ini milik saya pribadi
- Contact: 087882836037
- WhatsApp: 087882836037
- E-mail: bk_oke83@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Evenciio Depok / Studio Full Furnish (by Fabelio)
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Jl. Margonda No. 508 Depok, Jawa barat.
- Tower/Floor/View: I / 30 / Kampus UI
- Size: 25.03 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Desain unit Apartemen yang modern dan artistik.
Full Furnish designed by “Fabelio” & Verified by “Legal Rental Agent”- Status kepemilikan SHM
- 1 Kamar Tidur
- 1 Kamar mandi: Shower, Water heater gas, Wastafel.
- 1 Kitchen set: Exhoust fan, Kompor induksi, Lemari es mini, dan Meja makan lipat, termasuk peralatan memasak.
- 1 Meja kerja/belajar
- Pemadam api: 1) Evenciio system, 2) APAR mini.
- Listrik 1300 Watt
- AC Panasonic 3/4 PK
- TV Smart Panasonic 32″
- Facility:
- Gratis Internet
- Sistem Keamanan 24 Jam: Security & CCTV
- Sistem Administrasi: Receptionist, Aplikasi
- Gym, Kolam renang
- Drug free by BNN, aman dari Narkoba.
- Additional Info:
- Pemandangan sepanjang waktu:
Lingkungan Kampus UI yang asri, Jalur KRL Bogor-Jakarta, Jalan Margonda. - Tersedianya JPO, dan Halte memudahkan mobilisasi.
- Dekat dengan Stasiun KRL UI, akses jalan Tol Antasari.
- Dekat dengan beberapa Rumah Sakit Umum.
- Dekat dengan beberapa pusat belanja, hiburan, dan mini market.
- Pemandangan sepanjang waktu:
- Selling Price:
- Harga jual, Rp 550 Juta (pajak pembeli dan penjual ditanggung masing-masing).
- Tanpa perantara pembeli dan penjual
- Nego tipis ajah
- Rental Price: Harga sewa berdasarkan “Legal Rental Agent” pada saat iklan ini dibuat.
- Daily Rp 430.000
- Monthly Rp 3.900.000
- Yearly Rp 36.800.000
(Hanya sebagai referensi saja)
- Contact: 081385386778
- WhatsApp: 081385386778
- E-mail: triyanto@gmx.com
Sewa Unit Apartemen Kalibata City 2BR Full Furnished – Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Kalibata Recidence
- Location: Kalibata, Pasar Minggu
- Tower/Floor/View: Cendana / 16 / CM
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished Terawat
- 2 full set Bed Room
- 2 AC
- 1 TV
- 1 Kulkas 2 pintu
- 1 Sofa Bed
- Kitchen Set
- Facility:
- Next to the Mall
- 24 hours security with access card
- Food court dan restaurants
- Banking & ATM centers
- Basketball court
- Additional Info:
- Special Price Tangan Pertama
- Sewa apartemen tanpa perantara, langsung dengan pemilik
- Hanya disewakan KHUSUS Pasangan Menikah
- Posisi Unit Hook (Pojok)
- Tiap kamar dapat jendela
- Ventilasi dan pencahayaan matahari sangat baik
- Privasi lebih terjamin karena posisi unit di pojok
- Nyaman tidak terlalu banyak orang lalu lalang
- Lokasi Strategis
- Dekat Mall pintu Food Court
- Dekat Mesjid
- Jauh dari Rell Kereta, tidak berisik
- Tagihan Listrik dan Air Akurat tidak pernah Eror
- KHUSUS Pasangan Menikah
- Reputasi unit terjaga sangat baik setelah 12 tahun disewakan selalu untuk pasangan menikah/keluarga muda. Pembuktian harus menyertakan Surat Nikah
- Rental Price:
- Per 1 Tahun Rp 34.000.000
- Per 6 bulan Rp 18.000.000
- Sewa langsung dengan owner
- Contact: Arie 08119893366
- WhatsApp: 08119893366
- E-mail: ariani.dwiastuti@gmail.com
Dijual Unit Hook Apartemen Kalibata City Jakarta Selatan – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata Residence
- Location: Kalibata, Pasar Minggu
- Tower/Floor/View: Cendana / 16 / CM
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished Terawat
- 2 full set Bed Room
- 2 AC
- 1 TV
- 1 Kulkas 2 pintu
- 1 Sofa Bed
- Kitchen Set
- Facility: Swimming Pool, GYM, Mall Kalibata City Square, Farmers Market, Masjid, Bioskop, Bank & Galery ATM, Sekolah, Teras Kuliner, Security 24 Jam.
- Additional Info:
- Special Price Tangan Pertama
- Sewa apartemen tanpa perantara, langsung dengan pemilik
- Posisi Unit Hook (Pojok)
- Tiap kamar dapat jendela
- Ventilasi dan pencahayaan matahari sangat baik
- Privasi lebih terjamin karena posisi unit di pojok
- Nyaman tidak terlalu banyak orang lalu lalangLokasi Strategis
- Dekat Mall pintu Food Court
- Dekat Mesjid
- Jauh dari Rell Kereta, tidak berisik
- Tagihan Listrik dan Air Akurat tidak pernah Eror
- Reputasi unit terjaga sangat baik setelah 12 tahun disewakan selalu untuk pasangan menikah/keluarga muda.
- Selling Price: Rp 330.000.000
- Contact: Arie 08119893366
- WhatsApp: 08119893366
- E-mail: ariani.dwiastuti@gmail.com
Dijual / Sewa Apartement Transpark Cibubur – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Transpark Cibubur
- Location: Jl. Alternatif Cibubur, Transpark Cibubur
- Tower/Floor/View: Borealis / Lt 2/ Swimming Pool
- Size: 22.5 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Type studio, Sudah full furnished dan AC.
- Apartemen Trans Park Cibubur mempunyai lokasi yang sangat strategis karena dekat dengan Tol Jagorawi, rumah sakit, dan akses langsung khusus ke pusat perbelanjaan dan hiburan. Di antaranya World Class Theme park, dengan wahana permainan dan roller coaster terbesar, Science Center Terbesar di Indonesia, Convention Hall, First Class Mall (Metro, TOD’S, Aigner, BOSS, CVG Blitz) dan Transmart Carrefour.
- Swimming Pool
- Gym Center
- Lobby
- Basement parking area
- Jogging track apartment Garden
- Wifi off by provider problem
- 42’inch Smart Tv
- Kitchen set
- Plates
- Glasses
- stove/Gas 5,5 kg
- Facility: 24-hours security, Trans Studio Mall Cibubur, Swimming Pool, Gym Center, Lobby, Bassement, Jogging track, Apartment Garden, Sky Garden, etc
- Additional Info: Strategic Location Close to Hospitals, Culinary Tours, Toll Entrances and Toll Exits
Near LRT - Selling Price: Jual Cepat IDR 550 juta Nego. Tanpa perantara (Langsung Owner)
- Rental Price:
- IDR 60.000.000/year, nego
- IDR 5.000.000/month, nego
- Not include Tax
- Contact: 082114260665 (Phone & WA available)
- WhatsApp: 082114260665
- E-mail: tejohandoko@yahoo.com
Jual Apartemen The Park Residence Jakarta Utara – 2BR Furnished Sky View
- Apartment Name: The Park Residence
- Location: Jalan Bukit Gading Raya Kav. 1, Kelapa Gading Barat, Kelapa Gading, RT.18/RW.8, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: The Park Residence / 25th Floor / Sky View + MOI + Main Boulevard Road
- Size: 64 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Wireless Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area
Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Wireless Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area - Facility: Lingkungan sangat aman (keamanan 24 jam), Private, tidak ramai (hanya 1 tower, tembok sangat tebal), dan banyak di huni oleh expat Jepang & Korea yang dikenal sangat selektif dalam memilih tempat tinggal.
The environment is very safe (24H security), Private, not crowded (only 1 tower, very thick walls) , and many are inhabited by Japanese & Korean expats who are known to be very selective in choosing a place to live. - Additional Info:
- Apakah anda menginginkan privasi namun tidak suka tinggal di kos-kosan atau rumah kontrakan yang ramai? Apartment The Park Residences Kelapa Gading dengan Sky View pasti cocok untuk kamu.
- Area Pantry dan Living Room sangat luas, bisa digunakan hingga 10 orang.
- Listrik: 3300 W
- Sertifikat: SHM Strata Title
- Jual Cepat, Tanpa Perantara
- Apartemen Premium Nyaman & Menyenangkan
- Untuk Keluarga, Pelajar, Expat & Eksekutif
- Dengan budget bersahabat untuk orang tersayang
- Pemandangan Sky View, bayangkan bangun dengan pemandangan langit biru 180 derajat setiap hari
- Desain Apartemen Bergaya Klasik,
- Fully Furnished, 100% terawat & siap huni
- Fasilitas lengkap (kolam renang, pusat kebugaran, lounge & ruang pertemuan), termasuk parkir gratis
- Lokasi Pribadi & Eksklusif:
- 1 menit jalan kaki ke:
– Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga
– Lottemart (akses langsung)
– Gading Batavia Food Hall - 5 menit berkendara ke:
– Mal Kelapa Gading
– Mall Indonesia
– Mall Artha Gading
– Akses Tol
- 1 menit jalan kaki ke:
- Harga Sangat Terjangkau Mulai Dari 1.3M
(Bisa Nego Sampai Deal)
Harga Sudah Termasuk Semua Unit & Perlengkapan Apartemen (All-in) - Cocok Untuk Investasi, Telah Disewa Selama 10 Tahun Berturut-turut Sejak Tahun 2012.
- Tinggal 1 unit lagi
— - Do you want privacy but don’t like living in crowded boarding houses or rented houses? The Park Residences Kelapa Gading Apartment with Sky View is definitely suitable for you.
- The Pantry and Living Room area is very spacious, can be used for up to 10 people.
Power: 3300 W
Certificate: SHM Strata Title - Quick Sale, No Middlemen
- Premium Comfort & Cozy Apartment
- For Family, Student, Expat & Executives
- With a friendly budget for your loved ones
- Sky View, imagine waking up with a 180 degree blue sky view every day
- Design Apartment Classic Stylish,
- Fully Furnished, 100% maintained & ready to live in
- Complete facilities (swimming pool, fitness center, lounge & meeting room), including free parking
- Private & Exclusive Locations:
- 1 minute walk to:
– Family Partner Hospital
– Lottemart (direct access)
– Gading Batavia Food Hall - 5 minutes drives to:
– Kelapa Gading Mall
– Mall of Indonesia
– Mall Artha Gading
– Toll Access
- 1 minute walk to:
- Very Affordable Prices Starting From 1.3M
(Negotiable Until Deal) - Price Includes All Apartment Units & Equipment (All-in)
- Suitable For Investment, Has Been Rented For 10 Consecutive Years Since 2012.
- Only 1 unit left
- Selling Price: Price IDR 1,300,000,000 (Nego)
- Contact: Leonardus Angga (Direct Owner)
+628118073510 (Call & WA) - WhatsApp: 08118073510
Dijual Apartemen Aston Rasuna (Horison Rasuna) – Taman Rasuna Jakarta Selatan – 3 BR 2 Bathroom Fully Renovated & Furnished – WA 087774476077
- Apartment Name: Horison Rasuna
- Location: Komplek Epicentrum. Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Aston Rasuna – Jl Taman Rasuna Selatan, Menteng Atas, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12960
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 3 (condotel) / Level 3, Unit 305 / View lobby Taman Rasuna (best view and good air circulation)
- Size: 94 m2 with full elegant 80×80 polished granite flooring and wood vinyl in all bedroom m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Fully renovated, very good condition, fully furnished and designed with professional interior design. All door ,sink,plumbing,has been renovated. Master door equiped with electronic door with access card and secure PIN number
- Bedroom: 3 spacious bedroom with modern japanesse style, large wardrobe and storage, working desk and chair,using full wood-style vinyl flooring, and full Mitsubishi AC each room.
- Bathroom: 2 full white granite flooring with 2 GROHE Shower, ONYX stone bathub, and TOTO Closet. Equipped with Glass door to Shower Area a nd Black Marmer westafel with Mirror.New Ariston water heater for 2 Bathroom.
- Kitchen: Marmer Table and Full Granite Wall, high quality and Modern Kitchen set with full led lamp,LG Black refrigerators,Modena Water Purifier (No need refill water), Sharp Microwave, Modena Modern 2 Stove and cookerhood,Full granite flooring.
- Dining Area: Luxury design wood table with Bench and dining chair. Luxury design bar table with 3 bar chair and led lamp,full granite flooring.
- Living room: Samsung LED TV 49 inch smart CURVED TV 4K display, luxury design TV backdrop and storage,3 seat full learher home theatre sofa with adjustable footrest, wide mirror ,high quality carpet,full coverage of powerfull mitsubishi AC,creative design mirror corner.
- Laundry room: New Modena Washing Machine,Hanger and Ironing Table,Full white granite flooring.
- Balcony: 2 Bench seat and Table,Full granite flooring.
- Facility:
- Free parking car & motorbike, large parking area for guests, 24 hours security with CCTV, 2 swimming pool, Children Playing Area, Private Fitness centre,common fitness Centre,2 basketball court (Full court and 3on3 court), jogging area, tennis court, yoga, zumba, meeting room and ballroom, ATM center, Mail Box, 24 hours reception and concierge, 24 hours Family Mart,Laundry and Dry clean,Vallet service, Secure Access Card to Lift and low emergency stair from level 3.
- Very close to Al Bakrie Mosque and 10 mins to menteng cathedral/church.
- Very close to Education centre (Highscope,SMA 3,SMA 8,SMP 115, Universitas Bakrie,Perbanas,UI salemba,UGM jakarta)
- Very close to Traditional Market
- Very close to International standard hospital MMC and Clinic,24 Hours
- Very close to entertainment area (Plaza festival, Cinema XXI, Epicentrum Walk,24 Hour Restaurant)
- Very close to big shopping mall (Kota Kasablanka, Setiabudi One,Kuningan City,Lotte Shopping Avenue,Grand Indonesia,Plaza Indonesia.
- Very close to transportation access (Transjakarta Busway stop, very close to LRT station, 3km to Sudirman station and train to airport,Free shuttle bus in Epicentrum Area )
- Very close to business district (Epicentrum area,Kuningan CBD,Sudirman CBD,Thamrin CBD)
- Additional Info:
- Certificate HGB
- Internet access and TV channel
- Low floor with all access lift
- Not a property agent (Tanpa Perantara). No agent fee
- Best price in market for fully renovated and fully furnished apartment
- Selling Price:
- Rp 1.880.000.000
- KPA/Installment plan available.
- Contact: Please Whatsapp 087774476077 chat for quick response and more picture.
- WhatsApp:?087774476077