Location: Jalan Otista Raya No 60 Cawang Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: 1/ 1 (Dari bawah dihitung 3)
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Fully furnished (New Bed)
Premium furniture
Queen size bed + dipan
2 AC unit in living and bed room (New)
Kulkas Panasonic
Lemari baju besar customize
2 TV LED di ruang keluarga dan kamar tidur
Full kitchen set+modena stove and cooker hood
Water heater
Dinner table (Marmer)
Cable TV
Home Theatre DVD
Swimming pool
Jogging track
Parking space
Access card
ATM Center
24 hours security + CCTV
Laundry service at ground floor
3 occupant lift + 1 service lift
Additional Info:
Strategic location and excellent access to the business area (Sudirman, Kuningan, Cawang, Tebet, Senayan etc)
Akses jalan raya (Jl. Otista Raya)
Dekat Halim Perdana Kusuma airport (7 mins access by car)
Dekat Cawang-Otista Busway Station with access to corridor 7-9-10-13 and main corridor
Dekat Cawang, JORR, Jagorawi, Cikampek tollgate
Dekat Cawang Train station
Dekat shopping/grocery place MTH Square, Carrefour, Hypermart, McDonald, Circle K, 7 Eleven, Freshtive Supermarket, Domino`s Pizza, Kota Casablance Mall, etc
Rental Price:
Rp 3.500.000/month (exclude maintenance fee, electric and water bill)
Rp. 5.000.000/month (include maintenance fee, electric and water bill)
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 9 / View City (SCBD-Semanggi)
Size: 30.99 (m2)? m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished Free:
Lower Kitchen Cabinet
Kompor 2 Tungku
Kamar mandi:
Sanitary TOTO
Swimming Pool
Fitness and Spa
Mini Market
Cafe and Lounge
Exclusive Lobby
Parking Area
24-hour Security
Additional Info:
New Brand Apartemen dijakarta Selatan, Bellevue Place Apartemen MT.Haryono.
Miliki hunian dengan fasilitas Bintang*4 , lokasi strategis, didukung Prasarana yg lengkap. Dapatkan promo menarik: Bisa Cicil 60X langsung Huni…. Hanya di Bellevue Place Apartemen
DP 0%, cukup bayar Rp. 10 juta rupiah, Cicilan sampai 60x
Apartemen, Servis Apartemen & Area Komersial:
Cicilan s/d 60 x* (S&K berlaku)
Langsung Serah Terima!*
GRATIS 12 Voucher @775k*
GRATIS Biaya PPJB & Biaya Akad*
Hadiah Langsung: AC, Stove, Lower Kitchen Cabinet* BELLEVUE PLACE MT Haryono yang dikelilingi oleh ECO PARK TEBET☘ï¸? menjadikan lingkungan Sehat bagi Penghuni… # Type Studio 30.99 m2 # Type 1BR 43.49 m2 # Type 2BR 62.13 m2 # Type 3BR 88.80 m2
Dengan Teknologi SOUNDPROOFING dari Jepang maka dapat meredam suara dgn Akurat & Menjadikan Hidup lebih nyaman di setiap ruangan…
Super Strategis :
LRT 5mnt
Stasiun KCIC 10 menit
Busway 5 menit
KRL 10 menit
Sudirman 15menit
Harga Mulai : 1 M Unit Siap Huni Ready Stock !!!
Selling Price:
Type Studio 30.99 m2 = Rp 1 M
Type 1BR 43.49 m2 = Rp 1.5 M
Type 2BR 62.13 m2 = Rp 2 M
Type 3BR 88.80 m2 = Rp 3 M
Rental Price:
Type Studio 30.99 m2 = Rp 6.5 juta / bulan
Type 1BR 43.49 m2 = Rp 8 juta / bulan
Type 2BR 62.13 m2 = Rp 10 juta / bulan
Type 3BR 88.80 m2 = Rp 12 juta / bulan
Sewa PERTAHUN min sewa 6 Bulan
Harga blm temasuk IPL, Listrik, Air, Deposit 1 bulan
Location: Jl. Letjen M.T Haryono No. 20 Cawang, Kramatjati, Jakarta Timur, 13630
Tower/Floor/View: The Light / 9B / city view
Size: 28 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Full Furnished, sudaj dilengkapi dengan listrik, kitchen set (inc. Gas holder & exhaust) refrigerator, water dispenser, meja makan, queen single bad, tv, AC (rutin service), galon aqua, tabung gas, kulkas
Tersedia fasilitas untuk BBQ, taman bermain anak, gym, jacuzzi, lounge, jogging track, kolam renang, ruang serbaguna, laundry, indomaret/ family mart, cafe, resto, klinik, barber, dedicated parking, 24/7 security
Apartemen Signature Park Grande merupakan hunian ekslusif yang terletak di Jln. Letjen M.T haryono Jakarta. Selain dekat dengan akses ke jalan tol, Signature Park Grande juga dekat dengan kawasan bisnis CBD kuningan, CBD Sudirman, dan senayan.
Memiliki akses mudah kestasiun tebet, halte transjakarta, LRT, RS medistra, RS tebet, RS pon, Transmart MT. Haryono, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, dan Airport Halim Perdana Kusuma.
Additional Info:
Ketersidiaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
Harga sewa turun
Bisa bayar perbulan (minimla kontrak 6 – 12 bulan)
Unit selalu terisi, segara book sebelum keduluan orang
Selling Price: Rp. 800.000.000
Rental Price:
Rp. 4.500.000 / bulan
Rp. 13.300.000 / 3 bulan
Rp. 26.500.000 / 6 bulan
Rp. 51.500.000 / 12 bulan *Harga sewa sudah termasuk IPL / maintenence bulanan
Additional Info: Unit terletak di lantai 3. Dekat lift menuju lobby dan lift menuju parkiran. Dekorasi dengan wallpaper, bufet tv, tata lampu, pajangan. Pencahayaan dgn 4 jendela kaca dan 1 pintu kaca, malam hari cahaya dr lampu.
Rental Price: Rp 8.000.000 / bulan (bisa dinego, termasuk IPL)