Condition: Dijual 1 BR luas 36m2. Kondisi furnished siap huni siap sewa. Sofa 3 seater Kitchenset Meja makan Kursi makan Dispencer Kulkas Microwave Tempat tidur 160×200 Lemari Nakas Dll
Facility: Lobbyroom Lobby receiption Office Security 24 jam CCTV ATM CAFE Swimmingpool Fitnessroom Lapangan tenis futsal badminton Parkir luas Children playground Mini market Dll
Additional Info: Lokasi strategis Lingkungan aman Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
1 BR Rp.750 juta (sesuai foto).
Available unit lain harga Rp 700 juta – 800 juta
2 BR Rp 950 juta – 1.3 M
3 BR Rp 1.6 M – 2.2 M
Rental Price:
1 BR Rp 5 juta -‘7 juta
2 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
3 BR Rp 12.5 juta – 15 juta
Contact: Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property
Hp.wa.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000 klien Spesialis Apartemen dipercaya selama 13 Tahun JUAL BELI SEWA APARTEMEN Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Kemang Village Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt.Nine Resd Apt.Royal Olive Resd Apt.Gardenia Apt Lavenue Apt Cervino Village Apt Casa Grande Apt Sahid Sudirman Resdence, dll
Location: Jl. Denpasar No.18, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Alle / 27th floor
Size: 178 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Furnished
Ground floor: Sunken lounge, Reading lounge, Pre-function and function room, Gym Pool, Children pool, Steam room, Nursery and playroom, Outdoor playground, Pool Pavilion, BBQ pavilion, Mini golf driving range, Yoga sanctuary, Jogging path, Garden
Mezzanine: Floating box lounge, Business center
Sky facilities: Sky gym, Sky pool, Hot and cold plunge pool, Sauna
Additional Info:
The Apartment is located at Jl Denpasar and has fast and easy access to Jakarta’s central business district main roads (Jl. Sudirman, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jl. MH Thamrin)
It is surrounded by many amenities (offices, shopping Malls, Hotels, Hospitals, and Schools)
The Apartment building has an earthquake-resistant structural design making it a safe and comfortable place to live. Suitable for expats and family
Location: Jl. Kalimaya No. 48, Grogol Utara Kebayoran Lama, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Tower/Floor/View: Abelia / Mezanine
Size: 220 m2
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 4
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 Jam & CCTV, Resespsionis, Lobby yang Nyaman, Kolam Renang, BBQ Area, Gym, Spa, Security 24 Hours, Playground
Additional Info:
Dijual Harga Jauh di Bawah Pasar !
Kondisi Sudah Lengkap Furnished
Sudah Sertifikat
Apartemen Permata Hijau Residence Memiliki Akses dekat ke Senayan, CBD, Pondok Indah, Gerbang Tol, dan Sekolah Internasional
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan seperti : Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Gandaria City, Pondok Indah dan Ratu Plaza,
Dekat juga dengan sekolah dan perguruan tinggi, seperti Universitas Bina Nusantara (BINUS), Jakarta International School (JIS).
Dekat dengan lapangan golf Senayan dan hotel Mulia, dekat dengan rumah sakit dan fasilitas kesehatan lainnya, seperti rumah sakit Pertamina, rumah sakit Pondok Indah.
Condition: Disewakan unit 2 kamar siap huni. Harga miring furniture lengkap :
Tv 32 inch + breket
Meja TV
Meja makan
Kursi makan ada 4
Ada AC 3 unit
Ada balkon
Tempat tidur utama 180×200
Lemari pakaian
Kamar anak 120×200
Dll pls call
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
Lapangan tennis Futsal Badminton
Barbeque area
Parkir luas
Ada playground
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di Kemang Jakarta selatan
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Tempat kuliner
Dekat ke kawasan CBD area dan Tb Simatupang
Dekat ke Mall pusat belanja
Dll pls caĺl
Selling Price: Dijual unit lainnya :
1 BR rp.600jt -700jt–800jt
2 BR rp 1M – 1.1M –1.3M
3 BR rp.1.6M –1.8M –1.9M –2M
Rental Price:
Sewa rp.8.5jt/bln
Bisa per 3 bln nan
Deposit sewa rp.8.5jt
Available unit lain 1BR dan 2 br dan 3 br
Mulai 5jtan
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp WA.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialist Apartemen Dipercaya Selama 13 Tahun Titip JuAL -SEWA Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt Kemang Village Apt Kemang Mansion Apt Nine Resd Dll
Condition: Dijual unit 2BR kondisi fully Furnished unit Istimewa baru selesai Interior luxury jarang ada.Siap Huni siap sewa. furniture :
Cabinet tv
Tv 43 inch
Meja makan
Kursi makan
Water heater
AC ada 3
Tdmpat tidur set 160×200
Lemari pakaian
Kamar anak bed 120×200
Ada balkon
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby barang
Security 24 jam
Office mgt
Swimming pool
Lapangan Tennis futsal badminton
Parkir luas
Internet berbayar
Tv cable berbayar
Parkir berbayar
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di area kemang Jakarta Selatan
Dekat ke pusat Belanha Mall
Delat ke CBD area dan perkantoran TB Simatupang
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
Dijual Harga rp.1.4M nego
Status PPJB siap AJB
Cash Only No KPA.
Available unit lain dg Harga mulai 1M
Rental Price:
Sewa Harga 10jt /bln
Minimal sewa 1th
Available unit lain Hg variasi 8 jt-9.5jt
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp wa.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Tahun Jual Sewa Apt.Kemang Village Apt Kemang Mansion Apt Essence Darmawangsa Apt Aspen Fatmawati Apt Pejaten Park Apt Nine Resd Apt The Royal Olive Apt.Cervino Village Casablanka Dll
Dijual Unit 1 BR kondisi kosongan tanpa furniture.
Harga super miring.Unit 1 BR luas besar hanya 1 unit per lantai
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
Mgt office
Swimming pool
Gym center
Lapangan tennis futsal badminton
Parkir luas
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lingkungan aman
Lokasi strategis
Bebas banjir
Apartemen paling dicari utk investor
Selling Price: Dijual Harga rp 800jt nett
Rental Price: Avialable unit lain sewa :
1 BR harga Rp 5 jtan
2 BR harga Rp 8 jtan
3 BR harga Rp 13 jutaan.
Min sewa 6 bln -12 bln
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp wa.087881525659 #IbunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Tahun Titip JuAL -Beli -SEWa Apt Kemang Mansion Apt kemang village Apt Nine Resd Apt Lavenue Apt The Royal Olive Resd Apt Pejaten Park Dll
Condition: Dijual Unit Istimewa type 2 Bedroom Kondisi Fully Furnished. Furniture Baru blm pernah disewakan. Funiture :
Mesin cuci
AC ada 3
Ada waterheater
Ada Balkon
Tv cabinet dan Tv 32 inch
Kamar utama bed 160z200
Lemari pakaian
Kamar Anak Bed 120×200
Lemari pakaian
Meja makan
Kursi makan 4 pcs
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
Patkir luas
Sauna n steam
Barbeque area
Lapangan tennis.futsal .badminton
Office mgt
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
Dijual lt 7 Hg rp.1.1M
Harga jual dibawah pasar
Harga jual dibawah NJOP
Siapa cepat dapat Lsg DP
Surat SHM
Available unit lain Hg 1.250M–1.4M
Rental Price:
Sewa 1 BR Hg 5jtan
Sewa 2 BR Hg 8.5jtan
Sewa 3 BR Hg 13jtan
Stok terbatas
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp.WA.087881525659 #IbunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Tahun JUAL SEWA APARTEMEN Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Kemang Village Resd Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt.Nine Resd Apt The Royal Olive Resd Apt.Gardenia Boulevard Apt.Pejaten Park Apt.Aspen Fatmawati Apt Lavenue Apt Cervino Village Resd Apt Casa Grande
Condition: Dijual 1 BR Harga suoer miring kondisi Furnished. Perabot :
Tv cabinet
Tv 32 inch
Tempat tidur
Lemari pakaian
AC 2 unit
Water heater
Ada balkon
Lt tinggi view selatan
Lobby receiotion
Lobby room
Security 24 jam
Swimming pool
Fitness room
Lapangan tennis futsal badminton
Barbeque area
Function room
Parkir luas
Additional Info:
Lokasi strstegis
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
Jual 1 BR harga super miring rp.700jt nett.Siapa cepat dapat.
Harga bisa tak terulang.
Cssh only non kpa Bank
Rental Price:
Sewa 1 BR mulai Rp 5 jutaan
Sewa 2 BR mulai Rp 8 jutaan
Sewa 3 BR mulai Rp 12.5 jutaan
Contact: Ibu Nur .BTF Jaya Property
Hp.WA.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Tahun Bisa Titip Jual -Sewa Apt.Kemang Village Resd Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt Nine Resd Apt.The Royal Olive Resd Apt Gardenia Boulevard Apt.Cervino Village Casablanka Apt.Casa Grande Apt.Sahid Sudirman resd Dll