- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD, Tangerang?
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia / Lt. 8
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished dengan:
- Kasur, bantal, n guling
- Meja belajar & kursi
- Ambalan dinding
- Smart TV 32 inci
- AC
- Kulkas
- Water heater
- Kompor elektrik
- Gorden
- Silahkan lihat foto untuk detail
- Full furnished dengan:
- Facility: 24-hour lobby & security (with access card), swimming pool, fitness center, sky lounge, parking lot, mailbox, laundry service, minimarket & shop houses.
- Additional Info:
- Walking distance to AEON Mall, The Breeze
- BSD Green office park
- unilever head office.
- Reachable under 15 minutes drive:
- International Convention Center (ICE BSD)
- IPEKA and Nanyang School
- Prasetya Mulia, Atma Jaya
- EKA Hospital
- Ranch Market, Giant, Lulu Minimarket
- Informa, Ace Hardware and QBIG BSD
- Foresta Business Lot
- Selling Price: IDR 450.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Hanya menerima sewa dengan minimal:
- 6 bulan : IDR 12.000.000
- 1 tahun : IDR 24.000.000
- 2 tahun : IDR 45.000.000
- Belum termasuk Deposit, IPL, Air, Listrik dan Wi-Fi (as charged)
- Langsung bisa ditempati
- Hanya menerima sewa dengan minimal:
- Contact: Ana 085883888190Adi 08388540959
- WhatsApp: 085883888190
- E-mail: Marianalu14@gmail.com
casa de parco sewa
Disewakan Apartemen Casa de Parco BSD City Tangerang – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: BSD City – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Gardenia/12/pool
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- Bersih, rapi dan terawat
- Lantai rendah
- View pool
- Facility:
- Fasilitas Apartemen
- Jogging track
- Pool dewasa dan anak
- Mail box
- Lobby yg luas dan nyaman
- Fasilitas berbayar
- Loundry
- Indomaret
- Resto makan
- Salon
- Feeder bus
- Parkir
- Dll
- Fasilitas Apartemen
- Additional Info: Lokasi apartemen yang sangat stategis dekat dengan Fasilitas umum, seperti rumah sakit, universitas, mall AEON, pasar modern INTERMODA, pintu tol AEON, Perkantoran GOP the Brezze BSD City seperti : Unilever, Sinar Mas Bank, Traveloka dll
- Rental Price:
- *****P.R.O.M.O ****
- Bulanan Rp 3,000,000,
- Termasuk IPL/Maintenance fee
- 6 dan 12 bulanan negotiable
- Unit lain :
- Harian : Rp. 1.200.000
- Bulanan : Rp. 8.000.000
- Tahunan : Rp. 79.000.000
- Contact:
- Owner : 081310442048
- WhatsApp: 081310442048
- E-mail: joyjun1005@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD City Tangerang – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: BSD City, Serpong, Kabupaten Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia/22/City-The Breeze
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Queen size Spring Bed
- Air Conditioner
- Full Set Multifunction TV Cabinet w/ Wardrobe & Working Desk
- Additional Mini Wardrobe
- Parquet Floor
- Wallpaper
- Water heater
- Kitchen set w/ electric stove
- 1 door Refrigerator
- Rice Cooker
- Plastic Disk Cabinet
- Gordyn/Curtain
- Facility:
- Olympic Size Swimming Pool
- Kids Swimming Pool
- Outdoor Gym
- Gym & Fitness Centre
- Shop lots (minimart, laundry, restaurant, coffee shop, co-working space, etc)
- 3 level of basements for parking area
- Jogging Track
- Sky Lounge ( in the same level )
- Garden
- Barbeque Area
- Yoga Area
- Additional Info:
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big & Ararasa (3 km)
- Pasar Modern & Stasiun Terminal Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Monash University (600 m)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 34.500.000 / year INCLUDE FAST DEDICATED INTERNET (350 ribu)
- Rp 18.000.000 / 6 month INCLUDE FAST DEDICATED INTERNET (350 ribu)
- Rp 3.800.000 / 1 month INCLUDE IPL ( 650 ribu) & FAST DEDICATED INTERNET (350 ribu)
- EXCLUDE IPL ( 1 year & 6 months ), ELECTRICITY, WATER, and PARKING
- Contact: Anton – 08161960772
- WhatsApp: 08161960772
- E-mail: antoniojulius2805@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD Tangerang Selatan – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: Sampora Kecamatan Cisauk BSD Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Casea lantai 18 unit 06
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- Kitchen set
- Water Heater
- Balkon
- Tempat tidur
- Tv
- Ac
- Kompor
- Tabung Gas
- Lemari
- Facility:
- Swimpool
- Gym
- Additional Info: View menghadap Aeon dan The Breeze
- Selling Price: Rp 500 juta
- Rental Price: Rp 3 juta perbulan termasuk biaya IPL
- Contact Number: 08158762250
- WhatsApp: 08158762250
Disewakan Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD (1 BR Full Furnished) Tangerang
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco BSD
- Location: ampora Kecamatan Cisauk Kawasan Taman Kota Barat, Gg. Kavling 2 No.3, Bumi, Serpong Damai, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15345
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia / High / City
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Fasilitas Unit & Fasilitas Apartement
- Fasilitas Unit:
- AC 2 unit
- Water heater
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Kitchen set
- TV 50 Inch Smart TV (Netflix, Utube supported)
- Electric Standing desk (suitable for work from home & hybrid)
- Side kitchen table
- New Spring bed Queen size
- Sofabed
- Wardrobe
- SPC Flooring
- Fasilitas Apartement:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness centre
- Sky lounge & nice garden
- Tempat parkir luas
- Mail box
- Fasilitas Unit:
- Additional Info: Lokasi Dekat : Prasmul, Atmajaya, Aeon, Unilever, Sinarmas, The Breeze, ICE
- Rental Price: 2 Tipe Rental Price
- (Include WiFi, IPL, Air) (Exclude Listrik):
- Rp 6,600,000 / Bulan
- Rp 38,000,000 / 6 Bulan
- Rp 70,000,000 / 12 Bulan
- (Exclude WiFi, IPL, Air, Listrik)
- Rp 56,000,000 / 12 Bulan
- Rp 31,600,000 / 6 Bulan
- (Include WiFi, IPL, Air) (Exclude Listrik):
- Contact: Annisya Dwi Fitry 081274753505
- WhatsApp: 081274753505
Sewa/Jual Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD – Tower Gardenia – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Gardenia Tower
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen Studio yang sudah fully furnished, sudah dilengkapi dg Queen Size Bed, AC, Water Heater, Dispenser, Kompor Gas, Kulkas
- Facility:
- Fitness Centre
- Swimming Pool
- Sky Lounge
- Additional Info:
- Casa De Parco merupakan apartemen dg tema Green Environment dimana dikelilingi taman hijau membuat suasana sejuk dan tenang.
- Lokasi Apartemen yang sangat strategis, dekat dengan The Breeze, Unilever Tower, Aeon Mal, ICE BSD, Kantor Pusat Traveloka Kampus AtmaJaya, Prasetya Mulya.
- Fasilitas Fitnes
- Pengamanan 24 jam dan Private Lift hanya untuk penghuni dengan Access Card.
- Fasilitas Parkir yang cukup untuk penghuni apartemen.
- Selling Price: 430 jt nego sampai deal
- Rental Price:
- Rp 22 juta/tahun nego
- Rp 14 juta/6 bulan
Maaf tidak menerima pembayaran Sewa bulanan..tolong dibaca sbelum bertanya🙏🙏
- Contact: Helen 08119196887
- WhatsApp: 08119196887
- E-mail: vgmthelen@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Casa de Parco Tangerang – 1 BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/9EUMBSEQb5BaoFFL6
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Magnolia lt 16 unit 1616
- Size: 44 (net 33m2)
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Gym, swimming pool
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp. 42,000,000 / tahun (include IPL, exclude listrik dan air)
- Contact: Lie Susanna Jayanegara 081905273150
- WhatsApp: 081905273150
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco BSD Studio Full Furnish View Bagus Tangerang Selatan – Seperti di Hotel
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD City
- Tower/Floor/View: Magnolia / 12 / City
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Disewakan Apartemen Mewah Casa De Parco Type Studio dengan Good View
- Full furnish :
- AC
- Spring bed merk Comforta
- Lemari Pakaian
- Water Heater
- Kulkas
- Kitchen set
- Stove
- TV
- Meja Bar yg mengarah ke View berikut 2 Kursi
- *Dekat dengan Prasmul, Atmajaya, kantor Tokopedia, AEON, Unilever, Sinarmas, The Breeze, ICE, Rs dll..
- Facility: Fasilitas Apartemen:
- Swimming pool Dewasa n Anak2 super Luas..
- Fitness centre
- Garden
- Indomart dan minimarket lainnya.
- Caffe
- Sky lounge
- Barbeque Area
- Tempat Parkir Luas.
- Mail box
- Additional Info:
- Full Furnish sudah seperti Hotel dapat langsung tinggal ..
- Pembayaran IPL di kantor pengelola yang berada di basement..
- Rental Price: Rp. 27.900.000 per Tahun
- Contact Number: 081990000213
- WhatsApp: 081990000213
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco Fully Furnished BSD Tangerang Selatan
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: BSD serpong, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: 12
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Queen Bed Merk Comforta
- Lemari Pakaian
- Kitchen Set
Water heater
Listrik 2200
Meja Bar + 2 Kursi nya mengarah ke View
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang super Luas ..berikut kolam renang anak
- Indomaret dan minimarket lainnya
Area Gym/Fitness
Area Taman Luas
Area Barbeque
Tempat Laundry
Area Parkir Luas (basement)
- Additional Info: Hub Ratna (wa) 081990 000 213
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 27.500.000 Per Tahun
- Contact: 081990 000 213
- WhatsApp: 081990000213
Sewa Apartemen Casa De Parco Tangerang – 2 BR Bagus & Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: Bumi Serpong Damai
- Tower/Floor/View: Mognolia / 9 / kolam renang dan jalan
- Size: 65 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Bagus GOOD, furnished
- Facility: Kolam Renang, Fitness Jogging Track
- Additional Info: DEKAT MALL ION dan Univ Prasetya Mulya
- Rental Price: Rp 70 juta pertahun include IPL nya
- Contact: Hadi 085881388410 – Langsung owner
- WhatsApp: 085881388410
Disewakan Apartemen BSD Casa de Parco Tangerang Selatan – 1 Bedroom 28 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: BSD, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cassea/lt. 19/view City
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Studio apartment (furnished), located in premium location in the centre of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Serpong, Tangerang Selatan.
- The size of apartment is 28 m2, suitable for 1 to 2 occupants (unit include Queen Size Bed / 160×200 m2).
- The unit is located on the 19th floor (highfloor), with city view, directly facing AEON Mall BSD, The Breeze, BSD Green Office Park, Skyhouse, Nava Park, Marigold, etc.
- Facility: The furnished unit include:
- Pillowtop Bed – Queen Size / Ranjang ukutan 160×200 cm
- TV 40inch
- Air Conditioner – 1 PK
- Dressing Rack / Lemari Baju
- Working Desk / Meja Bekerja/Belajar
- Plenty of Storages (under TV and under bed) / Tempat penyimpanan dibawah TV dan dibawah ranjang
- Kitchen Set (incl. 2 point stove, exhaust, 2 doors refrigerator, sink, greasetrap, drying rack, gas, water filter, etc) / Set Dapur termasuk lemari dapur kompor 2 tungku, pembuangan udara, kulkas 2 pintu, cuci piring, system pembuangan, rak pengering piring, gas 5 kg, system filter air, etc)
- RO (reversed osmosis) water purifier (ready to drink water) / Sistem filter air siap minum
- Water heater
- Towel drying rack / jemuran handuk
- Electricity / Listrik 2.200 Watt
Public Facilities / Fasilitas Umum:
- Pool
- Child Pool
- Gym and Fitness Center
- Outdoor Gym
- BBQ Area
- Garden
- Skygarden
- Shoplots (minimart, laundry, restaurant, coffeeshop, co-working space, etc)
- 3 level of basements for parking area
- Additional Info: Nearby Area:
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big (3 km)
- Pasar Modern Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Rental Price: Rent include service charge, exclude electricity, water, parking, and laundry.
- Rp 40.000.000 / year
- Rp 22.000.000 / 6 months
- Rp 4.000.000 / month
- Contact: Cynthia – 081510504808
- WhatsApp: 6281510504808
- E-mail: veronica_cynthia@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Casa de Parco BSD Tangerang – Studio Furnished (Across The Breeze)
- Apartment Name: Casa de Parco
- Location: Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Casea / 30 / Pool
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Studio apartment (furnished), located in a premium location in the center of Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Serpong, Tangerang Selatan.
- The size of the apartment is 28 m2, suitable for 1 to 2 occupants (unit includes Queen Size Bed / 160×200 m2).
- The unit is located on the 30th floor (high floor), with pool view (looking at Mt. Salak).
- Facility:
- The furnished unit includes Pillowtop Bed – Queen Size / Ranjang ukuran 160×200 cm
- TV
- Air Conditioner – 1 PK
- Dressing Rack / Lemari Baju
- Working Desk / Meja Bekerja/Belajar
- Plenty of Storages (under TV and under bed) / Tempat penyimpanan dibawah TV dan dibawah
- ranjang
- Kitchen Set / Set Dapur
- Water heater
- Electricity / Listrik 2.200 Watt
- Public Facilities / Fasilitas Umum:
- Pool
- Child Pool
- Gym and Fitness Center
- Outdoor Gym
- BBQ Area
- Garden
- Skygarden
- Shop lots (minimart, laundry, restaurant, coffee shop, co-working space, etc)
- 3 level of basements for parking area
- Additional Info: Nearby Area:
- Aeon Mall BSD (1 km)
- The Breeze (800 m)
- Q-Big (3 km)
- Pasar Modern Intermoda BSD (2,5 km)
- BSD Extreme Park (650 m)
- BSD Green Office Park (500 m)
- BSD Digital Hub (100 m)
- Unilever Head Office (850 m)
- Indonesia Convention Exhibition / ICE (2 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University (2 km)
- Atma Jaya University (2 km)
- IULI University (600 m)
- Selling Price: Rp 600.000.000 (fully furnished, passive income)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 32.000.000 / year
- Rp 18.000.000 / 6 months
- Rp 10.000.000 / 3 month
- Contact:
- Jason 0815-1996-7292
- Cynthia 0815-1050-4808
- WhatsApp: 6281519967292
- E-mail: kevin.sujason@gmail.com