- Apartment Name: MT Haryono Square
- Location: Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata No. 390, Cawang – Jakarta Timur 13330
- Tower/Floor/View: 5th Floor (the same level with swimming pool)
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. Electricity 2.200 Watt, 1 bedroom with king size bed 200×165, 1 sofa in bedroom, 1 line telephone, LCD TV 32-inch with TV Cable line, air condition, dining room with 1 table and 2 chairs, kitchen room completed with stove-microwave-toaster-refrigerator-dispenser hot & cold, 1 bathroom with water heater
- Facility: ATM, restaurants, cafe, swimming pool, minimarket, dentist, laundry, office building, wide parking area
- Additional Info: Location is very strategic at Cawang, comfortable residence (not too crowded), near Busway & Train Station (KRL / commuter line) with various destinations, supermarket, street food, Restaurant & Cafe at ground level, office building & business, 24-hour security
- Rental Price: Rp 5.000.000/month (negotiable)
- Contact: WA & SMS : 0812-1221967 / 0896-63389529
- E-mail: tharijadi@ymail.com
Spesialis Sewa & Jual Apartemen Central Park & SOHO Neo – All Type 1/2/3 BR Full Furnished & Interior
- Apartment Name: Central Park Residence
- Location: Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav. 28. Tanjung Duren Selatan. Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Alaina, Amandine, Adaline, Tribeca / Pool dan City
- Size: 49,66 / 87,47 / 93,12 / 127,2 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 2+1 / 3+1
- Bathroom: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished interior, full furnished dan semi furnished
- Facility: Pool, Fitness area, Jacuzzi, Table Tennis, Commercial area, Minimart 24 jam, Children Playground, Laundry & dry cleaning, Cleaning Shoes, Jogging Track, Multi Function Room, Security 24 Jam, Bank Ternama di Ruko Central Park, ATM Center Bank Ternama, Campus Podomoro City, Office APL, Office SOHO CAPITAL and SOHO NEO
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen terletak di bawah Mall Central Park (Masuk dari Sogo Departement Store dan belakang Hotel Pulman).
- Lot parking Apartemen di P16 dan P15 (Khusus Penghuni Apartemen)
- Lokasi strategis di Jalan S. Parman Kav 28 Jakarta Barat
- Internet Broadband & Free TV Kabel
- Terdapat 4 Mall yaitu Mall Centrak Park, Mall Neo SOHO, Mall Taman Angrek, dan Mall Citraland
- Terdapat 4 Universitas Ternama: Podomoro University, Univeristas Tarumanagara, Universitas Ukrida dan Univerisitas Trisakti
- Terdapat 3 Office at Podomoro City yaitu : APL Office, Soho Capital dan Soho Neo Residence
- Lokasi dekat Halte Busway
- Di antara Jalur Utama: Jalan Slipi, Jalan Tomang, Jalan Serpong, Jalan Sudirman, Gatot Subroto dan Jalan Thamrin
- 25 menit ke Airport Bandara Internasional dan Domestik at Soekarno-Hatta
- 20 menit ke Gading Serpong, Alam Sutera dan Lippo Karawaci, serta ke ITC Mangga Dua
- 1 lantai unit terdiri dari 8 unit HIGH FLOOR dan 4 unit LOW FLOOR
- Ada 4 type unit yaitu:
- 1 BR & 1 kamar mandi, luas 49,66 m2
- 2 BR & 1 kamar mandi, luas 87,47 m2
- 2 BR, 1 kamar tidur pembantu, 1 kamar mandi & 1 kamar mandi pembantu luas 93,12 m2
- 3 BR, 1 kamar tidur pembantu, 1 kamar mandi dalam, 1 kamar mandi & 1 kamar mandi pembantu luas 127,2 m2
- Trolly Transmart/Carrefour bisa di bawa ke dalam unit Apartemen Central Park
- Selling Price: Term and condition apply
- 1 BR: Rp 1.700.000.000 s.d. Rp
- 2 BR: Rp 2.600.000.000 s.d. Rp
- 2+1 BR: Rp 2.900.000.000 s.d. Rp 3.300.000.000
- 3+1 BR: Rp s.d. Rp
- Rental Price: Term and condition apply
- 1 BR: Rp 90.000.000 s.d. Rp 115.000.000
- 2 BR: Rp 140.000.000 s.d. Rp 180.000.000
- 2+1 BR: Rp 140.000.000 s.d. Rp 180.000.000
- 3+1 BR: Rp 210.000.000 s.d. Rp 270.000.000
- Contact: Han’s Realty – WhatsApp 0816 71 22 73
Sale / Buy / Rent / Interior Design Apartemen/Consultant Properti.
WE SERVE THE BEST - E-mail: handiyohanes60@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Sudirman Park Jakarta Pusat – 2 BR 48 m2 Fully Furnished – Lantai Rendah
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl. KH Mas Masnyur Kav. 35 Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang – Jakarta Pusat
Belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman - Tower/Floor/View: B/Rendah/Pool-Selatan
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Lokasi sangat strategis sudah sertifikat ( starta title) SHMSRS
- Kondisi: Baru renovasi – Sesuai Foto
- Lantai: Rendah
- View: Sudirman-City-Timur
- Sertifikat: SHM SRS Strata Title – Sudah Sertifikat
- Facility: 2 Kolam renang (masing-masing kolam renang anak / dewasa, 2 Jacuzzi (kolam air panas), 2 ruang sauna pria / wanita (terpisah), Gym, Balai warga, Restorant, Café 24 Jam, Cafe Shisha, Canteen, Minimart 24 Jam, Loundry-Galon Air-Gas (pick up-delivery), Lahan parkir Luas (Basement 1-Basement 2-Parkir Luar), Atm, Bank, Klinik/Dokter 24 Jam.
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi apartemen sudirman park sangat strategis, Loaksi di Belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman-Anandamaya residence- Menara ASTRA-Artaloka-Mid Plaza-Citywalk sudirman- dekat stasiun MRT-Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman.
- Bukti surat kepemilikan hak atas masing masing unit Apartemen Sudah Sertifikat (SHMSRS), lokasi Apartemen Sudirman Park sangat strategis, lokasi di belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman, satu lokasi dengan London School Public Relation / LSPR – Anandamaya Residence – Menara ASTRA – Artaloka – Mid Plaza – Citywalk Sudirman – dekat Stasiun MRT – Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman.
- Banyak peminat untuk sewa – cocok untuk Investasi
- Selling Price:
- 1 bed: Rp 825.000.000 s.d Rp 950.000.000
- 2 bed: Rp 950.000.000 s.d Rp 1.300.000.000
- 3 bed: Rp 1.500.000.000 s.d Rp 2 .000.000.000
- Contact: Hendra
- 081318839176 (WA)
- 08983389305 (WA)
- Agen Resmi Sudirman Park, terdaftar dari 2008
- WhatsApp: 081318839176
- E-mail: een2sky@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Serpong M Town Tangerang – Full Furnished Mulai Rp 800 Jutaan
- Apartment Name: Serpong MTown
- Location: Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Dakota/6/Garden
- Size: 47.18 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished (khusus unit 2 bedroom)
- Unfurnished (unit studio, 1 bedroom & 3 bedroom)
- Facility:
- Main Pavilion for reception
- Kolam renang dewasa
- Kolam renang anak
- Yoga Platform
- Outdoor fitness
- Jogging track
- Reflexology path
- Taman bermain anak
- Multi purpose room
- Laundry
- Keamanan 24jam dengan CCTV
- Pengelolaan gedung oleh Summerville Property Management
- Additional Info:
- Fasilitas penunjang
- Summarecon Mal Serpong
- Retail Arcade
- Pasar modern sinpasa
- Gading Raya Golf Course
- General Hospital
- TK Pahoa, BPK Penabur, Tunas Bangsa, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- Beragam Kuliner & restaurant
- Hotel
- Perbankan
- Showroom Otomotif
- Commercial district
- Scientia Bussines Park
- Dan lain-lain
Kenapa harus Serpong M-Town?
- Dikembangkan oleh salah satu Developer terbaik di Indonesia dan terpercaya karena komitmennya
- Serah terima tepat waktu
- Standard kualitas bangunan terbaik
- Berada di area jantung Summarecon Serpong
- Fasilitas yang lengkap
- Direct tol access
- Dikelilingi oleh fasilitas penunjang yang lengkap
- Sky Bridge yang menghubungkan penghuni dengan Summarecon Mal Serpong (sudah mulai dibangun)
- Harga sewa dengan range 5%* dari harga jual
- Nilai investasi yang terus meningkat
Kunjungi Marketing Gallery Serpong M-Town di Summarecon Mal Serpong lantai 3 dekat IMAX (Cinema XXI), kami ada disana dan siap memberikan informasi dan paket-paket promosi terkini sambil melihat show unit (mock-up) kami (By Appointment).
*Gambar pada iklan adalah show unit, unit yang dipasarkan adalah unit primary.
- Fasilitas penunjang
- Selling Price: Cara Bayar Serpong MTown Residence :
- Tunai
- Tunai 1Bulan (Discount tambahan)
- Bertahap 36x Flat tanpa DP & tanpa Bunga dengan harga Tunai (khusus type 2Bedroom)
- Bertahap 45x Flat tanpa DP & tanpa Bunga dengan harga Tunai (unit Studio, 1Bedroom & 3Bedroom)
Soft Payment khusus periode Work From Home
- Bulan ke 1-6 hanya membayar 10juta saja setiap bulannya.
Promo Serpong MTown Residence:
Unit Studio Free 1AC Daikin
- Unit 1Bedroom Free 1 AC Daikin
- Unit 2Bedroom Free 2AC Daikin & Full Furnished
- Unit 3Bedroom Free 3AC Daikin
Harga Serpong MTown Residence:
- Studio luas 23m2 start 500jutaan
- 1 Bedroom luas 34m2 start 700jutaan
- 2 Bedroom luas 45m2 start 800jutaan
- 3 Bedroom luas 54m2 start 900jutaan
- Harga update tanggal 7 Januari 2020
- Cara Bayar Serpong MTown Signature:
1. Tunai- Tunai 1 bulan (Discount tambahan)
- Bertahap 36x Flat tanpa DP & tanpa Bunga dengan harga Tunai
2. KPR
3. Soft Payment khusus periode Work From Home
Bulan ke 1-6 hanya membayar 25juta setiap bulannya -
Promo Serpong MTown Signature:
Unit 1Bedroom Free 2unit AC Daikin & semi furnished
Unit 2Bedroom Free 3unit AC Daikin & semi furnished
Unit 3Bedroom Free 4unit AC Daikin & full furnished
- Harga Serpong MTown Signature:
- Harga Serpong MTown Signature:
- 1 Bedroom luas 41m2 start 1M
- 2 Bedroom luas 71m2 start 1.8M
- 3 Bedroom luas 91m2 start 2.3M
- Harga update tanggal 7 Januari 2020
- Contact: Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi: Probo Setiawan – Marketing Inhouse Summarecon Serpong (Bukan Agent) 081808500880 (whatsapp)
- E-mail: oboaja@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen St Moritz Puri Indah Jakarta Barat – 2 / 3 Bedroom Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: The St. Moritz Penthouse and Residence
- Location: Puri Indah – Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Royal – New Royal – Ambassador – New Ambassador / 5 – 26 – 32
- Size: 82, 84, 90, 96, 120, 168 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished, bagus dan lengkap. Connect to Mall.
- Facility:
- Swimming pool, gym centre
- Private lift
- Shopping mall, office tower, school by Pelita Harapan
- clubhouse
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen St. Moritz terletak di kawasan Puri Indah, Kembangan Jakarta Barat.
- Sangat nyaman untuk tinggal karena connect langsung dengan Lippo Mall Puri
- Bebas banjir, Aman
- Mudah ke mana-mana karena dekat tol dan bandara
- Terima titip sewa / jual properti – Terjamin.
- Selling Price: Rp
- Rental Price: Rp 110.000.000
- Contact: 08170199278 – Leonard
- E-mail: leon_sya@yahoo.co.id
Jual / Sewa Murah Apartemen Pakubuwono View di Jakarta Selatan – 2 BR / 3 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pakubuwono View
- Location: Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 12, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Higher and lower floor
- Size: 153 dan 196 m2
- Bedroom: 2 BR & 3 BR
- Bathroom: 1 & 2
- Condition: Semi furnished and full furnished
- Facility:
- Wellness: swimming pool, indoor heated pool, tennis court, basketball court, squash court, badminton court, table tennis, jogging track, aerobic & pilates, gym, steam, sauna, spa, salon, jacuzzi, clinic
- Entertainment: function room, child care, children playground, BBQ area, picnic area, garden, library, restaurant
- Daily Needs: laundry, ATM, mini mart, mailbox
- Security: 24-hour security, 24-hour CCTV, access card, private lift, parking slot
- Additional Info:
- We have some others unit 2 BR or 3 BR in Pakubuwono View for sale, For more info please call me
- If you have unit in Pakubuwono View that you want to sell/ rent it, we can help you .
- Ready stock All Unit The Pakubuwono Residence, House, Signature, Spring, menteng
- Selling Price:
- 2 BR : Rp –
- 3 BR : Rp 7.500.000.000 –
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR = $ 2,200 – $ 2,500/month
- 3 BR = $ 2,800 – $ 3,100/month
- The price is negotiable
- Contact: Mayko (Abie Property) – 0895 16666 148 (WA) / 0812 8794 3575
- E-mail: mayko@abieproperty.com
Sewa dan Jual Apartemen South Hills di Jakarta Selatan – 2 / 3 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: South Hills
- Location: Jl. Denpasar Raya Kav. 5-7, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: High floor / city
- Size: 87 & 120 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- kitchen set
- wardrobe
- bed
- tv
- refrigrator
- sofa
- washing machine
- and many more.
- Facility: Facility:
- Grand Lobby
- Function Hall
- Library
- Business Centre
- Gym & Fitness Centre
- Movie Room
- Swimming Pool
- Children’s Pool
- Tennis Court
- Jogging Track
- Outdoor Playground
- Children’s Playground
- Male & Female Wellness Centre
- Cabanas & Gazebo
- Barbeque Area
- Additional Info:
- South Hills is a new residential tower, strategically located on Jalan Strategic Denpasar, South Hills is just a stone’s throw from the heart of Jakarta.
- Mega Kuningan Business District, Kuningan City, Ambassador Mall, Setiabudi One, Kota Kasablanka and Rasuna Epicentrum are several retail and dining options within a few blocks of South Hills.
- The developer has 30 years of experience developing properties (premium class) such as Pacific Place, Ritz Carlton Sudirman Hotel, Mega Carlton Ritz Kuningan Hotel, Airlangga Apartment, JW Marriott Hotel, Sailendra Apartment, Menara Modal, Sudirman Tower, Sudirman Residence, Sudirman Residence, Botanica, Centennial Centennial Tower, Pusat Sahid Sudirman, etc.
- Selling Price: ask for price
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR : $1.700/ month
- 3 BR : $2.700/ month
- Contact: Call / whatsapp: 087881936719
- E-mail: firyal.adibah@spacestock.com
Sewa Apartemen Kalibata City & Green Palace Jakarta Selatan – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City Apartemen & Green Palace Apartemen
- Location: TMP Kalibata Raya street No. 1, Pancoran – South Jakarta.
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 18 m2 / 33 m2 / 35,5 m2 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Nice & Comfort, Furnished: A/C unit, Modern kitchen set with cookerhood + stove, refrigerator, sofa 2 seaters, Mini table bar & Chairs, Dispencer & AQUA Galon, Wardrobes in master room, 2 (Divan & matras + sprei), Gordyn, TV 32″ + Credenza.
– Bathroom: Standard shower. - Facility: 2 Access card, TV cable channels, 24-Hours Security with CCTV & Lift Access, Futsal court & Basket court, Food court – garden view.
* Facility for Green Palace Apartemen: Lobby Receptionis, Mail Box, Swimming Pool, Fitness, Sauna, Jogging track, Basket & Tennis Court.
+ Banks & ATMs center, Super Market, Salon, Coffee Shop & Bakery, Restaurants, Health & Medical Clinic, Cinema, Children Playground, Gazebo. - Additional Info: Strategic Location.
Near access to Halim Airport.
Easy access to Public Transportation (TAXI, TransJakarta Bus, TRAIN / Commuter Line).
Near & Easy Access to Business District in Pancoran, MT Haryono, Gatot Subroto, Mega Kuningan & Sudirman.
Near to International Business School.
Near to Medical Clinic & Hospital, Medicine shop.
Easy access to Mall Square Kalibata City, Culinary & Cafetaria.
Ideal for Business, single occupancy or small family. - Rental Price: including Service Charge / IPL:
(33m2)-2BR, Furnished (Eboni, Damar) =Rp.3.500.000,-/month. - REGENCY :
(33m2)- 2BR, Furnished (Kemuning) =Rp.3.975.000,-/month. - GREEN PALACE:
- ( 18 m2) – Studio, Furnished = Rp.3.995.000,-/month.
- ( 35,5m2 ) – 2 BR, Furnished = Rp.4.500.000,-/month.
- Contact: 0856.971.95816. If the phone does not answer, Please SMS.
- E-mail: christyanto@hotmail.com
Dijual / Disewakan Apartemen Springwood Alam Sutera Tangerang – Studio Tipe B, 26 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Springwood Residence
- Location: Alam Sutera / Gading Serpong, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 8 / City
- Size: 26,25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Hunian apartemen strategis di area Serpong. Terletak di pusat Kota Serpong dekat dengan Alam Sutera & Gading Serpong, dilengkapi dengan:
- Smart TV 32 inch
- Kulkas
- AC
- Water heater
- Kompor elektrik, peralatan makan
- Lemari pakaian
- Bed ukuran queen (160 x 200 cm) bisa untuk 2 orang
- Meja & kursi
- Meja nakas
- Water dispenser (hot/cold)
- Listrik Token
- Lift with private card acces
- 24/7 security CCTV
- Facility:
- Sky Lounge
- BBQ Pavilion
- Infinity Swimming Pool
- Kids Playground
- Gym
- Exclusive Function Room
- Parkir lot
- 24-Hour Security with CCTV
- Additional Info: Lokasi dekat dengan
- 5 menit ke Mall Alam Sutera
- 5 menit ke Pasar Alam Sutera
- 10 menit ke Living World Alam Sutera
- 10 menit ke Binus Universitas Alam Sutera
- 5 menit ke IKEA Alam Sutera
- 5 menit ke Summarecon Mall Serpong
- Berdekatan dengan Exit/Entrance Toll Jakarta – Merak
- Berdekatan dengan Exit/Entrance Toll Alam Sutera
- Berdekatan dengan Giant Alam Sutera
Keistimewaan Springwood Residence:
- Lokasi sangat strategis dekat dengan Alam Sutera dan Gading Serpong
- Dekat dengan Toll Serpong dan Kunciran
- Dirancang oleh arsitek internasional
- Apartemen mewah dengan harga terjangkau
- Selling Price: Rp 600.000.000
- Rental Price: Tahunan 30.000.000
Minimal 6 bulan
Harga belum termasuk biaya maintenance, listrik, dan air - Contact: Untuk survey dan detail hubungi
0819 0889 4936 (WA)
0817 9853 395 - WhatsApp: 081908894936
- E-mail: Lukman_wiraatmadja@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Kemang Village Tower Empire – Type 2 Bedroom Full Furnished Siap Huni
- Apartment Name: Kemang Village Residence
- Location: Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36P, Bangka, Kec. Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, 12150
- Tower/Floor/View: Empire / Middle Floor
- Size: 73 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Keamanan 24 jam, dan CCTV, Lobby Pribadi dan nyaman, lift pribadi dan balkon pribadi yang tersedia, kartu akses ke unit dan fasilitas, video call keamanan. Kolam renang, pusat kebugaran dan Yoga Corner, lapangan tenis, lapangan basket, Jogging track dikelilingi oleh taman tropis dan ruang aerobik. Mall terhubung ke Avenue of the star, Bioskop XXI di Lippo mall kemang. Restoran Indonesia, Italia, Jepang, dan lain – lain.
- Additional Info:
- Berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan, letaknya sangat strategis yang bisa diakses dari berbagai arah.
- Kemang disebut sebagai Bali kedua di Jakarta, dikelilingi oleh tempat-tempat yang sangat menghibur seperti Bar, Cafe’s, Restaurants, dll.
- Hanya 15 menit berkendara ke International School. 10 menit ke Rumah Sakit Internasional, dan 30 menit ke Kedutaan Besar Negeri.
Other info :
- Nice Interior & Furniture
- Very Suitable for Single, Couple, Small Family
- Best Price
- Selling Price: IDR. 2,200,000,000 (Negotiable)
- Contact: Herry : 0812-8055-1306 (WA/Telf)
- WhatsApp: 081280551306
- E-mail: Hery.yahya@savajakarta.com
Dijual Apartemen Pakubuwono House Jakarta Selatan – 2 BR & 2+1 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pakubuwono House
- Location: Jalan Pakubuwono VI No. 70, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Rosewood
- Size: 141/ 147 / 175 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 2+1
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished and Fully Furnished
- Facility: Swimming pool outdoor, swimming pool indoor, sauna, spa pool, sky gym, sky lounge, cafe, resto, library, jogging track, badminton, spa, salon, squash, tennis court, business lounge, indoor playground, outdoor playground, clinic, minimart, meeting room, guest room
- Additional Info:
- One of the best apartment in Jakarta consist only one tower, 385 sqm, with world class security system and procedures, Double private lift, 3 dedicated parking slot, 24-hour consierge desk, rare unit, double glass window, grade A+ interior
- Ready stock All Unit The Pakubuwono Residence, View, House, Signature, Spring
- Selling Price:
- 2 BR (size 141 m2): Rp, nego
- 2+1 BR (size 175 m2): Rp 5.800.000.000, nego
- Negotiable
- Contact: 081389086262, 081519171544
- WhatsApp: 081389086262
- E-mail: heni.jethro@gmail.com
Dijual / Disewakan Apartemen Botanica Jakarta Selatan – 2 / 2+1 / 3 / 3+1 BR Fully Furnished and Semi-Furnished – Best Price
- Apartment Name: Botanica
- Location: Jalan Teuku Nyak Arif, Simprug, Kebayoran Lama – Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/ 2/ 3 – Pool & City
- Size: 157 / 195 / 225 / 288 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 2+1 / 3 / 3+1
- Bathroom: 2/3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished / semi furnished
- Facility: Concierge / full-time security, private elevator, two parking lot, outdoor and semi indoor swimming pool, children swimming pool, gymnasium, clubhouse, meeting room, movie theater room, restaurant, children playroom, children playground, jacuzzi, sauna, ATM, barbecue area, mini market, drug store, Tennis, badminton and squash court, jogging track, etc.
- Additional Info:
- Good and strategic location (Simprug) Kebayoran lama. Near to Permata Hijau, Sudirman, Senayan, Semanggi, Gandaria, Pakubuwono, Pondok Indah, Tanah Abang, BSD, Botanica Garden is a comfortable and safe residence, in South Jakarta.
- A perfect blend of the untouchable beauty of nature, opulence and comfort epitomizes
- Botanica as a residence unlike any other this country has ever seen.
- Selling Price:
- 2 BR (157 m2): Rp 5.800.000.000
- 2+1 BR (195 m2): Rp 7.500.000.000
- 3 BR (225 m2): Rp 8.600.000.000
- 3+1 BR (288 m2): Rp 10.800.000.000
- Semua Adalah Best Price
- Rental Price: Please call us for the detail.
- Contact: Robert – 0812 8879 8479 (Call / WA)
- WhatsApp: 081288798479
- E-mail: robert.jethro22@gmail.com