Facility: Gedung parkir, kolam renang, ruang pertemuan, security 24jam, jogging trek, taman bermain anak, free shelterbus to mall, Lingkungan asri dan rapi, dekat pintu tol.
Additional Info:
Dekat bintaro bulevard raya dan banyak kios
Indomaret, Alfamart dan kios-kios warung nasi, laundry
Location: Jl. Buntu gang buntu No.32, Pd. Pucung, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15229 BINTARO
Tower/Floor/View: Western / Eastern
Size: 34-92 m2
Bedroom: 1-3
Bathroom: 1-2
Available 1badroom,2badroom,3badroom
Full Furnish Dan Unfurnish
(Bisa di sesuaikan kebutuhan)
Update dan visit unit hub IQBAL 0812-1332-9917
Aqua club (sky Infinity pool, kids pool)
Active club (Indoor Sky Gym, Fitness area)
Wellness club (yoga deck, zen garden, tai-chi deck, foot reflexology path)
Kids club (children playground, toddler playground)
Family club (entertaiment rooms/karoake, multi-function rooms)
Gourmet club (Japanese dining pavilion, BBQ corner, sunken patio)
Creative club (social cover, wifi lounge, board games area, table tennis)
Additional Info:
Apartemen langsung Access Lippo Mall Bintaro (Omotesando)
3 menit ke Sekolah internasional (Japanese School, British School, Global Jaya School)
5 menit Access Toll Bintaro
5 menit Access CBD Bintaro
20 menit Access bandara soekarno-hatta via toll
Rental Price: Start 35jt/thn (1badroom Unfurnish) Exclude Maintenance Fee, Water Electric, Parking, internet) Minimal sewa 3bln untuk unit full furnish Minimal sewa 6bln untuk unfurnish
Location: Jl. Bintaro Utama 3A No.1, RW.8, Pd. Karya, Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15225, Indonesia, Tangerang
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 2 / City View
Size: 46 m2 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Bintaro Plaza Residence memiliki berbagai fasilitas disediakan untuk setiap penghuninya. Anda dan keluarga dapat menikmati kolam renang, pusat kebugaran, ruang serba guna, tempat bermain anak, area komersial, dan koneksi Wifi. Lahan parkir dan keamanan juga terjamin, karena lahan parkir tersedia di dalam maupun luar ruangan dan terawasi oleh kamera pengawas. — Bintaro Plaza Residence has various facilities provided for each of its residents. You and your family can enjoy the swimming pool, fitness center, function room, children’s playground, commercial area, and Wifi connection. Parking lots and security are also guaranteed, because parking lots are available indoors and outdoors and are monitored by surveillance cameras.
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartemen 2BR Fully furnished tower high zone lantai 2, fasilitas parkir, kartu akses, fasum : Indomart, kolam renang, salon, laundry, cafetaria, lokasi 50 m dari plaza Bintaro, 200 m dari RS mitra keluarga, 5 menit jalan ke stasiun kereta. Harga sewa include service charge.
Bintaro Plaza Residence terletak di pusat kota Bintaro yang infrastrukturnya sudah terbangun dengan baik. Dari apartemen ini, Anda hanya memerlukan waktu 3 menit ke sekolah-sekolah dan universitas, 5 menit ke Stasiun Pondok Ranji, 7 menit ke exit tol Pondok Aren dan Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro, 8 menit ke CBD, dan 10 menit ke Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall. —
Fully furnished 2BR apartment for rent tower high zone 2nd floor, parking facilities, access card, fasum: Indomart, swimming pool, salon, laundry, cafeteria, location 50 m from Bintaro plaza, 200 m from family partner hospital, 5 minutes walk to the train station. The rental price includes service charge.
Bintaro Plaza Residence is located in the center of Bintaro city where the infrastructure is well developed. From this apartment, you only need 3 minutes to schools and universities, 5 minutes to Pondok Ranji Station, 7 minutes to Pondok Aren toll exit and Premier Bintaro Hospital, 8 minutes to CBD, and 10 minutes to Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall.
Location: Jl. Jombang Raya No.26, Pondok Aren, Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Amethys / 17 / City View
Size: 56 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished – Very Well ConditionInclude Tax and Service.Without Electricity
Facility: Fitness room, swimming pool, free parking, 24 hours security.
Additional Info: Strategic location, minutes away from international & national school, hospital and shopping center. Also railway station and toll Jakarta Outer Ringroad.
Keamanan dan kenyamanan merupakan prioritas utama di Apartemen Breeze Bintaro. Keamanan 24 jam dan sistem pengawasan CCTV memastikan bahwa para penghuni merasa aman dan nyaman di lingkungan mereka. Selain itu, tersedia juga parkir yang luas dan fasilitas lainnya yang mengutamakan kenyamanan para penghuni. — Security and comfort are top priorities at the Breeze Bintaro Apartment. 24-hour security and CCTV surveillance systems ensure that residents feel safe and comfortable in their environment. Additionally, ample parking and other facilities prioritize the comfort of the residents.
Additional Info: Luxurious 2BR Apartment
Terletak di lantai 26, city view
Kondisi fully furnished dilengkapi dengan Sofa bed di living room dan smart TV, kulkas,Dispencer,3 ac, kompor tanam, dan perlengkapan dapur.
Kamar Utama juga tersedia smart TV , kamar anak terdapat meja belajar/meja kerja
Kamar Mandi dilengkapi dengan Mesin cuci,water heater
Unit ini sudah terpasang listrik dengan kapasitas yang ukurannya pas dengan kebutuhan elektronik yang tersedia di unit ini, jadi tidak perlu khawatir mati lampu karena kekurangan daya. — Luxurious 2BR Apartment • Located on the 26th floor, city view • Fully furnished conditions equipped with a sofa bed in the living room and a smart TV, refrigerator, dispenser, 3 ac, cooktop and kitchen equipment. • The Main Room also has a smart TV, the children’s room has a study/work desk • Bathroom equipped with washing machine, water heater • This unit has electricity installed with a capacity that fits the needs of the electronics available in this unit, so there is no need to worry about blackouts due to lack of power.
Rental Price: Rental Price : 10 million/month include service charge negotiable negotiable (minimum 3 months)