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Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residence 1
Location: Podomoro City, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: City
Size: 41 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Keamanan 24H, Akses untuk Tempat Tinggal saja
Lobi seperti Hotel
Gym / Pusat Kebugaran
Sauna & Jacuzzy
Lintasan joging
Taman bermain
Kolam renang besar
Fasilitas di sekitar Apartemen :
Lokasi Paling Strategis di Jakarta Barat
Dekat dengan Central Park Mall / APL Tower ,Mall Taman Anggrek, Mall & Hotel Ciputra, Slipi Plaza, ITC Roxy, Season city Mall
Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit Ternama (Royal Taruma, Graha Kedoya, Dharmais,Sumber waras dll
Akses tol ke CBD Jakarta, Bandara Soetta, Pluit, PIK, Kelapa Gading, Tangerang, dll
Dekat dengan sekolah dan Universitas Ternama ( Trisakti,Taruman,Binus,Ukrida dll
Additional Info: Kawasan dengan berbagai macam kuliner Di Jual Apartemen Central Park Residence
Selling Price: Rp. 730.000.000 / NEGO
Contact: 087867689499
WhatsApp: 087867689499
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residences
Location: Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat 11470
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dahlia
Size: ± 45 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished – View swimming pool Royal Medit dan Mediterania
Water heater
Mesin Cuci
Meja Kaca
Rack sepatu
Tempat Sampah
Facility: Security 24 jam, CCTV, swimming pool, basket ball & tennis court, parking ground until 3 basement, fotocopy, warnet, Cafe, Restoran, laundry, ATM center. direct tunnel to Central Park.
Additional Info: Strategic location, near to education center, such high school (SMAK 1, BHK, ABSIS), and University (Untar, Trisakti, Ukrida), shopping center : Mall Taman Anggrek, Mall Ciputra, Central Park, 10 minutes to Hospital (RS Siloam, RS Royal Taruma, Dharmaist), Restaurant, Cafe, warnet, near to public transport, 1 step to Busway Station. Menjangkau tol dalam dan luar kota (just 10 minute to tol access). Menyediakan tranportasi bus, dll. Unit bersih.
Selling Price: Silahkan chat ke nomor yang tercantum untuk mendapatkan informasi terlebih lanjut. (negotiable)
Rental Price: Silahkan chat ke nomor yang tercantum untuk mendapatkan informasi terlebih lanjut. (negotiable)
Contact: Otin – 0811 8111 278 (WA only)
WhatsApp: 0452158838
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residence 2
Location: Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam, CCTV in lobby, parkir luas sampai B3, kolam renang anak dan dewasa, gym.
Additional Info: Murah dan strategis
Rental Price:
Harian Rp 600.000
Bulanan Rp 7.500.000
Tahunan Rp 60.000
Contact: Hubungi 08111008654 / 081932432355
WhatsApp: 081932432355
Apartment Name: Neo Soho Residence & Office
Location: Letjen S. Parman St No.Kav. 28, RT.3/RW5, South Tanjung Duren, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta City, Jakarta 11470
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai tinggi
Size: 96.96 m2
Bedroom: Type avenue
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished. Kondisi Tersewa
24H Security, Access for Residences only
Mini Mart
Lobby like Hotel
Gym / Fitness Centre
Sauna & Jacuzzi
Jogging track
Large Swimming pool
Direct Tunnel access NEO SOHO, SohCapital Office Tower & Central Park Mall
Additional Info:
Best and Premium Location in Jakarta Barat
Connected to Central Park (Sogo), Neo Soho Mall
Capital Office Tower
Close to Taman Anggrek Mall, Ciputra Mall & Hotel, Slipi Plaza
Close to Reputable Hospitals (Royal Taruma, Graha Kedoya, Dharmais, etc)
Highway access to CBD Jakarta, Soetta Airport, Pluit, PIK, Kelapa Gading, Tangerang, etc
Selling Price: Rp 2.5 M Nego
Contact: +62 812-8198-287
WhatsApp: 628128198287
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residences 2
Location: Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya No. Kav. 5-9, RT. 9 / RW. 5, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 11470
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor / East View
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Swimming pool
Tennis & Basketball court
24-hour security
Parking Basement
Children Playground
Additional Info: Call for more info
Rental Price:
Rp 45.000.000/year
Not including maintenance, utilities, parking, internet, etc
Contact: Novita – 081319718989
WhatsApp: 081319718989
Apartment Name: Mediterania 1 Tanjung Duren
Location: Tanjung Duren Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Catelya / 3 / Ukrida
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Full Renovasi
Full Furnish (2 AC, 2 TV, kulkas 2 pintu)
Kamar mandi renovasi total
Belum pernah disewakan sebelumnya
Kolam renang
Lap basket
Super indo
Guardian di lobby tower C
Hanya selangkah dari Neo Soho dan Central Park mall
Additional Info: –
Rental Price: Rp 50 juta/tahun Deposit fee applicable
Contact: 08170554400 (owner)
WhatsApp: 08170554400
Apartment Name: Mediterania Tanjung Duren / Medit 2
Location: Podomoro City, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 44 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam, CCTV in lobby, parkir luas sampai B3, kolam renang anak dan dewasa, gym.
Additional Info: Murah dan strategis
Rental Price: Rp 40 juta
Contact: Hub. 08111008654 / 081932432355
WhatsApp: 081932432355
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residence Tanjung Duren 1
Location: Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia / Azalea
Size: 40 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnish Tinggal Bawa Koper
Facility: Keamanan 24jam, Kolam Renang
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartemen Mediterania Garden Residence I Tanjung Duren Mingguan / Bulanan / Tahunan
Lokasi strategis dekat dengan mall, perkantoran, rumah sakit, akses tol dan busway etc.
Rental Price:
Rp. 37.000.000 / tahun
Rp. 5.000.000 / bulan
Rp. 400.000 / hari
Contact: Hubungi VERRA 081 5858 27180
WhatsApp: 081585827180
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residance 2
Location: RT.9/RW.5, Tj. Duren Sel., Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470 7.1 km Peta apartemen Mediterania 2 Tower Kenanga
Tower/Floor/View: K/02/pool
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
lantai rendah
view pool,
sudah ada AC di setiap ruangan,
kitchen set,
meja makan,
tv cable
Water Heater
Kolam renang,
security 24 jam
Additional Info:
Berada di Podomoro City sebelah Mall Taman Anggrek
Lokasi strategis dekat kampus Untar dan Trisakti
Berada dalam 1 kawasan Mall Central Park
Rental Price:
Rp 55.000.000/tahun Nego sampai deal + Rp 5.000.000 Deposit
Rp 30.000.000/6 bulan Nego sampai deal + Rp 5.000.000 Deposit
Contact: 081212271973 – Sisca Intragama
WhatsApp: 081212271973
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residence 2 Tanjung Duren
Location: Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Edelweist / Flamboyan / Kenanga
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Dijual 2 kamar Unfurnish Mediterania Garden Residence 2 Tanjung Duren Jakarta Barat
Kolam renang
Lapangan basket dan tennis
Additional Info:
Lokasi dekat dengan mall, sekolah, kampus, rumah sakit, akses buswat dan tol etc..
Sangat cocok untuk investasi dan tempat tinggal.
Selling Price: Rp. 825.000.000 nego
Contact: VERRA 081585827180
WhatsApp: 081585827180
Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residence 2
Location: Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: lantai sedang / view kolam
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam, CCTV in lobby, parkir luas sampai B3, kolam renang anak dan dewasa, gym.
Additional Info: Bagus dan strategis
Rental Price:
Harian Rp 450.000
Bulanan Rp 6.500.000
Tahunan Rp 50.000.000
Contact: Hubungi Hety 08111008654 / 081905081974
WhatsApp: 081905081974
Apartment Name: Mediterania 1 Tanjung Duren
Location: Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 16 / View Swimming Pool
Size: 40 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: Disewakan Apartemen Mediterania 1 Tanjung Duren dengan spesifikasi: Sudah Full Furnished
Additional Info: –
Rental Price: Rp 40.000.000
Contact: 081286302388
WhatsApp: 081286302388