Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle / Pool view and MRT View
Size: 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 2 / 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: South / North
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3 bedrooms
Bathroom: Depend on size
Study Room: Depend on size
Maid Room: Depend on size
Maid Bathroom: Depend on size
Brand New
Fully Furnished
Nice Interior
Good Condition
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Selling Price: Ask me for details
Rental Price:
1BR USD 1,300-1,500 / Month
2BR USD 2,000-2,500 / Month
3BR USD 3,000-3,500 / Month *ALL PRICE ARE NEGOTIABLE *Min Rent 1 Year
Condition: Brand new, standard developer (unfurnished)
The Best Integrated 6 in 1 Concept (Apartemen, Hotel, Mall, Soho, 24hours F&B and Health & Beauty Center)
A homy apartment designed
Strategically located at the Centre of Cikarang City between North and South Cikarang.
Chadstone is envisioned to be a lifestyle catalyst at the heart of the largest manufacturing zone of Indonesia, with Jakarta at just 30 km away.
Speedy connections to surrounding areas are provided with a well-planned road network that gives you perfect accessibility, while key amenities are always close by when you need it. in
Near the entrace of the toll gate and integrated with mall.
All things are new and ready to use. Enjoy the growth of the investment.
Tinggal serah terima.Dijual Cepat !! BU !! Apartemen Chadstone Cikarang tower Christie 2 BR Dijual Apartemen Chadstone Cikarang Tower Christie Lantai 8. Cocok buat kamu juga yg mau invest, banyak expatriatnya.
Fasilitas bagus & lengkap ya! Viewnya juga bagus. Buruan diambil sebelum kehabisan. Nego halus sampaii jadii
Akses Lobby dari Ground Floor Lift 5+1 Dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan lainnya Dilokasi yang strategis, tepat di bibir IN/EXIT TOL CIKARANG BARAT (dari jalan Tol sudah terlihat apartemennya), Lokasi Chadstone berada di prime area, hanya 100 meter menuju pintu tol Cikarang Barat KM 31.
Break Event Point hanya dalam waktu 6 Tahun dari potensi sewa, belum termasuk gain dari potensi kenaikan harga properti setiap tahunnya
Harga sewa sudah pasti tinggi karena pasarnya adalah ekspatriat jepang, korea, china, dll CIKARANG merupakan pangsa 99% expatriate (tenaga kerja asing) dengan NILAI SEWA sampai dgn 25%/tahun dari nilai unit yg akan dibeli saat ini. Untuk sekarang pasaran sewa apartemen saat ini di Cikarang untuk Ekspatriat adalah 1200$/BULAN
Chadstone merupakan hunian dengan konsep integrated lifestyle dibangun di lahan 2,5 ha, yang merangkum Apartment, Condotel, Mall dan Ruko yang saling bersinergi. Cikarang, sebuah kota di kabupaten Bekasi dengan ribuan ekspatriat. Menjadikan tingkat sewa hunian baik apartements mau pun landed houses sangat baik.
Pollux Chadstone is an integrated Mixed-use Development built on an area of 23,879m2 with the concept of “Live, Work, Play”, which combines apartment occupancy, 4-star international hotels, Serviced Apartments, shopping centers and hospitals in one area. Pollux Chadstone is the dream of executives because it has complete, luxurious and integrated facilities so that residents can do all activities easily and practically in the same place. Pollux Chadstone also implements 5G technology infrastructure that will provide
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.
Location: Jl. TB Simatupang, Cilandak Barat, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12430
Tower/Floor/View: North and South Tower / Low Middle High Floor / Pool view and MRT View Corner and Body
Size: 56 / 121 / 137 / 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: 2 (Two) Private lift, Dedicated parking space, Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi, Fitness center, Children Playground and barbeque area, Green jogging track, Library, Meeting room, Laundry, Cafe and Coffee shop, Papaya convenient store, 24-hour security and CCTV.
Additional Info: Located at TB Simatupang. Japanese quality. Near by Hospital Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara, Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School, Mall Cilandak Town Square, Point Square, Pejaten Village, Kemang Village Mall, CBD Oil & Gas Company Area @TB Simatupang Coridor, Surrounded by Office Tower.