- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jalan BSD Boulevard Parcel 55F Grand CBD BSD City, Pagedangan, Kec. Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B / Lantai 30.01 / View Aeon Mall
- Size: 40,76 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: /li>
- Party Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- In
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- In
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Stu
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- In
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- In
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studi
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studio
- Gym
- Water Feature
- Study Room
- Party Room
- Indoor Playground
- Lawn Playground
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Locker Room
- Bar & Gaming Room
- Minimart – Familymart
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- etc
- Additional Info:
- Unit jarang ada unit corner
- View : Aeon Mall, ICE BSD, Mountain.
- Sebuah hunian Apartemen Premium di lengkapi fasilitas unik & smart.
- Terletak di jantung kawasan bisnis BSD City, yang di kelilingi fasilitas seperti Aeon Mall, Green Office
- Park, ICE, Digital Hub serta Universitas. Captive Market Besar.
- Premium Japanese Features
- Drinkable water tap
- Low E Glass, reduce heat 50%
- Smart Energy Home System
- Japan Plumbing System, Over The Slab
- Premium & Profitable Location
- <1km to future Toll Gate Jkt-Serpong-Balaraja
- Captive market Unilever, Green Office Park, Prasetiya Mulya & future Office & Banking
- Selling Price: Rp 1.300.000.000
- Contact: Firdaus : 082113949874
- WhatsApp: 082113949874
- E-mail: firdaus.mahasan21@gmail.com
sky house bsd
Jual Apartment Sky House Samping AEON MALL – Bisa Cicil 120x DP 5%, KPA start DP 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 tower / 8 tipe unit / 2-35 / Garden, Pool, City, Mall
- Size: 23m2 / 35m2 / 48m2 / 50m2 / 68-75m2 / 86m2 / 120-128 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
(1 TOWER 1 TIPE UNIT SAJA)- 3 Bedroom 68-75 sqm tower Duxton
- 2 Bedroom 48sqm tower Jervois
- 3+1 Bedroom 86sqm tower Claymore
- 3+1BR Signature 120-128sqm tower Bristol
1. Gratis KITCHEN SET (kabinet atas+bawah, sink, cooker hood, kompor, meja granit)
2. Gratis BATHROOM SET (Kabinet, Mirror, 1 Water Heater, Shower screen, dilengkapi kamar mandi kering & basah)
3. Pintu Baja Smart Lock Door + Intercom
4. Free AC 2 unit (khusus 2 Bedroom Jervois)
5. Saluran air di Balcony
6. Lantai kamar Kayu, Lantai 80×80
7. Double Balcony
(Khusus Bristol Tower)
- TIPE :
- Facility:
- Gym, Swimming Pool, Garden
- Parking ratio 1 : 5 (maksimal parking berlangganan 1 unit mobil/unit)
(EXCLUSIVE TOWER)- Gym, Swimming Pool, special Garden
- Jacuzzi, Sauna,
- Yoga Room , Children Playground, Multifunction room, Studyroom
- Parking ratio Duxton 1:5 , Parking ratio Claymore 1:2, Parking ratio Bristol 1:1 tipe dedicated parking (maksimal parking berlangganan 1 unit mobil/unit)
- Additional Info:
- 1. HARDCASH 1X, 6x dan 12x (DP 30%)
- 2. KPA BANK – DP start 5%
– 24X, 36X, 48X – DP bisa pilih 10% dan 30% - 4. CICILAN LANGSUNG DEVELOPER PANJANG
– 60X, 72X, 88X, 100X – DP bisa pilih 5%, 10% dan 30%
- Note !!!
- Harga tergantung pilihan cara bayar, DP, posisi unit, lantai & unit promo atau bukan
- KPA Bank setelah akad langsung bisa serah terima
- Cicilan Developer uang masuk 30% baru bisa Serah Terima (NO NEGO) jika ambil DP 5% / 10% lalu langsung bayar 30% bisa libur bayar
- Cicilan Developer cukup KTP + NPWP (no BI checking)
- Harga & cara bayar bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu
- Jervois max 12x, Duxton max 88x, Claymore & Bristol max 100x
- Keshington Studio & 1BR max 88x dan 2BR max 120x
- Selling Price:
- Unit termurah : DUXTON – D1-3D, D1-2D, D1-2E
Harga net- – Hardcash / KPA : ask me
- – Cicilan 24x/36x/ 60x : ask me
- – Cicilan Developer 60x : Rp 1.439.475.000,- DP 5%
- – Cicilan Developer 72x : Rp 1.497.590.000,- DP 5%
- – Cicilan Developer 88x : Rp 1.555.706.000,- DP 5% CICILAN start 16.8juta/bulan
- Unit termurah : CLAYMORE – C1-30A, C1-31A
Harga net- – Hardcash / KPA : ask me
- – Cicilan 36x/48x/ 88x : ask me
- – Cicilan Developer 24x : Rp 1.801.803.000,- DP 10%
- – Cicilan Developer 60x : Rp,- DP 5%
- – Cicilan Developer 100x : Rp 2.266.503.000,- DP 5% CICILAN start 21.5juta/bulan
- Unit termurah : BRISTOL – B1-3D, B1-5D
Harga net- – Hardcash / KPA : ask me
- – Cicilan 24x/36x/48x : ask me
- – Cicilan Developer 60x : Rp 2.473.736.000,- DP 5%
- – Cicilan Developer 72x : Rp 2.572.017.000,- DP 5%
- – Cicilan Developer 100x : Rp 2.768.579.000,- DP 5% CICILAN start 26.3juta/bulan
- Unit termurah : JERVOIS – J1-2D
Harga net- – Hardcash / KPA : Rp,-
- – Cicilan Developer 12x : Rp,-
- Unit termurah : DUXTON – D1-3D, D1-2D, D1-2E
- Rental Price: PROMO LAIN :
- Extra Gold, TV, dll
- Diskon hanya beberapa unit saja
- Contact: Hubungi : Batista
Sales Inhouse
website : http://skyhouse-indonesia.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Jual Apartemen Murah di Binus Alam Sutera – Sky House Studio
- Apartment Name: Sky House at Alam Sutera
- Location: Alam Sutera, Jalur Sutera Blvd No.43, RT.002/RW.002, Kunciran, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15320
- Tower/Floor/View: Barberry
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Apartment Eksklusif di Alam Sutera+ Akses 59 detik menuju pintu toll kunciran.
Samping IKEA alam Sutera.
Dapatkan segera promo spesial ini– PROMO DISKON PULUHAN JUTA– FREE DP– Studio cicilan 1,9 Jutaan aja free furnished
2 BEDROOM bisa cicil panjang 88x ke developer
3+1 Bedroom installment up to 100x Developer
- Apartment Eksklusif di Alam Sutera+ Akses 59 detik menuju pintu toll kunciran.
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Area Bermain
- Basketball
- Additional Info:
- Akses 1 menit dari Tol Kunciran. 15 menit menuju Puri (Jakarta Barat) CBD BSD Nilai Investasi Tinggi
- Harga terjangkau dengan compact size unit dan investment return yang kompetitifLokasi Strategis
- Radius 3 km untuk menjangkau fasilitas pendidikan, kesehatan, komersil, dan hiburan
- Selling Price:
- Studio 300 jutaan
- 2BR 800 jutaan
- 3BR 1M’an
- Contact:
- BELLA | 0821-4366-1049
- WhatsApp: 082143661049
- E-mail: kantoheb@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Branz BSD 2 Bedrooms, Bright and Sleek Design, Brand New Unit
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD City
- Tower/Floor/View: East/Mid/North & East
- Size: 88 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
High Privacy Residential - Facility:
- Private East Lobby
- Library
- Meeting Rooms (3 Rooms)
- Massage and Reflexiology (5 + 1)
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Indoor Kids Pool
- Karaoke Rooms (4 Rooms)
- Bicycle Rental
- Mini Mart
- FACILITIES @6th Floor Sky Podium
- Fitness Studio / Gym
- Gymnastic Studio
- Locker Rooms
- Children Outdoor Playground
- Children Study Classrooms
- Party Room
- Bar and Gaming Room
- Water Feature
- Car Park
- Private Mailbox
- 24 Hours Engineering Service
- 24 Hours Concierge Service
- 24 Hours Security Service
- Additional Info:
- Strategic and Premium Location at Grand CBD, BSD City
- Surrounding public, educational and commercial facilities:
- 5 minutes to culinary spots such as Cali Brew, Dunkin Donuts, Quiznos, Mc Donalds, Ararasa
- 5 minutes to Prasetiya Mulya Business School
- 5 minutes to BSD Link Halte Bus (free)
- 10 minutes to Aeon Mall
- 10 minutes to ICE
- 10 minutes to Unilever
- 15 minutes to Green Office Park
- 15 minutes to Traveloka Campus
- 15 minutes to Monash University Jakarta
- 15 minutes to Apple Research & Development
- 18 minutes to The Breeze
- By Car:
- 5 minutes to The Biggest Book Store at BSD (Gramedia World)
- 5 minutes to Q-Big Mall (shopping and culinary center) & Lulu Hypermarket
- 5 minutes to Foresta Business Loft
- 10 minutes to Ipeka Christian School
- 10 minutes to Atma Jaya Catholic University
- 10 minutes to Jakarta Nanyang School
- 20 minutes to Al Azhar Islamic School, BSD
- 15 minutes to Eka Hospital
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station & Intermoda Market
- 20 minutes to German School
- 20 minutes to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- 20 minutes to Bethsaida Hospital
- 30 minutes to St. Monica Catholic Church, St. Ursula School
- 30 minutes to IKEA
- 30 minutes to Jakarta Japanese School, Bintaro
- 45 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Selling Price: @IDR 2,700,000,000,-
- Rental Price: @IDR 170,000,000,- per Year –> Rent only Excludes Service Charge & Other monthly expenses:
- Car park – @IDR 200,000,-/car/month
- Water and electricity – as per monthly usage
- Internet – as pef chosen subscription
- Security Deposit – 10% of the Rental Cost
- Contact: 0818777686
- WhatsApp: 0818777686
- E-mail: isell. irent.property@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – 2 Bedroom Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jalan BSD Boulevard Kav. 55F, Grand CBD BSD City, Pagedangan, Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: East / 12
- Size: 62.87 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi furnished (Wardrobe, Kitchen Set, Granite Table Top, Marble Flooring, Panasonic AC – 3 Units, Ariston Water Heater)
- Smart energy System
- Smart Japanese Plumbing System
- Drinkable Tap Water by TOCLAS
- Facility:
- Private East Lobby (For East Tower Tenants)
- Luxurious Club House at Ground Floor consists of:
- Grand Library
- Meeting Rooms (Small, Medium, Large)
- Indoor Swimming Pool and Baby Pool
- Karaoke Rooms (3 Medium Size + 1 Large Size)
- Bicycle Rental
- Mini Mart
- Sky Podium at 6th Floor consists of:
- Gym Studio and Fitness
- Gymnastic Studio
- Locker Rooms
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Outdoor Playground
- Study Classrooms
- Party Room/Function Room
- Bar and Gaming Room (Billyard)
- Water Feature/Sunset Zone
- Outdoor Lounge
- Car Parking Area
- 24 Hours Engineering
- 24 Hours Concierge Service
- Professional Security
- Additional Info:
- Strategic and Premium Location at Grand CBD, BSD City
- Surrounding Walking Distances: 5 minutes to culinary spots such as: Cali Brew, Dunkin Donuts, Quiznos, Mc’Donalds
- 7 minutes to Prasetiya Mulya Business School
- 7 minutes to BSD Link Halte Bus (free bus)
- 10 minutes to Aeon Mall
- 10 minutes to ICE (Indonesia Convention Exhibition)
- 10 minutes to Unilever
- 15 minutes to Green Office Park
- 18 minutes to The Breeze
- Private Car Mobility Distances:
- 5 minutes to The Biggest Book Store at BSD (Gramedia World)
- 5 minutes to Q-Big Mall (shopping and culinary center) & Lulu Hypermarket
- 5 minutes to Foresta Business Loft
- 6 minutes to Ipeka Christian School
- 6 minutes to Atma Jaya Catholic University
- 8 minutes to Jakarta Nanyang School
- 14 minutes to Al Azhar Islamic School, BSD
- 15 minutes to Eka Hospital
- 15 minutes to Cisauk Train Station & Intermoda Market
- 15 minutes to German School
- 15 minutes to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- 20 minutes to St. Monica Catholic Church, St. Ursula School
- 23 minutes to IKEA
- 25 minutes to Jakarta Japanese School, Bintaro
- 43 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Selling Price: Rp 1,900,000,000
- Contact: 0818764695 (WA Call)
- WhatsApp: 0818764695
- E-mail: lili4mail@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Branz BSD 3+1 Bedrooms, Minimalist And Beige-ish Design
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD City
- Tower/Floor/View: East/High/South, AEON Mall, Mount Salak, BSD City CBD
- Size: 113 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- High Privacy Residential
- Facility:
- Private East Lobby
- Library
- Meeting Rooms (3 Rooms)
- Massage and Reflexiology (5 + 1)
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Indoor Kids Pool
- Karaoke Rooms (4 Rooms)
- Bicycle Rental
- Mini Mart
- FACILITIES @6th Floor Sky Podium
- Fitness Studio / Gym
- Gymnastic Studio
- Locker Rooms
- Children Outdoor Playground
- Children Study Classrooms
- Party Room
- Bar and Gaming Room
- Water Feature
- Car Park
- Private Mailbox
- 24 Hours Engineering Service
- 24 Hours Concierge Service
- 24 Hours Security Service
- Additional Info:
- Strategic and Premium Location at Grand CBD, BSD City
- Surrounding public, educational and commercial facilities:
- 5 minutes to culinary spots such as Cali Brew, Dunkin Donuts, Quiznos, Mc Donalds, Ararasa
- 5 minutes to Prasetiya Mulya Business School
- 5 minutes to BSD Link Halte Bus (free)
- 10 minutes to Aeon Mall
- 10 minutes to ICE
- 10 minutes to Unilever
- 15 minutes to Green Office Park
- 15 minutes to Traveloka Campus
- 15 minutes to Monash University Jakarta
- 15 minutes to Apple Research & Development
- 18 minutes to The Breeze
- By Car:
- 5 minutes to The Biggest Book Store at BSD (Gramedia World)
- 5 minutes to Q-Big Mall (shopping and culinary center) & Lulu Hypermarket
- 5 minutes to Foresta Business Loft
- 10 minutes to Ipeka Christian School
- 10 minutes to Atma Jaya Catholic University
- 10 minutes to Jakarta Nanyang School
- 20 minutes to Al Azhar Islamic School, BSD
- 15 minutes to Eka Hospital
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station & Intermoda Market
- 20 minutes to German School
- 20 minutes to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- 20 minutes to Bethsaida Hospital
- 30 minutes to St. Monica Catholic Church, St. Ursula School
- 30 minutes to IKEA
- 30 minutes to Jakarta Japanese School, Bintaro
- 45 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Selling Price: @IDR 3,600,000,000,-
- Rental Price: @IDR 230,000,000,- per Year –> Rent only Excludes Service Charge & Other monthly expenses:
- Car park – @IDR 200,000,-/car/month
- Water and electricity – as per monthly usage
- Internet – as pef chosen subscription
- Security Deposit – 10% of the Rental Cost
- Contact: 0818777686
- WhatsApp: 0818777686
- E-mail: isell.irent.property@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen BRANZ BSD 3 Bedrooms + Service Room Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: BSD City
- Tower/Floor/View: East/High/South, Aeon Mall, Mount Salak, BSD CBD
- Size: 112 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- High Privacy Residential
- Facility:
- Private East Lobby
- Library
- Meeting Rooms (3 Rooms)
- Massage and Reflexiology (5 + 1)
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Indoor Kids Pool
- Karaoke Rooms (4 Rooms)
- Bicycle Rental
- Mini Mart
- FACILITIES @6th Floor Sky Podium
- Fitness Studio / Gym
- Gymnastic Studio
- Locker Rooms
- Children Outdoor Playground
- Children Study Classrooms
- Party Room
- Bar and Gaming Room
- Water Feature
- Car Park
- Private Mailbox
- 24 Hours Engineering Service
- 24 Hours Concierge Service
- 24 Hours Security Service
- Additional Info: Strategic and Premium Location at Grand CBD, BSD City
- Surrounding public, educational and commercial facilities:
- 5 minutes to culinary spots such as Cali Brew, Dunkin Donuts, Quiznos, Mc Donalds, Ararasa
- 5 minutes to Prasetiya Mulya Business School
- 5 minutes to BSD Link Halte Bus (free)
- 10 minutes to Aeon Mall
- 10 minutes to ICE
- 10 minutes to Unilever
- 15 minutes to Green Office Park
- 15 minutes to Traveloka Campus
- 15 minutes to Monash University Jakarta
- 15 minutes to Apple Research & Development
- 18 minutes to The Breeze
- By Car:
- 5 minutes to The Biggest Book Store at BSD (Gramedia World)
- 5 minutes to Q-Big Mall (shopping and culinary center) & Lulu Hypermarket
- 5 minutes to Foresta Business Loft
- 10 minutes to Ipeka Christian School
- 10 minutes to Atma Jaya Catholic University
- 10 minutes to Jakarta Nanyang School
- 20 minutes to Al Azhar Islamic School, BSD
- 15 minutes to Eka Hospital
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station & Intermoda Market
- 20 minutes to German School
- 20 minutes to Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- 20 minutes to Bethsaida Hospital
- 30 minutes to St. Monica Catholic Church, St. Ursula School
- 30 minutes to IKEA
- 30 minutes to Jakarta Japanese School, Bintaro
- 45 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Selling Price: @IDR 3,500,000,000,-
- Rental Price: @IDR 225,000,000,- per Year –> Rent only Excludes Service Charge & Other monthly expenses:
- Car park – @IDR 200,000,-/car/month
- Water and electricity – as per monthly usage
- Internet – as pef chosen subscription
- Security Deposit – 10% of the Rental Cost
- Contact: 0818777686, 082170181942
- WhatsApp: 082170181942
- E-mail: isell.irent.property@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Branz BSD Tangerang – Type 1 Bedroom Full Furnished Murah
- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jalan BSD Boulevard Parcel 55F Grand CBD BSD City, Pagedangan, Kec. Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B / lantai 21.01 / View Aeon Mall
- Size: 40,76 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: /li>
- Party Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- S
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- S
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- AC
- Fully equipped Kitchen
- Washing machines
- Water heater
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Facility:
- Club House & Sky Podium
- Karaoke Room
- Meeting Room
- Spa Room
- Library
- Rental Bike
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Gymnastic Studio
- Gym
- Water Feature
- Study Room
- Party Room
- Indoor Playground
- Lawn Playground
- Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Locker Room
- Bar & Gaming Room
- Minimart – Familymart
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- etc
- Additional Info:
- Unit jarang ada unit corne
- View : Aeon Mall, ICE BSD, Mountain.
- Sebuah hunian Apartemen Premium di lengkapi fasilitas unik & smart.
- Terletak di jantung kawasan bisnis BSD City, yang di kelilingi fasilitas seperti Aeon Mall, Green Office
- Park, ICE, Digital Hub serta Universitas. Captive Market Besar.
- Premium Japanese Features
- Drinkable water tap
- Low E Glass, reduce heat 50%
- Smart Energy Home System
- Japan Plumbing System, Over The Slab
- Premium & Profitable Location
- <1km to future Toll Gate Jkt-Serpong-Balaraja
- Captive market Unilever, Green Office Park, Prasetiya Mulya & future Office & Banking
- Selling Price: Rp 1.300.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price: 7.500.000/bulan
- Contact: Firdaus – 089696931715
- WhatsApp: 089696931715
- E-mail: firdaus.mahasan21@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Sky House Samping AEON MALL Tangerang – Bisa Cicil 100x, KPA Start DP 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (Samping AEON Mall BSD) – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 TOWER / 8 Tipe unit / Lantai 2-35 / View Garden-pool, City dan Mall AEON
- Size: Studio 23m2/ 1BR 35m2 / 2BR 48m2&51m2 / 3BR 68-75m2 / 3+1BR 85-91m2 /3+1BR 120-128m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
1. GRATIS Semi furnished- (khusus FASE 2)Kondisi Semi Furnish Kitchen Set lengkap atas & bawah, kompor, sink penghisap asap & meja granit
- AC, Intercom, smartlock door + steel door
- Water Heater, Shower screen, Kabinet
- Lantai 80×80 dan lantai Kamar Parkit
- Facility:
2. FASILITAS- Green garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000 m2, jogging track, & BBQ area
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, gym outdoor, gym indoor, yoga room
- Bilyard room, Mini teater, Vip room, Childen playground indoor & outdoor, Sky lounge
- Smart Lock. Finger print, pasword, card key & manual Smarthome system
- Additional Info:
– Hardcash
– KPA Bank
– Cicilan developer up.to 100x- Hardcash DP 25% dan pelunasan 1 bulan
- KPA Bank DP start 5%
Kerjasama CCB, Maybank & OCBC NISP - Cicilan Developer
- Fase 2 tipe 3BR 68-75sqm max 72x
- Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 85sqm max 88x
- Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 120sqm max 100x
- Fase 3 Studio & 1BR max 72x atau 88x progressive
- Fase 3 tipe 2BR max 100x
- Selling Price:
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Hardcash tipe ini dapat subsidi PPN hingga 50% 3BR 68-75m² start 1.4 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 85m² start 1.8 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 120m² start 2.4 M-an (NEGO)
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
- Harga Tergantung Cara Bayar, Lantai, View, Posisi, Discount
- FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- Studio start 490 juta-an
- 1 BR start 800 juta-an
- 2 BR start 950 juta-an
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
- ** Harga termasuk PPN 11%, belum termasuk diskon dan bunga
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Rental Price:
- 1. FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- 3BR 68-75m² start 7 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 85m² start 10 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 120m² start 13 juta-an/bulan
- 2. FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- Studio start 3.0 juta-an / bulan
- 1 BR start 5.1 juta-an / bulan
- 2 BR start 6.1 juta-an / bulan
- 1. FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Contact: Batista 0812 3222 7770
Sales Inhouse sky house BSD+
Website : Skyhouse-bsd.com
— untuk yang diluar kota, bisa lihat by video call —
(Whatsapp / Google meet / Zoom) - WhatsApp: 081232227770
- E-mail: michael.skyhouse@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Sky House Samping AEON MALL Tangerang – Bisa Cicil 100x, KPA Start DP 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 tower / 8 tipe unit / 2-35 / Garden, Pool, City, Mall
- Size: 23m2 / 35m2 / 50m2 / 68-75m2 / 85-91m2 / 120-128m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: 1. GRATIS Semi furnished
- (khusus FASE 2)Kondisi Semi Furnish Kitchen Set lengkap atas & bawah, kompor, sink penghisap asap & meja granit
- AC, Intercom, smartlock door + steel door
- Water Heater, Shower screen, Kabinet
- Lantai 80×80 dan lantai Kamar Parkit
- Facility: 2. FASILITAS
- Green garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000 m2, jogging track, & BBQ area
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, gym outdoor, gym indoor, yoga room
- Bilyard room, Mini teater, Vip room, Childen playground indoor & outdoor, Sky lounge
- Smart Lock. Finger print, pasword, card key & manual Smarthome system
- Additional Info:
– Hardcash
– KPA Bank
– Cicilan developer up.to 100x- 1. Hardcash DP 25% dan pelunasan 1 bulan
- 2. KPA Bank DP start 5%
- Kerjasama CCB, Maybank & OCBC NISP
- 3. Cicilan Developer
- Fase 2 tipe 3BR 68-75sqm max 72x
- Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 85sqm max 88x
- Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 120sqm max 100x
- Fase 3 Studio & 1BR max 72x atau 88x progressive
- Fase 3 tipe 2BR max 100x
- Selling Price:
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
Hardcash tipe ini dapat subsidi PPN hingga 50%- 3BR 68-75m² start 1.4 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 85m² start 1.8 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 120m² start 2.4 M-an (NEGO)
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
- Harga Tergantung Cara Bayar, Lantai, View, Posisi, Discount
- FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- Studio start 490 juta-an
- 1 BR start 800 juta-an
- 2 BR start 950 juta-an
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
- ** harga termasuk PPN 11%, belum termasuk diskon dan bunga
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Rental Price:
- 1. FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- 3BR 68-75m² start 7 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 85m² start 10 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 120m² start 13 juta-an/bulan
- 2. FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- Studio start 3.0 juta-an / bulan
- 1 BR start 5.1 juta-an / bulan
- 2 BR start 6.1 juta-an / bulan
- 1. FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Contact: Batista 0812 3222 7770
Sales Inhouse sky house BSD+
Website : Skyhouse-bsd.com
— untuk yang diluar kota, bisa lihat by video call —
(Whatsapp / Google meet / Zoom) - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Disewakan Apartemen Studio Cantik di Casa de Parco BSD Serpong – SIAP HUNI
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: Serpong BSD Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Gardenia / 3 / jogging track
- Size: 26.5 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished READY
- Unit facilities:
- Spring Bed 160×200
- Bed with 2 drawers + Headboard
- 2-doors Full Mirror Wardrobe (with LED lights inside)
- LED TV 40″
- TV Cabinet Backdrop
- Multifunction Table & Chair
- Gordyn/Curtain
- Simple house appliance/ware
- Bathroom Facilities:
- Water Heater
- Shower
- Toilet
- Wastafel
- Kitchen Facilities:
- Built-In Gas Stove with 2 cooking zone
- 1 door Refrigerator
- Full Kitchen Set with Granite Table Top
- Cooker Hood
- Sink
- Unit facilities:
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Children pool
- Activity Park outdoor
- Jogging track
- Sky garden
- Fitness center
- Mail box
- Parking lot
- 24-hour security
- Access secured Elevator
- Meeting points: Spacious lobby, sky lounge, barbeque & eco park, children playground.
- Daily needs: Minimart (Indomaret, Alfamart, Simply Fresh), laundry and other commercial outlets.
- Additional Info:
- 10-minute walking to AEON
- 5-minute driving to Qbig, Cisauk Train Station,ICE convention
- 10-minute driving to Rawa Buntu Station, Branchsto Horse Riding, Damai Indah Golf Driving
- 5-minute walk to The Breeze / Unilever
- Laundry, minimarket, coffeeshop, restaurant
- Located in middle of BSD CITY’s Central Business DistrICT
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big & Ararasa (3 km)
- Pasar Modern & Stasiun Terminal Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Monash University (600 m)
- EKA Hospital
- Selling Price: Rp 480.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- IDR 28.000.000 per year
- IDR 15.000.000 per 6 month
- UNIT READY masuk
Harga belum termasuk :
Maintenance (Sekitar Rp 680rb/bulan)
Air & listrik (tergantung pemakaian)
Parkir motor/mobil (langsung langganan di building management) - Contact: WA / Call (Direct owner): Tiffany 081806100708 / Chris 081318112488
- WhatsApp: 6281806100708
- E-mail: christopher.halim@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Sky House Samping AEON MALL Tangerang – Bisa Cicil 100x, KPA Start DP 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 tower / 8 tipe unit / 2-35 / Garden, Pool, City, Mall
- Size: 23m2 / 35m2 / 50m2 / 68-75m2 / 85-91m2 / 120-128 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: 1. GRATIS Semi furnished
(khusus FASE 2)- Kondisi Semi Furnish Kitchen Set lengkap atas & bawah, kompor, sink penghisap asap & meja granit
- AC, Intercom, smartlock door + steel door
- Water Heater, Shower screen, Kabinet
- Lantai 80×80 dan lantai Kamar Parkit
- Facility: 2. FASILITAS
- Green garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000 m2, jogging track, & BBQ area
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, gym outdoor, gym indoor, yoga room
- Bilyard room, Mini teater, Vip room, Childen playground indoor & outdoor, Sky lounge
- Smart Lock. Finger print, pasword, card key & manual Smarthome system
- Additional Info: CARA BAYAR :
– Hardcash
– KPA Bank
– Cicilan developer up.to 100x- 1. Hardcash DP 25% dan pelunasan 1 bulan
- 2. KPA Bank DP start 5%
Kerjasama CCB, Maybank & OCBC NISP - 3. Cicilan Developer
– Fase 2 tipe 3BR 68-75sqm max 72x
– Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 85sqm max 88x
– Fase 2 tipe 3+1BR 120sqm max 100x
– Fase 3 Studio & 1BR max 72x atau 88x progressive
– Fase 3 tipe 2BR max 100x
- Selling Price:
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
– Hardcash tipe ini dapat subsidi PPN hingga 50%- 3BR 68-75m² start 1.4 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 85m² start 1.8 M-an (NEGO)
- 3+1BR 120m² start 2.4 M-an (NEGO)
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
- Harga Tergantung Cara Bayar, Lantai, View, Posisi, Discount
- FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- 1 BR start 800 juta-an
- 2 BR start 950 juta-an
- KARENA DILARANG TAMPILKAN HARGA NET DI-IKLAN MAKA SILAHKAN DM buat Pricelist harga net (lengkap bisa pilih lantai dan view)
** harga termasuk PPN 11%, belum termasuk diskon dan bunga
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Rental Price:
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- 3BR 68-75m² start 7 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 85m² start 10 juta-an/bulan
- 3+1BR 120m² start 13 juta-an/bulan
- FASE 3 – Serah terima Mei 2025
- Studio start 3.0 juta-an / bulan
- 1 BR start 5.1 juta-an / bulan
- 2 BR start 6.1 juta-an / bulan
- FASE 2 – Serah terima September 2022
- Contact: Batista 0812 3222 7770
Sales Inhouse sky house BSD+
Website : Skyhouse-bsd.com
— untuk yang diluar kota, bisa lihat by video call —
(Whatsapp / Google meet / Zoom) - WhatsApp: 081232227770