Kondisi fully furnished, view favorit (kolam renang)
Harga bersaing sudah termasuk biaya balik nama
Dapatkan segera jangan sampai ketinggalan
Facility: Fasilitas bintang lima apartemen antara lain: Children playground, fitness center, cafe, Restaurant, Food court, sky lobby, swimming pool, access card, security 24 hours, dll
Additional Info: Tersedia juga unit lainnya dan lokasi lainnya. Kami juga menerima interior serta titip jual beli sewa property milik anda, Info lebih lanjut mohon untuk SMS / Telepon / WA di nomor yang tertera. Gabunglah dengan team kami di Global-O, nikmati komisi sampai dengan 75%.
Selling Price: Rp 750.000.000, termasuk biaya pengalihan
Green area, jogging track, Fitness & aerobic, Mini Entertainment center, access card,
Security 24 hours, internet hot spot, food court, Cafe, Restaurant, multi purpose hall.
Additional Info: Lokasi yang strategis di Jakarta Pusat, dekat dengan fasilitas Pendidikan dan Rumah Sakit terkenal di Jakarta, hanya 5 menit ke daerah Menteng, Dekat dengan pusat bisnis (CBD Area), Fasilitas bintang 5 untuk penghuni apartemen.
Selling Price: Jual murah Rp 775.000.000 saja
Rental Price: Studio Hoek Rp 8.000.000/bulan
Contact: Bess Properti dan Interior Jakarta – 081283921717
Tower Flamboyan Lt.Dasar No.BL06
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.1 Jakarta
Note: Janji showing minimal 2 hari sebelumnya.
The Stature a marque of Excellence, a symbol of modern luxury living area 1.1 Ha With 3 Tower
Apartment 32 Floors
Consists of 87 Units with a private lift and balcony
Building 45%, green area 55% & Total Parking 500 lots dedicated
Hand Over 2022
Certificate Strata Title
Developer Capitol Land (Singapore) & Credo Group
Architect and Design by PDW and TYLI San Fransisco
Contractors ACSET & WOH HUP
Landscape Architect Shma
Both strategic and convenient for business and pleasure,this landmark location in the heart of Jakarta’s commercial and lifestyle district makes for the perfect home for the modern Jakarta urbanite. The Stature’s central location provides easy access to many of the city’s key landmarks, attractions and amenities.