Living Room : Sofa + Bantal Kursi dan Meja, TV 32 inch LED, AC ? PK (1 unit)+ Gorden+ Lampu Baca (Standing Lamp)
Kitchen : Kitchen Set (dinding cermin, rak piring, alat makan & minum), Kompor Modena 2 tungku + hexos kompor+ tabung gas 5,5 kg, Rice Cooker, Microwave, Dispenser ( panas, dingin dan sedang ) & Kulkas 2 pintu
Rak Jemuran Handuk, Rak Sepatu
Lantai Ruang Utama dan Kamar : Granit
Daya Listrik? : 2200 watt
Facility: Facility: Gym, Swimming Pool, Jogging Track, Children Playground, 24 Hours Security & CCTV
Additional Info: Additional Info: Lokasi dekat dengan :
Stasiun KA Sudimara (3.8 km)
Stasiun KA Rawabuntu (5 km)
Exit toll Bintaro (2,5 km)
Perkantoran :
-????? Telkom Grha BSD (4,2 km)
-????? Wisma BCA BSD City dan BRI (5 km)
-????? PT. Tekom Sigma (5 km)
-????? Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Serpong (5 km)
-????? Grha Unilever (5,5 km)
-????? BSD Green Office Park 6 (5.5 km)
Pasar/Supermarket / Mall
-????? Pasar Modern BSD (2,5 km)
-????? BSD Plaza (4,1 km)
-????? Giand BSD (5 km)
-????? Teras Kota Mall (5 km)
-????? Aeon Mall (8 km)
-????? Bintaro Xchange Mall (10,9 km)
Klinik/Rumah Sakit
-????? RS Bunda Delima (2,5 km )
-????? RS Medika BSD (3,4 KM)
-????? Eka Hospital (5 km)
-????? Ocean Park BSD Serpong ( 6.3 km )
-????? Islamic School Al Azhar BSD (4,7 km)
-? ? ? Sinar Mas Academy (5 km)
-????? Universitas Prasetiya Mulya ? Kampus BSD (7.7 km)
-????? Universitas Multi Media ( 8.6 km )
-? ? ?Auto Part BSD (4 KM)
Selling Price: – Rp. 489.000.000,- (nego)
Rental Price:
Sewa 1 tahun Rp 46.000.000
Sewa 6 bulan Rp 23.100.000
Sewa bayar bulanan Rp 3.850.000
Deposit Rp 3.850.000
Sudah termasuk IPL, tidak termasuk listrik, air, parkir dan Wi-Fi. Tks.
Contact: 08170097176 ( S. Isnaini ? Whatsapp only)
24-hours security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
Only 5 minutes to Fatmawati MRT Station
The best neighborhood in Pondok Indah – Fatmawati – TB Simatupang – Cilandak. Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities includes One Bell Park Mall, supermarket, restaurants and cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati. Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropis concept. The area is famous for its expatriate ambience, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School. Pondok Indah Hospital, RS Fatmawati, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok–Antasari, Bintaro
Facility: Fasilitas dan Amenitas yang lengkap :
1. Infinity Swimming Pool
2. Skandifit yakni Fitness Center yang dilengkapi alat-alat fitness premium dari Life Fitness
3. Nordic Corner & BBQ Corner, yakni area serba guna cocok untuk mengadakan acara gathering, arisan atau kumpul bersama kerabat.
4. Tivoli Garden, taman hijau yang terdapat jogging track serta dikelilingi oleh berbagai macam tenant FnB.
5. Bersebelahan persis dengan Tangcity Mall, pusat entertainment dan lifestyle Kota Tangerang dan Hotel bintang 4 Novotel Hotel, by Accor Group.
6. Berbagai tenant ternama terletak dekat lobby Skandinavia seperti Starbucks, QQ Kopitiam, Kopi Soe, Rumah Makan SB Bintaro, dan banyak lagi.
7. Parkir Ratio 1:1, yang menjamin kenyamanan penghuni saat pulang kerumah.
8. Genius Home, sistem berbasis aplikasi yang memudahkan penghuni untuk mengakses e-Tenant Relation, e-Engineering, e-Billing, bahkan e-Shopping.
9. Fasilitas Transportasi yang lengkap seperti Tangstation untuk berbagai pilihan shuttle ke berbagai tujuan seperti Balaraja, Serang hingga Bandung, Blue Bird Station, Grab Point, JA Connexion menuju Bandara Soekarno Hatta, BRT dan Transjakarta.
10. Terkoneksi langsung dengan kawasan Business Park yang merupakan CBD pertama dan terlengkap di Kota Tangerang.
Additional Info: Akses yang strategis:
5 menit ke Universitas, Sekolah, Hypermarket, Rumah Sakit, Golf Court
10 menit ke TOL Jakarta – Merak, Stasiun Terpadu Poris Plawad, Karawaci, Daan Mogot, Gading Serpong, Alam Sutera.
Casa de Parco is an apartment with modern and green living concept and strategicly located in premium location in CBD BSD City
Easy access to another surrounding area like Gading serpong, Alam sutera, Bintaro.
10 minutes walking distance to Aeon Mall, The Breeze, Unilever, Ranch Market
Next to Digital Hub ( Construction now on progress)
Very close to ICE BSD, Prasetia Mulya Campus, Swiss German University, BSD Green Office, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta Nanyang School, Sinar Mas World Academy Affordable.
Location: Jl. Kartika Utama, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Maya, Kartika, Amala/Any Floors/Pool, City
Size: 80 / 110 / 134 / 159 / 179 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Swimming pool, covered pool, kids pool, children’s playground, tennis courts, multi-purpose area, gym, jogging track, reserved parking, ATM, Pharmacy.
Walking distance to PIM 2, PIM 1 & street gallery and connected to office tower with underground tunnel (Future Development of Tunnel and Sky Bridge Pedestrians)
Close to JIS (Jakarta International School), Raffles, Pondok Indah Hospital, Supermarkets, Shops, Sport leisure, Golf, and Water park
Additional Info:
Close to Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School (JJS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Walking distance to Pondok Indah Mall.
Close to Gandaria City Mall Pondok Indah Hospital, RS Fatmawati, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong – BSD – Alam Sutra.
Location: Jalan Rumah Sakit Fatmawati No.1, RT.1/RW.1, Pondok Labu, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12450
Tower/Floor/View: Tower B
Size: 88 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Fully furnished
Facility: Modern, safely and state of the art designed building & facilities, 24-Hour Security Surveillance & CCTV, Swimming Pool, Gym, Basement car park, Playground, Fire protection and fighting system, Minimarket
Additional Info: Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities includes premium supermarket, restaurants and cafes, Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati, Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School, Easy and convenient access from toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong – BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Rp 1.600.000.000 negotiable
Contact: 081806240990 WA/Call (Hendro) (Ready to show unit)