- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Raya Utama CBD 55 – Lot III 1-5 (samping AEON Mall BSD City), BSD City, Sampora, Kec. Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345
- Tower/Floor/View: Jervoise / High / City
- Size: 44 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Jogging Track
- Gym
- Swimming Pool
- Mini Mart
- Cafe
- Laundry
- 24hr Security with CCTV
- Wide Parking Lot
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan BSD Commercial Area, Offices & Education Centres
- 10 min jalan kaki ke Unilever HQ, BSD Green Office Park, The Breeze, Ranch market, AEON Mall
- 10 min berkendara ke to Indonesia Convention Centre (ICE), Prasetya Mulya Campus
- 10 min berkendara ke to Q-BIG, Foresta Business loft, Nanyang International School
- 10 min berkendara ke to Atmajaya University, Intermoda modern market BSD & Cisauk Train Station
- 10 min berkendara ke Eka Hospital BSD & Rawa Buntu, BSD train station
- 30 min berkendara ke Jakarta Outer Ring Road toll
- Selling Price: Please ask for more details
- Rental Price:
- Start From IDR 7.000.000/month
- Minimum Rent 6-12 Months or long-term rent
- Rental payment must be paid in advanced
- Contact: 0817313710 (MAS LANGIT)
- WhatsApp: 0817313710
- E-mail: 7langitproperty@gmail.com
sewa apartemen bsd
Jual / Sewa Apartemen B Residence BSD City Tangerang – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: B Residence
- Location: Jl. BSD Raya Barat (Edutown no.1 / Sebrang AEON Mall BSDCity) Tangerang?
- Tower/Floor/View: LOTUS / 28 dan 17 / View AEON Mall dan ICE BSD
- Size: 23 – 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- 1 Queen bed
- Smart TV 43″, kulkas, Ac, heater, listrik 2200watt
- Kompor Gas Rinai + tabung
- Cooker hood
- Bathroom cabinet
- Siap masuk bawa koper
- Facility:
- Gym, parking
- Kolam renang luas
- Indomaret
- Additional Info:
- 2 menit menuju kampus Prasetya Mulya
- 4 menit menuju pasar modern BSD Cisauk
- 5 menit menuju ICE BSD
- 5 menit menuju Kampus Atma Jaya BSD
- 5 menit menuju The Breeze
- 5 menit menuju Foresta Business loft
- 8 menit menuju Navapark
- 10 menit menuju Mall Teras Kota
- 10 menit menuju CBD BSDCity
- 10 menit menuju ITC BSD Mall
- 12 menit menuju RS Eka Hospital
- 14 menit menuju RS Bethsaida
- 15 menit menuju kampus Multimedia Nusantara
- 17 menit menuju Sumarecon Mall Serpong
- 22 menit menuju Alam Sutera
- Selling Price: Rp 1,1 Milyar (nego)
- Rental Price: Rp 45 juta / tahun
- Contact: Yanti 0811-9220202
- WhatsApp: 08119220202
Disewakan Apartemen BSD Casa de Parco Tangerang Selatan – 1 Bedroom 28 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: BSD, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cassea/lt. 19/view City
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Studio apartment (furnished), located in premium location in the centre of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Serpong, Tangerang Selatan.
- The size of apartment is 28 m2, suitable for 1 to 2 occupants (unit include Queen Size Bed / 160×200 m2).
- The unit is located on the 19th floor (highfloor), with city view, directly facing AEON Mall BSD, The Breeze, BSD Green Office Park, Skyhouse, Nava Park, Marigold, etc.
- Facility: The furnished unit include:
- Pillowtop Bed – Queen Size / Ranjang ukutan 160×200 cm
- TV 40inch
- Air Conditioner – 1 PK
- Dressing Rack / Lemari Baju
- Working Desk / Meja Bekerja/Belajar
- Plenty of Storages (under TV and under bed) / Tempat penyimpanan dibawah TV dan dibawah ranjang
- Kitchen Set (incl. 2 point stove, exhaust, 2 doors refrigerator, sink, greasetrap, drying rack, gas, water filter, etc) / Set Dapur termasuk lemari dapur kompor 2 tungku, pembuangan udara, kulkas 2 pintu, cuci piring, system pembuangan, rak pengering piring, gas 5 kg, system filter air, etc)
- RO (reversed osmosis) water purifier (ready to drink water) / Sistem filter air siap minum
- Water heater
- Towel drying rack / jemuran handuk
- Electricity / Listrik 2.200 Watt
Public Facilities / Fasilitas Umum:
- Pool
- Child Pool
- Gym and Fitness Center
- Outdoor Gym
- BBQ Area
- Garden
- Skygarden
- Shoplots (minimart, laundry, restaurant, coffeeshop, co-working space, etc)
- 3 level of basements for parking area
- Additional Info: Nearby Area:
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big (3 km)
- Pasar Modern Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Rental Price: Rent include service charge, exclude electricity, water, parking, and laundry.
- Rp 40.000.000 / year
- Rp 22.000.000 / 6 months
- Rp 4.000.000 / month
- Contact: Cynthia – 081510504808
- WhatsApp: 6281510504808
- E-mail: veronica_cynthia@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Casa de Parco BSD Tangerang – Studio Furnished (Across The Breeze)
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Casea / 30 / Pool
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Studio apartment (furnished), located in a premium location in the center of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Serpong, Tangerang Selatan.
- The size of the apartment is 28 m2, suitable for 1 to 2 occupants (unit includes Queen Size Bed / 160×200 m2).
- The unit is located on the 30th floor (high floor), with pool view (looking at Mt. Salak).
- Facility:
- The furnished unit includes Pillowtop Bed – Queen Size / Ranjang ukuran 160×200 cm
- TV
- Air Conditioner – 1 PK
- Dressing Rack / Lemari Baju
- Working Desk / Meja Bekerja/Belajar
- Plenty of Storages (under TV and under bed) / Tempat penyimpanan dibawah TV dan dibawah
- ranjang
- Kitchen Set / Set Dapur
- Water heater
- Electricity / Listrik 2.200 Watt
- Public Facilities / Fasilitas Umum:
- Pool
- Child Pool
- Gym and Fitness Center
- Outdoor Gym
- BBQ Area
- Garden
- Skygarden
- Shop lots (minimart, laundry, restaurant, coffee shop, co-working space, etc)
- 3 level of basements for parking area
- Additional Info: Nearby Area:
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big (3 km)
- Pasar Modern Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Selling Price: Rp 600.000.000 (fully furnished, passive income)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 32.000.000 / year
- Rp 18.000.000 / 6 months
- Rp 10.000.000 / 3 month
- Contact:
- Jason 0815-1996-7292
- Cynthia 0815-1050-4808
- WhatsApp: 6281519967292
- E-mail: kevin.sujason@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Roseville BSD Studio Murah (Cocok untuk Investasi, Selalu Tersewa) – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Roseville Soho & Suite BSD
- Location: Sunburst CBD BSD, Lot. I.8, Jl. Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo, Lengkong Gudang, Kecamatan Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15321
- Tower/Floor/View: 25
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished
- Bed 120×200 cm, TV, AC, Water Heater
- Pantry rak atas dan bawah.
- Kulkas, meja dan kursi, tempat tidur dengan rak barang, lemari pakaian, wastafel, kompor listrik.
- Facility:
- Beberapa fasilitas berkualitas hotel bintang 5 bisa penghuni nikmati di 2 lantai, yakni The Vibe Floor di lantai 5 dengan fasilitas Infinity Pool, Spa, Sauna, BBQ Area & Children Playground.
- Serta The Club Floor di lantai 21 dengan fasilitas Gym Area, Meeting Room, Residence Lounge, Snooker, Library dan masih banyak lagi.
- Lingkungan apartemen sangat cozy dengan 15 taman tematik yang asri, 3 meeting room, 3 dedicated lobby dan fasilitas gym serta kolam renang yang besar.
- Area parkirnya pun luas dengan rasio 1:1. Terdapat 3 semi-private lift di tiap tower untuk menjamin privasi ekstra.
- Additional Info:
- Roseville SOHO And Suite
Luxurious Design Roseville Apartment BSD hadir dengan desain mewah, 3 meeting room, 3 grand lobby dan housekeeping service. - Prime Location
Apartemen di BSD City dengan lokasi bergengsi di Sunburst CBD, jantung kegiatan bisnis BSD dan memiliki akses menuju beragam fasilitas. Tepat di seberang Teras Kota Mall. - Unit Ready
Bangunan sudah jadi sejak 2019 dan sudah siap pakai dan siap huni. Bagus untuk investasi karena sejak serah terima selalu tersewa - Roseville BSD jadi pilihan apartemen BSD dengan risiko investasi sangat kecil.
- Dikelola secara profesional oleh Tokyu Property Management Indonesia (TPMI). Didukung Roseville Leasing yang bisa membantu pemilik unit untuk mencari penyewa.
- Berada di jantung BSD, komplek apartemen ini dikelilingi fasilitas, mulai dari fasilitas kelas dunia yang ada di BSD seperti Aeon Mall, The Breeze, ICE BSD, Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Jakarta Nanyang School dan Eka Hospital
- Bahkan beberapa fasilitas berada dalam jarak jalan kaki, seperti Teraskota, Sampoerna Academy, Wisma BCA, Menara BRI, Plaza BNI dan BFI Tower.
- Akses transportasinya juga mudah. Roseville BSD bisa dicapai dalam 5 menit saja dari Exit Tol Jakarta-Serpong dan 30 menit dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta.
- Roseville SOHO And Suite
- Selling Price: Harga jual IDR 849.000.000 NEGOTIATION
- Rental Price: Harga sewa IDR 4,500.000 (termasuk IPL) per bulan
- Contact: Ibu Hanny 08129026222
- WhatsApp: 08129026222
- E-mail: hannyag@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Roseville SOHO & Suite BSD – Studio 30m2 – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Roseville BSD SOHO & Suites – Studio
- Location: BSD, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower East lantai 25 No. 36
- Size: 30 m? m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished : WIFI TV, pantry, water heater, kulkas, meja dan kursi, tempat tidur, kasur 120 x 200 cm, lemari pakaian, rak barang, wastafel, kompor listrik
- Apartemen ini Cocok untuk Karyawan dan Mahasiswa
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Swiss German University, Univ Multimedia Nusantara, Binus University
- Facility: Infinity swimming pool
Children Playground
Parking spaces with 1:1 ratioFitness center, yoga studio, jogging track, spa and Zen garden
Pool tables, table tennis & golf simulators
Cafés & convenience stores
Function rooms & meeting facilities180 m2 Sky Lounges (one space is as big as 6 units, turned into lounges for better atmosphere) & Arcade
60 m2 Sky Garden on every other floor
Laundry rooms
Car wash
Private access cards, semi-private lifts
Shuttle buses - Additional Info:
- Lokasi : depan Teras Kota, sebelah BSD Square
- 5 menit ke tol BSD
- 1 km ke Eka Hospital
- 1 km ke Halte Bus BSD
- 3 km ke Stasiun Rawa Buntu
- 3 km ke Stasiun Serpong
- 4 km ke AEON Mall
- 5 km ke ICE BSD
- Rental Price: HARGA NEGO
- Sewa sudah termasuk IPL per bulan = 4.2 juta
- Sewa sudah termasuk IPL per tahun = 48 juta (Nego)
- Deposit Rp. 4 juta (kembali di akhir sewa)
- IPL bulanan SUDAH DIBAYAR pemilik
- Internet, Listrik, dan air bulanan dibayar penyewa sesuai pemakaian
- Ready per 1 Agustus 2024
- Contact: +628129026222
ibu Hanny - WhatsApp: 08129026222
- E-mail: hannyag@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Sky House BSD Tangerang – Studio Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Leoni Lt.16
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnish
- Facility: Gym, swimming pool, garden, jogging track
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp 3.000.000 x 12 bulan
- Contact: 087872003593
- WhatsApp: 087872003593
Disewakan Apartemen 3BR Samping Mall BSD Full Furnished – Sky House BSD Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD CBD ll
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 2 Duxton / 33 / Jalan Tol Serbaraja
- Size: 68 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished, 4 AC
- Facility: Kolam renang, bermain anak, tempat olah raga, gym, meeting room and karaoke.
- Additional Info: Akses ke Aeon Mall selangkah saja
- Rental Price:
- Rp 125.000.000 per tahun
- Rp 12.500.000 per bulan dan
- Rp 1.350.000 per hari
- Flexible
- Contact: Carolus 081217998069
- WhatsApp: 081217998069
Sewa Apartemen Akasa BSD Tangerang Selatan – Tower Kalyana Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Akasa
- Location: BSD CITY
- Tower/Floor/View: Kalyana / 11 / POOL
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished. Bangunan baru sudah serah terima.
- Facility:
- Gym
- Area BBQ
- Taman Tematik
- Nursery Park
- Lapangan Basket
- Lintasan Joging
- Sky Garden
- Taman Refleksi
- Taman Bermain Anak
- Ruang Serbaguna
- Pusat Kebugaran
- Digital Park
- Additional Info: APARTEMEN AKASA BSD CITY, siap huni
- Rental Price: Please call
- Contact: Siti 085973667555
- WhatsApp: 085973667555
Disewakan Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD City Serpong – 1 BR Full Furnished – Siap Huni
- Apartment Name: Apartemen Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD City, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Orchidea/11
- Size: 43.70 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Wallpaper
- Air Conditioner
- Queen Size Spring Bed (160×200)
- Bed with 3 drawers + Headboard
- Wardrobe and Dresser
- LED TV 32″
- TV Cabinet Backdrop
- Single Sofa Bed
- Dining table and chairs
- Gordyn/Curtain
- Water Heater
- Shower
- Wastafel
- Shower Box
- Kitchen Set
- Dispenser
- Built-In Gas Stove with 2 cooking zone
- 2 doors Refrigerator
- Cooker Hood
- Facility:
- Gym, swimming pool, jogging track, access card, children play ground, basement parking etc
- Additional Info: Apartment is near from Aeon Mall, Unilever, The Breeze, Sinar Mas Word Academy, ICE, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Swiss German University, Atmajaya University, Teras Kota, BSD City etc
- Selling Price:
- Rp 820.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 45.000.000/year (excl. Service Charge, Utility, Parking, Internet)
- Rp 24.000.000/6 months (excl.Service Charge, Utility, Parking, Internet)
- Contact: 0813 8185 6020
- WhatsApp: 081381856020
Disewakan atau Dijual Apartemen Sky House BSD Tower Leonie – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Raya Utama CBD 55 ? Lot III 1-5 samping AEON Mall BSD City), BSD City, Sampora, Kec. Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Leonie / 16 / Kolam renang
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fasilitas Unit
- Kasur 2 in 1(120X200)
- Bantal , Bed cover , Sprei
- Smart TV 32″ merek samsung
- Lemari Baju
- Kulkas 2 pintu (atas bawah)
- Meja dan Kursi
- Kompor tanam 2 tungku
- Interkom
- Shower
- Water Heater
- AC
- Gorden blackout
- Balkon
- Fully furnished all brand new condition
Dibalkon terdapat 2 kran air dan 1 stop kontak buat pasang mesin cuci
- Facility: Fasilitas Gedung
- Kolam Renang
- Gym
- Area Parkir Mobil dan Motor
- Laundry
- Kantin
- CCTV 24 jam
- Indomaret
- Additional Info: Unit baru.
- Selling Price: Harga Jual 480.000.000 juta negotiable
- Rental Price: Harga sewa pertahun 37.000.000 juta ( Include IPL )
- Contact: Laura 083850907308
- WhatsApp: 083850907308
- E-mail: lieling2018@gmail.com
Apartemen B Residence BSD Tangerang – Sewa 3 Juta Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: B Residence BSD City
- Location: BSD City, dekat AEON Mall, Kampus Prasetiya Mulya University
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus / 35
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartement Type STUDIO
- Smart TV
- Kulkas
- Bed
- Lemari Baju
- Meja Belajar
- Kitchen Set
- Kompor
- AC
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Gym
- Carpark
- Laundry
- Food Court
- Resto
- 24 hours security
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 3 juta perbulan (pembayaran 12 bulan) atau
- Rp. 3,5 juta perbulan (pembayaran per 6 bulan)
- Deposit: 3 juta
- Perjanjian Kontrak 12 bulan
- Belum termasuk IPL, air, listrik, internet, parkir, semuanya beban Penyewa.
- Contact: 08119692649 (kontak Pemilik)
- WhatsApp: 08119692649
- E-mail: boni.fmsp@gmail.com