- Apartment Name: Menteng Park
- Location: Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald / 36 / City
- Size: 65 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished Certificate (Sudah AJB, Acceptable)
- Facility:
- Private Lift
- 24-hour security
- Food Hall Supermarket
- ATM Centre
- Infinity swimming pool
- Mezzanine lounge
- Fitness Center
- Luxurious Grand Lobby
- Children play-ground
- Garden with jogging track
- Cafe and Restaurants
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Menteng Park dirancang dengan perpaduan sempurna antara gaya dan kepraktisan . terletak di Cikini Raya, Menteng. Letak hunian ini sangat berdekatan dengan area perkantoran, maupun perbisnisan. Dikelilingi banyak sekolah, rumah sakit dan tempat ibadah, Hunian ini juga cocok bagi Anda yang memiliki kegiatan di sekitar Cikini, Gondangdia, Matraman, Kemayoran, Kuningan, Sudirman, Thamrin, dan daerah-daerah strategis lainnya.
- Hanya Berjarak 11 menit ke Stasiun Cikini dengan berkendara (1.8 km), Halte Transjakarta Kramat Sentiong hanya 9 menit jalan kaki (750 m), Terdapat beberapa universitas yang berada dekat gedung apartemen ini di antaranya Institut Kesenian Jakarta yang berjarak 2 menit jalan kaki (150 m), dan 52 menit berkendara ke Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta (31.6 km).
- Dekat ke Taman Ismail Marzuki dan bisa diakses hanya dengan jalan kaki selama 5 menit (400 m), Bakoel Koffie, Kedai Tjikini, Workroom Coffee, dan Tjikini Lima Restaurant & Café dapat ditempuh dengan 12 hingga 14 menit jalan kaki (950 m – 1.2 km), Grand Indonesia, dan Plaza Indonesia juga dapat diakses dengan berkendara selama 17 menit (3.8 km).
- Nego secepatnya langsung dengan OWNER
- Selling Price:
- Contact: 081298688444
- WhatsApp: 081298688444
Disewakan Apartment Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl. Jombang Raya
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A lantai 26
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished apartment baru.
- Facility: Gedung parkir, kolam renang, ruang pertemuan, security 24jam, jogging trek, taman bermain anak, free shelterbus to mall, Lingkungan asri dan rapi, dekat pintu tol.
- Additional Info:
- Dekat bintaro bulevard raya dan banyak kios
- Indomaret, Alfamart dan kios-kios warung nasi, laundry
- Rental Price: Rp 55 juta per tahun nego
- Contact: 08129388998
- WhatsApp: 08129388998
- E-mail: Amos.sct@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – Siap Huni, Cicilan 1,9 Jutaan/Bulan, BIG PROMO Free PPN, AJB & BPHTB
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Sektor 9, Jl. Jombang Raya (Sebelah British International School), Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B & C / 1 – 27 / City & Pool & British
- Size: 21 – 39 m2
- Bedroom: Studio & 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished / Kosongan
- Ready Stock & Siap Huni (Tower A dan B)
- Inden (Tower C)
- Facility:
- One gate system
- Parking building
- Swimming pool
- Jogging track
- Outdoor gym
- Basket court
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- 24-hour CCTV
- 24-hour security
- Multipurpose room & children playground
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro bersebelahan dengan International British School
- Dekat dengan stasiun commuter line Jurangmangu & Sudimara
- Dekat dengan Tol JORR & Tol Pondok Indah / Tol BXC
- 25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
- Dekat dengan RSPI Bintaro & Premier Bintaro
- Dekat dengan pusat kuliner : Taman Jajan bintaro, Lot 9, Emerald Tree, dll
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan seperti Lotte Mart Bintaro, Hari-hari Bintaro, Mall Pondok Indah, dll.
- Dekat dengan Mentari School, Al-Azhar Bintaro, Global Jaya, STAN, dll.
- Promo :
- Special Price / Discount Special*
- Free PPN
- Free AJB & BPHTB
- Free AC / Water heater*
- Cash Back*
- Free Subsidi Akad*
- Selling Price:
- Studio : mulai dari Rp 385 Jutaan
- 2 Bedroom : mulai dari Rp 550 Jutaan
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 3,5 Jutaan/ Bulan
- 2 Bedroom : Rp 4,5Jutaan / Bulan
- Contact: Rini Arian 0812 6393 3258
- WhatsApp: 081263933258
- E-mail: rinify.rinie@gmail.com
Quick Selling! Dijual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Jaya – No Third Party! Under Market Price – 2BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Pondok Aren – Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B/26/City View
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished (SPC Flooring, Kitchen Set, Sink, Stove, Refrigerator, 2 set AC)
- Facility:
- Free Shuttle Bus (from apartment to Jurangmangu Train Station and Bintaro Jaya Exchange Mall)
- Swimming Pool
- Jogging Track
- Basketball Court
- Children Playground
- Mini market
- 24 Hour CCTV
- 24 Hour Security
- Multifunction Hall
- Laundry Center
- Medical Clinic
- Outdoor Gym
- 4.300m2 Shady Park
- Coffee Shop (Dua Coffee @Emerald)
- Musholla
- BBQ Area
- Parking Building
- Additional Info: Facility near Emerald Bintaro:
- Shopping Center
- Fresh Market Bintaro (2 km)
- Living Plaza (2 km)
- Food Hall Bintaro (3 km)
- Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall (3 km)
- Bintaro Plaza (5 km)
- Lotte Mart (2.5 km)
- Pondok Indah Mall (12 km)
- IKEA Alam Sutera (16 km)
- Toll Gate
- Pondok Aren Barat JORR (3 km)
- Parigi (2.5 km)
- Transportation
- Shuttle Bus Emerald Bintaro to Bintaro Jaya Exchange (BXC) and Jurangmangu Train Station (0 km)
- Sudimara Train Station (3,1 km)
- Jurangmangu Train Station (4 km)
- Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (25 km)
- Hospital
- RS Pondok Indah (1,2 km)
- RS Ichsan (2,1 km)
- RS Bina Medika (1 km)
- RS Premier Bintaro (2,8 km)
- RS Mitra Keluarga Bintaro (5 km)
- RS EMC (9 km)
- School
- Global Jaya School (70 m)
- British School Jakarta (0,7 km)
- Mentari Intercultural School (1,4 km)
- Jakarta Japanese School (2.8 km)
- HighScope Indonesia (4 km)
- Al Azhar Bintaro (6 km)
- Sekolah Cikal (12 km)
- Campus
- STAN (3 km)
- UPJ (4 km)
- Others
- McDonald’s (1,2 km)
- Driving Range Bintaro (2,4 km)
- Situ Parigi (1,7 km)
- Taman Jajan Culinary Center Bintaro (3 km)
- SPBU Pertamina (3,6 km)
- Free Shuttle Bus (from apartment to Jurangmangu Train Station and Bintaro Jaya Exchange Mall)
- Only 25 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
- Trusted Developer, PT Jaya Real Property Tbk
- Shopping Center
- Selling Price:
- Rp 590.000.000
- Negotiation until deal
- Below market price
- Suitable for:
- Small Family
- Newlyweds
- Expatriate at British School Jakarta (walking distance)
- Rental Price: Not open for rental
- Contact: 081283066908 (Winda)
Instagram: @apartemenemerald.bintarojaya - WhatsApp: 081283066908
- E-mail: andhika.sutanto@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Gading Nias Residence Tower Grand Emerald Type 1 BR Unfurnish di Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias Residence Tower Grand Emerald
- Location: Kelapa Gading
- Tower/Floor/View: Grand Emerald/9/City
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Gym, kolam renang, parkir gedung (1 kendaraan per unit), parkir luar, tempat makan/jajanan & laundry, ATM, dll.
- Additional Info: Lokasi depan stasiun LRT pegangsaan dua, 5 menit dari Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading, 15 menit ke tol lingkar dalam dan 15 menit ke tol lingkar luar, dekat dengan JAC School, Singapore Intercultural School, RS Gading Pluit.
- Selling Price: 195.000.000
- Contact: 087885760180
- WhatsApp: 08567441986
- E-mail: aldita_0586@yahoo.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Siap Huni Rp 550Juta-an
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl. Jombang Raya, No 86 Sebelah Exit Sekolah British internasional Scholl
- Tower/Floor/View: A /B /C | 1 sd 27 | British, City & Pool
- Size: 21 sam s/d 39sqm
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: Studio & 2 Bedroom
- Condition:
1. Unfurnished / Kosongan
2. Ready Stock (Tower A & B) indent ( Tower C) - Facility:
1. One gate system
2. Parking building
3. Swimming pool
4. Jogging track
5. Outdoor gym
6. Basket court
7. Minimarket
8. Loundry
9. 24-hour CCTV
10. 24-hour security
11. Multipurpose room & children playground - Additional Info:
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro bersebelahan dengan International British School
Dekat dengan stasiun commuter line Jurangmangu & Sudimara
Dekat dengan Tol JORR & Tol Pondok Indah / Bintaro, Parigi25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
Dekat dengan RSPI Bintaro & Premier Bintaro
Dekat dengan pusat kuliner : Taman Jajan bintaro, Lot 9, Emerald Tree, dll
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan seperti Lotte Mart Bintaro, Hari-hari Bintaro, Mall Pondok Indah, dll.
Dekat dengan Mentari School, Al-Azhar Bintaro, Global Jaya, STAN, dll.
~ Best Promo ~
Free PPN 100%
Spesial Discount
TV /Water Heater *
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro bersebelahan dengan International British School
- Selling Price:
- Studio : mulai dari Rp 380 Jutaan
- 2 Bedroom : mulai dari Rp550 Jutan
- Rental Price:
- studio : Rp 3,5Jutaan / Bulan
- 2 Bedroom :Rp 4,5Jutaan / Bulan
- Contact: 081281165557 (Bram)
- WhatsApp: 081281165557
- E-mail: bprbram@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Menteng Park Tower Emerald 2 BR – Jakarta Pusat
- Apartment Name: Menteng Park
- Location: Jl Cikini Raya No 79, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald/16/ city
- Size: 61 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Facility:
- 24-hours security
- Luxurious Grand Lobby
- Children playground
- Garden with jogging track
- Super Market
- Lifestyle & food arcade
- Food Hall Supermarket
- Fitness Center
- Cafe and Restaurants
- ATM Centre
- Semi Outdoor swimming pool
- Rooftop sky garden
- Mezzanine lounge
- Additional Info: Call for details
- Selling Price: Rp 2.800.000.000 NEGO SAMPAI DEAL
- Contact: Sisca – 081212271973 (WA / tlp)
- WhatsApp: 081212271973
- E-mail: billing.intragama@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Grand Emerald Gading Nias Residence – Corner Unit with City View – 2 BR Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Grand Emerald – Gading Nias Residence
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: 22th floor with city view in the bedrooms. Limited corner unit.
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished (2 beds, 1 AC, 1 wardrobe, sofa, TV)
- Facility: Swimming pool, gym, car park, foodcourt, 24 hour security
- Additional Info:
- 5 mins to Kelapa Gading Mall
- 15 mins to Mall of Indonesia, Artha Gading
- 10 mins to Mitra Keluarga and Gading Pluit Hospitals
- Close to National and International Schools.
- Selling Price: Rp. 400,000,000,- include SHM
- Contact:
- Shanti (owner) +14389279927
- Nida: +62 818-0866-3166
- WhatsApp: 14389279927
- E-mail: shantikrisna24@yahoo.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro SIAP HUNI, Harga Mulai Dari 387 Jutaan Free Biaya AJB & BPHTB
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Sektor 9 Bintaro, Jl.Jombang Raya (Sebelah exit British International School)
- Tower/Floor/View: A,B dan C / 1 sd 27 / British, City & Pool
- Size: 21 Sqm s/d 39 sqm
- Bedroom: Studio & 2 Bedroom
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
1. Unfurnished / Kosongan
2. Ready Stock (Tower A dan B ) Inden (Tower C) - Facility:
1. One gate system
2. Parking building
3. Swimming pool
4. Jogging track
5. Outdoor gym
6. Basket court
7. Minimarket
8. Loundry
9. 24-hour CCTV
10. 24-hour security
11. Multipurpose room & children playground - Additional Info:
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro bersebelahan dengan International British School
- Dekat dengan stasiun commuter line Jurangmangu & Sudimara
- Dekat dengan Tol JORR & Tol Pondok Indah / Tol BXC
- 25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
- Dekat dengan RSPI Bintaro & Premier Bintaro
- Dekat dengan pusat kuliner : Taman Jajan bintaro, Lot 9, Emerald Tree, dll
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan seperti Lotte Mart Bintaro, Hari-hari Bintaro, Mall Pondok Indah, dll.
- Dekat dengan Mentari School, Al-Azhar Bintaro, Global Jaya, STAN, dll.
- Selling Price:
- Studio : mulai dari Rp 370 Jutaan
- 2 Bedroom : mulai dari Rp 500 Jutaan
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 3,5 Jutaan/ Bulan
- 2 Bedroom : Rp 4,5Jutaan / Bulan
- Contact: Rini Arian 0812 6393 3258
- WhatsApp: 081263933258
- E-mail: rinify.rinie@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Menteng Park Tower Emerald 2 BR Private Lift – Jakarta Pusat
- Apartment Name: Menteng Park
- Location: Jl. Cikini Raya No. 79, Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Emerald / Floor 17 / View Monas
- Size: 64m2? m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished (modern contemporary)
Private Lift- 100 m From Taman Ismail Marzuki 5 minutes to Monumen Nasional (MONAS)
- 10 minutes to shopping mall: Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia & Thamrin City 10-15 minutes to Sudirman, Kuningan.
- Near to Bank & ATM Center (BCA, BNI, Mandiri, BII, Danamon, Bank Mega),
- Near to hotel (Mercure Hotel, Novotel, Double tree)
- Near to Hospital (PGI Cikini, RSCM, Bunda Hospital)
- Near to School (Kanesius, SMPN 1 Cikini,Cosmic Montessori School)
- Strategic location for business area Sudirman, Thamrin, Rasuna Said, Kuningan
- Easy access to the bus station, train station, MRT station, 24-hours restaurants (Raden Saleh), and hipster areas (Menteng)
- Facility:
- 24-hours security
- Luxurious Grand Lobby
- Children playground
- Garden with jogging track
- Super Market
- Lifestyle & food arcade
- Food Hall Supermarket
- Fitness Center
- Cafe and Restaurants
- ATM Centre
- Semi Outdoor swimming pool
- Rooftop sky garden
- Mezzanine lounge
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: IDR 3.700.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 15.000.000 / month
- Contact: SULIS : 085711307182 (WhatsApp)
- WhatsApp: +447496331480
- E-mail: sulistriyani2@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen 350 Jutaan Siap Huni – Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – Studio & 2 BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Sektor 9 Bintaro, Jl.Jombang Raya (Sebelah exit British International School)
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B / C / 1 > 27 / British/City/Pool
- Size: 21 sqm > 39 m2
- Bedroom: Studio & 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Tower A & B (Siap Huni)
- Tower C indent (Progres Pembangunan)
- Facility:
- One gate system
- Parking building
- Swimming pool
- Jogging track
- Outdoor gym
- Basket court
- Minimarket
- Loundry
- 24-hour CCTV
- 24-hour security
- Multipurpose room & children
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro terletak di kawasan kota Mandiri Bintaro, sebuah area yang berkembang pesat di Tangerang Selatan.
- Dikelilingi oleh pusat perbelanjaan, pusat bisnis, sekolah, dan pusat olahraga,
akses mudah, 10 Menit gerbang Tol Bintaro Pondok indah, Tol Parigi, Stasiun KRL Jurangmangu, Mall BX Change - Memiliki desain modern yang elegan dengan fasad bangunan yang menawan. Arsitektur yang menarik dan penataan ruang yang efisien memberikan penghuni apartemen kenyamanan dan suasana yang menyenangkan.
- Selain fasilitas yang lengkap, apartemen ini juga menonjolkan lingkungan yang hijau dan asri. Taman-taman yang indah dan area bermain anak-anak yang dirancang dengan baik menciptakan suasana yang menyegarkan
- Dapatkan Promo Spesial Diskon
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp 380.000,000
- 2 Bedroom Rp 500.000,000
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 3,5 Juta / Bulan
- 2 Bedroom Rp 5 Juta / Bulan
- Contact: 0812-8116-5557
Bram Sales in house PT. Kaya Real Properti, Tbk - WhatsApp: 081281165557
- E-mail: bprbram@gmail.com
The Mansion Kemayoran Bougenville Apartment Jakarta Utara Disewakan – Tower EMERALD (Newest) – 2 BR Fully Furnished – (Direct Owner)
- Apartment Name: The Mansion Kemayoran
- Location: Jl. Trembesi, Pademangan Timur, Pademangan, Kota Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta 14410
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald / 35 / Multiview (City and Pool)
- Size: 49 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished. 3 units of AC (Air Conditioner)
- Living room: big sofa, Smart TV LCD TV 36 inch connected to Cable, mirror wall, AC Toshiba, front loading washing machine, internet (WIFI)
- Kitchen set: Elite sink with gas stove and cooker hood, refillable gas cylinder, 2 door Panasonic refrigerator with digital inverter technology, water dispenser, dining table with one seat.
- Master bedroom: queen size bed (180×200), AC Sharp, drawers, wardrobe, built-in book rack
- Kids Bedroom: 180×200 bed, drawer & storage, AC Toshiba
- Facility: Access card to Apartment units and:
- Swimming pool (1 for adults on the ground floor and 1 for children on the 8th floor)
- Jogging track
- Fitness Center
- Community Lounge
- Children playground
- Coin Laundry
- Parking lot
- Café and Restaurant
- Foodhall Supermarket
- Indomaret
- Very Near to Food Centrum, Holiday Inn Hotel, and Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ)
- 24 hours security and maintenance service. 24 hours Mailbox.
- Additional Info:
- Experience luxurious living at The Mansion Bougenville, strategically nestled in the heart of Jakarta. Surrounded by key establishments such as business centers, offices, educational institutions, entertainment venues, and hospitals, this apartment provides unparalleled convenience for expatriates seeking a vibrant urban lifestyle.
- Strategically positioned, residents enjoy seamless access to various destinations across Jakarta, making daily commuting a breeze. Only a 20-minute drive to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, 5 minutes to the iconic Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, and a mere 3 minutes to esteemed international schools like Jubilee School, Universal International School, and Gandhi International School.
- Noteworthy amenities include proximity to Rajawali Station, Mitra Kemayoran Hospital, and International Expo, all within a short 1-kilometer radius. One of the standout features of The Mansion Bougenville Kemayoran is its flood-free location, ensuring peace of mind for residents.
- Step into a world of exclusivity with a wide array of facilities that cater to every lifestyle need. From adult and children’s swimming pools, a state-of-the-art fitness center, jogging track, and children’s playground to 24-hour security, this apartment promises a well-rounded and secure living experience.
- Indulge in the epitome of urban living at The Mansion Bougenville Kemayoran — where luxury meets convenience, and every moment becomes a celebration of the extraordinary. Your dream expatriate lifestyle begins here.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 52.000.000 / tahun excluding the annual maintenance fee + TV Cable.
- Plus retention fee Rp 5.000.000 (refundable at the end of the rent-period depends on the condition of the unit).
- Exclude charge: monthly utility charge (electricity, internet, parking, etc)
- Contact: Violine 0812.8108.7475 (WA / call)
- WhatsApp: 081281087475