- Apartment Name: Green Bay Pluit
- Location: Jl. Pluit Karang Ayu Barat No. B1, RT. 20 / RW. 2, Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14450
- Tower/Floor/View: K / 33 / City
- Size: 77 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Terletak di lantai 33, unit Condominium Green Bay Pluit SeaView yang satu ini bisa Anda jadikan pilihan yang smart. Menghadap ke City dengan kondisi fully furnished dilengkapi dengan dining set, kulkas, listrik, tempat tidur, TV, AC, dapur. Di bagian kamar sudah dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur dan perlengkapannya. Sedangkan di bagian kitchen sudah disediakan dapur. Bagusnya lagi, di unit ini sudah terpasang listrik dengan kapasitas yang ukurannya pas dengan kebutuhan elektronik yang tersedia di unit ini, jadi Anda tidak perlu takut mati lampu karena kekurangan daya.
- Jaminan best value dan price untuk unit sebagus ini.
- Unit baru di-general cleaning, semua AC baru diservis, unit ready siap ditinggali dan bisa langsung di-survey.
- Facility:
- Fasilitas apartemen ini pun sangat lengkap. Tersedia jogging track, fitness center, kolam renang, lapangan basket, dan keamanan 24 jam serta jangan lupakan restoran, bioskop, food court dan cafe yang terdapat di Baywalk Mall.
- Condominium Seaview Pluit adalah hunian apartemen mewah yang berada di lokasi yang strategis, karena dikelilingi oleh mall-mall besar seperti Emporium Pluit Mall, Pluit Junction, dan Pluit Village. Yang menarik adalah apartemen ini langsung berada diatas Baywalk Mall sehingga penghuni dapat berbelanja kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan mudah.
- Additional Info:
- Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
- Bisa bayar cicilan per bulan (minimal kontrak 6-12 bulan)
- Segera book sebelum keduluan orang lain!!
- Rental Price: Rp 7.250.000 per bulan
- Contact: 0815-11-360360 (Tiffany / David)
- E-mail: tiffany@jendela360.com
Disewakan Apartment Hamptons Park – All Type & Fully Furnished By Sava Jakarta Properti
- Apartment Name: Hampton’s Park
- Location: Jl. Terogong Raya No. 18, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan 12430
- Tower/Floor/View: All tower / All Floor
- Size: All Size m2
- Bedroom: 1/2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Tennis Court
- Jogging Track
- Gym
- Sauna
- Mini Market
- 24 Hour Security
- Private Access Card
- Private Parking
- Function Room
- Laundry Service
- Cafe
- Indoor Badminton Court
- Inside Area Blue Bird Taxi Stand, etc.
- Additional Info:
- Excellent Location Close to Public and Shopping Facilities : Within Walking Distance to Hero Supermarket, Jakarta International School (JIS), as well as Multiple Restaurants, Hotels.
- Close to Pondok Indah Hospital and Pondok Indah Mall.
- Easy Toll Road Access to Cikarang Industrial Complex, Tangerang Industrial Complex, and to Japanese International Schools as well as British International Schools (Bintaro / BSD).
- Near Highway TB Simatupang, Tol BSD.
Other Strategic Location :
- Close to Exclusive Restaurant, Prestigious Mall, International School, High end Hospital & Hotel.
Other info :
- Nice Interior & Furniture
- Very Suitable for Single, Couple, Small Family
- Best Price
- Rental Price:
- 1 Bedroom Starting : IDR. 9,000,000 /Month
- 2 Bedroom Starting : IDR. 12,000,000 /Month
- Minimum Rent For 1 Year
- Contact:
- Sava Jakarta : 0811876776 (Call / WA)
- Website : www.savajakarta.com
- WhatsApp: 0811876776
- E-mail: info@savajakarta.com
Jual Apartment Bellagio Residence – 3 BR Harga Paling Murah Rp 2,4 M Hanya di Bulan October
- Apartment Name: Bellagio Residence
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 108 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Jual harga paling murah Apt Bellagio Residence middle floor, fully furniture, harga dibawah pasar untuk pembeli serius, good invest, demand sewa yg msh tinggi, jarang ada.
- Facility: Keamanan 24 Jam, ATM, Area BBQ, Salon Kecantikan, Internet Broadband, Kafe, Taman Bermain Anak, Toko Obat, Dry Cleaning, Gimnasium, Hypermart, Jacuzzi, Jogging Track, Laundry, Perpustakaan, Lounge, Mall, Ruang Serbaguna, Parkir Lot, Restoran, Sauna, Keamanan, Spa, Kolam Renang, Kolam Taksi, Lapangan Tenis, Taman Air, Taman Air.
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan / Near to Ritz Carlton, JW Marriot, Mega Kuningan
- Kami juga menjual unit di apartment sudirman tower condominium daerah setiabudi 2 BR size 90 sqm dengan harga murah Rp 2,2 M
- Selling Price: Harga di bawah pasaran Rp 2,4 M
- Rental Price: Rp 14 juta/bulan minimal 1 tahun
- Contact: 081318923735
- WhatsApp: 081318923735
- E-mail: desiwidyawatiid@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen The Elements Luxurious Living Brand New Kuningan Get Spesial PROMO Akhir Tahun
- Apartment Name: The Elements
- Location: Epicentrum Boulevard Barat, Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1 (private lift), tower 2 (shared lift)/all floor
- Size: 95 m2 – 186 m2
- Bedroom: 2 BR + dan 3 BR+
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Brand new Apartment – Now it’s ready to occupy!
- Every room completed with Mitsubishi AC, TOTO wardrobe & Laminate parquet floor
- Complete kitchen set
- Living room completed with imported marble floor
- Facility: Outdoor swimming pool for Adult and children, spa, sauna, fitness centre, whirpool, Business centre, library, outdoor dan indoor children playground, concierge, 24-hours CCTV,
- Additional Info:
- The elements, Now It’s ready to stay
- The Elements understands that nothing replaces the comforting sense of arriving home
A distinguished residential development standing amidst the strategic golden triangle & combines elegant design with plush living facilities and great connectivity. Creating the truest sense of arrival and timeless, modern luxury living. - Developed by SINARMAS LAND, the trusted, the largest and the most diversified property developer in Indonesia and owns over 10.000 hectares of strategic Land Bank.
Built by HYUNDAI, an international and reliable contractor. - Located perfectly in an integrated and green superblock Rasuna Epicentrum , with an excellent access that caters your high mobile activities.
- The Elements has an excellent access to and from : Rasuna Said road, Menara Imperium/KPK, Casablanca road and Galunggung Menteng.
- Located just beside Epicentrum Walk, It is so easy to enjoy Cinema XXI, famous restaurant and cafe, Farmers supermarket, salon, Banks and ATM, jogging track, riverwalk, sport club.
- Surrounded by many important buildings, Embassies, Offices , Malls, Hotels, Hospitals, Schools and Universities.
- The Elements is equipped with high quality material: Double Glass Façade, Spacious Balcony in every unit, Folding window balcony specially in Tower 1 , private lift
- Also available in 2+1 BR (95 m2 and 124 m2), 3+1 BR (137 m2) and private lift 3+1 BR (186 m2), Get special promo Akhir Tahun !!!
- Selling Price: Start from Rp 40.000.000/m2
- Contact: Susan 0821 2525 8133 (Official & Trusted Sinarmas Land Marketing)
(please feel free to contact me for more update info and special promo) - E-mail: susans.san@gmail.com
Disewakan apartemen Taman Anggrek Condominium – 2 Bedroom Luxurious Furnished
- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek
- Location: Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 28, RT. 9 / RW. 1, Tomang, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 11440
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 46 / City View
- Size: 88 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Unit Taman Anggrek Condominium Apartment bertipe 2+1 BR ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yang menginginkan tempat tinggal dengan ruangan yang seluruhnya sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai furnitur yang mewah dan ekslusif. Di unit yang berada di lantai 46 dan menghadap ke City View ini sudah tersedia tempat tidur yang dilengkapi dengan AC. Unit ini juga dilengkapi dining set, kulkas, listrik, tempat tidur, TV, dapur. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir dengan daya listrik di unit ini, karena mempunyai kapasitas yang besar.
- Jaminan best value dan price untuk unit sebagus ini.
- Unit baru di-general cleaning, semua AC baru diservis, unit ready siap ditinggali dan bisa langsung di-survey.
- Facility:
- Taman Anggrek Condiminium merupakan apartemen mewah dan ekslusif dengan fasilitas yang lengkap. Terdapat kolam renang untuk dewasa dan kolam renang khusus anak-anak, taman bermain anak, jogging track, fitness center, lapangan bulu tangkis, lapangan tenis, tennis meja, serta lapangan basket.Apartemen yang memiliki jumlah unit sebanyak 2.824 dan jumlah lantai sebanyak 36 lantai ini menawarkan Anda pilihan kamar dengan 1 kamar tidur, 2 dan 3 kamar tidur dan Penthouse dengan 4 kamar tidur.
- Taman Anggrek Condiminium ini langsung terintegrasi dengan Mall Taman Anggrek di Jakarta Barat dan sangat dekat dengan mall Central Park, Neo SOHO, dan Citraland juga dekat dengan universitas (Tarumanegara, Trisakti, dan Ukrida) serta perkantoran (APL Tower). Dari apartemen ini, penghuni juga memiliki akses untuk menuju tol Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan pusat kota.
- Additional Info:
- Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
- Bisa bayar cicilan per bulan (minimal kontrak 6-12 bulan)
- Segera book sebelum keduluan orang lain!!
- Rental Price: Rp 8.550.000 per month
- Contact: 0815-11-360360 (Tiffany / David)
- E-mail: tiffany@jendela360.com
Jual Apartemen Easton Park Jatinangor – Studio 21 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Easton Park Jatinangor
- Location: Jatinangor, Sumedang, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: A/7/Kota
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- tempat tidur dengan sprei
- lemari pakaian
- meja
- kursi
- tv LED
- ac
- water heater
- lantai kayu (parkit)
- alat kebersihan
- tempat sampah
- alat makan lengkap
- tempat cuci piring dll.
- Facility:
- Tempat Gym
- Kolam Renang
- Access Card
- Parkir
- bisnis
- ruang terbuka
- mushola
- common room
- keamanan
- fasilitas operasional apartemen
- lobi yang luas dan mewah
- dan fasilitas lainnya
- Additional Info: lokasi strategis
a. tepat di depan kampus STPDN
b. Berada di jalur protokol jalan utama jatinangor-Bandung
c. Dekat dengan kampus STPDN, ITB, Unpad dan Ikopin.
d. Dekat dengan pintu tol cileunyi dekat akses luar kota.
e. Dekat dengan pusat bisnis (Jatos Mall, Bank, tempat kuliner, restoran, hotel, bisnis pendidikan dll)
f. View apartemen bagus (gunung, jalan tol dan alam garut)
g. Berada di lantai 7 dengan dengan fasilitas umum, mudah mobilitas, tdk terlalu tinggi. - Selling Price: Rp 330.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: Hadi +62812-6042-8940 (Whatsapp)
Dijual Apartemen Kelapa Gading Square Mall of Indonesia – City Home, 2 BR 45 m2 Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Kelapa Gading Square – City Home?
- Location: Mall of Indonesia. Jl. Boulevard Barat, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Hawaiian/7/Mall Arta Gading
- Size: 45 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: 24 hours security, parking area, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, ATM center, loundry, salon and spa, Indomaret, Carrefour, Blitz Megaplex, businees and store complex, internet and TV cable provider.
- Additional Info: Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Artha Gading, Mall MOI, ITC Cempaka Mas, ITC Mangga Dua Square, Ancol, Dufan, acara direct tol Sukarno Hatta and Sunter Podomoro etc.
- Selling Price: Rp 700.000.000, nego
- Contact: 081296308517
- E-mail: rani_liu@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Signature Park Tebet – 2 Bedroom Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Signature Park Tebet
- Location: Jl. MT Haryono kav.22, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B/Lt 19 Unit 09/hadap Barat
- Size: 38,5 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Whirlpool, Gyms with full Ac Room, surrounding 3 Supermarket, Taman bermain anak, ATM, Bank, Cafe 24 Jam, restoran, akses langsung pintu tol
- Additional Info:
- Strategically located, Suitable for working man/woman
- 3 menit ke st. Cawang
- Selling Price: Rp 880 Juta
- Contact: (call/wa) 087885266621
- WhatsApp: 087885266621
- E-mail: ffo_07@yahoo.com
Sewa Apartemen Pavilion Jakarta Pusat – 2 BR 115 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pavilion
- Location: Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur Kav. 24, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia 10220, Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: 2 / 16 / Jl. KH Mas Mansyur, SouthEast
- Size: 115 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Furnished
Fasilitas : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Wireless Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area,
Facility : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Wireless Internet, Washing Machine, Service Area, - Facility:
- Fasilitas umum meliputi:
- Area Kolam Renang
- Pusat Kebugaran dengan Peralatan Olahraga Lengkap, Lapangan Squash, Spa, Jacuzzi, dll.
- Jogging Track, Lapangan Tenis, Club House (untuk pesta, rapat, konferensi, dll.)
- Pengiriman Gas dan Air Minum Gallon tersedia
- Fasilitas kamar meliputi:
- TV Kabel dan Koneksi Internet siap, (berlangganan oleh penyewa)
- Area Mini-Bar, Ruang Pembantu, Mesin Cuci, Mesin Pengering, Dispenser Air, dll.
- Interior Nyaman bergaya Kayu
- Terletak di pusat Kawasan Bisnis Jakarta
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan dengan banyak restoran Jepang, Barat, Italia, Dan supermarket Jepang Papaya
— - Public facilities include:
- Swimming Pool area
- Fitness Center with Complete Gym Equipment, Squash Courts, Spa, Jacuzzi, etc
- Jogging Track, Tennis Court, Club House (for parties, meetings, conference, etc)
- Stove-gas and Drinking-water Gallon Delivery available
- Room facilities include:
Comfortable Wooden-Style Interior- Cable TV and Internet Connection ready, (subscription by tenant)
- Mini-Bar area, Maid Room, Washing Machine, Dryer Machine, Water Dispenser, etc.
- Located at the center of Jakarta’s Business Area
- Close to shopping mall with many restaurants; Japanese, Western, Italian and Papaya Japanese Supermarket.
- Additional Info:
- Pemilik-Langsung, Harga cukup bisa dinegosiasikan.
- Harga termasuk biaya bulanan layanan manajemen gedung.
- Harga tidak termasuk pajak pemerintah.
— - Direct-Owner, Price moderately negotiable.
- Price includes monthly building-management service-charge.
- Price does not include any government tax
- Rental Price: Price USD 1,700/month (Nego)
Price USD 20,400 / Year (Nego) - Contact: Adrian Adioetomo – 0818-487-616
Jual Cepat Apartemen Taman Anggrek Residence – 2 Bedroom Sudah Renovasi, Langsung Pemilik
- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek Residence
- Location: Tanjung Duren Timur 2, Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: F
- Size: 50 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Sudah renovasi jebol kamar tidur anak
- Facility: Club house, jembatan penghubung ke taman anggrek
- Additional Info: Jual rugi
- Selling Price: Rp
Pajak masing-masing, diutamakan yang bisa cepat - Contact: 0811981868
- WhatsApp: 0811981868
Jual Apartemen Taman Anggrek Residence – Ready Semua Ukuran, Termurah
- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek Residence
- Location: Jl. Tj. Duren Timur 2, RT. 12 / RW. 1, Tanjung Duren Selatan, Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat 11470
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, D, E, F
- Size: 26, 38, 50, 65, 99, 135 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Condition: Semi furnished. AC, wardrobe, kitchen set, stove, sanitary.
- Facility:
- Luxurious apartment
- 24-hour security
- Swimming pool outdoor and indoor
- Tennis court
- Fitness center
- Children playground
- Kids gym
- Spa and sauna
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Taman Anggrek memiliki koneksi langsung dengan Mall TA melalui sky bridge yang merupakan jembatan penghubung berisi tenant restoran ternama.
- Apartemen Taman Anggrek Residence berlokasi di pusat Jakarta yang sangat dekat dengan akses tol dan mudah dijangkau dari berbagai area di Jakarta.
- Apartemen ini juga dikelilingi oleh berbagai universitas, perkantoran, dan Mall.
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 825.000.000
- 1 BR : Rp
- 2 BR : Rp 1.600.000.000
- 3 BR : Rp
- Condo start from Rp 1.800.000.000, nego
- Contact:
- Lili 087886307181
- Edwin 087788120925
- E-mail: lililiemesak@gmail.com
Termurah Jual Apartemen Gallery West Kebon Jeruk – 2 BR 56 m2 – Rp 1.45 M Only, Bisa KPA
- Apartment Name: Gallery West Residence
- Location: Kebon Jeruk – Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: 1
- Size: 56 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- 1 tower only – very convenient for home living & spacious parking available
- Museum MACAN – Jakarta Modern and Contemporary Art Museum
- Fitness + swimming pool (main pool & kids pool)
- BBQ area
- Children outdoor playground
- Jogging track
- Luxurious lobby
- ATM centre
- Starbucks Cafe, Kopitiam and mini mart available
- Akses menarik, exit Tol Kebun Jeruk
- Additional Info: For Sell : Last Pieces
Gallery West Residence, 2 BR 56 m2, unfurnished
Harga Rp 1.45m excl. VAT ! Cara Bayar CASH or KPA - Selling Price: Rp 1.450.000.000
- Contact: Yuko 08999713761 (call / WA)
- E-mail: yukoguna8391@gmail.com