Location: Jl.Bona Vista Raya, Lebak Bulus, Cilandak – Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: 2/6/Garden
Size: 120 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi-Furnished
Facility: Children Playground, Swimming Pool, Basket Ball Yard, Mini Mart, Fitness center, Tennis Court, Big Garden, Security 24 Hours, Free Parking Lot.
Additional Info:
Strategic Location
Walking distance to SIS (Singapore International School)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in Pondok Indah – Fatmawati – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities includes premium supermarket, restaurants and cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropis concept.
The area is famous for its expatriate ambience, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School. Pondok Indah Hospital, RS Fatmawati, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong – BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Start from : Rp 900.000.000
Rental Price:
Tower A & B
2 BR = Rp 7.500.000 – Rp 8.500.000
3 BR = Rp 12.000.000 – Rp 13.500.000
2+1 BR = Rp 13.500.000 – Rp 15.000.000
3+1 BR = Rp 16.000.000 – Rp 19.000.000
Tower C
Studio = Rp 7.000.000 – Rp 8.000.000
2 BR = Rp 10.000.000 – Rp 11.000.000
2+1 BR = Rp 15.000.000 – Rp 16.000.000
3+1 BR = Rp 18.000.000 – Rp 19.000.000
All price negotiable
Minimal 1 Year
Include Service Charge
Contact: Jessica 0813-11-076-076 0815-8519-7838 Call / WA / Text / Showing Unit (Everyday Standby)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept. The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Call me for details
Rental Price: Rp 17.000.000 / month, minimal 6 Month
Condition: Fully Furnished. AC, TV LCD, kursi & meja belajar, rak buku, lemari pakaian, kitchen set, kompor gas, peralatan makan dan masak, kulkas, bed cover, dipan dengan spring bed big size 160 x 200, bantal-guling-sprei, hordeng.
Tower/Floor/View: Tower A/Lantai 11, Unit 11 No. 02/View Pool and City
Size: 96 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished
Spesifikasi ruangan:
Kamar tidur: tempat tidur serta bantal & guling (2 set sprei & selimut untuk masing-masing kamar), nakas, lemari pakaian, lampu tidur (master bedroom), meja rias + kursi (master bedroom), sofa (master bedroom), meja belajar + kursi (kamar anak), AC, gordyn
Ruang tamu: bufet TV, TV 40ïnch, lemari pajangan, set sofa & meja, AC, gordyn
Ruang makan: meja makan + kursi 6 pcs,
Dapur: kompor, kulkas, mesin cuci
Kolam renang, fitness center, sauna, access card.
Dapat parking card untuk free parking.
Additional Info:
Lokasi dekat dengan: Carrefour, Pondok Indah Mall, RS Pondok Indah
Akses dekat toll JORR, langsung Bandara International Soekarno Hatta
Location: Jalan Otista Raya No. 23, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Tower/Floor/View: Springwood/18
Size: 22 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: unfurnished
Facility: Fasilitas Terlengkap
Olah Raga Kebugaran, Kolam Renang (independent swimming pool & playground for every tower)
Jogging Track, Fitness Centre, mini waterpark.
Playground, Amphi Theather
Area Komersial
Healthcare, Taman Kuliner ( Food & Creative Park )
Mini Market, Boutique, Salon, Bookstore, Resto & Café Shop, Bank & ATM
Additional Info:
Apartemen Sudah Topping Up, tinggal serah terima saja.
Type: Studio B
Tower: Springwood
Posisi: North Wing
Lantai: 18
Gedung Parkir 8 lantai dengan rasio 1:1, halte transjakarta, feeder bus.
Hanya 10 menit dari MRT Lebak Bulus!
Hubungi pemilik langsung
Prospek bernilai investasi tinggi. Apartemen yang berlokasi di Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Merupakan hunian vertikal yang mengusung konsep hijau, Mewah, Terjangkau dan Berkualitas.
Transportation Access
Transjakarta Ciputat – Bundaran. HI (Tosari) 1 Menit
Sekolah Internasional : JIS, SIS, STB-Anglo Chinese School
Rumah Sakit : Pondok Indah, Siloam, Mayapada, International SOS,
Pusat Perbelanjaan : Pondok Indah Mall, Cilandak Town Square.
Untuk harga sewa tidak termasuk tagihan fee Maintenance (Rp, 1,600,000,-), listrik, Air, dll kurang lebih sebesar Rp. 3,500,000,- setiap bulannya.
Untuk biaya internet & TV Cable perbulan Rp. 1,700,000,- akan di tanggung oleh pemilik tergantung dari kesepakatan bersama atau harga deal setelah nego.
Jika parkir lebih dari 1 mobil di kenakan bayar parkir perbulan Rp. 350,000,-
Apartement Condo Villa Luxury lokasi bergengsi di Jakarta Selatan 2 unit hanya 898 jutaan. Per unit 400 jutaan. Beneran!!! Penasaran? Konsep “New Smart Healthy Living”
Lokasi bergengsi di Jakarta Selatan
Unique Milenials Living (tinggi lantai 5 m)
New Smart Healthy
Kemudahan akses transportasi di sekitar
Komplot fasilitas klinik di Condo Villa
Sangat dekat perkantoran di sekitar Lebak Bulus – TB Simatupang – Pondok Indah – Kebayoran Lama – Citos, dst.
Security system 24 jam
Limited unit hanya 6 tower dan 4 lantai saja dengan full fasilitas (swimming pool, lobby, rooftop, jogging track, mini golf)
Developer : Diamondland
Harga :
Per unit Rp 480 juta an
2 unit Rp 898 jutaan
Hanya dengan reservasi Rp 3.000.000
Langsung pilih unit dan view
Facility: Swimming pool, lobby, rooftop, jogging track, mini golf
Note :
Untuk Apartemen Apple 1 Tb Simatupang Jakarta Selatan sudah akan selesai 2020. Harga perdana 2018 di 500 jutaan sekarang sudah 850 jutaan
Untuk Apartemen Apple 3 Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan sudah ada show unit
Harga perdana tahun ini 2020 di 400 jutaan. Estimasi dalam 6 bulan ke depan harga 500 jutaan dan dalam 2 tahun ke depan harga 800 jutaan.
Ayo investasi segera, selagi harga perdana launching luxury apartemen Apple 3.
Additional Info:
Kemudahan sekitar :
5 menit ke MRT Lebak Bulus
5 menit ke Terminal Bushway Lebak Bulus
15 menit ke Mall Pondok Indah
15 menit ke Mall Cilandak Town Square
20 menit ke Mall Gandaria City
20 menit ke Mall Blok M
20 menit ke kampus UIN Jakarta
5 menit ke RS Mayapada
15 menit ke RS Fatmawati
The Smart New Healthy Living at South Jakarta @Jakarta Selatan.
Touchless Elevator
Touchless Body Heat Temperature
Touchless Hand Sanitizer
Disinfectant Chamber
Smart Home
Smart Door Lock, and more
Prestigious, Luxury, New Concept and Family Condo Villa suit You and Your Family at New Normal Living.
Price start ONLY from 500Mio, AMAZING !!!
Plus flexibility term of payment :
Hard Cash
Soft Cash 10% 12x , 24x, 36x
Soft Cash 20% 12x, 24x , 36x
Get Your NUP NOW!!! 3 Mio ONLY Limited Stock!!! NOW or NEVER Smart People have Smart Living and get the Smart Investment