- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Cipinang, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia / 17
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished. Unit ready siap di tinggali dan bisa langsung di survey.
- Facility: Fasilitas Apartemen Bassura City menawarkan berbagai fasilitas yang lengkap, seperti kolam renang, jogging track, lapangan basket, lapangan tenis, taman bermain anak, restoran, grocery store, hotel dan area-area komersial (mall, bioskop, kantor, convention hall, dan lain-lain) hingga sistem keamanan 24 jam.
- Additional Info: Unit Bassura City Apartment bertipe 2 BR ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Di seluruh ruangannya, sudah di lengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa anda gunakan, seperti listrik dg kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC. Selain itu, Anda tidak perlu repot-repot membawa perlengkapan dapur sebab di unit ini sudah di sediakan dining set.
- Rental Price: Rp 12,000,000 per 3 bulan
- Rp 4,000,000 deposit
- Harga sudah termasuk biaya maintenance, tidak termasuk biaya tagihan air listrik, internet dan parkir.
- Contact: 087880002888
- WhatsApp: 087880002888
bassura 1 br
Disewakan Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur (Terusan Casablanca) – 2 BR Fully Furnished View Selatan, Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No. 1A, RW. 10, Cipinang Besar Selatan, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur 13410
- Tower/Floor/View: Chattleya di atas Mall
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Mall Bassura City
- Khusus unit di atas Mall ada 3 swimming pool di lantai 9
- Sauna
- Fitness Centre
- Bank
- Laundry
- Supermarket
- Additional Info:
- Kondisi unit terawat, rapi , bersih dan harum
- Lokasi Strategis
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.600.000 (per bulan) Included IPL
- Untuk sewa lebih dari 1 bulan bisa nego
- Contact:
- Telkomsel 0811-773117
- XL 0819-814499
- AS 0853-56097311
- WhatsApp: 0819814499
- E-mail: indrififian@gmail.com
Apartemen Bassura City Terusan Casablanca Jakarta Timur, Dijual Murah Cash dan Bisa KPA Furnished / Unfurnish Bess Properti
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 1,Cipinang, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Furnish Geranium dan Alamanda, non furnish Jasmine,Heliconia,Geranium,Flamboyan,Dahlia,Edelweiss,Cattleya
- Size: 20,34,48 m2
- Bedroom: 1,2,3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished (furniture dan elektronik).Intercom, TV Cable, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, speaker, Sanitairs.
- Non Furnished : Standard unit awal dan ada AC*
- Facility: External Unit :
- Kolam Renang Anak & Dewasa
- Tempat Fitness
- Tempat Sauna
- Taman Bermain Anak
- Lapangan Basket/Futsal
- Area Parkir Luas
- Mall Bassura City
- Additional Info:
- Harga Jual masih bisa nego
- Harga sdh termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan PPJB (yang belum sertifikat)
- Harga belum termasuk Pajak Penjual dan Pembeli (yang sudah sertifikat)
- Pembayaran cash yang masih PPJB
- Pembayaran bisa KPA untuk unit yang sdh Sertifkat.
- Selling Price:
- Studio Furnish:
- Geranium 26 Rp 350jt cash
- 2BR furnish:
- Alamanda Lt.15 Rp. 585jt cash
- Cattleya Lt.11 Rp. 600jt cash
- Geranium Lt.03 Rp. 505jt cash
- 2BR Besar
- Geranium Lt.32 Hoek luas 39m2 bisa cash / KPA
- 2BR Non Furnish dan ada AC*
- Jasmine Lt.21 Rp. 500jt cash
- Geraniu Lt.02 Rp. 465jg cash
- Flamboyan Lt.18 bisa cash / KPA
- Flamboyan Lt.29 Rp. 435jt cash
- Edelweiss Lt.16 Rp. 550jt cash
- Cattleya Lt.30 Rp. 465jt cash
- 3BR furnish
- Edelweiss Lt.25 Rp.800jt cash
- 3BR non furnished
- Flamboyan Lt.10 Rp.800jt cash
- 3BR non furnish
- Geranium Lt.21 Rp. 650jt cash
- Alamanda Lt.11 Rp. 825jt cash
- Kesempatan invest apartemen Bassura City sebelum harga naik lagi.
- Studio Furnish:
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished mulai Rp 26.000.000/tahun
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 38.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 30.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Furnished: Rp 52.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 45.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Furnished mulai Rp 78.000.000/tahun
- Harga sewa furnish tergantung kondisi interior tower, minimal sewa 3 bulan bayar dimuka (untuk tipe tertentu).
- Harga sewa sudah termasuk IPL
- Harga sewa di luar deposit sewa
- Contact: Silahkan hubungi:
Bess Properti dan Interior
Sales Office Tower Flamboyan Lt.Dasar (samping lobby) sesuai kartu nama.
Bergabung di Bassura City sejak tahun 2012. - WhatsApp: 081283921717
- E-mail: bessproperti@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur (Terusan Casablanca) – 2 BR 34 m2 Fully Furnished, Pemilik Langsung
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 1 A – Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: E/31/Kota
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisi Fully Furnished. Antara lain terdapat tempat tidur, sofa, meja makan, kitchen set,, TV, kulkas, 2 AC, exhaust fan, dispenser.
- Facility: Bersebelahan dengan Mall Bassura, kolam renang, taman jogging, tempat parkir yang memadai, security 24 jam, acces card, lapangan Basket, sauna, lapangan futsal, shuttle bus ke airport dan ke Stasiun Kereta Tebet.
- Additional Info:
- Free IPL selama Sewa
- Jatah Kendaraan
- 1 Mobil Rp 200.000/bulan
- 1 Motor Rp 75.000/bulan
- Penyewa hanya bayar listrik air parkiran dan internet
- Rental Price:
- Bulanan Rp 4.500.000/bulan, minimal sewa 3 bulan.
- 6 bulan Rp 26.000.000
- 1 tahun Rp 50.000.000
- Deposit Rp 2.000.000 dikembalikan pada akhir masa sewa.
- Bisa nego
- Contact: Ibu Daru
- WhatsApp: 081514706962
Disewakan Studio dan 2 Bedroom Harian / Bulanan / per Tiga Bulan / per Tahun Apartemen Bassura City
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Jendral Basuki Rachmat No. 1A Cipinang Besar, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: any tower, any floor and view pool and city
- Size: 20,24,34,48 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR dan 3BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished:
- 2 buah unit AC di living room dan kamar utama
- Unit furnishedTV LED
- Kulkas
- Dispenser*
- Sofabed
- Kitchen Set
- Credenza TV
- Cabinet Kulkas*
- Rak sepatu tanam
- Bedding Set
- Lemari Pakaian
- Meja Rias
- Meja belajar anak
- Exhaust dinding
- AC
- Wallpaper*
- Facility:
- Access card, TV Kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, Food Court.
- Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart, Indomart dan kios Bassura.
- Lokasi sekitar yang mudah dijangkau dekat ke gerbang Tol dalam kota Wiyono Wiyoto, Becak Kayu (under progress), Termianal Kampung Melayu, Terminal Jatinegara, Stasiun �Tebet dan Jatinega, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lebih Kurang 4 Km ke Airport Halim PK. 5 Km ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara
- Dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara.
- Additional Info:
- Kami memiliki pilihan unit yang dijual dan disewakan dengan harga di bawah pasaran.
- Kami memilik kantor di samping lobby tower Flamboyan dengan jam operasional kami lebih panjang sehingga lebih memudahkan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada konsumen dalam handling complain yang dibantu oleh team yang professional.
- Selling Price:
- 3 BR: Tower Flamboyan, lantai 12, 17, view pool harga Rp 620.000.000
- 2 BR: Tower Geranium: Lantai 29, view pool, harga Rp 490.000.000 (Furnished)Tower Flamboyan: Lantai 29, view city, harga Rp 475.000.000
- Tower Dahlia: Lantai 27, view city, harga Rp 530.000.000
- Tower Cattleya: Lantai 30, view timur, harga Rp 510.000.000
- 1 BR (banyak peminat sewa): Tower Dahlia Lt. 22, Rp 410.000.000Studio (Fast Response) Tower Edelweiss Lt. 27, Rp 350.000.000
- Masih banyak unit lain yang mau dijual dengan harga sangat miring, kami memberikan privasi tinggi bagi pembeli maupun pemilik.
- Harga jual sudah termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan unit.
- Cara bayar cash tidak bisa KPA
- Rental Price:
- Harga sewa bervariasi tergantung posisi unit dan kondisi interior,dengan tower yang sama kami dapat memberikan harga sewa yang terbaik. Studio (1 ruang tidur, 1 kamar mandi, area dapur)Studio unfurnished : Rp 21 juta – Rp 24 juta/tahunStudio furnished: Harga sewa Rp 35 juta – 38 juta/tahunMinimal 3 bulan bayar didepan Rp 3,4 juta – Rp 3,7 juta/bulan
- 1 BR (1 ruang tidur, 1 ruang keluarga dengan area dapur)1 kamar unfurnished: Rp 25 juta – Rp 26 juta/tahun1 kamar furnished:Harga sewa Rp 43 juta – Rp 46 juta/tahun
Minimal sewa 6 bulan Rp 3,9 juta/bulan- 2 kamar (2 ruang tidur, 1 ruang keluarga dengan area dapur)2 kamar unfurnished :Harga sewa Rp 28 juta – Rp 31 juta/tahun2 kamar unfurnished: Minimal 6 bulan sewa Rp 2,6 juta – Rp 2,8 juta/bulan
- 3 kamar (3 kamar tidur, 1 ruang keluarga dengan area dapur)3 kamar unfurnished:Harga sewa Rp 42 juta – Rp 45 juta/tahun3 kamar furnished: Minimal 6 bulan sewa Rp 3,7 juta – Rp 3,9 juta/bulan
- Contact: 08121979651
- WhatsApp: 08121979651
- E-mail: toniandreanto90@gmail.com
Disewakan Unit Klasik Dengan Apik Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Jendral Basuki Rahmat – Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: F/28/Jakarta Pusat
- Size: +/- 48 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Condition: Unit dalam keaadan full furnished antara lain
- Water heater
- Tempat tidur 3 unit
- Sofa
- Meja makan dengan 4 kursi
- Kitchen set
- 2 TV (di Living & master room)
- Kulkas
- AC 2 unit
- Dispenser
- Lemari
- Exhaust fan 2 units
- Curtain, bed set
- Rak sepatu
- Accessories such lamps
- Intercom
- Sprinkle
- Smoke detector
- Alarm
- Speaker for Information
- Sanitairs
- Dll
- Facility:
- Bassura City merupakan superblock yang memiliki kelengkapan fasilitas sebagai berikut: Access card, TV kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, food court.
- Fasilitas shoopping yang dekat dengan Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart / Indomart di dalam apartemen. Dekat dengan akses tol Jatinegara, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok). Dekat kampus, pomp bensin, Pasar Gembrong. Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
- Additional Info: Unit yang disewakan 3 BR full furnished dan hook
- Ada water heater
- Listrik: 2200 Watt
- Penyewa hanya bayar listrik, air, parkiran dan internet
- Jatah Kendaraan
- 1 mobil Rp 200.000/bulan
- 1 motor Rp 75.000/bulan
- Rental Price: Rp 6.000.000/bulan?(min sewa 3 bulan) dan Rp 65.000.000/tahun,?Harga sewa sudah free maintenace selama sewa
- Contact: 08111801515
- WhatsApp: 0811848411
Sewa Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur (Terusan Casablanca) – 2 BR 34 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Cipinang Melayu, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia/17/City view
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- 2 BR. Fully furnished in excellent condition. AC 1/2 pk 2 ea. Sofa bed. TV LED 32″ lots of channels. Kitchen set with Modena cooking hood + 2 gas stoves + elpiji gas cyl. Working tables + 2 ergonomic chairs. Refrigerator. Hot water dispenser. Bed 1: 160×200 + bed 2: 100×200 (double bed sliding) + pillows & holsters. Cupboards. Warm & cold water shower (elpiji, more economic). Dining set, saucepan.
- Tower D: Located near mall, 1 building behind. Mosque in tower basement, 24 hrs security, pass card, swimming pool privilege for occupant, mailbox, food courts, banks, ATM, supermarkets (Pojok Halal, Superindo, Alfamart, Indomaret, etc), cinema, function hall, basement park, intercom, etc.
- Additional Info: Bassura City has easy access to malls, Prumpung market, access to Jakarta toll ring road, terusan Casablanca, universities (Mpu Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara), hospitals (RS. Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara), Transjakarta.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.300.000/month, payment in the front + Rp 2.000.000 deposit. Discount for longer rent. Contact for more info.
- Guarantee deposit would be returned upon end of the rental period. Copy of ID/ KTP is required. Rental rate including: service charge, maintenance fee. Excluding: parking, electric, water, elpiji gas refill.
- Contact: Direct owner – Fitri Hartati phone 0813-1004-5340
- WhatsApp: 081310045340
- E-mail: fhartati44@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur (Terusan Casablanca) – 2 BR 34 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rachmat No. 1A, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower G/Lantai 20 ke atas
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- KT utama: tempat tidur, lemari pakaian, meja rias, AC
- KT anak: tempat tidur, lemari pakaian
- Ruang TV: Sofa bed, meja TV, TV, AC, kulkas
- Rak sepatu
- Kitchen set (kompor tanam, hood, tabung gas)
- Facility:
- Mall Bassura City (supermarket, bioskop, gym, food court)
- Kolam renang (lokasi di lantai dasar tower G)
- Additional Info: Unit rapi, bersih, lengkap, tinggal bawa koper
- Rental Price: Rp 3.600.000/bulan (Harga sewa belum termasuk listrik, air, parkir)
Minimum sewa 3 bulan - Contact: Vany (081931177376)?Pemilik langsung
- WhatsApp: 081931177376
Sewa Tahunan / Bulanan Unit Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur – Furnished & Unfurnished Banyak Pilihan
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Jendral Basuki Rachmat No. 1 A Cipinang Besar, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / Any Floor / City & Pool
- Size: 21, 29, 34, 48 m2 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1 , 2 & 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished & Un-Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Jogging track
- Children playground
- Bassura Mall
- ATM bank
- Cafe
- Restaurant
- Food station
- Laundry
- Parking lot
- Intercom system to unit
- 24-hour security with access card and receptionist.
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok).
- Dekat kampus
- Pasar Gembrong
- Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK
- 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman
- Sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara
- Dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara
- Sarana Kesehatan sekitar : RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara.
- Kami mengelola ratusan unit yang disewakan baik furnished maupun kosong.
- Kami juga menangani desain interior unit dan membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan passive income dari sewa unit.
- Kami memiliki marketing office di Bassura City dengan track record yang dapat dipercaya.
- Potensi investasi yang menguntungkan masih terbuka lebar di Bassura City.
- Proses pengalihan unit dibantu sampai selesai.
- Selling Price:
- Jual murah Studio besar posisi hoek tower Cattleya Lt. 21 Rp 395.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Cattleya Lt. 30 Rp 495.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Dahlia Lt. 27 Rp 495.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Flamboyan Lt. 33 Rp 415.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Flamboyan Lt. 29 Rp 450.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Flamboyan Lt. 08 Rp 485.000.000
- Jual murah 3 BR Tower Flamboyan Lt. 11 Rp 645.000.000
- Jual murah 3 BR Tower Geranium Lt. 21 Rp 645.000.000
- Jual murah 2 BR Tower Geranium Lt. 02 IDR 550.000.000 Furnished – Sold
- Jual murah 2Br Furnished Lt. 33 IDR 460.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished mulai Rp 25.000.000/tahun
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 38.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 30.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Furnished: Rp 52.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 45.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Furnished mulai Rp 78.000.000/tahun
- Harga sewa furnish tergantung kondisi interior tower, minimal sewa 3 bulan bayar dimuka (untuk tipe tertentu).
- Harga sewa sudah termasuk IPL
- Harga sewa di luar deposit sewa
- Contact: 081317812766 – TOMY
Bess Properti & Interior
Agent Properti Spesialis Bassura City (ex.Inhouse Developer)
Tower Flamboyan Lt. Dasar (Samping Lobby Tower F) - WhatsApp: 081317812766
Sewa Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur (Terusan Casablanca) – 2 BR 34 m2 Fully Furnished, Next to Mall
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Bassura, Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Cipinang Melayu, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: D/17/City view
- Size: 34 m2 (2 BR)
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Tower D located next to Mall building. 2 BR. Fully furnished in excellent condition. AC 1/2 pk 2 ea. Sofa bed. TV LED 32″ lots of channels. Kitchen set with Modena cooking hood + 2 gas stoves + elpiji gas cyl. Working tables + 2 ergonomic chairs. Refrigerator. Hot water dispenser. Bed 1: 160×200 + bed 2: 100×200 (double bed sliding) + pillows & holsters. Cupboards. Warm & cold water shower (elpiji, more economic). Dining set, saucepan.
- Additional Info:
- Masjid at Basement tower. 24 hrs security, security pass card, swimming pool privilege for occupant Tower D, mailbox, food courts, banks, ATM, supermarkets (Pojok Halal, Superindo, Alfamart, Indomaret, etc), cinema, function hall, basement park, intercom, etc.
- Bassura City has easy access to Malls, Prumpung market, access Jakarta tol ring road, access to terusan Casablanca, universities (Mpu Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara), hospitals (RS. Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina – Jatinegara), akses Tol dalam kota & jalur busway.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.300.000/month, payment in the front & deposit Rp 2 million. For a longer rent period would be an interesting discount. Pls call/ WA.
- The guarantee deposit would be returned upon the end of the rental period. Copy of ID/ KTP is required.
- Rental rate including service charge, maintenance fee.
- Exclude parking, electric & water usage, elpiji gas refill.
- Contact: Direct owner – Fitri Hartati HP / WA 0813-10045340
- WhatsApp: 081310045340
Jual Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur – 2 BR 39,9 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Bassura City?
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 01, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 13410
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Jasmine / Lantai 22 / View Kota
- Size: 39,9 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Fasilitas : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area, Water heater
- Posisi hook jadi lebih luas 2 BR B, luas 39,99 meter persegi
- Tower baru tower jasmine
- Lebih private dr tower lama
- Full furnish lengkap dan rapi
- Setiap jendela dipasang tralis besi
- Lantai vinil, kitchen set, mesin cuci, water heater, unit J22B
- ac 2 unit, meja rias, dll lengkap. Tinggal bawa koper aja.
Condition : Furnished
Facility : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area, Water Hiter
- Facility:
- Fasilitas internal di Apartemen Bassura City antara lain kolam renang, lintasan lari, pusat kebugaran, parkir bawah tanah, pusat perbelanjaan, restoran dan keamanan 24 jam. Bassura City juga menggunakan furniture berkualitas terbaik untuk kenyamanan penghuninya.
— - Internal facilities at Bassura City Apartments include a swimming pool, running track, fitness center, underground parking, shopping centers, restaurants and 24-hour security. Bassura City also uses the best quality furniture for the comfort of its residents.
- Fasilitas internal di Apartemen Bassura City antara lain kolam renang, lintasan lari, pusat kebugaran, parkir bawah tanah, pusat perbelanjaan, restoran dan keamanan 24 jam. Bassura City juga menggunakan furniture berkualitas terbaik untuk kenyamanan penghuninya.
- Additional Info:
- Jual cepat Apartemen Bassura City, Tower Jasmine Unit J22BA, Full Furnish Bagus, Rapih dan Lengkap.
- Apartemen Bassura City hanya berjarak 8 menit ke CBD dan memiliki akses mudah ke tol dalam kota dan tol lingkar luar Jakarta. Selain itu, apartemen ini dikelilingi oleh kampus-kampus ternama di Jakarta dan beberapa rumah sakit. Stasiun Jatinegara berjarak 15-20 menit dengan mobil. Ini dilayani oleh dua jalur, yang biru dari Jakarta Kota ke Bekasi, dan yang kuning ke Depok.
— - Fast Sale Bassura City Apartment, Jasmine Tower J22BA Unit, Full Furnish Good, Neat and Complete?
- Bassura City Apartments are only 8 minutes to the CBD and have easy access to the inner city toll and the Jakarta outer ring toll road. In addition, the apartment is surrounded by well-known campuses in Jakarta and several hospitals. Jatinegara Station is 15-20 minutes by car. It is served by two lines, the blue one from Jakarta City to Bekasi, and the yellow one to Depok.
- Selling Price: Price IDR 650,000,000 (Nego)
- Contact: Yulista – 085716271737
Sewa Apartemen Bassura City – 2 BR Full Furnished, 2 AC, Water Heater, Dispenser
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No. 1A, RT. 8 / RW. 10, Cipinang Besar Selatan, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur 13410
- Tower/Floor/View: F / 17 / Casablanca view
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished.
- TV and 2 AC, exhaust, modern kitchen, bed. Good, strong quality and comfortable furniture, Water Heater, water dispenser hot / normal + galon bottle.
- Facility: Swimming pool, jogging track, basket court, tennis court, kids ground play restoran, grocery store, hotel (mall, theater cinema, offices space, convention hall) security 24 hours
- Additional Info:
- Bassura City located ini strategyc area ,easy access to ToL.
- One strait to jl. Casablanca ,means having direct access to kuningan, sudirman via flyover to tanah abang.
- Near to University of STIE Nusantara, MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti.
- We provide to rent : 1 unit 2 bedrooms in Gading Nias Kelapa Gading Permai ,North Jakarta and 1 unit at Marbella in Anyer Beach Banten. Unit 3 bedroom at Casablanca Mansion
- Negotiate term of payment
- Prefer non-smoking tenant
- We provide also 1 unit at Marbella , Anyer Beach in Banten, and 1 unit 3 bedroom at Casablanca Mansion South Jakarta.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.000.000/month
- Include maintenance fee + sinking fund + cable TV
- Deposit: Rp 3.000.000
- Contact:
- WA/Call : +628568077722/081280300342
- WhatsApp: 08568077722
- E-mail: eniket2002@yahoo.com