24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept. The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Call me for details
Rental Price: Rp 17.000.000 / month, minimal 6 Month
Apartment Name: The Aspen Peak Residence Fatmawati
Location: Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Mid Floor / City View
Size: 96 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: The Apartment Semi Furnished and has a nice view from the balcony. Apartment equipped with flat TV (cable TV & internet), refrigerator, microwave, air conditioner, and LPG stove. Designed by modern minimalist style.
Health & wellness center
Fitness center & gym center
Bakery & shops, BBQ area
Spa & reflection pond
Swimming pool & kids pool
Visitor parking basement
Jogging track
Tropical garden & green area 70 %
Access card elevator (CCTV)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept.
The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Location: Jl. Rs Fatmawati No.1 Tb Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / all floor
Size: 60 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Health & wellness center
Fitness center & gym center
Bakery & shops, BBQ area
Spa & reflection pond
Swimming pool & kids pool
Visitor parking basement
Jogging track
Tropical garden & green area 70 %
Access card elevator (CCTV)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept.
The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Rp 9.000.000 / Month (Negotiable)
Include service charge.
Spesial Price For 1 Year Contrac
Rental Price: Call Me For Detail
Jess 0813-11-076-076
Dena 0878-7107-3550 Call / WA / Text / Showing Unit (Everyday Stanby)
Podomoro Golf View merupakan proyek Superblock terbaru milik Agung Podomoro Group yang lokasinya dekat dengan pintu keluar jalan Tol Jagorawi km 19. Selain itu, apartemen juga berada dalam jalur LRT Bogor – Cibubur – Cawang yang sekarang sedang dibangun. Berkendara dengan mobil dari Podomoro Gold View juga cukup mudah. Jalan tol Jagorawi hanya berjarak kurang dari satu kilometer dari exit Cimanggis – Cikeas.
Unit Podomoro Golf View Apartment bertipe Studio 21m2 ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga bagus dan berkualitas yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti TV 50inch, AC, Kulkas, Water heater, Dapur (kompor gas), Dispenser, alat makan hingga springbed ukuran 160×200, lemari baju, meja belajar + kursi, meja makan tarik, dan toilet duduk serta shower.
Keamanan 24 jam (Tower Balsa Lt 11 selantai dengan wapres sehingga kebersihan dan keamanan lebih diprioritaskan) saat ini Tower Balsa yang sgt nyaman dan ramai ditinggal org.
Parkir gratis
Lobby nyaman & mewah
Akses masuk apartment dengan kartu
Tersedia laundry & restaurant
Dekat dengan minimarket
Lokasi top: – akses langsung Tol Jagorawi km 19 – akses langsung Tol Cimanggis – Cinere – akses langsung Tol Cimanggis – Cibitung – akses langsung LRT (estimasi 2022) – dikelilingi 3 lapangan Golf
Fasilitas lainnya: – Sekolah Karakter (sudah beroperasi) – Universitas Gunadarma (estimasi 2022) – Children Playground – Riverside Dining & Commercial area (sedang pembangunan)
Additional Info: –
Rental Price: Rental Price thn 2025:
Rp. 3.000.000 / bulan
Harga booked 1 tahun : 2.900.000/bln – berlaku pembayaran lunas 1 tahun di awal
Safety Deposit akan dikenakan senilai Rp 1jt , pembayaran diawal. akan dikembalikan setelah check out jika tidak ada kerusakan.
belum termasuk pembayaran air & listrik. sudah termasuk biaya maintenance IPL
Contact: Hubungi: Jesica 0811.986.7644 (whatsapp / call) hanya untuk yang serius
Location: Jl. Rs Fatmawati No.1 Tb Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: C
Size: 66 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Health & wellness center
Fitness center & gym center
Bakery & shops, BBQ area
Spa & reflection pond
Swimming pool & kids pool
Visitor parking basement
Jogging track
Tropical garden & green area 70 %
Access card elevator (CCTV)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept.
The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Rp 1.5 M
Rental Price: Call me for detail
Jessica 0813-11-076-076
Eva 0878-7107-3550 Call / WA / Text / Showing Unit (Everyday Stanby)
Facility: Health & wellness center, Fitness center & gym center, Bakery & shops, BBQ area, Spa & reflection pond, Swimming pool & kids pool, Lounge, Visitor parking basement, Jogging track, Tropical garden & green area 70 %, Access card elevator (CCTV), 24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system, Laundry. One Bell Park Mall and commercial area.
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept.
The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Location: Jl. Otista Raya No. 23 Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: SpringWood
Size: 18 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fee furnished
Swimming pool
Taman kuliner
Mini Water boom
Mini cinema
Mini market
Jogging track
The Spring Residences harga termurah Aprtemen Se Tangerang Selatan
Hanya 10 menit ke Kampus UIN
Hanya 10 Menit ke Pondok Indah dan CBD TB Simatupang
Premium location
Posisi persis di pinggir jalan Otista Raya Ciputat
Special price 250 Jt hard cash 7 hari
Kredit ke Bank
Tanpa DP
Subsidi bunga 2 tahun pertama
Spring Residences akan menjadi area yang berpeluang memberikan keuntungan besar berinvestasi terutama karena dilewati jalur utama MRT
Sedang dibangun jalur Toll JORR 2 di dekat The Spring Residences yang pastinya akan mendonggkrak harga property di Ciputat setelah jalur tol itu dibangun
Dilewati dan dekat dengan Stasiun MRT yang nanti nya jalur MRT akan di perpanjang jalur nya sampai ke Pondok Cabe di mana menghubungkan ke arah LebakBulus-Fatmawati-BlokM-Sudirman
Dekat dgn Stasiun Busway Trans Jakarta
Dekat & memiliki akses STRATEGIS ke Bintaro, BSD, Lebak Bulus, Bogor dan Cinere
Hanya 10 menit ke Kampus UIN
Hanya 10 Menit ke Pondok Indah dan CBD TB Simatupang
Full Facilities 1. Swimming pool 2. Mini cinema 3. Playground 4. Taman kuliner 5. Mini market 6. Jogging track 7. Mini water 8. ATM center
Location: Jl. Rs Fatmawati No.1 Tb Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: C
Size: 97 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Health & wellness center
Fitness center & gym center
Bakery & shops, BBQ area
Spa & reflection pond
Swimming pool & kids pool
Visitor parking basement
Jogging track
Tropical garden & green area 70 %
Access card elevator (CCTV)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info: The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak. Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes. Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept. The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Modern, safely and state of the art designed building & facilities
Broadband Internet and Cable TV
Swimming Pool
Basement car park
Fire protection and fighting system
24-Hour Security Surveillance & CCTV
Laundry shop
Additional Info:
Nearby Facilities:
Integrated with (5mins walking to) One Belpark Mall (XXI Cinema, Optic Melawai, Farmers Market, Gramedia, ATM Centre, Century HealthCare, Restaurant, Food Courts, Dwidaya Tour, dll)10 mins driving to Cilandak Town Square (CITOS) Mall
10 mins driving to Cinere Bellevue Mall
10 mins driving to Mayapada Hospital, Siloam Hospital & Rumah Sakit Fatmawati
10 mins driving to Padang Golf Pangkalan Jati
15 mins driving to private/international school such as High Scope, Cikal, JIS, SIS Bonavista, Ichthusschool, Sekolah Charitas and Al-Ikhlas, Cipete.
Close to Town
10 mins to TB. Simatupang Business/Office District
10 mins to Lebak Bulus (MRT Station)
15 mins to Pondok Indah
15 mins to Cinere
20 mins to Kebayoran
Accessible Roads:
10 mins from/to JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road) toll gate
Location: Jl. Rs Fatmawati No.1 Tb Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: C
Size: 62-137 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Room: 1 ( depend on size )
Maid Bathroom: 1 ( depend on size )
Condition: Unfurnished
Health & wellness center
Fitness center & gym center
Bakery & shops, BBQ area
Spa & reflection pond
Swimming pool & kids pool
Visitor parking basement
Jogging track
Tropical garden & green area 70 %
Access card elevator (CCTV)
24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
Additional Info:
The best neighborhood in South Jakarta, nearby Pondok Indah – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities include One Belpark Mall, Premium Supermarket, Restaurants and Cafes.
Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropical concept. The area is famous for its expatriate ambiance, company oil & gas.
Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean international School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School.
Near to RS Fatmawati, Pondok Indah Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
Easy and convenient access from Toll JORR – TB Simatupang, Toll Depok = Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong, BSD – Alam Sutra
Selling Price: Jual Rugi Harga Bombastis 4 Unit Hanya Rp 9,9 M. Type unit
2 BR = 69m2
3+1 BR = 137m2
3+1 BR = 137m2
3+1 BR = 137m2
Rental Price: Call me for detail
Jessica 0813-11-076-076
Eva 0878-7107-3550 Call / WA / Text / Showing Unit (Everyday Stanby)
Location: Blok Kampung Palinggi, Jl. Desa Leuwi Nanggung Blok Kampung Palinggi No.7, Leuwinanggung, Tapos, Depok City, West Java 16456, Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordolia / Lantai 6
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen — Furnished Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen
Facility: Apartemen Podomoro Golf View menawarkan fasilitas cukup lengkap, seperti amphitheatre, jogging track, area bermain anak, gym, infinity swimming pool, sauna/jacuzzi, bbq area, dan sky garden. — Podomoro Golf View Apartment offers quite complete facilities, such as an amphitheater, jogging track, children’s play area, gym, infinity swimming pool, sauna / jacuzzi, bbq area, and sky garden.
Additional Info:
Apartemen ini merupakan bentuk partisipasi Agung Podomoro Group terhadap program Rusunami pemerintah.
Lokasi apartemen ini cukup strategis karena dekat dengan exit Toll Cimanggis, dan hanya berjarak 1,5 km dari Cinere – Jagorawi. Sementara aksesibilitas kendaraan umum juga cukup mudah, karena tersediannya shuttle bus. —
This apartment is a form of Agung Podomoro Group’s participation in the government’s Rusunami program.
The location of this apartment is quite strategic because it is close to the Cimanggis toll exit, and only 1.5 km from Cinere – Jagorawi. Meanwhile, the accessibility of public transportation is also quite easy, due to the availability of a shuttle bus.