Location: Jl. Garnisun Dalam No. 8 Karet Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor
Size: 100 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Swimming pool, gym, tennis court, minimarket, restaurant
Additional Info: A very strategic place, CBD area, good location (2 minutes away walking from Plaza Semanggi, Crown hotel, Atmajaya University and Siloam International Hospital), walking distance to BRI 1 and 2, HSBC building, Sampoerna strategic building, Mandiri bank, Bursa Efek Jakarta, Jakarta Stock Exchange, 24/7 security, engineering and home services.
Visit our website https://realestatekr.com
Facility: Private access card (akses pribadi), restaurant, 24-hour CCTV and security, convention hall, meeting room, fitness center, swimming pool di setiap tower, pusat bisnis & lifestyle, jogging track, cafe, resto and lounge.
Additional Info:
Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika Residence Bandung, merupakan apartemen yang sangat strategis yang berada di pusat Kota Bandung, dekat area sentral bisnis jalan dan bersejarah yaitu jalan Asia Afrika, di mana banyak area perkantoran dan kantor pusat pemerintahan Lota Bandung. Sangat strategis karena dilalui oleh kendaraan umum 24 jam, dekat dengan Trans Studio Mall, pusat perbelanjaan & Factory Outlet Dago, Cihampelas dan Setiabudhi, dan wisata Lembang.
Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, berada di kawasan sentral area bisnis / perkantoran Jalan Asia Afrika
Dekat akses via Buah batu, Moh Toha & Tol Pasteur / Pasupati, Stasiun KAI Kiara Condong, Stasiun Kota Bandung
Berada dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan Trans Studio Mall, Clik Square Mall, Alun-Alun Kota Bandung, Yogya Dept Store, Kings Store, Bandung Electronik Center, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago & Factory Outlet
Berada dekat Kawasan Pendidikan : SMA 7 Bandung, SMA 5, SMA 3, SMA 2 Bandung, SMA BPI, Univ Pasundan, UNLA, Likmi Ganesha, STIE Muhammadiyah.
Selling Price: Rp 495.000.000, nego (exclude biaya balik nama / BBN)
Contact: Info lebih lanjut, survey lokasi & konsultasi, please call or WA: Shinta – 081282880243 (fast response)
Strategic location in the heart of Jakarta CBD Golden triangle.
Shopping centers within the vicinity: Plaza Semanggi, Mall Ambassador, Lotte Avenue
Shopping Mall, Kuningan City, Kota Kasablanka
Walking distance to nearby office area including Tokopedia Tower, DBS Tower, Sampoerna Strategic, Standard Chartered, etc
Additional Info:
Ciputra World 2 is located in an area considered as the best living place in the whole Jakarta, The golden Triangle area delineated by Jakarta’s main traffic arteries, Sudirman, Gatot Subroto and Rasuna Said makes it easily accessible by car from any important place in Jakarta. And the most important thing, It’s free from even / odd plate numbers area traffic rules.
This apartment is surrounded by various national and multinational companies in Indonesia, Foreign embassies, Shopping centers, Renowned hotels and fancy restaurants.
View Unit Facing The Cities, And Skyscraper. Very Nice and Modern View.
For your information: We also have an Office in the Orchard Tower, So we really focus on the secondary market at Ciputra World 2 especially Orchard and The Residence and The Suites.
Selling Price:
1 BR : Start from Rp 1,9 M (Nego)
2 BR : Start from Rp 2,9 M (Nego)
3 BR : Start from Rp 6 M (Nego)
Rental Price:
Tower Orchard
1 BR : $ 1000-1300 (Negotiable)
2 BR : $ 1400-2000 (Negotiable)
3 BR : $ 2300 ( Negotiable)
Tower Residence
2 BR : $ 1500 – 2100 (Negotiable)
3 BR : $ 2500 (Negotiable)
Contact: 0813 2868 3697 Michael Setiawan – Lightpro Realty
Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, pool, taman air (kolam), mosque, La Plaza, minimarket, ATM gallery, area parkir 3 lantai, food court, gym center, private CCTV (additional), smart key (additional).
Additional Info: Jl. Cihampelas Belakang No. 10, Bandung. Dekat Mall Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk). Lokasi sangat strategis, berada di pusat kota, tempat destinasi wisatawan domestic dan luar negeri untuk berbelanja di kota Bandung.
Facility: 24-hour security with access card, Indoor swimming pool, private elevator, separate entrance and lift, comfortable balcony, 1 free parking, fitness center, internet and cable TV, extensive sports center, sauna, multipurpose room, PlayGround, Public library Convenient to Learn with WiFi access.
Additional Info:
Located in a strategic area, making Sudirman Mansion the perfect residence for people who do not have much time because they are stuck in traffic.
Surrounded with a good environment.
Very close to shopping centers, Jakarta Stock Exchange and Gelora Bung Karno and Pacific Place, FX lifestyle Mall, Plaza Senayan Mall, Senayan City Mall.
Close to driving range of golf, supermarket, ATM Center and cinema.
Only 10 minutes drive to highway entrance and 30 minutes to Airport.
Location: District 8, SCBD, Lot 28 Jakarta Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru
Tower/Floor/View: The Grand Langham
Size: 356 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 3
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Club house, gym, pool indoor, kolam renang utama, area ritel, library, playground anak-anak, lapangan badminton, jacuzzi, pool indoor, day care, BBQ pit, lapangan tenis, danau koi, spa, lounge, plaza.
Additional Info:
Langham Residence Jakarta yang terletak di SCBD Central Business, Anda hanya memerlukan waktu 5 menit saja untuk menuju gerbang-gerbang tol.
Langham Residence Jakarta merupakan apartemen mewah dan eksklusif untuk kalangan menengah ke atas sebagai penghuninya.
Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, pool, taman air, La Plaza, minimarket, ATM center, parkir basement 3 lantai, food court/kios, garden, mosque. Additional : TV Kabel & Wi-Fi, Private CCTV.
Additional Info:
Jl. Cihampelas Belakang No. 10, Bandung. Dekat Mall Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk).
Lokasi sangat strategis, berada di kawasan prime kota Bandung, yaitu Bandung Utara yang Sejuk,
Nyaman & strategis ke pusat perbelanjaaan & wisata Lembang.
The Jarrdin Apartemen sangat cocok untuk investasi property jangka panjang, Selain keuntungan utama yaitu Capital Gain / Kenaikan Harga yang sangat signifikan, keuntungan lainnya bisnis sewaan apartemen, karena lokasi yang strategis memiliki daya tarik kepada para wisatawan untuk menginap, karena sangat dekat pusat perbelanjaan Factory Outlet Cihampelas, Dago, Setiabudhi, dan Kawasan Wisata Lembang. Sehingga tiap Minggu unit apartemen memiliki potensi tersewa yang sangat tinggi baik sewa harian ataupun bulanan.
Ilustrasi potensi pendapatan sewa type studio 18,5 m2 (1 kamar) :
Harga Rp.250.000/hari, weekday, Nego
Harga Rp. 2.850.000 – 3.000.00g0/bulan, Nego
Harga Rp. 33.000.000 – 36.000.000/tahun, Nego (sudah termasuk SC/iuran bulanan)
Facility: Access card system, security 24 hours, CCTV, pool, taman air kolam, mosque, La Plaza, mini market, ATM gallery, area parking 3 lt, food court.
Additional Info:?Dijual type studio 18,5 m2 (1 kamar), tower D, lantai 19, view utara / Plaza, kondisi kosongan/unfurnished, siap isi furnished/interior & huni
Selling Price:?Rp 234.000.000, Nego.?(exclude biaya Balik Nama)
Contact: Info lebih lanjut & survey lokasi, please Call or WA :
Radit Property: 081395064009 (quick respon)