(wallpaper, flooring, divan, wardrobe full (floor to ceiling), dressing table in master bedroom, wallboard panel for living room, kitchen set, Modena Stove Planting and cooker hood, water heater, Air Conditioner in living room, Air Conditioner in bedroom and AC in the kid bedroom) (Not include refrigerator, water dispenser, tv, sofa, and dining table and chair)
Condition: TV, tempat tidur, bantal dan guling, peralatan masak, AC, sofa dan kursi
Swimming Pool
Jogging Track
Gym Room
Kid Playroom
Ruangan Serba Guna
Parking Gratis 1 mobil dan 1 motor untuk tenant
Additional Info: Apartment Sunter Icon, Daerah Jakarta Utara, letak yang strategis, dekat dengan Tol, Kemayoran,mall MOI dan kelapa gading, hanya 5 menit ke rumah Sakit satya Negara, Hermina, Royal Progress, Sekolahan Jubilee, Wisma Atlit.
Selling Price: Rp 800,000,000 full furnished (nego)