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Apartment Name: Easton Park Jatinangor
Location: Jl. Raya Jatinangor No.78, Cibeusi, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat, 45363
Tower/Floor/View: Stanford / lantai 10 / view barat (kota Bandung)
Size: 24,7 m2 (Studio, Unit 1067 & unit 1069)
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Facility: Tempat tidur & kasur, Kompor, TV, AC, Water heater, Kulkas, gordijn & vitrage, Swimming Pool, Carport.
Additional Info:
5 menit dari Mall Jatinangor Town Square (JATOS)
Sangat dekat dengan IPDN, ITB, UNPAD, IKOPIN Jatinangor
Selling Price: Rp 210 juta
Contact: Sisil 0822.1740.1016
WhatsApp: 082217401016
Apartment Name: Pinewood
Location: Jl Raya Jatinangor, Sumedang-Bandung
Tower/Floor/View: 746/pool view
Size: 39.5 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: 1. Rg makan: meja makan, kursi bar, kitchen set 2. Rg keluarga: sofa, meja, TV, karpet 3. Internet, kabel TV 4. Kolam renang, keamanan 24jam 5. Lahan parkir yg luas indoor dan outdoor 6. Berada dalam kawan mall Jatinangor Townsquare 6. Swalayan 7. Laundry
Additional Info: Lokasi sangat strategis di depan kampus UNPAD dan ITB jatinangor
Selling Price: Rp 495 juta
Rental Price:
Rp 500rb per malam
Rp 3 juts per bulan
Rp 30 juta per tahun
Contact: 08170086880
Apartment Name: Pinewood Residence
Location: Jalan Raya Jatinangor 150 Sumedang Jawa Barat 45363
Tower/Floor/View: A / 22 / Unpad, gunung
Size: 27 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished & Unfurnished
Facility: Jatos Mall, swimming pool, access card, 24-hour security, minimarket, laundry, coffee shop.
Additional Info:
0,3 km to Unpad/ITB
1,5 km to Cileunyi toll gate
Selling Price: Starting from Rp 200 million to 450 million
Contact: Indah Rene
WhatsApp: 087722200163
Apartment Name: Taman Melati Jatinangor
Location: Jl. Cikuda, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jatinangor, Bandung, Jawa Barat 45363
Tower/Floor/View: 11
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Kolam renang
Kartu akses
CCTV / keamanan 24 jam
Parkir (tarif berlaku)
Pusat kebugaran
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis dekat dengan 4 (empat) kampus besar : UNPAD, ITB, IKOPIN, IPDN
Ada jalan belakang menuju UNPAD
Design modern minimalis dan setiap sisi memiliki keuntungan view bagus
Selling Price: Rp 350.000.000
Contact: 087835352227
Apartment Name: Easton Park Residences
Location: Jatinangor
Tower/Floor/View: Harvard/21
Size: 24,70 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Baru di renovasi – Fully furnished
Include: Air Conditioner (AC), water heater, TV,Sink, top table, kitchenset, Bed bisa dipergunakan untuk 2 orang dewasa, bagian bawah bisa ditarik (new)
Kolam renang (swimming pool)
Tempat gym / fitness
Lapangan basket (Basketball Field)
Lift dengan kartu access (Access Card for Lift)
ATM Center
Security 24 hours
Parking area
Additional Info:
5 menit dari Mall Jatinangor Town Square (JATOS)
Sangat dekat dengan IPDN, ITB, UNPAD, IKOPIN Jatinangor
Selling Price: Rp 330,000,000
Contact: +62817 6606286 (Richard)
WhatsApp: 628176606286
Apartment Name: Panewood Jatinagor
Location: Jatinangor Sumedang
Tower/Floor/View: Floor 20 / Kampus View
Size: 27.5 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: LCD 32″, Cable TV, internet, lemari es, water dispenser, room cooler, water heater, 2 spring bed, meja belajar.
Additional Info: Dekat Kampus ITB, Unpad, IPDN, Ikopin, Jatinangor Town Square, Bioskop, Food Court, MiniMart, Laundry, dll
Rental Price:
Sewa pertahun Rp. 27.000.000
Sewa perbulan Rp. 2.500.000
Uang Deposit Rp 2.000.000 yang akan dikembalika jika tidak ada kerusakan.
Contact: 08122047123
WhatsApp: 08121047123
Apartment Name: Easton Park Residence
Location: Jl. Raya Jatinangor, Cibeusi, Kec. Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45363
Tower/Floor/View: Harvard/ 21st Floor/ Overlooking Gunung Salak
Size: 24,70 m2 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Brand New. Partially furnished with Air Conditioner (AC), Small table, Sink place.
Swimming pool
Jogging track
Basketball field
Access card for Lift
ATM Center
Security 24 hours
Parking area
Work in progress for Cisumdawu 60 kilometers toll road which connects Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan
Additional Info:
5 minutes from Mall Jatinangor Town Square (JATOS) so it’s easy to find food and easy to travel to Jakarta and other areas
Strategic location (college town), highly suitable for college students directly opposite the IPDN campus, close to UNPAD, ITB, and IKOPIN Jatinangor)
Approximately 1 km from the Cileunyi Toll exit)
Can be rented for at least 6 months ( Rp 15.000.000) or a year (Rp 27.000.000)
We can help furnish the apartement if needed
SHM – Sertifikat Hak Milik (Freehold Certificate on progress)
Selling Price: Rp 290.000.000 (Negotiable until the deal closes)
Teddy: +62 8131-352-3933
Available on WhatsApp/Call anytime, please do not hesitate to ask me any questions
WhatsApp: 6281313523933
Apartment Name: Pinewood Jatinangor
Location: Jatinangor
Tower/Floor/View: View Gunung / Kolam Renang
Size: 27 m2
Bedroom: 1 & 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Lengkap:
Kolam Renang
Satu Kawasan Dengan Mall Jatos
Parkiran Luas
Keamanan 24 Jam
2 Lobby Apartement
Akses Card
Additional Info:
Lokasi Strategis
Dekat Dengan Kampus Unpad Itb Ipdn Dan Ikopin
Dekat Dengan Pintu Tol Cileunyi
Rental Price: Rp 18 juta
Type studio
Bulanan harga mulai Rp 2 jutaan
Tahunan harga mulai dari Rp 18 jutaan
Type 2 Bed Room
Bulanan mulai dari Rp 3 jutaan
Tahunan mulai dari Rp 28 jutaan
08112006577 Fery
Kantor Kami Lobby Pinewood
WhatsApp: 08112006577
Apartment Name: Pinewood
Location: Jatinangor, Sumedang
Tower/Floor/View: 5 / Swimming pool
Size: 39 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Kitchen set with breakfast table and chair
All bedroom complete with spring bed and wardrobe, desk & bookcase
Electrical cooker
Magic jar
TV cable and internet access
Facility: Strategic location with:
Area of shopping mall JATOS
Near to 4 famous university (ITB, UNPAD, STPDN, IKOPIN)
24-hour security
Access card
Swimming pool
Fitness center
Transportation (easy to access)
Parking area, etc.
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 370.000.000
Contact: 0812-242-9383
Apartment Name: Easton Park
Location: Jatinangor, Sumedang
Tower/Floor/View: Wing Boston/15 Floor/view Rancaekek
Size: 24,7 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with brand new equipment. AC, TV set, water heater, single Bed, wardrobe and extra space for storage, Studying desk, Kitchen set with stove, refrigerator, dispenser.
Facility: Security 24 hours, swimming pool for kids and adult, fitness Centre,minimarket 24 jam, laundry, parking area, TV Cable, Internet Wifi
Additional Info: Strategic Location:, 0,5 Km from Toll Gate Cileunyi. Nearby Campus ITB, Unpad, Ikopin, IPDN, Unwim.
Rental Price: Rp 2.000.000
Contact: 08158833251
WhatsApp: 08158833251
E-mail: agus_miraz@yahoo,com
Apartment Name: Easton Park Jatinangor
Location: Jatinangor. Di depan IPDN (Dekat dgn UNPAD & ITB Jatinangor)
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 25/Unit: 2535
Size: 27 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished (AC, kulkas, TV, dispenser, sofa bed, tempat tidur, lemari, meja belajar, kitchen set, water heater)
Facility: parkir, Kolam renang, gym, minimarket, musholla, laundry
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 375.000.000
Contact: 08176526533 – Ibu Tia (langsung ke no pemilik, bukan no agen)
Apartment Name: Pinewood jatinangor
Location: Jalan raya jatinangor, kab. Sumedang
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 18 unit 36
Size: 27m2 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Fully furnished:
Sprei and bed cover
Lemari pakaian
Meja dan kursi belajar
Lampu untuk belajar
AC dan kipas angin
Wifi dan indihome tv box
Rak buku
Water heater
Water dispenser +galon
Dapur listrik
Kitchen set
Swimming pool
Car park
Shopping mall jatos
Cinema XXI
Mini market 24 hr
Basement car park
Security 24 jam
Food court
Additional Info:
Dekat 4 universitas ( ITB, UNPAD, IKOPIN, STPDN)
Dekat pintu toll padaleuny
Sangat cocok untuk pelajar/mahasiswa, karyawan/ti
Rental Price:
Bulanan : Rp 2.500.000/ bulana sudah termasuk service charge.
Tahunan : Rp 25.000.000/ tahun sudah termasuk service charga.
Harga tidak termasuk air dan listrik
Deposit Rp 1.000.000 akan di kembalikan kepada penyewa saat sewa apartement berekhir.
Contact: Anti : 082253461294 Iis rismsyanti ;08122386399
WhatsApp: 082253461294