Area dapur beserta kompor dan alat masak, Sendok + garpu + piring dan gelas, Kopi + Gula + Teh , Serta meja dan kursi
Free wifi
Fasilitas yang Anda dapatkan berupa kartu akses
Free swimming pool, Area parkir, Keamanan 24 jam, ATM center, Laundry kiloan, Kantin, Dll.
Additional Info:
Sewa Apartemen Harian Murah di Margonda Depok Residence terletak di Jl. Raya Margonda Kav. 88 Beji – Depok (Terletak di seberang Ace Hardware , belakang D’Mall atau Hotel Santika). Tempatnya sangat strategis, tidak jauh dari Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gunadarma, perbelanjan seperti Mall Margo City, ITC Depok. Akses transportasi 24 jam, 5 menit ke Stasiun KA Depok Baru, akses mudah ke Tol JORR dan Lenteng Agung.
Penginapan harian / Hotel Murah di Depok.
Untuk melakukan reservasi caranya sangat mudah: Tentukan tanggal Anda menginap dan berapa lama. Konfirmasi ke saya apakah room nya tersedia. Ke : Tlp only : 081388529700 Whatsapp : 087784612096 Kirim data diri Anda berupa foto KTP melalui WhatsApp dan Nomor yang bisa dihubungi.
Apabila roomnya available, Transfer uang DP sebesar Rp 50.000/hari/room (dikali berapa hari sewa) ke rekening yang tersedia.
Pastikan Anda mengirim ke nomer rekening yang tepat sesuai dengan yang tertera.
DP hangus apabila cancel.
Pada saat hari H, pelunasan sisa sewa (total sewa – DP) cash , saya akan beritahu prosedur pengambilan kunci.
Pelunasan pembayaran dilakukan saat serah terima kunci.
Cek in paling cepat jam 1 siang. Cek out paling lama jam 11 siang.
Khusus transit bisa di jam pagi dan siang. Untuk malam tidak bisa transit.
Bila check-out di atas jam 11.00, dikenakan overtime charge Rp 50.000/jam (mohon diinfokan terlebih dahulu), dan untuk pembayaran cash/cod dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp 10.000 ribu
Pada saat cek out konfirmasi kembali kepada saya.
Dilarang membawa atau merusak fasilitas yang ada di kamar
Jika sudah melakukan booking DP dan tidak ada kabar sampai batas waktu yang saya berikan, maka booking dianggap CANCEL. Dan uang tidak bisa kembali.
Rental Price:
Harga Sewa Fullday Mares 3 – 4 – 5 :
Promo Bulan Ramadhan.
Senin – Kamis Rp 250.000 (weekday)
Jumat – Minggu Rp 350.000 (weekend)
Harga Sewa Transit Mares 3 – 4 – 5 :
Senin – Kamis Rp 150.000/3 jam (weekday)
Senin – Kamis Rp 175.000/5 jam (weekday)
Senin – Kamis Rp 200.000/6 jam (weekday)
Jumat – Minggu Rp 175.000/3 jam (weekend)
Jumat – Minggu Rp 200.000/5 jam (weekend)
Jumat – Minggu Rp 250.000/6 jam (weekend)
Untuk format booking respon cepat Tlp / Whastapp :
Location: Jalan Denpasar Raya Kav. 5-7, Kuningan, RT 16/RW 4, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950
Tower/Floor/View: Middle / City View
Size: 78 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Swimming pool
Jogging track
24-hour parking lot for guests and tenants
Fitness center
Laundry and minimart
Additional Info:
It is a corner unit facing east and south. It is strategically located in the heart of Jakarta’s most wanted address. Located in the intersection between Jalan H.R Rasuna Said and Jalan Prof. Dr. Satrio.
In walking distance to so many Jakarta attractions and right next door to Kuningan City (5-minute walking).
15 meters from the Malaysian Embassy.
8-minute walking to Mall Ambassador, Mega Kuningan and Ciputra World.
5-minute driving to Bundaran Hotel Indonesia.
10-minute driving to SCBD, and many more cafes, restaurants, Lotte Hypermarkets, embassies, school and shops.
Tower/Floor/View: 31st Floor – Unit Hoek/Corner. View Thamrin, Bundaran HI, Sudirman, Tanah Abang, Central Park
Size: 57 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with:
Queen-size spring bed (main room)
2-tier bunk bed/ranjang susun atas-bawah (the other room)
3 Air-Conditioners, 2 Flat-screen TV, Sofa, Cable TV
Fully Equipped Kitchen Set with electric flat cook top (4 stoves), Fridge/refrigerator, Dining table and chairs
Bathroom with Water Heater
Washing Machine, Hot/cold water dispenser, Window city view
Facility: 24-hours Security with CCTV, Reception Desk, Lobby, Swimming Pool, Gym/Fitness Center, Jacuzzi, BBQ Area, Elevator with access requirement, mid-floor Parking area with direct access to the apartment and/or mall, Function Hall, Personal Mailbox, Mini Mart, Laundry, ATM, close to many food places and to 24-hours medical clinic and pharmacy
Additional Info:
Direct access to Thamrin City Shopping Centre through the lobby
Walking distance to signature CBD area of Jakarta, Thamrin (Hotel Indonesia roundabout / Bundaran HI)
Very strategic location and easy access to Jl. Jend. Sudirman
10 minutes walking to shopping centers, Plaza Indonesia and Grand Indonesia, also to the largest textiles market in Southeast Asia – Tanah Abang
Perfect location for businessman and professionals
Selling Price: Please call
Rental Price: Rp 9.000.000/month for a minimum 4 months rental
Contact: Whatsapp / Call Owner at +6281287331659 (Indra) / +6281287877785
Location: Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan – Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Mid Floor / City and Pool View
Size: 116 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 24-hour reception + security, gym, aerobic centre sauna, swimming pool, Tennis court, hypermarket, community room, ATM galleries, Restaurants, jogging track, Shopping Mall, etc.
Additional Info: Hanya berjalan kaki menuju Mega Kuningan, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Kuningan City. Akses langsung ke Ambassador Mall dan ITC Kuningan. Lokasi strategis, hanya beberapa menit ke Sudirman, Thamrin, Gatot Subroto dan pusat belanja (Plaza Indonesia, Plaza Semanggi, Kota casablanca, Grand Indonesia).
Location: Jl. Raya Adicipta 8, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 11740
Tower/Floor/View: Chedar Heights/39/City
Size: 26 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished. Kitchen, Service Area
Indonesia Selain lokasi strategis, Puri Orchard menyediakan fasilitas lengkap mulai dari tematik kolam renang, tempat bermain anak, area jogging, lapangan tenis, pusat kebugaran, keamanan 24 jam, dan fasilitas sky garden di setiap tower.
English In addition to its strategic location, Puri Orchard provides complete facilities ranging from a thematic swimming pool, children’s playground, jogging area, tennis court, fitness center, 24-hour security, and sky garden facilities in each tower.
Additional Info:
Jual Cepat Unit Baru Di Apartemen Eksklusif, Belum pernah ditempati, Lantai Parket dan Marmer, Sistem Security yang sangat baik, Telepon kamar dengan deteksi wajah, View kota, tanpa Balkon
Puri Orchard memiliki lokasi yang sangat strategis tepat di pinggir Jalan Raya Outer Ring Road Puri Cengkareng Jakarta Barat di belakang Gedung Orang Tua Group. Apartemen ini berjarak Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, 5 menit ke CBD Puri Indah, berbagai sekolah international seperti : IPEKA International School, Springfield International Curriculum School, Raffles PSB Singapore School. Di sekitar apartemen juga terdapat rumah sakit (RS Puri Indah, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, RS Puri Mandarin Kedoya) dan pusat kuliner dan pusat perbelanjaan (Mall St. Moritz, Mall Puri Indah, Carrefour, Mall PX Pavillion, Plaza de Lumina, Central Park).
Quick sale of new units in exclusive apartments, never before occupied, parquet and marble floors, excellent security system, telephone room with face detection, city view, without balcony
Puri Orchard has a very strategic location right on the edge of the Puri Cengkareng West Jakarta Outer Ring Road behind the Orang Tua Group Building. This apartment is located in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, 5 minutes to CBD Puri Indah, various international schools such as IPEKA International School, Springfield International Curriculum School, Raffles PSB Singapore School. Around the apartment, there are also hospitals (Puri Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospitals Kebon Jeruk, RS Puri Puri Kedoya) and culinary centers and shopping centers (St. Moritz Mall, Puri Indah Mall, Carrefour, PX Pavillion Mall, Plaza de Lumina, Central Park).
Location: Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 2, RT.1/RW.2, Pondok Bambu, Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, DKIJakarta, Indonesia 13430
Tower/Floor/View: Casablanca / 2 – 18 / City & pool
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Washing Machine
— Furnished Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Washing Machine
?24 Hours Security, Swimming Pool, Fitness Center, Children Playground,
Function Hall, Car Park Space (Basement), Food Hall Supermarket, ATM 24 Hours, Laundry, TV cable and high speed internet access and many more.
ATM, Broadband Internet, Child Care,
Children Playground, Commercial Area, Dry Cleaning,
Additional Info :
* 1 menit Feeder Busway
* 10 menit dari Tol Jatiwaringin
* 10 menit LRT Stasiun
* 15 menit dari mall Ambasador
* 15 menit dari CBD Kuningan
* 15 menit dari Kelapa Gading
* Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (Kokas, Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Artha Gading, Mall Cipinang Indah, etc)
* Dekat dengan sekolah/kampus (UNJ, Labschool Pemuda, SMAK 7 BPK Penabur, Al Azhar Rawamangun, etc)
* Dekat dengan rumah sakit (RS Antam Medika, RS Hermina Jatinegara, RSIA Bunda Aliyah, RSIA Asta Nugraha, etc)
* Dekat dengan pusat kebugaran (International Velodrome, Jakarta International Equestrian Park, etc)
Jadwalkan Showing anda, saya siap membantu anda. TERSEDIA UNIT DAN TYPE LAINNYA.
Info lebih lanjut mohon untuk Telepon/WA di nomor yg tertera.?Terima Kasih.
Additional Info: * 1 minute Feeder Busway * 10 minutes from Jatiwaringin Toll * 10 minutes LRT Station * 15 minutes from Ambasador mall * 15 minutes from Kuningan CBD * 15 minutes from Kelapa Gading * Close to shopping centers (Kokas, Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Artha Gading, Mall Cipinang Indah, etc) * Close to schools / campuses (UNJ, Labschool Pemuda, SMAK 7 BPK Penabur, Al Azhar Rawamangun, etc) * Close to hospitals (Antam Medika Hospital, Hermina Jatinegara Hospital, RSIA Bunda Aliyah, RSIA Asta Nugraha, etc) * Close to a fitness center (International Velodrome, Jakarta International Equestrian Park, etc)
Schedule Showing you, I’m ready to help you. UNITS AND OTHER TYPE AVAILABLE.
For further information please call Phone / WA at the number listed.?Thanks.
Location: Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur, Thamrin City, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta 10230
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cosmo Terrace / lantai sedang / view City
Size: 55 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished. Bagus siap huni
Facility: 24 hours security, ATM, BBQ Area, Beauty Salon, Broadband Internet, Cafe, Children Playground, Day Care, Fitness Centre, Gymnasium, Jacuzzi, Kid’s Pool, Laundry, Mall, Mini Mart, Multi-function Room, Parking Lot, Restaurant, Rooftop Garden, Security, Spa, Swimming Pool, Taxi Pool.
Additional Info:
Strategic location (Thamrin), Located in CBD Thamrin-Sudirman, Direct Access to Shopping Mall Thamrin City, Near By Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia and Tanah Abang.
Easy Access to Tanah Abang, Monas, Kuningan, Senayan and Grogol.
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.Kav 5-6, RT 10/RW 11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10220
Tower/Floor/View: 2/up 50
Size: 149 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished complete with electronics
Facility: Good Facilities with 24-hours international security services & security system, CCTV, access card, passenger lift, 24-hours reception service desk, laguna swimming pool, infinity swimming pool 50 meters, indoor swimming pool, jogging area, gazebo Bali style, fitness center with very high standard, jacuzzi, whirlpool and sauna, tennis court, badminton court, 3 of magnificent function room, garden, playground for kids outdoor and indoor, 24-hours taxi service, laundry service
Additional Info:
Located in main central business district Jakarta, with only 5 minutes walking to MRT Station, 10 minutes walking to Citywalk mall, and 15 minutes driving to Plaza Indonesia and Grand Indonesia Mall.
Condition: Full furnished with TV set, sound system, free Indovision (International channels), washing machine, hot water, sofa bed, fast Wifi connection.
Located in the center of Jakarta city, close distance to shopping Mall and business (Grand Indonesia, Thamrin City, JACC, Tanah Abang), close distance to office district in Sudirman / Thamrin, lot of Restaurants, close to Busway stops, Commuter line station.
Advantage investment when next MRT project ready. Thamrin Residences is surrounded by 5-stars Hotel & International baby daycare/playgroups. Easy access to taxy as well.
Exclude water, electricity, internet.
For more information and see the apartment please contact us :