- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Jalan Raya Bojong Nangka, Gn. Putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Balsa/21-27/Jalan Utama
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- Belum Pernah dihuni sebelumnya
- Free IPL
- Facility:
- Masjid At Thohir
- Sekolah Karakter (SD, SMP, SMA) – jalan kaki 3 menit
- Parkir luas (Indoor, Outdoor, Basement, lantai atas)
- Bazaar setiap weekend
- Kedai kopi estetik
- Security 24 Jam
- Shuttle Bus ke Sudirman, Kuningan, Blok M, Harmoni – Halte depan tower
- Shuttle Facility to LRT Harjamukti
- Ruko komersial (Indomart, Alfamart, kios sayur, laundry) – jalan kaki 2 menit
- 5 menit ke Gerbang Tol Cimanggis
- Additional Info:
- Unit berada di hook/corner (lebih luas), jendela di setiap kamar
- Unit menghadap ke jalan utama (wide city view)
- Unit baru renovasi
- 2 Kamar tidur (2 Bedrooms)
- 1 Kamar mandi (1 Bathroom)
- Balkon (Balcony)
- Access Card
- 3 unit AC (Air Conditioner) di setiap ruangan
- Jendela + Gordyn di setiap ruangan (Windows and Curtains)
- Smart TV 43inch
- Kulkas 1 Pintu (Refrigerator)
- Dispenser air (Water Dispenser)
- Full Kitchen Set
- Kompor Tanam dan Cooker Hood (Stove and Cooker Hood)
- Meja Makan
- Sofa
- Springbed Set
- Lemari Pakaian (Wardrobe)
- Meja Belajar/Meja Kerja (Desk)
- Rental Price:
- 3 Bulan : Rp 10.200.000 (Include IPL)
- 6 Bulan : Rp 20.200.000 (Include IPL)
- 1 Tahun : Rp 40.000.000 (Include IPL)
- Security Deposit Rp 3.000.000 (akan dikembalikan saat kontrak selesai)
- Contact: Whatsapp only (fast respon) : 087788861992
- WhatsApp: 087788861992
Jual Apartemen Murah di PGV Podomoro Golf View Cimanggis Bogor – 2 BR Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View / PGV
- Location: Jalan Raya, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16963
- Tower/Floor/View: Balsa / 5 / 08
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Baru dan Full furnish
- Facility: Lengkap, akses card, dll
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 466.000.000
- Contact: Rozikin 08118502343
- WhatsApp: 08118502343
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Cimanggis Depok – Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Cimanggis, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Balsa / Lt. 15 no. 21
- Size: – m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Please call
- Additional Info: Please call
- Rental Price: Rp 15.000.000/year
- Contact: Ibu Jenny (Hp) 087870333991
- WhatsApp: 087870333991
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Cimanggis Depok – 2BR, Bersih, Nyaman & Tenang
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Cimanggis Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Balsa / 8
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Gress masih baru
- 2 unit AC
- Access card
- Kitchen set
- Spring bed
- Lemari pakaian
- Meja rias
- Facility:
- Free parking
- Akses dekat dengan pintu tol
- Masjid At-Thohir
- Dekat dgn Coffe Shop (Right coffe)
- Dekat dgn Golf Emeralda
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Strategis di tengah2 untuk ke Jakarta maupun Bogor
- Parkir luas
- Basement
- Security 24Hours
- Mini market
- Mailbox
- Laundry, etc
- Rental Price:
- Min. Sewa 6 bulan
- 6 Bulan Rp 21 juta
- 1 Tahun Rp 40 juta
- Contact: 0818874584
- WhatsApp: 0818874584
- E-mail: handitya_sani@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartment Podomoro Golf View (PGV) – 2 Bedroom Full Furnished – Lantai Rendah
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Exit Cimanggis tol Jagorawi
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / lantai rendah / view parkiran (arah timur tenggara)
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Full AC, water heater.
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Minimum sewa 6 bulan: Rp 22 juta
- Sewa 12 bulan: Rp 39 juta
- Contact: 0816993717
- WhatsApp: 0816993717
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Cimanggis Tower Dahoma 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Bojong Nangka, Cimanggis
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Cimanggis Tower Dahoma lantai 15.
- Hoek/corner jadi lebih lapang.
- Semua furniture & elektronik msh baru karena baru hand-over.
- 2 Kamar Tidur
- 1 Kamar Mandi
- Balkon
- Access Card
- 2 unit AC
- Gordyn di Kamar Tidur & Ruang Keluarga
- TV LCD + Meja TV
- Kulkas 1 Pintu
- Kitchen + kompor listrik
- Sofa bed (bisa jadi tempat tidur)
- Spring bed + divan di kamar utama
- Lemari pakaian 2 pintu di kamar utama
- Tempat tidur spring bed di kamar anak
- Lemari pakaian di kamar anak
- Teralis di semua jendela, aman utk anak2.
- Hawa sejuk, pinggir sungai & hutan mini.
- Harga Sewa:
- 1 tahun : Rp 32.000.000,- (belum termasuk Maintenance Fee / IPL).
- IPL (maintenance fee) : Rp 421.605 per bulan.
- Hub pemilik langsung.
- Facility:
- Children playground, modern market, dan taman.
- Shuttle bus.
- Jogging track dan lapangan badminton.
- Grocery store
- Security 24 jam
- Additional Info:
- Sedang dilakukan pembangunan stasiun kereta atau Light Rail Transit (LRT) yang terkoneksi dengan MRT di Cimanggis, tepatnya di kawasan Podomoro Golf View. Hanya 20 menit untuk mencapai Jakarta.
- Dikelilingi oleh area hijau, 3 lapangan golf dan sungai Cikeas.
- Bersebelahan dengan 20 ha, rencana pengembangan sarana pendidikan Kolese Kanisius.
- memiliki akses tol langsung (gerbang tol Cimanggis).
- Dekat dengan Universitas Indonesia dan universitas ternama lainnya.
- Dikelilingi oleh pusat perbelanjaan dan area komersial.
- Rental Price:
- 1 tahun : Rp 32.000.000,- (belum termasuk Maintenance Fee / IPL).
- IPL (maintenance fee) : Rp 421.605 per bulan.
- Contact: Hub pemilik langsung di: 0878 8086 0251
- WhatsApp: 087880860251
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Depok – Studio Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma/8/92
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Baik & Baru
- Semi furnished
- Ac Daikin 1 pk / Kasur uk 160 / Lemari baju 2 pintu / Sink
- Facility:
- 500m dari pintu keluar tol Cimanggis
- LRT ada dan segera beroperasi
- Masjid terdekat
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp. 285.000.000
PPJB - Rental Price:
- Rp. 10.000.000/6 bulan
- Rp. 18.000.000/12 bulan
- Deposit 1.5 juta akan dikembalikan setelah masa sewa selesai dan tanpa perbaikan
- Contact: 08118110658
- WhatsApp: 08118110658
- E-mail: yuli4kusumawati@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV Cimanggis) – 1 BR Fully Furnished 35 m2
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV Cimanggis)
- Location: Exit toll Cimanggis km. 19 Jagorawi
- Tower/Floor/View: Balsa
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen millennials yang cocok untuk lajang atau pasangan yang baru menikah.
- Fully furnished – modern furniture
- Siap huni
- 1 kamar tidur utama
- Ruang TV – ruang keluarga
- Ruang Makan
- Dapur bersih
- Kamar mandi
- Facility:
1. Sangat dekat dengan pintu toll Cimanggis2. Dapur bersih yg modern (kompor gas, cooker hood, microwave, magic com, kulkas, water dispenser)
3. Kamar mandi modern (washtafel, water heater)4. Kamar tidur modern dilengkapi lemari pakaian besar5. Ruang makan yg modern6. Lemari penyimpanan barang & perlengkapan rumah yg besar7. Air Conditioner8. Dikelola oleh Podomoro - Additional Info: Unit apartemen masih baru & kondisi sangat bagus
- Rental Price:
- Harga sewa Rp 5,000,000 per bulan
- Minimum sewa 6 (enam) bulan
- Contact: Ganie 08121238200
- WhatsApp: 08121238200
- E-mail: abdulgani1976@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Depok – 1BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Blok Kampung Palinggi, Jl. Desa Leuwi Nanggung Blok Kampung Palinggi No.7, Leuwinanggung, Tapos, Depok City, West Java 16456, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordolia / Lantai 6
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen
Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen - Facility: Apartemen Podomoro Golf View menawarkan fasilitas cukup lengkap, seperti amphitheatre, jogging track, area bermain anak, gym, infinity swimming pool, sauna/jacuzzi, bbq area, dan sky garden.
Podomoro Golf View Apartment offers quite complete facilities, such as an amphitheater, jogging track, children’s play area, gym, infinity swimming pool, sauna / jacuzzi, bbq area, and sky garden. - Additional Info:
- Apartemen ini merupakan bentuk partisipasi Agung Podomoro Group terhadap program Rusunami pemerintah.
- Lokasi apartemen ini cukup strategis karena dekat dengan exit Toll Cimanggis, dan hanya berjarak 1,5 km dari Cinere – Jagorawi. Sementara aksesibilitas kendaraan umum juga cukup mudah, karena tersediannya shuttle bus.
— - This apartment is a form of Agung Podomoro Group’s participation in the government’s Rusunami program.
- The location of this apartment is quite strategic because it is close to the Cimanggis toll exit, and only 1.5 km from Cinere – Jagorawi. Meanwhile, the accessibility of public transportation is also quite easy, due to the availability of a shuttle bus.
- Rental Price: Price IDR 25,000,000 / Year (Nego)
- Contact: Teuku Husain ali – 087784363687
- WhatsApp: 087784363687
Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (Dahoma) 2 BEDROOM View Bogor BRAND NEW UNIT – Dijual / Disewakan
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma Lantai 8
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: AC, Access Card, Parking
- Additional Info:
- Best View From Our Place, Lantai Bagus dan Hokkie
- Podomoro Golf View Apartment is located at the heart of Cimanggis prestigious area. This strategic location, brings you to a new urban elegance and upscale comfort living since it surrounded by many business districts, refreshment places, and city’s best attractions.
- Furthermore, Public transportation becomes extremely easy for us to reach due to the fact that it is surrounded by JR Connection Bus (just right in front of your apartment passed by JR Connection Bus PGV – Blok M; PGV – Semanggi; PGV – Podomoro City Grogol) and Future Light Rapid Transit LRT (just right beside your home) that will help you to travel easier, cheaper and more efficient which, in turn, may help you to save your money by using public transportation which just located in front and beside of your home, so enjoy.
- However, using your own car/ motorcycle can also be incredibly easy since it is near to Cimanggis toll gate, and located near Cinere Jagorawi and between Jakarta and Bogor.
- In addition, Podomoro Golf View Apartment offers quite complete facilities, such as jogging track and children’s play area.
- You will get the best view from our unit, since the unit is located on the 8th floor with Bogor View.
- Only last 1 unit available on the 8th Floor which available for rent from us, and it is Brand New Unit From Developer. I firmly believe you and your family will like to stay at the Apartment.
- Selling Price: Rp 320.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 19.500.000
- Contact: +62 878 7802 8723 (David)
- WhatsApp: 6287878028723
Disewakan – Apartemen Podomoro Golf View Bogor – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)?
- Location: Cimanggis, Gunung Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, 100 m of Exit Cimanggis Toll- Gate, Jagorawi Toll Road Km.19
- Tower/Floor/View: Cordia / 28th Floor / East – Jagorawi Toll Road View
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished.
- 1 Ea Bed – King Size (160 Cm x 200 Cm)
- 2 Pairs of pillows and boisters
- 1 Ea Blanket
- 1 Ea BedSide Table
- 1 Ea BedSide Lamp
- 1 Ea Wardrobes
- 1 Ea AC Panasonic 1 PK
- 1 Ea Dining Table (Small Size)
- 2 Ea Dining Chairs
- 1 Ea TV LED Merk Samsung 42 Inches
- 1 Ea Kulkas / Refrigerator 1 Pintu/Door
- 1 Ea Kitchen- Set
- 1 Set Stove + Cooker Hood Modenna + 1 Bottle LPG
- 1 Set Curtain
- 1 Set Backdrop TV
- 1 Ea Lounge Chairs
- 1 Ea Standing Lamp
- 1 Ea Access Card
- Facility:
- Indoor-Car Parking Lot
- Basement
- Jogging Track
- Security 24 Hours
- Mosque
- Premium Outlet (AlfaMart, Indomaret, Minimarket)
- Recreation Area
- Cafe/Restaurant
- Swimming Pool + Gym (member fee to be paid)
- Additional Info:
- Direct Owner
- Shuttle Bus to Jakarta (Blok- M, Roxy, Kota, Sudirman, Semanggi) and Harjamukti LRT Station Cibubur is available
- Close to Cibubur Central Business District Area (Citra Grand Mall, Cibubur-TransPark Mall, Cibubur Junction Mall, Cibubur Plaza, Melia Hospital, Permata Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Swiss Bell Cibubur Hotel Ciputra, etc.)
- Surrounded by Golf Courses (Emeralda Golf, Riverside Golf, Sentul Golf)
- Beside Jagorawi Toll- Road (Exit Jagorawi Toll-Road Gate Km.19)
- Beside Jagorawi Toll- Road Entries- Gate Km.19 directly to Jakarta and Bogor (operated already)
- Close to Cibubur LRT Station (15 minutes trip by shuttle bus)
- LRT Station beside the Apartment Tower (Future)
- University of Gunadarma within the Apartment Complex (Future)
- Rental Price:
- IDR 2,750,000 per Month
- Minimum rental duration = 3 Months
- For 3 Months rental : IDR 8,250,000 (IPL included)
- For 6 Months / 1 year rental : IDR 2,600,000 per Month (Discount IDR 150,000)
- For 6 Months rental : IDR 15,600,000 (IPL included)
- For 12 Months rental : IDR 31,200,000 (IPL included)
- IPL = Environmental Maintenance Fee (Iuran Pengelolaan Lingkungan)
- Above Price excluded :
- Electricity / Water : depend on use and by paid by consumer
- Deposit : IDR 2,750,000 ( if rental is finished, and there is no facilitìes/property damaged, no outstanding of electricity/water bill, then this deposit will be pay back/returned.
- Additional discount will be given for more than 6 Months rental only. First Reservation First Get it.
- Earliest availability : Early November 2024
- Rental price shall be paid in front (before check-in)
- Please contact Owner directly If need more information.
- Contact: +6281317313145
- WhatsApp: 6281317313145
- E-mail: erwinparerasamsung@gmail.com
Jual Harga Gila 2 Kamar Apartemen Podomoro Golf View – Rp 299 Juta NET
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Podomoro Golf View Cimanggis
- Tower/Floor/View: Cordia / 5 / Boulevard
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Akses Tol Langsung
- Masjid Agung yang Mewah
- Sekolah
- Infrastruktur Terbaik
- Area Komersial
- Lobby Mewah
- Additional Info:
- Jual Harga Gila 2 Kamar Apartemen Pgv
- No Nego Lagi, Udah Termurah Se Indonesia
- Kalo Mau Nego Cari Iklan Lain Aja
- Beli Pasti Untung Banget Banget Banget
- Dijamin
- Selling Price: Rp. 299.000.000,-
- Contact: 081803892222
- WhatsApp: 081803892222
- E-mail: jagatsentosagrup@gmail.com