Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.1A Cipinang Besar Selatan Jatinegara Jakarta Timur,
Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia / 11 / City
Size: 34 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Unit Full Furnish Siap Huni
TV Cable
WiFi (kalo pasang)
AC 2pcs
Kitchen set & Peralatan Masak
Bassura City merupakan superblock yang memiliki fasilitas sebagai berikut : Access card, TV kabel, WiFi (gratis/berbayar), parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children, jogging track, food court.
Fasilitas Penunjang : Mall @Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart / Indomart di dalam apartemen.
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan akses Tol Dalam Kota, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang, Kuningan, Mampang dan Sudirman.
Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok) Tol Wiyoto Wiyoro.
Dekat kampus, SPBU, Pasar Gembrong, Toll BecakAyu.
Memiliki shuttle bus langsung dari/ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta, dan Bandung Bassura City Dekat dari Bandara Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara, Stasiun Tebet.
Dikelilingi Universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
Kami dari Agent Top House Property dan Travelibu Property Menerima titip sewa, jual dan Interior Properti Apartemen Bassura City dan Property Lainnya, Ahli dan Berpengalaman Harga Negosiasi
Selling Price:
Rp 490 juta All in (sudah termasuk pajak dan balik nama) Sudah SHM
Pembayaran Cash Keras
Good price, good view, good investmen, sangat cocok buat dihuni atau disewakan
Kami juga Tersedia unit jual yang lainnnya dengan Rate :
Studio Unfurnished: Rp 320 – 400 juta
Studio Full furnished: Rp 350 – 450 juta
1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 375 – 500 juta
1 BR Full furnished: Rp 450 – 550 juta
2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 420 – 600 juta
2 BR Full furnished: Rp 480 – 700 juta
3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 600 – 900 juta
3 BR Full furnished: Rp 650 – 1.6 M
Note : harga jual tergantung Tower dan lantai (Furnish dan Unfurnished)
Harga termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan, notaris, dll. Cara bayar hanya bisa HARD CASH, tidak bisa KPA
KPA (Optional) Hanya Bisa untuk Unit yg sudah SHM/AJB.
Selain dekat dengan Mall Bassura, terdapat berbagai macam fasilitas yang dapat membuat hidup Anda lebih praktis!
Jangan sampai kehabisan, unit terbatas!
Rental Price:
Rp 5 juta / Bulan
Rp 15 Juta / 3 Bulan
Rp 28 Juta / 6 Bulan
Rp 45 Juta / Tahun
Deposit : 3 Juta
Info/Survey Unit Hub : Ari Tophouse Property/Travelibu Property (081381692266)
Kios Tower Dahlia D/AL-08 dan D/AL-21
Apartemen Bassura City (Kantor Tophouse Property/Travelibu Property)
Terima Titip Kunci Jual – Sewa – Beli – Interior
Instagram : @sewa_apartemen_jakarta_ Facebook : Ari Wuryanto (sewa apartemen jakarta) YouTube : sewa_apartemen_jakarta_ Link : https://linktr.ee/apartemenbassuracity
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: A/17
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, dispenser, kulkas)
eamanan 24 jam
Kolam renang
Mini market
Parkir bawah tanah
klinik primer
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis, bisa berjalan kaki ke Central Business District Sudirman dan Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA dan Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Dekat dengan Stasiun MRT Bendungan Hilir Halte Karet Busway (Transjakarta)
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka). Dekat Kedutaan Besar di Kuningan (India, Australia, UK, Malaysia, Singapura)
Dekat Universitas Atmajaya, Lasalle College Indonesia, Universitas Bakrie, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Dekat dengan RS MMC, RS Siloam, RS Jakarta
Dekat dengan Polda Metrojaya
Rental Price:
Rp 6 juta / bulan (bayar bulanan)
Rp 5,7 juta / bulan (min 6 bulan sewa, bayar bulanan)
Rp 5,7 juta / bulan (min 3 bulan sewa, bayar full)
Harga sewa diatas termasuk biaya IPL / Maintenance
Condition: Newly renovated studio room in a sweet nuance and minimalist style.
Swimming pool, fitness center, laundry service, basement & outdoor car park, beauty salon, mini market, ATM, mail box, Cable TV and 24-hours security service.
It takes 10 minutes walk to Tebet Train Station and Kota Kasablanka shopping Mall where You can find anything you need, such as; Banks / ATM, Local and International Restaurants, Food Court / Cafe, Department stores, Supermarket, entertainment facilities, movie theater, swimming park, etc.
Additional Info:
Limited unit, strategic location.
Near to; Central Business District (CBD) area (Kuningan, Sudirman, Thamrin & Gatot Subroto), Embassy (Australia, Singapore, India, Dutch, etc), MMC Hospital, Mall (Kota Kasablanka, Carrefour, Ambassador, ITC Kuningan, Grand Indonesia), culinary & entertainment center (Pasar Festival, Tebet & Menteng area).
Selling Price: Rp 650.000.000
Rental Price: Rp 4.500.000 / Month for a minimum of 6month period or Rp 50.000.000/Year (Excluding Electricity and Water and Apt Maintenance)
Location: Jl. Akri no.134, Karet Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/15/Mega Kuningan
Size: 34.11 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 24-hour security, access card for lift access, parking lot, fitness center, swimming pools (adult & children), children playground, minimart (alfamart), laundry, dental clinic, ATM, personal mailbox, coffee shop/restaurant, etc.
Additional Info:
Strategic location : near to CBD (Mega Kuningan, SCBD, Gatot Subroto, Sudirman), near to shopping malls and entertainment (Lotte Shopping Avenue, Pacific Place Mall, Kuningan City, Mall Ambasador, Plaza Semanggi, One Satrio, Planet Hollywood, etc), near to Embassy (Australia, China, Mexico, Canada, Korea & Malaysia), near to Hospital (Siloam Hospital, Jakarta Hospital, MMC Hospital)
Easy access to toll road (30 mins to Soekarno Hatta Airport)
Already have certificate (sudah ada SHMSRS jadi bisa KPA Bank)
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42, Setiabudi, South Jakarta
Tower/Floor/View: B/9/swimming pool & city
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic: LED TV, DVD player, AC, electric stove (gas stove can be provided), microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator, iron.
24-hour security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Valet parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near from Karet Busway stop, MRT, and close to shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Atmajaya University and Ciputra World).
Rental Price:
Rp 4.500.000 / month. Included: Internet & TV cable. Excludes: service charge and utility (water & electricity).
Merupakan superblock yang memiliki kelengkapan fasilitas sebagai berikut: access card, TV kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, food court.
Fasilitas perbelanjaan= Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart/Indomart di dalam apartemen.
Dekat dengan akses tol Dalam Kota, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok). Dekat kampus, pom bensin, Pasar Gembrong.
Memiliki shuttle bus langsung dari/ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta – Bassura City.
Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK.
Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara.
Dikelilingi Universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara.
Additional Info:
Disewakan 2 BR Full Furnished Hook Apartemen Bassura City
Listrik : 1.300 Watt
Harga Sewa :
Rp 45.000.000/tahun
Per 6 bulan Rp 23.000.000
Per 3 bulan Rp 14.000.000
1 bulan 5.000.000
Deposit Rp 3.000.000
Jatah Kendaraan
1 Mobil Rp 210.000/bulan
1 Motor Rp 85.000/bulan
Free IPL selama sewa
Penyewa hanya bayar listrik, air, parkiran, internet
Selling Price:
Studio Unfurnished: Rp 330.000.000 – 400.000.000
Studio Full furnished: Rp 350.000.000 – 450.000.000
1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 375.000.000 – 500.000.000
1 BR Full furnished: Rp 450.000.000 – 550.000.000
2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 420.000.000 – 600.000.000
2 BR Full furnished: Rp 480.000.000 – 700.000.000
3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 600.000.000 – 900.000.000
3 BR Full furnished: Rp 650.000.000 – 1.600.000.000
Rental Price:
1 Bulan Rp 4.000.000
3 Bulan Rp 11.000.000
6 Bulan Rp 18.000.000 – 20.000.000
12 Bulan Rp 30.000.000 – 35.000.000
1 Kamar 12 Bulan Rp 35.000.000
2 Kamar Full Furnished
1 Hari Rp 400.000 – 450.000
1 Bulan Rp 4.500.000 – 5.000.000
3 Bulan Rp 14.000.000 – 15.000.000
6 Bulan Rp 22.000.000 – 23.000.000
12 Bulan Rp 38.000.000 – 45.000.000
3 Kamar Full Furnish
1 Bulan Rp 6.500.000 – 7.500.000
3 Bulan Rp 20.000.000 – 23.000.000
6 Bulan Rp 33.000.000 – 35.000.000
12 Bulan Rp 55.000.000 – 70.000.000
Studio Rp 22.000.000 – 24.000.000 / tahun
1 Bedroom Rp 24.000.000 – 26.000.000 / tahun
2 Bedroom Rp 27.000.000 – 29.000.000 / tahun
3 Bedroom Rp 40.000.000 – 42.000.000 / tahun
Studio Rp 24.000.000 – 26.000.000 / tahun
1 Bedroom Rp 26.000.000 – 28.000.000 / tahun
2 Bedroom Rp 28.000.000 – 30.000.000 / tahun
3 Bedroom Rp 42.000.000 – 45.000.000 / tahun
HARIAN – Price unit harian
Studio Rp 300.000 / hari
2 bedroom Rp 400.000 / hari
Weekend + Rp 50.000
Syarat KTP saja
Kantor Tophous property kios DAHLIA [D/AL.22]
Contact: Untuk fast respond bisa hubungi melalui WA 081387933300
Location: Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: City View
Size: 183 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished
Connect to Mall Lotte Shopping Avenue
Premium facility
Basketball court
Badminton court
Tennis court
Swimming pool Gym & fitness center
Kids playground
BBQ area Restaurant
Concierge service
Reserved parking space
24-hour security & CCTV system
Additional Info:
Form the Commercial Hearts of Jakarta.
Ciputra World is the newest landmark in Jakarta’s Commercial Landscape and is the product’s unique combination of talents.
Perfect Location, delineated by Jakarta’s main traffic arteries Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Gatot Subroto and Jalan Rasuna Said.
Close to Ciputra Artpreneur Center (Museum, Theatre & Gallery), Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ranch Market, Studio XXI, Lotte Duty Free, Raffles Hotel, My Home Apartemen and Ascott Service Apartment.
Close to Casablanca Mall
Only 15 min to Sudirman, 35 minutes to SCBD and 5 minutes to Mega Kuningan & Menteng.
Selling Price: Rp 7,400,000,000 Negotiable Tersedia 3 BR Luas 174 m2 Semi Furnished Harga Rp 7,25 M Nego 2 BR Luas 142 m2 Unfurnished Rp 6,45 M Nego
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 36, Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 1/ low – high floor / any view
Size: 38 / 42 / 64 / 73 / 95 / 100 / 122 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Condition: Full Furnished
5 stars Hotel services
Indoor leisure Swimming Pool
Twin Whirlpool, semi Indoor infinity pool
Fitness Center
Excotic Sauna
Tropical Garden and Roof Garden
BBQ Terrace
Library Lounge
Meeting Room
Child Daycare
24-Hours CCTV
24-Hours Security
Commercial Area
Additional Info:
Prestigious and premium location on Sudirman street, South Jakarta Excotic living and work near from your Bussiness Area, located in the Central Business District (SCBD and CBD Kuningan) Surrounding by exciting place, close to multiple malls such as Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Senayan City and Many more. Close to Public Transportation: MRT STATION within walking distance (about 50 meters) and Transjakarta Shelter.
Selling Price: Feel Free ask for more details
Rental Price:
Studio: IDR 10 million – IDR 12 million / month
1BR: IDR 13 million – IDR 15 million / month
2BR: IDR 15 million – IDR 19 million / month
3BR+1 maid: IDR 20 million – IDR 25 million / month * The above prices are negotiable. * Minimum rent: 1 year. * Payment in advance.