- Apartment Name: Osaka Riverview PIK2
- Location: Jl. Raya Boulevard Osaka PIK 2, Salembaran, Kec. Kosambi, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15214
- Tower/Floor/View: B/6/City+Garden
- Size: 14.2 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: – Unit Baru (Baru Serah Terima)
– Fully Furnished (Tinggal bawa koper) tersedia:- Kitchen Set, Lemari Kaca , Tempat Rias & Cabinet TV + Kursi (all new)
- Kasur 1 set KINGKOIL + Guling Memoryfoam
- TV baru (SAMSUNG) + disediakan USB Connector
- Gantungan Handuk di atas pintu balkon + Tirai IKEA di Jendela
- Included: Hairdryer, Oven, Rak Piring, Piring + Cutlery, Karpet Lantai 2pcs, Mop, Sapu & Alat Kebersihan Lengkap s/d WC, Pengharum, Disinfectan Spray, Gantungan Baju, dll
(Full Furnished Paket Lengkap & Termurah)
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- GYM Area
- Lapangan Tenis
- Lapangan Basket
- Lapangan Futsal
(Fasilitas diatas Free Akses)
- Fasilitas lainnya:
- Restoran Jepang
- Indomaret
- etc
- Additional Info: Keuntungan Menyewa Disini:
- Lantai 6 tidak terlalu tinggi dan rendah
- Lokasi kamar tidak jauh dari lift sehingga tidak perlu berjalan jauh
- View City atau taman
- Matahari tidak menyorot ke kamar langsung jadi tidak panas dan kamar tetap adam dan sejuk
- Akses ke lobby, fasilitas, dan parkiran dekat karena berada di antara itu.
- Dekat dengan halte bus osaka dan tersedia Free shuttle sehingga dekat jika ingin ke Tokyo, Gold Coast PIK 1 , Golf Island , maupun PIK 2
- Rental Price: Rp 18.000.000 / Tahun
- Contact: 087776655052
- WhatsApp: 087776655052
- E-mail: cannahybrida96@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Jakarta Utara – Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo River Side PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Tokyo / Lantai 7 / Hadap Pool
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished, 1 AC
- Facility:
- Swimming pool setiap tower
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
- Posisi Central di PIK 2
- Rental Price: Rp 10 Juta
- Contact: +62 812-8863-1631
- WhatsApp: 6281288631631
Dijual Murah Apartemen Osaka Riverside PIK 2 – 2 BR Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Osaka Riverside
- Location: Pik 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A Lantai 10 View Taman
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Dijual cepat dan murah Apartemen Osaka Riverside
- AC 1 unit
- Ranjang 1 unit ukuran quen
- Ranjang 1 unit ukuran sigle
- Kitchen
- Listrik 2200 watt
- View taman
- Ready huni
- Facility:
- Gym
- Kolam Renang
- Free Parking
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000
Nego sampai deal - Contact: 082122863288 / Imey Bong
- WhatsApp: 082122863288
- E-mail: imeybong.agen@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – 2BR Unfurnished, Brand New
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Brand New
- Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Minimart
- Hawker Food Market
- ATM Center
- Parkir
- Security & CCTV 24 Hours
- Shuttle Bus
- Additional Info: Call for more info
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 18.000.000,-/year
- Not including maintenance, utilities, parking, internet, etc
- Contact: Novita – 081319718989
- WhatsApp: 081319718989
- E-mail: novita.properti@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Studio – Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside Pik 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara / 26 / City
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
Sudah pasang gordyn - Facility: Fasiilitas Apartemen:
- Pool bar
- Riverfront cafe
- Tennis court (grass/clay court)
- Spa
- BBQ area
- Food court
- Retail mini market
- Day care
- Library
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Tokyo Riverside adalah salah satu kompleks hunian yang ada di dalam kota mandiri PIK 2. Apartemen PIK 2 ini dapat diakses dengan mudah dari berbagai sudut Kota Jakarta.
- Dari lokasi PIK 2, penghuni bisa dengan mudah berpergian ke banyak fasilitas publik dan berbagai kawasan di ibu kota. Kurang lebih 30 menit saja ke Semanggi, Sudirman, Senayan, dan Pondok Indah. Berikut estimasi waktu tempuh dari PIK 2 menuju fasilitas dan kawasan lain:
- Fresh market PIK (3 menit)
- Bandara Soekarno Hatta (15 menit)
- Central Park (20 menit)
- Kemayoran (20 menit)
- Kelapa Gading (30 menit)
- Tanah Abang (25 menit)
- Plaza Indonesia (25 menit)
- Serpong (30 menit)
- Rental Price: Harga sewa: Rp 13.000.000 per tahun (masih bisa nego)
- Contact: Info lebih lanjut: Laura.W (087880738637)
- WhatsApp: 087880738637
- E-mail: laurawinataa2802@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo River Side PIK 2 – Tipe Studio – 2BR Connecting – UnFurnish dan Furnish Brand New
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jl. Marina Indah Raya No. 1, Pantai Indah Kapuk
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibahara, Beppu, Chikusei
- Size: 21/36/38/40 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kosongan sudah ada AC
- Full Furnish 2br, tersedia juga waterheater
- Interior Baru
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club’House
- Japanese garden, Sunken garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and out door gym
- Reflexology Path 7
- Basketball court
- Food Court
- Community plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Thai chi, Yoga lawan, Koi Fish Pond, BbQ, pitAreal
- Sun deck lounge &Party deck
- Supermarket
- Klinik, Day Care
- Star Bucks
- Disediakan Shuttle bus Gratis
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis di PIK memiliki interchange PIK (akses langsung jalan tol )
- Dekat dengan Sekolah no 1 di Indonesia St Jhon Berchmans
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- Dekat dengan Universitas Binus
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil Hits La Rivera PIK 2
- Posisi Central Pik 2
- Dekat dengan Rumah Ruko sakit TzuChi dan PIK
- Apartemen dekat dengan tempat wisata di PIK 2
- Pantjoran kuliner bernuansa Tionghoa yang terletak di dekat pantai pasir putih
- Urban Farm PIK
- Lariviera berlatar bangunan berkonsep arsitektur Eropa
- Selling Price: Dijual Cepat 2br luas 36m2 , jual Rugi 470jt sudah termasuk biaya biaya
View laut dan taman ,kosongan
Lantai middle - Rental Price:
- Disewakan Studio semi Furnish 17 juta / tahun IPL 338 ribu / bulan
- Disewakan Studio Full Furnish 25 juta / tahun
- Disewakan 2br Full Furnish interior Lux. Berikut water heater 30-35 juta / tahun tinggal bawa koper, IPL 546 ribu / bulan
- Disewakan Studio kosongan +AC 12 juta
- Disewakan 2Br /36m2 dan 40 M2 kosongan 18 juta – 20 juta / tahun
- Disewakan Conecting 32 juta / tahun
- Terima Titip Jual dan Sewa
- Contact:
- 089650693556 Rita
- 085890500889 Ivan
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@yahoo.com
Disewakan Unit Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Tipe 2 BR Semi Furnish Baru Harga Menarik
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: view laut
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unit bersih, rapih dan bersih
Semi furnish baru - Facility:
- Swiming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese Garden Theme Park
- Floral Garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Sunken Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path 7
- Basket Ball court
- Food Court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi , Yoga lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun dect lounge &Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis di PIK, memiliki interchange PIK (akses langsung jalan Tol).
- Konsep Water Front City terlengkap di pantai Jakarta, fasilitas super lengkap dan ekslusif.
- Memiliki Water Treatment Plant, sehingga air keran sudah dapat langsung diminum seperti di negara Luar.
- Dekat dengan Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mal, Fresh Market, Water Boom, area bisnis dan kuliner.
- Dekat dengan 1000 Chineese food restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market terbesar di Pik
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Khatolik no 1di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan kavling komersil
- Posisi Central PIK 2
- Rental Price: Rp. 18.000.000 / Tahun (Nego)
- Contact: Hub: Cien-Cien 0878 7692 3588
SBC REALTY - WhatsApp: 087876923588
- E-mail: sbcrealtyc18@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartment Studio & 1 BR Gold Coast Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) – Bisa untuk 3 Orang
- Apartment Name: Gold Coast Apartment Pantai Indah Kapuk
- Location: Jl. Pantai Indah Utara 1, RT. 8 / RW. 1, Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14470
- Tower/Floor/View: Atlantic Tower, Sea View
- Size: 28m2 & 51m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Washing machine (Mesin Cuci)
- Stove + Cooker Hood (Kompor & Penyedot Udara)
- Refrigirator (Kulkas)
- AC
- TV
- Wifi
- Facility:
- Indoor, Outdoor Swimming Pool (Kolam renang)
- Indoor Gym and Fitness (Tempat Olahraga)
- Yoga Room (Ruangan Yoga)
- Sauna
- Children Playground (Tempat bermain anak)
- Basketball Court (Lapangan Basket)
- Tree House
- Convenience Store (Family Mart & Indomaret)
- Additional Info:
- 5 min from Airport International Soekarno Hatta
- 5 min walk to Pasar Fresh Market dan Mall PIK Avenue
- 5 min walk to bus-stop Transjakarta
- Lots of cafe dan restaurant around the Apartment
- Suitable for holiday, flight transit, business trip and staycation
- 24/7 Lobby, Security dan CCTV camera
- Card-scan lift, audio & visual phone
- A fully-furnished and comfortable studio apartment located at Gold Coast Apartment, Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), one of the most prestigious district in Jakarta. 15-minutes ride from Soekarno-Hatta airport. Walking-distance to mall and traditional market. 5 minutes ride to Waterbom Jakarta. 5 minutes walk to TransJakarta bus-stop. Surrounded with famous cafes and restaurants that serves variety of local and worldwide cuisines. Suitable for holiday, flight transit, business trip, and staycation.
Reassure yourself with 24/7 Lobby, Security, CCTV cameras as well as card-scan lift and audio & visual phone.
- Rental Price:
- Sewa per bulan Studio: Rp 9.000.000* (monthly)
- Sewa per bulan 1 BR: Rp 12.000.000* (monthly)
- Contact: +62 8176659888
- WhatsApp: 628176659888
- E-mail: jess2000@ymail.com
Loss Sell / Jual Rugi – Apartement Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Jakarta Utara – 2 BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Edogawa / Lt 32-09 / Playground, open space parking lot
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New, Unfurnished
- Facility: Playground, Foodcourt, Market, Club House
- Additional Info: Free IPL / Maintenance until March 2023
- Rental Price: 12 Mil IDR / year
- Contact: 0821 7497 7337 – Jetvin
- WhatsApp: 082174977337
- E-mail: jetvin13@gmail.com
Dijual Apartment Gold Coast Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR, 4BR Unfurnished – Full Furnished PIK Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Gold Coast
- Location: PIK
- Tower/Floor/View: Atlantic, Bahama, Carribean, Honolulu
- Size: 29m2, 51m2, 90m2, 106m2, 113m2, 142m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 1-2
- Condition:
- Semi furnished / standard developer (kitchen set, refrigrator, wash machine, AC)
- Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Indoor & Outdoor Swimming Pool
- Gym
- BBQ Area
- Kids’ Playroom
- Function Room
- Library
- Lounge
- Additional Info:
- The location is very strategic at PIK, has a PIK interchange (direct toll road access).
- The most complete Water Front City concept on the coast of Jakarta, super complete and exclusive facilities.
- Has a Water Treatment Plant, so tap water can be drunk directly like in foreign countries.
- Close to Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mall, Fresh Market, Water Boom, business and culinary areas.
- Outdoor & Indoor Swimming Pool, Aquatic Gym, Children Playground, Tree House, Party Deck, Function Hall, Jogging Track, Reflexology Track, Barbecue Area, Sun deck, TV Cable, etc.
- Equipped with 24/7 security with CCTV camera, audio & visual phone, finger scan lift.
- Selling Price:
- Tower Atlantic, Bahama, Carribean
- Studio (28m2) = Start Rp 40.000.000/tahun
- 1 BR (51m2) = Start Rp 60.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR (90m2) = Start Rp 80.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR (113m2) = Start Rp 120.000.000/tahun
- Terrace 4BR (142m2) = Start Rp 225.000.000/tahun
- Tower Honolulu
- 1 BR start 40.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR start 65.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR start 85.000.000/tahun
- Unfurnished-Fully Furnished : PM for Price & Photo
- Tower Atlantic, Bahama, Carribean
- Rental Price:
- Tower Atlantic, Bahama, Carribean:
- Studio start : Rp 800.000.000
- 1 BR start : Rp 1.300.000.000
- 2 BR start : Rp
- 3 BR start : Rp
- Tower Honolulu :
- 1 BR start : Rp 800.000.000
- 2 BR start : Rp 1.650.000.000
- 3 BR start : Rp 2.600.000.000
- Contact: 087759800900
- WhatsApp: 087759800900
- E-mail: homylandproperty@gmail.com
Dijual Over Kredit Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Unit Unfurnished, Belum Handover
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Ginza/09/view taman
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit dijual apartemen tokyo riverside pik 2
- Unit unfurnish, belum handover
- Masih cicilan ke developer
- Tower ginza lt 09 view taman
- Bayar ke pmilik rp 175juta netto
- Sisanya cicil ke developer rp 5,8juta x 36
- Facility:
- Ada tokyo hub, tempat kuliner dan resto terkenal
- Ada supermarket dan minimarket
- Ada pasar modern
- Additional Info:
- Developer terkemuka agung sedayu dan salim grup
- Sedang dibangun sekolah katolik international
- Akan dibangun prasetya mulya
- Market rental akan bagus nanti setelah semua progress selesai dibangun
- Selling Price:
- Bayar ke pemilik Rp 175.000.000 netto.
- Sisa cicil Rp 5,8juta x 36 ke developer
- Contact: 081388988295
- WhatsApp: 081388988295
- E-mail: sharone_pink@yahoo.co.id
Jual Rugi Termurah Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK2, TIPE STUDIO, 2BR, dan CONNECTING
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Location: PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara, Beppu, Chikusei, Dotonbori, Edogawa, Fuji, Ginza, Izikawa
- Size: 21m2, 36m2, 38m2, 40m2, 57m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katolik no 1 di Indonesia St John Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangun Sekolah Pelita Harapan
- Additional Info:
- View :
- Garden
- City
- Pool
- Sea
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp. 250.000.000,-
- 2 BR Rp. 450.000.000,-
- Connecting Rp. 750.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp. 12.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 20.000.000,-
- Contact: Untuk Informasi dan Survei silahkan Hub:
HP: 0877.8711.9587
WA: 0878.847.000.26
Agent Property
MaPro Pantai Indah Kapuk
Menerima TITIP JUAL, BELI, SEWA PROPERTY - WhatsApp: 087884700026
- E-mail: Shinta.mapro@gmail.com