- Apartment Name: Branz BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Boulevard, Parcel 55-F, Grand CBD BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: C/30/City
- Size: 90 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit Branz BSD Apartment bertipe 2 BR ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti listrik dengan kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC. Selain itu, Anda tak perlu repot-repot membawa perlengkapan dapur sebab di unit ini sudah disediakan Dining Set.
- Facility:
- Selain unggul dalam desain arsitektur dan interiornya, apartemen Branz BSD juga menyediakan fasilitas-fasilitas yang mampu memanjakan penghuninya dan memberikan rasa rileks yang memberikan kenyamanan dalam hidup sehari-hari. Beberapa fasilitas unggulan Branz BSD adalah spa, kolam renang dewasa (indoor & outdoor), kolam renang anak, perpustakaan dan ruang santai, ruang pertemuan (meeting room), ruang karaoke, bar & gaming room, dan minimart.
- Menariknya lagi, Branz BSD menawarkan fasilitas sewa sepeda yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk berkeliling apartemen dan sekitar serta adanya ruang pesta yang bisa digunakan untuk acara-acara penting dalam hidup Anda.
- Branz BSD merupakan hunian vertikal yang dibangun ditas lahan seluas 5,3 hektare dan berada di kawasan premium di BSD. Mengusung arsitektur khas Jepang, Branz BSD dibangun dengan teknologi anti gempa yang bisa menjamin kenyamanan dan keamanan tempat tinggal Anda.Berada di kawasan premium BSD, dari apartemen ini Anda bisa menjangkau beberapa lokasi dan tempat penting dan menarik di sekitarnya seperti AEON Mall, ICE BSD, Swiss German University, Jakarta Nanyang International School, GIANT Supermarket, dan Mall Teras Kota.
- Additional Info:
- Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
- Bisa bayar per bulan (minimal kontrak 6 – 12 bulan)
- Segera book sebelum keduluan orang lain!
- Rental Price:
- Rp 150,000,000/12 bulan
- Rp 85,000,000/6 bulan
- Contact: 08111475360 Iyan
- WhatsApp: 08111475360
sewa apartemen bsd
Disewakan Apartemen Akasa BSD, Tangerang Selatan – Studio, 1 Bedroom Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Akasa Pure Living
- Location: Jalan Astek, Lengkong Gudang Timur, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Kirana/11/City
- Size: 22,48 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Perlengkapan full furnished:
- AirCon
- Shower in Bathroom
- Queen-sized Bed
- Kitchen
- Meja belajar
- Meja TV
- Lemari pakaian
- Kulkas Mini
- Facility: Dilengkapi fasilitas:
- Parkir
- Laundry
- Thematic swimming pool
- Gym Centre
- Security 24 jam
- Children Playground
- Function Room
- Sky Garden
- BBQ area
- Convenience Store
- Additional Info:
- Hunian apartemen prestisius di area Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang lokasi:
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan Living World Mall Alam Sutera, AEON Mall dan Sumarecon Serpong Mall.
- Dekat dengan Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, BINUS, Universitas Prasetya Mulya, St Ursula dan St Laurensius.
- Dekat akses ke berbagai Tol utama di wilayah Jabodetabek dan Bandara Udara Soekarno Hatta.
- Dekat dengan Pasar Modern BSD, Pasar 8 Alam Sutera dan pusat pertokoan BSD.
- Dekat dengan fasilitas kesehatan Medika BSD, Eka Hospital, RS Bethesda dan Omni Hospital.
- Akses mudah layanan transportasi umum mikrolet, bis dan kereta api.
- Dekat dengan hypermart Giant, Transmart dan ITC BSD.
- Rental Price: Rp 2,5 juta per bulan sudah termasuk IPL (Rp 30jt per tahun)
- Contact: Hubungi: Wijaya +62818912383 (WhatsApp)
- E-mail: subhanwidjaja@yahoo.co.uk
Sewa Apartemen B Residence BSD City – Studio 20 m2 Fully Furnished – Walking Distance to Univ. Prasetya Mulya
- Apartment Name: B Residence BSD City
- Location: Business District BSD City – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Rose/26/ICE BSD
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished (brand new)
- TV
- table
- chair
- full set bed + Mattrass + bed cover
- wardrobe
- aC
- shower
- Facility:
- 168 meters infinity pool
- Sunken lounge, Kids pool & Children Playground
- Fitness Centre & Yoga deck, Jogging Area & Pool Cafe,
- Food Court Centrum, Cafe & Resto, Mini Market, 24 Hour Laundromat
- Fast Internet Access, Reading & Activities Lounge,
- Roof Top Garden, Sky Garden Resto & Bar, Lobby & Lounge
- Six Floors Parking Area
- B Residences Shuttle Bus
- Additional Info:
- Walking Distance to Prasetya Mulia Bussines School
- Facing Future Development IULI University (International Liaison University Indonesia)
- 5 Minutes drive to Atmajaya University (on progress)
- 10 Minutes drive to Sinarmas World Academy
- 1 Minute drive to Foresta Business School & Froggy Edutography Floating Castle BSD
- 5 Minutes drive to Nanyang International School
- 5 Minutes drive to IPEKA International School
- Walking Distance to ICE BSD (The Largest Exhibition Center in South East Asia)
- Walking Distance to AEON Mall
- 3 Minutes drive to The Breeze BSD City
- 5 Minutes drive to Q BIG Super Store (Ace Hardware, Informa, Lulu Dept. Store, FAMOGAL, Truly Premium Outlet)
- 10 Minutes drive to Train Station Rawa Buntu
- 10 Minutes drive to Train Station Cisauk
- 10 Minutes drive to Tol Gate BSD
- Access New Toll Gate on progress
- Coming Soon Area:Unilever Headquarter
- Freeport
- Microsoft
- Wisma BCA
- Wisma BNI
- Rental Price:
- Yearly: Rp 40.000.000
- Monthly: Rp 3.800.000
- Daily: Rp 400.000
- Contact: Call/Whatsapp 0812 8613 1921
- WhatsApp: 081286131921
- E-mail: reza.bhaskaraa@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Akasa Pure Living BSD – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Akasa Pure Living
- Location: Bsd City, South Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Kalyana/25/swimming pool and city view
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- Keamanan 24 jam, Listrik 1200 Watt (token), air PAM.
- TV, bed, meja, lemari, Kitchen set, Kulkas
- Facility: Children’s playground, BBQ area, thematic garden, fitness center, banyak kios, nursery park, swimmming pool, Parking (indoor & Outdoor), green park
- Additional Info:
- near to
- Hospital : Eka Hospital, RS Medika, RS THT Proklamasi, RIS Hospital, RS Mitra
- Education center: Prasetiya Mulya, Atma Jaya, IULI, SWA, Nanyang School, Binus, BSI, Al-Azhar, St. Ursula, Purwadhika, Saint John, IPEKA, Deutsche Schule.
- Public space: Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), Ocean Park, Damai Indah Golf, Taman Kota. Hotel Santika Premiere, Hotel Mercure, Grand Zuri, etc.
- Transportasi: Feeder Bus BSD City, Trans Jakarta, Shuttle BSD City, Rawa Buntu Train Station, Cisauk Train Station, Public Transportation.
- Selling Price: Rp. 370.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 2.300.000/month
- Rp. 6.500.000/3month
- Rp. 14.000.000/6 month
- Rp. 30.000.000/12 month
- (Include: IPL)
- exculde : PAM & listrik
- Contact: 081584399990
- WhatsApp: 081584399990
Disewakan Apartemen B Residence BSD – Studio 25 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: B Residence
- Location: Jl. Edutown Kav lll 1, BSD City, Kec. Pagedangan, Tangerang, Banten 15339
- Tower/Floor/View: Tulip/25/City
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit B Residence BSD bertipe Studio ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti listrik dengan kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC.
- Facility:
- B Residence BSD merupakan apartemen yang berdiri di atas lahan seluas 6800 m2 di wilayah BSD City dekat dengan kawasan pendidikan BSD City sepetti Swiss German University (SGU), Jakarta Nanyang International School, Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Sriwijaya School, hingga Foresta Business School. Apartemen yang terdiri dari tiga tower ini hadir sebagai jawaban atas makin tingginya minat hunian di BSD CitySelain dekat dengan pusat pendidikan, B Residence juga dekat dengan sejumlah tempat menarik di BSD seperti AEON Mall, Ocean Park, Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), dan Q Big Super Store.
- B Residence hadir menawarkan sejumlah fasilitas yang memanjakan penghuninya seperti kolam renang, jogging track, sport club, dan children playground. Mau makan? Tenang saja, ada sejumlah food court, restoran, dan cafe yang menyajikan beragam menu yang bisa Anda kunjungi. Selain itu Anda bisa bersantai di rooftop garden atau di study lounge. Lobby apartemen juga didesain senyaman mungkin.
- Additional Info:
- Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
- Bisa bayar per bulan (minimal kontrak 6 – 12 bulan)
- Segera book sebelum keduluan orang lain!
- Rental Price:
- Rp 47,000,000/12 bulan
- Rp 25,000,000/6 bulan
- Contact: 08111228360 Akbar
- WhatsApp: 08111228360
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD City Tangerang – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: Serpong BSD Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia/22/City-The Breeze
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
Unit facilities:- 2 in 1 Spring Bed
- Air Conditioner
- LED TV 40?
- Multifunction TV Cabinet
- Wardrobe
- Parquet Floor
- Wallpaper
- Gordyn/Curtain
Bathroom Facilities:
- Shower
- Toilet
- Wastafel
Kitchen Facilities:
- Gas Stove
- 1 door Refrigerator
- Top Kitchen Set
- Sink
- Plastic Disk Cabinet
- Facility: Olympic Size Swimming Pool,?Kids Swimming Pool,?Outdoor Gym,?Mini Gym, Mini Market, Laundry,?Coffee Shop,?Jogging Track,?Sky Lounge / Garden,?Barbeque Area
- Additional Info:
- Swiss German University
- Prasetya Mulya University
- Atmajaya University
- Unilever Head Office
- Sinar Mas Green Office
- AEON Mall
- Q-Big Mall
- Arirasa
- The Breeze
- Mitra 10 BSD
- Ace Hardware
- The Icon
- Eka Hospital
- Pasar Modern,Terminal & Stasiun Intermoda BSD
- Rental Price:
- Rp 34.000.000/year
- Rp 18.000.000/6 month
- Rp? ?3.300.000/1 month
EXCLUDE ELECTRICITY, WATER, and PARKING - Contact: Anton – 0838 9246 7069
- WhatsApp: 08161960772
- E-mail: antoniojulius2805@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen B Residence BSD City Tangerang – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: B Residence
- Location: BSD City – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus / 16 / City
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- kitchen set
- TV
- meja
- kursi
- queen bed
- lemari
- AC
- rak
- cookerhood
- water heater
- Facility:
- Foodcourt Centrum
- Sky Garden Resto dan Bar
- Rooftop Garden
- Reading & Activities Lounge
- Fitnes Center dan Yoga Deck
- Jogging Area & Pool Cafe
- Kids Pool & Children Playground
- Sunken Lounge
- 168 Meters Infinity Pool
- Shuttle Bus
- 6 Floor Parking Area
- Lobby dan Lounge
- Akses Internet Cepat
- Kafe dan Restoran
- Laundry
- Mini Market
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan universitas dan dan sekolah seperti Universitas Prasetya Mulya, Universitas Atmajaya BSD, IPEKA International School, dan Jakarta Nanyang School
- Dekat dengan beberapa lokasi menarik lain seperti AEON Mall, The Breeze BSD, QBIG BSD, dan ICE BSD City. Dekat juga dengan lokasi rumah sakit seperti RS EKA Hospital, RS Medika BSD, RS St. Carolus, dan akses transportasi seperti Tol JORR BSD dan Stasiun Cisauk.
- Rental Price: Rp 44.000.000, nego
- Contact: 081292803596
Disewakan Apartemen Serpong Green View BSD Tangerang Selatan – Studio 21 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Serpong Green View
- Location: Serpong – BSD, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B/1216
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished. AC, Bed, kulkas, LED TV, Kitchen Set, Kompor, Internet dan TV Cable.
- Facility: Fitness center, swimming pool, food court, shuttle bus, personal access card, ATM center
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat dekat dengan pintu Tol, hanya 1 Km.
- Minimum sewa 3 bulan
- Biaya maintenance, Cable TV dan Internet sudah termasuk.
- Tidak termasuk biaya listrik dan air + Deposit 1 bulan.
- Rental Price: Rp 3.000.000/bulan
- Contact: Bp. Kristian 081314248968
- WhatsApp: 081314248968
- E-mail: aliceelisabethoho@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Serpong Greenview Type Studio – Harga Terjangkau di BSD Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Serpong Greenview
- Location: Lengkong Gudang Timur Raya No.3, East Lengkong Gudang, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310
- Tower/Floor/View: Beechwood/12/view pool
- Size: 21.5 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished:
- Bed size queen
- Refrigerator
- TV
- Shower
- Water dispenser
- Wardrobe
- AC
- Facility:
- Pool site (for adult and children)
- Gym center
- Jogging track
- Restaurant
- Laundry
- Mini Store
- ATM center
- Large parking area
- Nearby: Less than 5 minutes walk
- Convenient Store (Alfamart & Indomaret)
- Additional Info: The apartment is situated in a strategic location.
- Transportation:
– Gojek & Grabcar are easily available (5 mins to pool)
– Train Station: Rawa Buntu & Sudimara (10 mins)
– Toll JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road)
– Airport Shuttle bus (10 mins)
– Transjakarta Bus at Teras Kota Mall (10 mins) - Market/Mall:
– Pasar Modern BSD (2,5 km)
– Giant BSD (4,5 km)
– Teras Kota (4,5 km)
– AEON Mall (6,5 km)
– The Breeze BSD (6.6km)
– Q-Big Shopping Area (9,5 km)
– Bintaro Xchange Mall (10,9 km)
– IKEA (15 km)
– Summarecon Mall Serpong (15 km)
– ITC BSD & BSD Plaza(4 km) - Hospitals (RS):
– Rumah Indonesia Sehat (> 1 km)
– RS Bunda Delima (2,5 km )
– RS Medika BSD (3,4 km)
– Eka Hospital (4 km), etc. - Office
– Graha Unilever (5,5 km)
– BSD Green Office Park 6 (5,5 km)
– Telkom Grha BSD (4,2 km)
– PT. Telkom Sigma (5 km)
– Wisma BCA BSD City dan BRI (5 km)
– Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Serpong (5 km) - School / Universities:
– Santa Ursula School (1 km)
– Prasetya Mulya University – Campus BSD (6.5 km)
– Islamic School Al Azhar BSD (4 km)
– Sinar Mas Academy (5 km)
– Atmajaya University – Campus BSD (8 km)
– MultiMedia Nusantara University (8,6 km), etc. - Recreational
– Taman Kota BSD
– Ocean Park BSD (4,5 km)
- Transportation:
- Rental Price:
- 1 month: IDR 2.500.000
- 3 month: IDR 6.000.000
- Security deposit: IDR 2.000.000
- Include maintenance Fee/IPL
- Exclude :
- Parking member
- Electricity
- Water
- Cable TV
- Contact: +62 878-7708-3439 (Agus)
Dijual / Disewakan Apartemen Casa de Parco BSD Tangerang Selatan – Studio Full Furnished – Sky Lounge
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD City – Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Gardenia/22/City
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen Studio Full Furnished beside Sky Lounge
- Queen size bed
- Air conditioner
- Television
- Refrigerator
- Dispenser
- Kitchen set
- Facility:
- Sky Lounge
- Swimming Pool
- Security 24 hour
- Indoor & outdoor gym
- Basement parking
- Lift acces
- Indomaret & Alfamart
- Additional Info: Near places :
- The Breeze
- Digital Hub
- Unilever
- Aeon Mall
- Prasetya Mulya University
- Sinar Mas Academy
- Eka Hospital
- Selling Price: Rp. 750.0000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp 35.000.000/year (include service charge)
- Rp 20.000.000/6 month (include service charge)
- Deposit : Rp 3.000.000
- Contact: Novi 081213560624
- WhatsApp: 081213560624
Apartemen Casa De Parco Disewakan – BSD, Tangerang – 2+1 BR 56 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: Jl. BSD Boulevard Barat, BSD City, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia/17/08
- Size: 56 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Brand new unit, furnished by a reputable interior designer:
- Master Bedroom: Queen bed with large storage underneath it, 2 nakas tables, 3 doors clothes cabinet + 5 drawers + mirror and complete set dresser corner.
- Studying Room: Studying table corner set, foldable single wall-bed, 2 large wall-cabinet doors, 5 drawers, 1 hidden small storage with automatic lighting.
- Toilet: Separated wet & dry area with tempered glass shower box, 3 stories toiletries corner shelves, Ariston water heater, ceiling exhaust fan, 2 doors toilet cabinet, plenty of towel/clothes hanger. We also provide you with a personal shelf just beside the closet seat, to put your beloved gadget.
- Modern Kitchen: L-shaped kitchen with luxurious granite countertop + full upper & lower cabinets, 2 stoves tempered-glass gas cooker, kitchen exhaust hood, microwave, 2 doors refrigerator with anti-frost freezer, 4 seats dining table. A front-load washing machine with 7kg capacity is also intact in this kitchen set. The kitchen sink & grease trap box has also been modified with an anti-odor-reverse system for your convenience living.
- TV Corner Living Room: 42 inches wall mounted LED TV with cable lines hidden behind its exclusive wood back wall, 3 drawers credenza, L-shaped comfy sofa, soft color curtain and carpet are provided for your comfortable living.
- All bedrooms and living room are equipped with air conditioners, using the proper cooling PK capacity, calculated for each room’s size.
- Facility:
- 4 passenger lift + 1 cargo lift in every floor
- Quiet neighborhood
- Thematic swimming pool & kids pool
- Gym, jogging track & children playground
- Spacious multi basements parking for cars & motorbikes with an affordable monthly fee
- Specific basement area for bicycle parking is provided for free by building management
- 24 hours security with CCTV
- Indomaret convenience store
- Laundry outlets with pickup & delivery service
- Plenty of cafe & resto on the ground floor
- Additional Info:
- This property is located only 10 minutes to/from BSD toll road gate and will be side by side with the ongoing Digital Hub hi-tech office complex by next year.
- Very close distance to office districts, stores & restaurant clusters, shopping malls, international schools & reputable private universities
- It also within close distance to Cisauk Rapid Railway Station (KRL), BSD Trans Jakarta Busway Terminal and all are interconnected with free shuttle bus
- Should you wish for any additional facilities to be provided inside this unit (magic jar, juicer, toaster, ironing table, laundry hanger, laundry bag, towel hanger, vacuum cleaner, cable TV, wifi internet or even set of the bicycle), you may kindly discuss those needs with me, the Lessor, without additional charges
- Rental Price:
- Rp 7.000.000/month
- minimum rent 6 months
- security deposit 7,000,000
- including:
- the monthly cleaning service assistant
- halfyearly AC maintenance
- excluding:
- utility charges (water bill and prepaid electricity)
- service charge and sinking fund
- monthly subscription (cable tv & wifi internet)
- vehicle membership parking fee
- We welcome Official Property Agent with 5% commission paid by Lessor-
- Rp 7.000.000/month
- Contact: Arum Prihatanto (owner)
- WhatsApp: 08129608521
- E-mail: arumprie@gmail.com
Disewakan / Dijual Apartemen Dekat Prasmull dan Aeon Mall BSD – B Residence Tangerang Studio Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: B Residence
- Location: BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus / AEON view
- Size: 23.85 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: Meja tulis
- Condition: Full furnish
- Facility: Kolam renang, gym
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 800 juta
- Rental Price:
- Rp 5 juta / bulan
- Rp 50 juta / tahun
- Rp 28 juta / 6 bulan
- Contact: Astrid 0817156575
- WhatsApp: 0817156575
- E-mail: astrid_siswanto@yahoo.com