- Apartment Name: Sky House Alam Sutera
- Location: Alam Sutera, Jl. Lingkar Barat No.2, RT.001/RW.004, Panunggangan, Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143
- Tower/Floor/View: BARBERRY /1-
- Size: Studio, 2 kamar dan 3 kamar m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2 BR & 3 bedroom
- Bathroom: 1-3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Sky house Alam Sutera mempersembahkan Tower Terbaru BARBERRY
- 3 Type :
- Type studio Luas 19m
- Type 2BR Luas 48m
- Type 3BR +1 Luas 88m
- Start harga 360 juta
- Cicilan panjang 240x
- Cicilan panjang tanpa BI Checking
- Cicilan panjang developer hingga 100x
- Apartemen Eksklusif di Alam sutera + akses 9 detik menuju pintu tol kunciran.
- 3 Type :
- Facility: Apartment Sky House Alam Sutera + lokasi di sebelah IKEA ALAM SUTERA
- Total Lahan Area 2,5ha
- Akan dibangun 5 Tower Apartment
Saat ini dipasarkan TOWER BARBERRY
- Fasilitasnya Lengkap Dan sangat Luas, 1ha akan dibangun untuk Green Area dan Fasilitas Hunian:
- Fasilitas Olahraga: swimming pool, jogging track, indoor outdoor gym, indoor table tennis, out door basketball
- Fasilitas Sosial: Co-working space, Meeting Room
- Fasilitas Hiburan: table football, billiard, children play ground, printing center, public kitchen, book bar
- Fasilitas Taman: taman tropis, sky garden, green outdoor corridor
- Lokasi strategis :
- 1 Menit ke pintu TOLL Kunciran
- 5 Menit ke Swiss Germany University
- 5 Menit ke Universitas Bunda Mulia
- 5 Menit ke BINUS Alam Sutera
- 3 Menit ke Mall at Alam Sutera
- 7 Menit ke Mall Living World
- 7 Menit ke RS OMNI
- Dikelilingi 5 Menara Perkantoran yg sudah berdiri ( Alfa Tower, Top food, The prominence, Synergi Building, Kino Tower).
- Cocok dihuni..
- Mudah diinvestasikan, bisa disewakan ke karyawan dan mahasiswa disekitar Alam Sutera, lebih dari 21.000 orang
- Ditunjang akses tol Kunciran (100m) dr pintu tol.
– 15 menit ke BSD– 15 menit ke Jakarta Barat– 15 menit ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta (infrastruktur mendatang via tol Kunciran – Cengkareng)
- Dilengkapi 6 layer security sistem,
1. Parking sistem
2. Lobby concierge
3. Lift access card
4. Cctv 360â°
5. Emergency button di kamar mandi
6. Video intercom yang dapat mengakses CCTV pada fasilitas apartemen.
- Additional Info:
- Tower terbaru Barberry
- 3 Type :
- Type studio Luas 19m
- Type 2BR Luas 48m
- Type 3BR +1 Luas 88m
- Start harga 360 juta
- Cicilan panjang 240x
- Cicilan panjang tanpa BI Checking
- Cicilan panjang developer hingga 100x
- Studio cicilannya 1,8 jutaan aja free furnished Tanpa dp atau 100x tanpa bi cheking
- 2 bedroom cicil panjang 88x
- 3+1 bedroom promo cicil panjang 100x
- Free f & a
- Selling Price: Tower terbaru BARBERRY
- 3 Type :
- Type studio Luas 19m star harga 360 Juta
- Type 2BR Luas 50,58 m star harga 800 juta
- Type 3BR +1 Luas 89 m star Harga 1,4 M
- Cara bayar
- Developer
- Kpa tanpa Dp
- Start cicilan :
- studio cicilannya 1,8 jutaan aja free furnished Tanpa DP atau 100x developer tanpa bi cheking
- 2 bedroom cicil panjang 88x
- ðŸ‘+ðŸ bedroom promo cicil panjang 100x
- Rental Price: Dengan pasar market sewa 21.000 karyawan dan Mahasiswa kisaran sewa saat ini
- Studio 3,5 juta/bulan
- 2 kamar 7 juta/bulan
- 3 kamar 9 juta/bulan
- Contact: Rizal Palupi 081219545008
Sales Inhouse Marketing - WhatsApp: 081219545008
- E-mail: therizalpalupi@gmail.com
menara jakarta sewa
Apartemen Sudirman Park – 2 Bedroom Termurah 900 Juta Dijual Cepat
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl.KH Mas Mansyur Kav.35 Karet Tengsin Jakarta Pusat 10210
- Tower/Floor/View: A/30an/pool-Selatan
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Lokasi sangat strategis sudah sertifikat (starta title) SHMSRS
- Tower : B
- Luas : 48 Sqm Gross
- Lantai : 30 an
- Facility: 2 Kolam renang, masing-masing Kolam renang Anak/Dewasa, 2 Jacuzi/Kolam Air Panas , 2 Ruang sauna Pria/Wanita (terpisah), Gym, Balai warga, Restorant, Café 24 Jam, Face Shisha, Canteen, Minimart 24 Jam, Loundry-Galon Air-Gas (pick up-delivery), Lahan parkir Luas (Basement 1-Basement 2-Parkir Luar), Atm, Bank, Klinik/Dokter 24 Jam.
- Additional Info:
- Bukti surat kepemilikan hak atas Apartemen SUDAH SERTIFIKAT (SHMSRS)
- Lokasi apartemen Sudirman Park sangat strategis, lokasi di belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman, satu lokasi dengan London school public relation/ LSPR – Anandamaya residence- Menara ASTRA-Artaloka-Mid Plaza-Citywalk sudirman- dekat stasiun MRT-Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman. (Banyak peminat untuk sewa)
- Selling Price: Rp 900.000.000 (Sembilan ratus juta rupiah)
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR: Rp 4.500.000 s/d 5,500.000,- perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 2 BR: Rp 5.500.000 s/d 7,500.000,- perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 3 BR: Rp 8,500.000 s/d 12,500.000,- perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- Contact: Hendra :
- 081318839176 (w/a)
- 08983389305 (w/a)
- WhatsApp: 081318839176
- E-mail: een2sky@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Sudirman Park – 3 Bedroom Full Furnished 1,6 M Lantai Rendah
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl.KH Mas masnyur Kav.35 Karet tengsin – Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat Belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A/Low/Sudirman, City, Timur
- Size: 78 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Apartemen Sudirman Park 3 bed termurah dijual 1,6 M lantai rendah Jakarta Pusat
- Lokasi sangat strategis sudah sertifikat ( starta title) SHMSRS
- Tower: A
- Luas: 78 Sqm
- Kondisi: sesuai Foto
- Lantai: rendah
- View: Sudirman, City, timur
- Harga jual: Rp 1.600.000.000 (Satu milyar enam ratus juta rupiah)
- Sertifikat: SHM SRS Strata Title- Sudah Sertifikat
- Facility: 2 Kolam renang, masing-masing Kolam renang anak/dewasa, 2 jacuzzi/kolam Air Panas , 2 Ruang sauna Pria/Wanita (terpisah), Gym, Balai warga, Restorant, Café 24 Jam, Cafe Shisha, Canteen, Minimart 24 Jam, Loundry-Galon Air-Gas (pick up-delivery), Lahan parkir Luas (Basement 1-Basement 2-Parkir Luar), Atm, Bank, Klinik/Dokter 24 Jam.
- Additional Info: Bukti surat kepemilikan hak atas masing masing unit Apartemen SUDAH SERTIFIKAT (SHMSRS), okasi apartemen sudirman park sangat strategis, Lokasi di Belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman, satu lokasi dengan London school public relation/ LSPR – Anandamaya residence-Menara ASTRA-Artaloka-Mid Plaza-Citywalk sudirman- dekat stasiun MRT-Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman.
(Banyak peminat untuk sewa-Cocok Untuk Investasi) - Selling Price: Harga jual : Rp. 1.600.000.000-, – ( Satu milyar enam ratus juta rupia h )
- Rental Price:
- 1 bed : Rp 4.500.000 s/d 5,500.000 perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 2 bed : Rp 5.500.000 s/d 7,500.000 perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 3 bed : Rp 12,500.000 s/d 15.000.000 perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- Contact: Hendra :
- 081318839176 (wa)
- 08983389305 (wa)
Agent Resmi Sudirman Park/terdaftar dari 2008
- WhatsApp: 081318839176
- E-mail: een2sky@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi Type Studio Luas 37 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tamansari Semanggi
- Location: Jl. Akri no.134, Setiabudi Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A lt. Tengah, Casablanka, Kuningan, Lotte Avenue
- Size: 37 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished
- Rapi
- Bersih
- Siap huni
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
- Gym
- Resto
- Laundry
- Coffe shop
- Minimarket
- Apotik
- Taman bermain
- ATM Center
- Keamanan 24 jam
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis, terletak di CBD Gatot Subroto, Semanggi, Sudirman, Kuningan, Thamrin
- Selangkah Ciputra World, Plaza Semanggi, Kartika Chandra, Planet Holywood, Menara Mulia, Casablanka, Hotel Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia
- Dekat RS.Siloam, RS.Jakarta, Universitas Atmajaya, Gedung DPR, Gelora Bung Karno
- Akses Tol Gatot Subroto Cawang, Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Halim
- Selling Price:
- Rp. 1.100.000,- Nego
- Rental Price:
- Start form :
- Studio Rp. 5jt/bulan
- 1 BR Rp. 6 jt/bulan
- 2 BR Rp. 10jt/bulan
- Min sewa 6 bulan
- Contact:
- 08161161356
- Kristin Arno
- WhatsApp: 08161161356
- E-mail: arno_permata@yahoo.com
Apartemen Sudirman Park Dijual – 2 BR Rp 1.050 M Lantai Rendah
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl. KH Mas masnyur Kav.35 Karet tengsin Kec.Tanah abang- Jakarta Pusat 10210
- Tower/Floor/View: A/Low Floor/City-Shangrila Hotel
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Dijual Apartemen Sudirman Park dijual 2 bed 1,050 M LANTAI RENDAH
- Alamat Apartemen Sudirman Park
Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav.35 Karet tengsin Kec.Tanah abang- Jakarta Pusat 10210 - Lokasi sangat strategis sudah sertifikat ( starta title) SHMSRS
- Tower : A
- Luas : 48 Sqm
- Kondisi : semi Furnished (baru renov)
- Lantai : Low Floor (under 20th)
- View : City – North – Shangrila Hotel – Open View
- Harga jual :
- Alamat Apartemen Sudirman Park
- Facility: 2 Kolam renang, masing-masing Kolam renang Anak/Dewasa, 2 Jacuzi, 2 Ruang sauna Pria/Wanita (terpisah), Gym, Balai warga, Restorant, Café 24 Jam, Canteen, Minimart, Loundry, Lahan parkir Luas ( Basement 1 dan 2), Atm, Bank, Klinik/Dokter 24 Jam, Delivery Aqua Galon dan Gas.
- Additional Info: Bukti kepemilikan Apartemen SUDAH SERTIFIKAT (SHMSRS), Lokasi apartemen sudirman park sangat strategis, Lokasi di Belakang Hotel Shangrila – Wisma BNI Sudirman-Anandamaya residence- Menara ASTRA-Artaloka-Mid Plaza-Citywalk sudirman- dekat stasiun MRT-Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman.
(Banyak peminat untuk sewa) - Selling Price: Rp. (Satu Milyar Lima puluh juta). Unit bisa saja sama tapi Harga kami Lebih Murah
- Rental Price:
- 1 bed : 4.500.000 s/d 5,500.000, perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 2 bed : 5.500.000 s/d 7,500.000, perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- 3 bed : 8,500.000 s/d 12,500.000, perbulan (include maintenance fee)
- Contact: Hendra :
- 081318839176 (w/a)
- 08983389305 (w/a)
Registered Agent 2009
- E-mail: een2sky@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Setiabudi Residence – Lokasi Strategis, Good Furnished 3 BR by Asik Property
- Apartment Name: Setiabudi Residence
- Location: Jl. Setia Budi Sel. Raya No.1, RT.6/RW.7, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 142 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Garden
- Indoor swimming pool (city view)
- Children pool
- Sauna
- Library
- Multifuction room (sky view)
- Fitness / gymnasium
- Children playground (indoor dan outdoor)
- 24-hour security & CCTV system
- Reserved parking
- Additional Info:
- Strategically located in area CBD Kuningan, the most developed neighborhood community in the Golden Triangle area.Fast and easy access to CBD main roads (Jl. Sudirman, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jl. MH Thamrin)
- Complete surrounding amenities, major office towers (Lippo Kuningan, Embassies, KPK, Menara Cyber, etc)
- Shopping malls (Setiabudi One, Epicentrum Rasuna, Kota KasablanKa, Kuningan City, Mall Ambassador, ITC Kuningan)
- Cafes & Resto, Cinema 21, Banks & Galeri ATMs, Hotels, Hospitals (RS Aini, RS MMC, RS Medistra)
- Schools (Morning Star, Perbanas, etc)
- Close by Embassies (Russia, Australia, United Kingdom, India, Malaysia, Turkey, Bosnia, Finland, Hungary, Poland
- Menerima jual, beli dan sewa properti. Tersedia banyak unit untuk dijual dan disewakan
menerima juga jasa titip unit untuk dijual dan disewakan - Kunjungi kami di www.asikpol.com untuk lebih banyak apartemen dan rumah yang tersedia, dan Desain Interior. Dapatkan Desain Eksklusif dari Asik Interior.
- Selling Price: Rp 4.700.000.000. We have more available units for sale, call / WA for details
- Rental Price: We have more available units for rent. Call / WA for details
- Contact: Agus Prasetyo: 081213245988 / 0811185388
- E-mail: a.prasetyo119@gmail.com
Apartemen Sudirman Park Dijual – 2 Bedroom Rp 1.050 M Lantai Rendah
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl. KH Mas Masnyur Kav. 35 Karet Tengsin, Kec. Tanah Abang – Jakarta Pusat 10210
- Tower/Floor/View: B/Rendah (Di Bawah 10)/City (Shangrila-Kota), East, Sudirman
- Size: 48 sqm (m2),?Gross
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Sudah sertifikat (strata title) SHMSRS
- Semi Furnished (Unit yang kami tawarkan sesuai Foto)
- Facility:?2 kolam renang, masing-masing kolam renang anak / dewasa, 2 Jacuzzi, 2 ruang sauna pria / wanita (terpisah), gym, balai warga, Restoran, Cafe 24 jam, canteen, minimart, laundry, lahan parkir luas, ATM, Bank, Klinik / Dokter 24 jam.
- Additional Info:
- Sangat Strategis, Lokasi di Belakang Hotel Shangrila?-?Wisma BNI Sudirman – Anandamaya residence – Menara ASTRA – Artaloka – Mid Plaza – Citywalk Sudirman – dekat Stasiun MRT – Halte Busway Dukuh Atas, Pusat Grosir Tanah Abang dan Thamrin City, Mid Plaza, Cityloft Sudirman.
- Banyak peminat untuk sewa
- Selling Price: Rp (satu Milyar Lima puluh Juta)
- Contact: Hendra,?Registered Agent 2009
- 081318839176 (WA)
- 08983389305 (WA)
- E-mail: een2sky@yahoo.com
Available Unit for Rent / Sell at Anandamaya Residences Apartment – 2 BR / 3 BR / 4 BR Furnished and Semi-Furnished by Astra Living
- Apartment Name: Anandamaya Residences
- Location: Jalan Jend. Sudirman No.Kav. 5-6 Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: 1-3 / Low, Mid, High / Sudirman , Shangri-la
- Size: 131 / 150 / 174 / 217 / 268 / 363 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 2 / 3 / 4
- Condition: Semi-furnished / furnished
- Facility: Lagoon pool, fitness & spa (Below), access to foodcourt Menara Astra, tennis court, jogging track, gazebo area, tranquil garden, lounge, children’s playground indoor/outdoor area, fitness station, Olympic size swimming pool, children swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, serenity garden, tower entry (drop Off), entrance gate, security entry gate, barbeque, function room & lounge, indoor badminton court.
- Additional Info: Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city.
Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.- Tower 1: Private Lift
- Tower 2 and Tower 3: common lift
- Receive entrusted, sell and rent property, special area around South Jakarta
- Visit our website www.anandamaya-residences.com
- Get your information from trusted Anandamaya Marketing In-House.
- Selling Price: Per Month Rent Price (fully furnished, TV & Internet included)
- 2 BR Deluxe (131 sqm): starting at $ 2500
- 2 BR Suite (150 sqm): starting at $ 2800
- 3 BR Deluxe (174 sqm): starting at $ 3100
- 3 BR Suite (217 sqm): starting at $ 5000
- 3 BR Grande (268 sqm): starting at $ 6000
- 4 BR Signature (363 sqm): starting at $ 8000 (Private Pool)
- Rental Price: We have more available units for rent/sell, call / WA for details
- Contact: Phone (021) 571 1111 / +62 813 11956879 Living, Anandamaya Residences Marketing In-House.
- E-mail: marketing@anandamaya-residences.com
Jual Apartemen Anandamaya Residence – 2+1 BR Deluxe 131 m2, Private Lift, Harga Termurah Rp. 7.4 Milyar, Fully Furnished, Brand New
- Apartment Name: Anandamaya Residence
- Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. Kav. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10250
- Tower/Floor/View: City View
- Size: 131 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished, Brand New !!!
- Lagoon pool, fitness & spa (Below)
- Access to foodcourt Menara Astra
- Tennis court
- Jogging track
- Gazebo area
- Tranquil garden
- Lounge
- Childrens playground indoor / outdoor area,
- Fitness station
- Olympic size swimming pool
- Children swimming pool
- Indoor swimming pool
- Serenity garden
- Tower entry (drop Off)
- Entrance gate
- Security entry gate
- Barbeque
- Function room & lounge
- Indoor badminton Court.
- Facility:
- Anandamaya Residences, is the result of a world class collaboration between Astra International and Hongkong Land in Indonesia premium real estate market.
- Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
- Near from Grade-A office tower of 90,000 sqm and high-end retail podium space of 7,000 sqm focused on high end food and beverage offerings and convenience retail. This will create an excellent environment for the expatriate community, that makes Anandamaya Residences an even more exciting potential investment. It is taking a prime position in the highly-desired and much sought-after Jalan Sudirman, at the heart Jakarta CBD.
- 15 minutes to Plaza Indonesia The most luxurious shopping center in Jakarta and also Grand Indonesia which is equipped with so many needs that are needed from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and also the leading entertainment centers and the best for relax after you finish doing activities.
- Near City Walk Sudirman, Ayana Mid Plaza Hotel, Sahid Sudirman Hospital, BNI Building.
- Additional Info:
- Anandamaya Residences, is the result of a world class collaboration between Astra International and Hongkong Land in Indonesia premium real estate market.
- Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location. Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
- Near from Grade-A office tower of 90,000 sqm and high-end retail podium space of 7,000 sqm focused on high end food and beverage offerings and convenience retail. This will create an excellent environment for the expatriate community, that makes Anandamaya Residences an even more exciting potential investment. It is taking a prime position in the highly-desired and much sought-after Jalan Sudirman, at the heart Jakarta CBD.
- 15 minutes to Plaza Indonesia The most luxurious shopping center in Jakarta and also Grand Indonesia which is equipped with so many needs that are needed from restaurants, cafes, supermarkets and also the leading entertainment centers and the best for relax after you finish doing activities.
- Near City Walk Sudirman, Ayana Mid Plaza Hotel, Sahid Sudirman Hospital, BNI Building.
- Selling Price: Rp. 7.400.000.000.
- Contact: Grace 0811887852
- WhatsApp: 0811887852
- E-mail: gracia.s388@gmail.com