- Apartment Name: Sky House
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Bristol, Claymore, Duxton
- Size: 68-75m² / 85-91m² / 120-128 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semua unitnya SEMI-FURNISHED
Tower Duxton, Claymore & Bristol
- Gratis Kitchen set atas bawah
- Gratis Meja & set granit serta kompor, penghisap asap, sink
- Gratis Water Heater, shower screen, kabinet & mirror kamar mandi
- Lantai Kamar Parkit
- Disediakan saluran AC
- Saluran air dibalkon buat mesin cuci
- Pintu baja smartlock 4 in 1 + Intercom video
- Facility:
- Komplek mewah semua unit hanya 1 tower 1 tipe unit
- Garden & Pool luas yang asri
- Semua unitnya SEMIFURNISH
- Terdapat 12 Fasilitas dibawahnya
- Samping persis AEON MALL
- Samping tol serpong balaraja
- Banyak pusat perkantoran & pendidikan
- Additional Info:
- Harga termurah 68-75m² tower Duxton
- Hardcash (85%) : Rp ask me
- KPA DP 5% (86%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 12x (88%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 24x (92%) : Rp Ask me
- Cicilan developer 36x (96%) : Rp Ask me
- Cicilan developer 48x (100%) : Rp 1.435.659.000
- Cicilan developer 60x (104%) : Rp 1.495.366.000
- Cicilan developer 72x (108%) : Rp 1.555.072.000
- Cicilan developer 100x (116%) : Rp 1.674.485.000
- * Tower Duxton seluruh unitnya Hanya tipe 68 – 75m²
- Harga termurah unit saat ini
- Harga termasuk PPN 11%
- Beda lantai, posisi, cara bayar & besaran DP akan beda harga* Cicilan 60x s/d 100x menggunakan harga DP 5%
- Selling Price:
Harga termurah 120m² tower Bristol - (FREE dedicated parking)
- Hardcash (85%) : Rp ask me
- KPA DP 5% (86%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 12x (88%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 24x (92%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 36x (96%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 48x (100%) : Rp 2.400.096.000,-
- Cicilan developer 60x (104%) : Rp 2.498.307.000,-
- Cicilan developer 72x (108%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 88x (112%) : Rp 2.694.869.000,-
- Cicilan developer 100x (116%) : Rp 2.793.150.000,-
- * Tower Bristol seluruh unitnya Hanya tipe 120-128m²
- Harga termurah unit saat ini
- Harga termasuk PPN 11%
- Beda lantai, posisi, cara bayar & besaran DP akan beda harga
- Cicilan 60x s/d 100x menggunakan harga DP 5%
- Rental Price:
- Harga termurah 86m² tower Claymore
- (Ratio parking 1:2)
- Hardcash (85%) : Rp ask me
- KPA DP 5% (86%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 12x (88%) : Rp ask me
- Cicilan developer 24x (92%) : Rp 1.801.803.000
- Cicilan developer 36x (96%) : Rp 1.882.620.000
- Cicilan developer 48x (100%) : Rp 1.963.438.000
- Cicilan developer 60x (104%) : Rp
- Cicilan developer 72x (108%) : Rp
- Cicilan developer 88x (112%) : Rp 2.205.891.000
- Cicilan developer 100x (116%) : Rp 2.286.708.000
- * Tower Claymore seluruh unitnya Hanya tipe 85 – 91m²
- Harga termurah unit saat ini
- Harga termasuk PPN 11%
- Beda lantai, posisi, cara bayar & besaran DP akan beda harga
- Cicilan 60x s/d 100x menggunakan harga DP 5%
- Contact:
- Jadwal Show Unit :
- Setiap hari
- Jadwal Real Unit :
- Harus janjian untuk weekdays
- Sabtu-minggu 10.00 – 17.00
- Hubungi :
Batista 0812 3222 7770
website : http://skyhouse-indonesia.com
Sales Inhouse
- Jadwal Show Unit :
- WhatsApp: 081232227770
sky house bsd
Sewa Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – Studio Full Furnished Modern Minimalist
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD City
- Location: BSD City – Tangerang – Banten
- Tower/Floor/View: Leony/27th/City
- Size: 21m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1 Bathroom
- Condition: Fully Furnished all new furnitures
- LED Smart TV 45inch
- Internet access – Orbit
- Bed, mattress 160×200 with bed sheet & pillow
- Kitchen Set + Cabinet
- Gas Stove with 2 furnace
- Cooker Hood
- Refrigerator
- Water Dispenser and Gallon
- Working desk & chair
- Wardrobe
- Air Conditioner
- Water Heater
- Entrance Door Soundproof + smartlock (finger print & password)
- Intercom
- Balcony with City View
- Facility: BSD City Sky House Facilities :
- Garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000m2, Jogging Track
- Swimming Pool
- Gym Outdoor & Indoor, Yoga Room
- Outdoor & Indoor Kids Playground
- Finger Print, Passcode, Card Key, CCTV & Security
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location in BSD City Central Business District, surrounded by malls (AEON, Qbig), shopping centers, ICE BSD, & international scaled office towers such as Unilever, Green Office Park, Traveloka, BCA, Mandiri, Digital Hub
- Near international education centers such as Prasetiya Mulya University, Atma Jaya University, Sinarmas World Academy and Sampoerna Academy BSD
- Easy access to transportation: toll gates, KRL train station (Cisauk & Serpong)
- Easy access to health-care services such as Eka Hospital, Medika BSD Hospital
- Rental Price:
- 4.000.000 / mo (min 3mo)
- 1 Year : Rp 44.000.000
- Rental Price include : Service Charge Maintanance Monthly (IPL), water
- Not Include : Internet, Electricity, Parking
- Deposit : 4.000.000
- Contact: Fifi (081381352023)
- WhatsApp: 081381352023
- E-mail: ting.indah@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Sky House BSD Termurah Tipe Studio Fully Furnish, New, Elegant dan Instagramable View Dari Kamar
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: JL BSD Raya Utama CBD Lot 55 III 1-5, (beside Aeon Mall) Tangerang 15345
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie/31/Unilever dan Traveloka
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Brand new
- Elegant
- Facility:
- AC
- Mini Sharp Refrigerator
- Dispenser Hot & Cold
- Kitchen Set
- Stove & Cooker Hob Rinai
- Water Heater
- Smart TV 32 Inch with Cozy Backdrop
- Rak Pajangan
- Double Spring Bed Romance 120×200
- Gorden 2 piece
- Lemari Pakaian
- Meja & Kursi Kerja
- Smart Door Lock
- Intercom Connect to Lobby
- Balcony with Instagramable View at the Night
- Additional Info: Apartement dengan kolam renang dan taman yang cantik, Jogging track, gym, laundry serta lengkap dgn Indomaret yg memudahkan Anda untuk membeli kebutuhan sehari2.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 18.000.000 (6 bulan)
- Rp 32.500.000 (12 bulan)
- Exclude IPL, Listrik, air, parkir & internet
- Deposit Rp 5.000.000 (dikembalikan bila masa sewa berakhir)
- Contact:
- Berminat ?
- Yuk segera janjian untuk melihat unitnya sebelum disewa orang lain
- Hub : Budi
- telp : 0855-6666667
- WhatsApp: 08556666667
- E-mail: sunperkasa@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – Special Promo Type 3BR & 3BR+1 CICIL DEVELOPER UP TO 100X (Flat 8 Tahun) – Samping AEON MALL, DP Start 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD+
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 Tower / 2-35 /City + Garden + Pool + Mall + Mountain
- Size: 23m² / 35m² / 51m² / 68-75m² / 86m² / 120-128 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / 3+1BR+
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: TIPE 2022 (SEMI FURNISHED 2022)
- 1. Tower Duxton 3 Bedroom
- Semuanya 3BR 68-75m²
- Maksimal cicilan developer 72x
- Merupakan tower dengan selangkah ke AEON mall
- Harga start 1.4 Milyar (nego banyak)
- 2. Tower Claymore 3+1 Bedroom
- Semuanya 3+1BR 86m²
- Maksimal cicilan developer 88x
- 50 meter ke AEON mall
- 1 Lantai 8 unit saja dengan 3 Lift
- Harga start 1.8 Milyar (nego)
- 3. Tower Bristol 3+1 Bedroom
- Semua unitnya 3+1 Bedroom 120-128m²
- Parking 1:1
- 80 meter ke AEON mall
- Cicilan developer max 100x
- Harga start 2.4 Milyar (nego banyak)
- 1. Tower Duxton 3 Bedroom
- Facility: TIPE 2025 (SEMI FURNISHED TIPE 2025)
- Tower Keshington
- Tipe unit Studio, 1BR , 2BR
- Studio dan 1 Bedroom max cicilan developer 88x serta 2BR max 100x (DP 5%)
- Mixed tipe unit
- Studio 23m², 1BR 35m² dan 2BR 50m²
- Studio start 490juta (around)
- 1 BR start 800juta-an NEGO
- 2 BR start 950juta-an NET
- Tanahnya HGB (HGB Murni)
- Kepemilikan atas unitnya SHM SRS (Sertifikat Hak Milik satuan rumah susun) merupakan sertifikat tertinggi atas apartemen
- HGB Murni — Tanah Milik Sendiri
- HGB diatas HPL — Tanah Sewaan
- Tanah Sky House HGB Murni
- Tower Keshington
- Additional Info:
- Kitchen Set (kabinet atas bawah, kompor, penghisap asap, sink dan Meja Top table surface)
- Video Intercom, Smoked detector
- Lantai 80×80, Lantai kamar parkit
- Lantai dapur 3+1BR anti selip
- Kamar Mandi Full Furnish (Water heater, shower screen, mirror + kabinet)
- Pintu Baja smartlockdoor
- Balkon dengan saluran air
- Kitchen Set (kabinet atas bawah, kompor, penghisap asap, sink dan Meja Top table surface)
- Intercom
- Lantai 60×60, Lantai kamar parkit
- Pintu Baja smartlockdoor
- Balkon dengan saluran air (kecuali studio)
- Selling Price: Pilihan
- Hardcash
- KPA Bank DP 5%
- Cicilan ke developer up.to 100x
- Pilihan tergantung tipe unit (12x, 24x, 36x, 48x, 60x, 72x, 88x dan 100x)
- Pilihan bank :
- OCBC NISP, Maybank, CCB
- Hadiah 29 – 31 Juli 2022Gold / IPAD / IPHONE
- Discount 120m² = 30% only 10 unit
- Discount 85m² = 25% only 4 unit
- Rental Price: *** Noted Tiap cara bayar, unit, view beda harga, posisi
- Contact: Contact person : Batista 0812-3222-7770
(Jika mau lihat show unit secara Video call, hubungi yaa)
info lebih jelas
www.skyhouse-indonesia.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
- E-mail: skyhouse-bsd.com
Disewakan Studio Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 21 / Gunung Lapang
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good – Semi Furnished
- Kitchen Set
- Water Heater
- Ac
- Kasur 1200 + Sorong
- Meja
- Kulkas 1 Pintu
- Pool
- Garden
- Gym Garden
- Smart Door
- Facility:
- Jogging Track
- Gym
- Swimming Pool
- Mini Mart
- Cafe
- Laundry
- 24hr Security with CCTV
- Service 24H Lobby
- Wide Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- 3 minutes to AEON BSD
- 3 minutes to Traveloka Campus
- 5 minutes to The Breeze
- 5 minutes to ICE BSD
- 10 minutes to Q-BIG
- Rental Price:
- Rp 30 juta / year
- Rp 50 juta / 2 years
- Contact: Naftali +62 881‑0800‑07778
- WhatsApp: 62881080007778
- E-mail: hadisoewononaftali@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Sky House BSD 2 Bedroom Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSS
- Tower/Floor/View: Jervois/16/city
- Size: 49.22 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished :
- Tv
- Kasur
- Ranjang
- Kitchen set
- Ac
- Sofa
- Meja makan
- Gordyn
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Mini market
- Security 24 jam
- Parking area
- Additional Info:
- Next to Aeon Mall
- Dekat ke univeristas Prasetya Mulya
- Selling Price: Rp 1.300.000.000 nego
- Contact: 081314177280
- WhatsApp: 081314177280
- E-mail: Whitz_cute@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – Special Promo Type 3BR & 3BR+1 CICIL DEVELOPER UP TO 88X (Flat 7 Tahun) – Samping AEON MALL, DP Start 5%
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (Samping AEON Mall BSD) – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 6 TOWER/8 Tipe unit/Lantai 2-35/View Garden-pool, City dan Mall AEON
- Size: Studio 23 m2/ 1BR 35m2 / 2BR 48m2 & 51m2 / 3BR 68-75m2 / 3+1BR 85-91m2 /3+1BR 120-128 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Iklan Khusus Fase 2 (SIAP HUNI)1 Tower 1 Tipe Unit(10 Langkah Ke Aeon Mall)
- 1. Tipe Unit Fase 2
- TOWER DUXTON 3 Bedroom 68-75m2
- TOWER CLAYMORE 3+1Bedroom 85m2
- TOWER BRISTOL 3+1 Bedroom 120m2
- 2. Kelebihan Fase 2
- Memiliki Balkon ke 2 buat mesin cuci, jemur dilengkapi saluran airLantai dapur tipe all 3+1BR anti selip.
- 10 langkah menuju AEON MALL
- Serah Terima dekat yaitu start di SEPTEMBER 2022 Bisa cicilan 100x Tanpa Bank, Tanpa Bi Checking, 100% APPROVE cukup KTP + NPWP saja (open for foreigner KITAS/Pasport) (tergantung tipe unit)
- 1. Tipe Unit Fase 2
- Facility: 3. Fasilitas + Gratis semi furnished
- 7 layer keamanan smart system
- Sky Garden 17.000m2 dan Garden 41.600m2
- Gym, Pool, Sauna, Yogaroom, Videoroom, Childeren playground, Jogging track, etc
- Gratis Semi FurnishGratis Kitchen Set (Meja granite, kompor, sink, penghisap asap, kabinet atas-bawah) Gratis Kamar Mandi (Waterheater, showerscreen, kabinet, mirror, langit2 kamar mandi aluminium foil)
- INTERCOM + pintu baja smartlock (finger, card, password, manual)
- smoke detector
- Semua lantai kamar parkit, Lantai 80×80
- Semua sekat antar kamar tembok bukan gypsum
- Pintu balkon sliding dan tempered glass sehingga bisa lihat view dari kamar/ruangan
- Additional Info:
- 5. Surat & Kerjasama Bank
- STRATA TITLE (Tanahnya HGB dengan kepemilikan unit Sertifikat Hak Milik Satuan Rumah Susun (SHMSRS) ) merupakan sertifikat tertinggi apartemen
- 6. Lokasi Sekitar
- MALL : samping AEON MALL, seberang the Breeze outdoor mall, ICE BSD, Q-BIGTOL : SAMPING tol Serpong (new)
- UNIVERSITAS : Apple Academy, Prasetya Mulya, Atmajaya, Monash, IULI, etc
- OFFICE TOWER : seberang Digital HUB, Waterboom, Green Office Park 1-9, 6 bank tower
- 5. Surat & Kerjasama Bank
- Selling Price: TIPE & CARA BAYAR
- 1. TIPE UNIT :
- Fase 1 (Siap Huni NOW)
- Fase 2 (Siap Huni 2022)
- Fase 3 (Serah terima 2025)
- Studio 23m2 = cash, cicil developer maksimal 88X dan kpa bank
- 1 BR 35m2 = cash, cicil developer maksimal 88X dan kpa bank
- 2 BR 51m² (Cash, KPA, Cicilan developer max 100x)
- 3BR 68m², Studio 23m² dan 1BR 35m² (Cash, KPA, Cicilan developer max 72x)
- 3+1BR 85-120m² dan 2BR 50m² (Cash, KPA, Cicilan developer max 100x)
- Cicilan ke developer minimal huni uang masuk 30%
- KPA minimum DP 5% /10% tergantung bank yang dipilih
- Hadiah DP same month, same day, double DP dll (ask me for table)
- Extra diskon 2% buat Old customer buy against / keluarga intinya Dan beli 3 unit sekaligus fase 2 ONLY
- 1. TIPE UNIT :
- Rental Price:
- Flexible Payment :
- Hard Cash Downpayment 25%
- Installment 12x-24x-36x-48x-60x-72x-88x-100x
- Kpa Bank Downpayment Start 5%
- Flexible Payment :
- Contact: Jika anda diluar kota/negeri, mau info lebih lanjut :
Video call (sesuai perjanjian)
(show unit, real unit, taman, AEON)
atau Langsung datang dan hubungi saya,
0821 1180 2208
SKY HOUSE BSD+ - WhatsApp: 082111802208
- E-mail: ikhwal.skyhouse@gmail.com
Jual Cepat & Murah Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – 2 BR Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD – Samping Aeon Mall
- Tower/Floor/View: Jervois, 16, City
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnish
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Gym, Jogging Track
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp
- Contact: 081802480288
- WhatsApp: 081802480288
- E-mail: tesiaunaryo@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang (Baru) – Studio MURAH Furnished MEWAH Lengkap
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Sky House
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Gym
- Playground
- Lobi
- Lounge
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Infinity swiming pool
- Ekslusive functionroom
- Sky lounge
- Bbq pavilions
- Fitness centre
- Retail and comercial arcade
- Lift with access card
- 24 hours cctv and security
- Free shutle bus
- Nice lobi
- Additional Info: Apartemen Sky House
(Apartemen Mewah di BSD)- Apartemen sky house menawarkan fasilitas terbaik (the best) karena memiliki beberapa fasilitas mewah seperti kolam renang (swiming pool) dan tempat kebugaran ditambah lobi yang luas dengan design mewah dan elegan (full marmer) dilengkapi aroma terapi diruangan lobi menciptakan suasana relax dan nyaman selain lobi yang nyaman juga terdapat beberapa spot untuk meeting dan ruang baca atau untuk mengerjakan beberapa tugas kantor atau juga buat para mahasiswa sebagai function room dan di lantai fasilitas juga tersedia area playground buat anak anak memudahkan anak anak untuk bermain dan berkreasi karena dilengkapi beberapa permainan buat anak anak fasilitas yang tidak kalah lengkapnya terdapat gymnasium dengan alat fitness yang lengkap sangat menunjang kebutuhan penghuni untuk lebih sehat dan bugar
- Apartemen sky house bsd menjadi apartemen mewah di bsd karena apartemen sky house dikembangkan oleh pengembang yang sudah berpengalaman di industri properti, apartemen sky house menjadi apartemen yang paling laris dan banyak diminati karena sangat mudah sekali tersewa dengan pangsa pasar yang segmentif seperti para mahasiswa binus juga karyawan bandara soekarno hatta (bandara internasional) dan para eksekutif muda yang bekerja di kisaran gading serpong, alam sutera, dan bsd jadi sangat menguntungkan buat para investor apartemen skyhouse juga nyaman buat di tinggali buat para pasangan milenial muda dan keluarga kecil kenapa apartemen skyhouse sangat fenomenal di bsd dan serpong karena banyak keuntungan yang didapat seperti :
- Design arsitek top
- Dekat ke pintu tol
- Lokasi di BSD (terintegrasi)
- Hanya 10 menit ke sumarecon alam sutera
- Hanya 15 menit ke lippo karawaci
- Kawasan premium
- Dikelola oleh management building profesional jadi tertata dan rapih
- Lokasi di kawasan bsd
- Rental Price: Rp 40.000.000 (Tahun)
- Contact: 081212010135
- WhatsApp: 081212010135
- E-mail: sefriyawanrameni@yahoo.co.id
Jual Apartemen Sky House BSD Tower Leonie – Studio Full Furnish Dekat AEON Mall
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie / 20 / Pool View
- Size: 20.49 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Langsung huni bawa koper
- Kitchen Set lengkap dengan Penghisap asap & tabung gas
- Gorden anti cahaya
- Lemari pakaian, Meja lipat, Kursi, Sofabed
- Kamar mandi mirror cabinet & water heater
- TV, AC, Intercom
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Fitness & Gym
- Jogging Track
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Cafe
- Additional Info: 5 menit menuju AEON mall
- Selling Price:
- Harga Jual : Rp 495.000.000,- (all in)
- Sudah termasuk semua furnish dan elektroniknya
- Hanya bisa CASH only !!
- Contact: THIO 085779391500
- WhatsApp: 085779391500
- E-mail: thiojohan2000@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Sky House BSD – Studio Fully Furnished Termurah di BSD City Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Raya Utama CBD 55 – Lot III 1-5 samping AEON Mall BSD City), BSD City, Sampora, Kec. Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie / 18 / Swimming Pool
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished
- Entrance Door Soundproof + Smartlock (fingerprint + password)
- Bed frame with storage + Spring Bed + bed cover set + pillow
- Kitchen Set
- Intercom
- Water Heater
- Air con
- Curtains
- Facility:
- Jogging Track
- Gym
- Swimming Pool
- Mini Mart
- Cafe
- Laundry
- 24hr Security with CCTV
- Service 24H Lobby
- Wide Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- 3 minutes to AEON BSD
- 3 minutes to Traveloka Campus
- 5 minutes to The Breeze
- 5 minutes to ICE BSD
- 10 minutes to Q-BIG
- Rental Price: Rp. 30,000,000 (1 year)
Exclude IPL, electricity, water & parking
Deposit Rp. 5,000,000 - Contact: 082114099895 (WA Only) Discussion are welcome
- WhatsApp: 082114099895
- E-mail: arthur.properti@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Sky House BSD Jervois – 2BR Luxurious Fully Furnished NEW (with Electronics)
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Jervois / Lantai 3 / Pool-Garden view
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully Furnished with Electronics and Luxurious (interior designed)
- Entrance Door Soundproof + smartlock (finger print & password)
- Intercom
- Smoke detector
- Master Bedroom
- Bed with Divan + headboard + Matress 180 x 200
- Pillows
- Wardrobe
- Dressing table + chair
- Hanging table
- Air Conditioner
- Curtain
- 2nd Bedroom (kid’s bedroom)
- Bed with Divan + headboard + Matress 100 x 200
- Pillow
- Wardrobe
- Cabinet
- Working table + chair
- Air Conditioner
- Roller blind
- Living Room
- 2 seater sofa
- Coffee table
- 50 inches LED smart TV
- Built in TV Cabinet with book shelves and drawers
- Water Dispenser
- Double doors refrigerator
- Microwave
- Dining Table with + 4 dining chairs
- Air Conditioner
- Curtain
- Kitchen Set + Cabinet
- Gas Stove with 2 furnace
- Cooker Hood
- Water heater
- Multi function cabinet + shelves near the entrance
- Facility:
- Garden & Jogging Track
- Gym
- Swimming Pool
- Mini Mart
- Cafe
- Laundry services
- 24jam Security
- Wide Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- 5 minutes to Aeon Mall BSD
- 5 minutes to The Breeze BSD/BSD Green Office Park (Office location of Unilever, Traveloka, MyRepublic, etc)
- 5 minutes to Exit Toll BSD Timur
- 7 minutes to ICE BSD City
- 7 minutes to Digital Hub BSD City
- 10 minutes to Pasar Modern Intermoda (Modern Market)
- 15 minutes to Terminal Trans BSD (Bus Station)
- 20 minutes to Cisauk Train Station/Stasiun Cisauk
- 45 minutes to Soekarno Hatta International Airport
- Close to McDonalds and other restaurants around
- Easy to reach by Gojek & Grab driver
- Rental Price:
- 6 Months = Rp 45.000.000 + deposit Rp 7.000.000
- Rental price not include: IPL/service charge, Internet, Electricity, Water, Parking
- Contact: Call 087881097109
- WhatsApp: 087881097109