Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No.Kav. 88, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16423
Tower/Floor/View: Mares 3, 4 & 5 / 3, 5, 8, 15, 17, 18, 20 / pool, Gunung salak
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Full furnished
Kamar bersih
Alat mandi
Alat makan
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam, Akses Card, Pusat perbelanjaan, ATM center, Food court, Mini Market.
Additional Info: Apartemen yag terletak dipusat kota Depok sehingga dekat dengan berbagai sarana mempermudah penunjang kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pusat perbelanjaan D’Mall (Depok Mall). Depok Town Square, ITC Depok, Margocity Mall.
Rental Price:
Fullday :
Senin – Kamis : Rp. 200.000
Jumat – Minggu : Rp. 250.000
Transit Senin – Minggu :
3 Jam : Rp. 100.000
5 Jam : Rp. 150.000
6 Jam : Rp. 175.000
Extend Rp 30.000 / Jam
Fullday Check In Paling Cepat Jam 13.00 Siang dan Check Out Paling Lambat Jam 11.00 Siang.
Untuk Transit Bebas Check In Paling Cepat Jam 08.00 Pagi.
Tower/Floor/View: Tower H & J / Lantai 5, 9 & 12 / Bunderan Taman & Pool
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Fasilitas room :
Queen bed set
Fasilitas apartemen :
Swimming pool
ATM Center
Mini market
Jogging track
Additional Info: Near University of Indonesia (UI) & Gunadharma Univ., Margo City Mall & Depok Town Square, Bunda Margonda Hospital, Train Station, Gramedia bookstore, many Restaurants and Business Centre.
Location: Jln. Margonda Raya Kav.88 (D’Mall Depok)
Tower/Floor/View: Mares 4 & 5 (lantai 8 s.d 20)
Size: 25 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Fully furnished
Tempat tidur springbed
kitchen set lengkap dengan kompor portable
Peralatan makan + pealatan masak
Kulkas 1 pintu
Sabun + shampoo
Dental kit (standar sikat gigi hotel)
Tisu + Handuk
Kopi teh gula
Swimming Pool
Lift 4 pintu
Keamanan 24 jam
Kartu akses
Pusat Perbelanjaan D Mall, Hotel Santika, Foodhall Supermarket, Golden Trully Departemen Store, Pusat Fashion, Bank-bank, ATM Center, Food Court dan Restaurant. Parking Lot, Laundry, Pharmacy, Mini Market, Transportasi umum 24 jam.
Additional Info:
Apartemen yang terletak di pusat kota Depok sehingga dekat dengan berbagai sarana mempermudah penunjang kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pusat perbelanjaan D’Mall (Depok Mall), Depok Town Square, ITC Depok, Margocity Mall.
Dekat dengan Hotel Santika Depok.
Dekat dengan fasilitas pendidikan yaitu Universitas Indonesia (UI Depok) dan Universitas Gunadharma.
Terjangkau ke Stasiun Depok Baru dan Stasiun Pondok Cina.
Terjangkau dengan fasilitas kesehatan yaitu RS Bunda Margonda, RS Mitra Keluarga
Bank-bank dan ATM center, Gramedia Bookstore, ACE Hardware, Informa, Mitra 10 serta 24-hour transportation.
Bisa check-in dadakan
Pembayaran via transfer atau cash di tempat
Tidak diperkenankan untuk pesta ulang tahun, dsb.
Tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa fasilitas handuk, sabun cair, dll
Rental Price:
Fullday :
Senin s.d kamis Rp 225.000 – 250.000
Jumat s.d minggu Rp 300.000 – 325.000
Transit 2 jam :
Senin s.d kamis Rp 100.000
Jumat s.d minggu Rp 125.000
Transit 3 jam :
Senin s.d kamis Rp 125.000
Jumat s.d minggu Rp 150.000
Transit 6 jam :
Senin s.d kamis Rp 200.000
Jumat s.d minggu Rp 250.000
Khusus Fullday waktu cek-in paling cepat jam 13.00 siang dan waktu cek-out paling lambat jam 11.30 siang.
Khusus Transit waktu cek-in bebas bisa cek- in pagi star di jam 08.00 pagi.
Location: Jln. Margonda Raya Kav.88 (D’Mall Depok)
Tower/Floor/View: Mares 4 & 5 (lantai 8 s.d 20)
Size: 25 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Fully furnished
Tempat tidur springbed
kitchen set lengkap dengan kompor portable
Peralatan makan + pealatan masak
Kulkas 1 pintu
Sabun + shampoo
Dental kit (standar sikat gigi hotel)
Tisu + Handuk
Kopi teh gula
Swimming Pool
Lift 4 pintu
Keamanan 24 jam
Kartu akses.
Pusat Perbelanjaan D Mall, Hotel Santika, Foodhall Supermarket, Golden Trully Departemen Store, Pusat Fashion, Bank-bank, ATM Center, Food Court dan Restaurant. Parking Lot, Laundry, Pharmacy, Mini Market, Transportasi umum 24 jam.
Additional Info:
Apartemen yang terletak di pusat kota Depok sehingga dekat dengan berbagai sarana mempermudah penunjang kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pusat perbelanjaan D’Mall (Depok Mall), Depok Town Square, ITC Depok, Margocity Mall.
Dekat dengan Hotel Santika Depok.
Dekat dengan fasilitas pendidikan yaitu Universitas Indonesia (UI Depok) dan Universitas Gunadharma.
Terjangkau ke Stasiun Depok Baru dan Stasiun Pondok Cina.
Terjangkau dengan fasilitas kesehatan yaitu RS Bunda Margonda, RS Mitra Keluarga
Bank-bank dan ATM center, Gramedia Bookstore, ACE Hardware, Informa, Mitra 10 serta 24-hour transportation.
Bisa check-in dadakan
Pembayaran via transfer atau cash di tempat
Tidak diperkenankan untuk pesta ulang tahun, dsb.
Tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa fasilitas handuk, sabun cair dll
Rental Price:
Fullday :
Senin s.d kamis Rp 225.000 – 250.000
Jumat s.d minggu Rp 300.000 – 325.000
Transit :
Senin s.d Minggu
2 jam : Rp 100.000
3 jam : Rp 150.000
4 jam : Rp 175.000
5 jam : Rp 200.000
6 jam : Rp 225.000
Promo fullday check in di atas jam 20.00 (chat admin)
Khusus Fullday waktu cek-in paling cepat jam 13.00 siang dan waktu cek-out paling lambat jam 11.30 siang.
Khusus Transit waktu cek-in bebas bisa cek- in pagi star di jam 08.00 pagi.
Contact: More info bisa hubungi Admin : Sms / Tlp: 087784612096 NB:
Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No. 1, Depok (Depok Town Square)
Tower/Floor/View: 2 / 1619 / City View and 2 / 1620 / City View
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: Studio with 1 bed (+1 sliding bed)
Bathroom: 1 (shower with water heater)
Condition: Fully furnished with fresh design (Water Heater, Air Conditioner, TV 32”, water dispenser, mini refrigerator (60 liter), writing table and chair, wardrobe, gorden, kitchen set, mini bar table).
Facility: 24 hours security, high speed connection for internet and TV cable, secured access card, swimming pool, parking, close to University of Indonesia and Gunadarma University.
Additional Info: Transport: Near to train station (Stasiun kereta api Pondok Cina), close to markets (Hypermart, Matahari, food markets, etc at Detos).
Rental Price: Rp. 22.000.000/year (Excludes deposit, monthly service, internet/TV Cable, electric and water bills).
Location: Jl.Margonda Raya No. 525A, Pondok Cina, Beiji, Depok
Tower/Floor/View: A / 20th Floor / Taman Hijau UI
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Full furnished
Semi wall paper
Air conditioner (AC)
Single size bed
Wardrobe + mirror
Writing table + chair
Kitchen set
Book shelf
Wide parking area
24-hour security
Access card for building & elevator
Swimming pool
Mini market
Laundry (kg)
Nearest apartment from Universitas of Indonesia
Near to some other universities (Pancasila and Gunadarma), Margonda City Mall, Depok Town Square, Bunda Margonda Hospital, Gramedia book store
Additional Info: Taman Melati Margonda Apartment is located in the most strategic place in Depok. The building is directly beside Universitas Indonesia, 5 minutes from Pancasila University and Gunadarma University, 5 minutes walking distance to Universitas Indonesia train station (connecting Depok to Jakarta Manggarai/Sudirman/Tanah Abang, Bogor, etc), 10 minutes walking distance to Universitas Indonesia (FIB, FPsi, FISIP, FH), 10 minutes by public transport to some other public facilities (Margonda City Mall, Depok Town Square, Bunda Margonda Hospital, Gramedia book store).
Rental Price:
Per: 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, etc.
For less than 12 months: Rp 3.000.000/month
For 12 months or more: Rp 2.800.000/month
Other charges:
Refundable deposit Rp 2.000.000,- (will be returned by the end of the rent period)
Maintenance fee
Other fees such as water, electricity, parking, internet, and other repairment fees during the rent period)