- Apartment Name: Parkview
- Location: Jln Margonda Raya, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Dua / 21 / Margocity
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New unit, fully furnished. Air Conditioner, water heater, HD TV, refrigerator, stove and kitchen set.
- Facility: Swimming pool, gym, laundry, access card, parking area, direct elevator from ground floor to Apartment (without going through the Mall)
- Additional Info: Studio + 1 bathroom. Located in the corner, 2 best view (Margo City and UI lake)
- Selling Price: Please call
- Contact: Siti 085973667555
- WhatsApp: 085973667555
- E-mail: siti.zaituniah@gmail.com
parkview depok
Dijual Apartemen Parkview Depok Town Square – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Parkview Depok Town Square
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya – Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/08/city
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished, TV 32 inch, AC, refrigerator, electric stove, water heater, microwave
- Facility: Swimming pool, jogging track, direct lift to Depok Town Square, direct bridge to FKUi / RS FKUI
- Additional Info: Located at the central of Margonda Raya street
- Selling Price: Rp 580.000.000 (negotiable)
- Contact: 087778570587
- WhatsApp: 087778570587
- E-mail: nanyhdy@yahoo.com
Dijual Cepat: Studio Fully Luxury Furnished – Apartment Park View Condominium (Margonda Depok)
- Apartment Name: Park View Condominium
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya no.1, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 21 / Margo CIty
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1 (Studio)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Level 21st – High Level Floor View Margo City / Pool - Legal document:
– Certificate completed – AJB (SHM) Fully legal ownership
– All taxes PBB Paid - Furniture:
1. Bed 160 x 200
2. Extra Bed (under bed) 120 x 200
3. Wardrobe – Big Size
4. Long Study Table – accomodate for 2 people
5. Cabinet and Book Shelf
6. Kitchen Set
– Stove Built-in / Kompor Tanam – Modena BH 1325
– CookerHood / Tuding Hisap – Modena PX7001
7. Gordyn + Vitrase – Full Balcony Door and Window - Electronic Equipment:
1. AC 3/4pk – Gree (New)
2. TV “43 Smart Android TV – Xiaomi Mi Bezelless
3. Refrigerator / Kulkas – Large Size 2 Doors 209L nett LG Smart Inverter 10 years warranty
4. Drinking Water Dispenser – Sharp SWD 88EHL
5. Water Heater / Pemanas Air – Ariston Andris 2 AN2 10B 200 Elektrik 10 Liter 200 Watt
6. Wifi Router (Internet Ready) - Passive Income Ready:
Potentially to be rent (Potensial jika disewakan) Rp. 36.5jt before Service Charges /(sebelum IPL) per Year / Tahun – managed by Travelio - Check for Preview of this Unit in 360 camera view / for rent in Travelio.com:
- Facility: All Apartment facilities Ready and Available
Please see: www.parkview-depok.com - Additional Info:
- Selling Price: Rp. 498.000.000 saja, (Nego)
- Contact: DAVID 0818958005 (WhatsAPP Only)
- WhatsApp: 0818958005
Disewakan Unit Apartemen Park View Depok – Studio Full Furnished – Nyaman Seperti Hotel
- Apartment Name: Parkview Depok
- Location: Jalan Margonda Raya No. 1 Kemiri Muka Beji Kota Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 3 / Hadap Timur ke arah Mall Margo City dan Jalan Margonda Raya Depok
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Ruangan di lengkapi dengan AC 1 pk dan gordyn dan memiliki balkon dengan pintu kaca.
- Kamar mandi dengan shower, water heater.
- Kitchen set, spring bad 160 dan sofa bad meja belajar/ rias, kursi belajar, TV LED 40 inc, lemari pakaian 2 pintu, kulkas 2 pintu, kompor mata 2, tabung gas.
- Facility: Security 24 jam
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis menempel universitas Indoneisa dan ada jalur akses dari apartemen ke kampus universitas Indonesia.
Persis di belakang RS UI
Depan Margo city
Samping kampus gunadarma
Apartemen didalam lokasi Mall Depok Town Squer - Rental Price:
- Rp 36.000.000 / tahun
- Rp 20.000.000 / 6 bulan
- Contact: Nia 081310910888
- WhatsApp: 081310910888
- E-mail: Niakalangi@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Murah di Detos / Kampus UI Depok – Park View Margonda 1BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Park View Margonda Depok
- Location: Indonesia
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/23/Margonda
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished dengan kondisi sbb :
- Ruangan dilengkapi dengan AC 3/4 pk
- Gordy dan memiliki balkon dgn pintu kaca geser
- Kamar mandi dgn shower
- Kitchen set, springbed 180 + sofa bed, meja belajar , TV LED 40 Inc, lemari pakaian, kompor mata 2 dan kulkas
- Facility: Security 24 jam
- Additional Info:
- Disewakan / Dijual Murah Apartemen FULL FURNISH Park View di depok town square nyaman dan seperti hotel
- Menghadapi ke Timur ke arah mall margocity dan kolam renang
- Lokasi strategis nempel universitas Indonesia, 5 menit jalan kaki ke Gedung rumpun ilmu kesehatan UI (FKG, FK, Ilmu kesehatan masyarakat) dari Apartemen langsung ada akses tangga penyeberangan dari Apartemen ke UI langsung fasilitas dari Apartemen untuk warga yang tinggal di apartemen parkview
- Rental Price: Harga : Pemilik Langsung, Sewa Per tahun 36 juta (diluar service fee, air, listrik) atau dijual
- Contact: Pemilik Langsung Henny:081310720373
- E-mail: nurimanhenny@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartement Park View Detos UI Depok (Universitas Indonesia) – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Park View Depok Town Square
- Location: Mall Depok Town Square
- Tower/Floor/View: 2/16/City
- Size: Studio
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Full furnished tinggal bawa koper saja, Hypemart dan Laundry tinggal ke bawah saja
- Facility:
- smart TV LED 32″,
- Sofa bed
- Spring Bed,
- AC,
- Lemari Baju,
- Access Card,
- Parking Lot 24hours,
- Alat makan
- Alat dapur
- Alat kebersihan
- Dispenser,
- Kulkas,
- Kompor,
- Gas,
- Galon
- Kitchen set,
- Shower,
- Water Heater,
- Swimming Pool,
- Ruang rapat,
- cozy lobby,
- meja belajar.
- Additional Info:
- 250m dari Stasiun Pondok Cina
- 200m dari Universitas Indonesia
- 100m dari Margo City
- 300m dari Universitas Gunadarma
- 100 m tol cijago Pusat kota depok
- 30 menit RS bunda margonda
- Bioskop cinemax
- Foodcourd
- Hypemart.
- Kue subuh setiap sabtu dan minggu pagi
- Rental Price: Rent Price Parkview Apartement Depok Town Square :
- 1 month Rp 3,6 jt (exclude air, listrik, & service charge)
3 month Rp 10,5 jt (exclude air, listrik, & service charge)
6 mobth Rp 21 jt (exclude air, listrik, & service charge)
1 year Rp 38 jt (exclude air, listrik, & service charge)
- 1 month Rp 3,6 jt (exclude air, listrik, & service charge)
- Contact: 085921466077
- WhatsApp: 085921466077
- E-mail: Fakhmifadhil1@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Park View Detos UI Fak Kedokteran FKUI Full Furnished 30 m2
- Apartment Name: Parkview Detos
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No. 1 Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 2/lantai 5-06
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished terdiri dari Single Bed besar; Lemari Pakaian 2 pintu; AC; Kulkas; Water Dispenser/Aqua Galon; Kompor 2 pit & Tabung Gas; TV LED; Sofa yang bisa jadi ranjang.
- Facility: Kolam renang; Gedung Parkir di P-10 selama 24 Jam; Meeting Room/Cozy Lobby untuk mahasiswa belajar bersama di lt. 1 (study group); Jogging track view kampus UI/RS. UI; Connect to Detos/Hypermart dilantai dasar; Foodcourt Mall dan akses ke kampus UI.
- Additional Info:
- Lewat Stasiun Pondok Cina jalan kaki 10 menit ke Kampus Rumpun Ilmu FK/FKG.
- Harga sewa belum termasuk biaya IPL (Iuran Pengelolaan Lingkungan) yaitu service charge/maintenance, pemakaian listrik bulanan, Air dan biaya parkir mobil.
- Deposito Rp. 3.000.000 (tiga juta rupiah).
- Rental Price:
- Untuk 1 Tahun: Rp. 36.000.000
- Khusus Mahasiswa
- Tidak disewakan untuk harian/mingguan/bulanan.
- Contact: Hub Effendy 0818954689 (WA only)
- WhatsApp: 62818954689
- E-mail: effendykh@gmail.com