Location: Jln Buncit Raya no.12 Durentiga Mampang, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/B/city
Size: 38-44-88 m2
Bedroom: 1/2/3
Bathroom: 1/2
Condition: Disewakan unit 2 Befroom terkhusus lt 7. Furniture baru luxury :
Sofa 3 seater
Kitchen set lengkap
Tv dan tv cabinet
Mesin cuci
3 AC
Kamar tidur utama set lemari
Kamar tidur anak set lemari
Meja makan
Kursi makan
Ada balkon
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby receiptionist
Fitness Room
Parkir luas
Jaringan internet
Tv cable
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
Studio Rp 800 juta – 1 M
1 BR Rp 1.3 M an
2 BR Rp 2.2 M an
Rental Price:
Studio Rp 5 juta – 6 juta
1 BR Rp 8 juta- 10 juta
2 BR Rp 12.5 juta – 15 juta
Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property Hp/wa 087881525659
Rudy 082138881688
#ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialist Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Th Bisa Titip Jual -Sewa Apt.Marbella Kemang Resd Apt.Kemang Village Resd Apt.kemang mansion Apt The Royal Olive Resd Dll
Kondisi furnished.siap huni bisa pilih sesuai budget dan selera interior nya.
Harga sewa mulai Rp 5 jutaan
Sofa 2/3seaters
Cabinet tv
Tv 32 inch
Meja makan dan kursi
Kompor dan cookerhood dan sink
Tempat tidur
Lemari set
Ada balkon
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
Redbox drink
ATM Link
Office dan mgt
Swimming pool dan Jacuzzy
Fitness room
Function room
Lapangan tennis, futsal, badminton
Parkir luas dengan slot register
Tempat bermain anak
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis wilayah Kemang menjadi tujuan untuk tinggal para pebisnis dan eksekutif dan keluarga yg membutuhkan kenyamanan tinggal tdk jauh dari kantor.
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
1 BR Rp 700 jutaan – 800 juta
2 BR Rp 1 Man – 1.5 M
3 BR Rp 1.7 Man – 2.2 M
Please call for more information
Rental Price:
1 BR Rp 5 juta x12 bulan
2 BR Rp 7 juta x12 bulan
3 BR Rp 11 juta x12 bulan
Harga sewa include mfsf
Exclude listrik, air, TV cable internet, patkir
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp.WA.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Tahun. Bisa Titip JUAL-SEWA Rumah dan Apartemen Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Kemang Village Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt.Nine Residence Apt.The Royal Olive Resd Apt.Peaten Park Apt.Gardenia Boulevard Apt.Cervino Village Apt.Casa Grande Dll
Condition: Sewa harga 5 juta saja siap huni, min. 1 tahun. Furniture:
TV dan kabinet
AC di kmr dan livingroom
Water heater
Tempat tidur 160×200
Ada balkon
View swimming pool
Ada kursi balkon dan meja
Lobby room
Security 24jam
Office mgt
Minimarket Circle K
Sauna n steam
Barbeque area
Parkir luas
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis dekat ke perkantoran dan pusat perbelanjaan
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Kawasan kemang paling diminati expatriat dan tempat hang-out kawula muda
Selling Price:
Jual 1 BR Rp 725 juta – 900 juta
Jual 2 BR Rp 950 juta – 1.3 M
Jual 3 BR Rp 1.750 M – 2.2 M
Rental Price:
Sewa 1 BR
Rp 5 juta x12 bulan
Rp 5,5 juta x 6 bulan
Rp 6 juta x 3 bulan
Harga sewa include maintenance
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp/wa : 087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Dipercaya selama 12 Thn Spesialis Apartemen Apt. Marbella Kemang Resd Apt. Kemang Village Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Nine Resd Apt.Cervino Village Cas Apt.One Cas Apt. The Royal Olive Resd Apt. Pakubuwono Terrace Dll
Apartment Name: Kemang Village Residence – Tower Intercon
Location: Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36 Jakarta Selatan 12150
Tower/Floor/View: Intercon/7 dan 16/City
Size: 38 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Disewakan unit di Tower Intercon dg kondisi fully Furnished Luxury Interior. Ready siap masuk. Furniture :
Cabinet TV dan TV 43 inch
meja kerja dan kursi
Tempat tidur 160×200
Lemari pakaian sliding
Mesin cuci
Kitchen set
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Swimming pool
Gym center
Jogging track
Tennees court
Allfresco Dining
Mall Kemang Village
International school Pelita Harapan
Drugs store
ATM center
Money changer
Security 24 jam
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi di kawasan superblok kemang village
Lokasi di wilayah kemang sangat diminati utk tinggal dan bekerja bagi pebisnis dan eksekutif juga utk kelg yg mencari kenyamanan utk tinggal bersama kelg
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price: Dijual type studio harga Rp 1.5 M, Nego. Available unit lain hg berbeda
Rental Price:
Harga sewa Rp 8.5jt x12 bln.
Deposit sewa Rp 8.5 juta
Harga sewa termasuk IPL
Available unit lain dengan harga berbeda
Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property Hp WA.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya selama 13 Th. Bisa Titip JUAL -SEWA dan Intetior-Salon Apartemen. Apt.Kemang Village Resd Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Essence Darmawangsa Apt.Marbella Kemang Resd Apt Nine Resd Apt.The Royal Olive Resd Apt.Gardenia Boulevard Apt.Pejaten Park Apt.Cervino Village Apt.Casa Grande
Condition: Disewakan 1 bedroom di tower A lt. 9 harga sewa Rp 6 juta/bulan. Furniture:
Sofa warna coklat
TV cabinet
TV 32 inch
Kitchen set atas bawah
Kulkas 2 pintu
Ada mesin cuci
Ada balkon
Water heater
Tempat tidur 160×200
Lemari pakaian
Meja kerja
TV 32 inch
Ada shower box
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
ATM box counter
Mini market Circle K
Lapangan tennis futsal badminton
Parkir luas
Tempat bermain anak
Barbeque area
Additional Info:
Lokasi Kemang sangat strategis
Banyak akses ke Mall dan petkantoran di CBD area
Bebas banjir
Lingkungan aman
Selling Price:
1 BR harga Rp 700 juta – 800 juta
2 BR harga Rp 900 juta – 1.2 M
3 BR harga Rp 1.75 M – 2 M
Rental Price:
Rp 1 BR rp.5.5jt (sesuai foto)
Available unit lain
2 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
3 BR Rp 13 juta -’15 juta
Contact: Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property (Hp) 087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemen Dipercaya Selama 12 Tahun. Bisa Titip JUAL-SEWA Apt.Nine Residence Apt Cervino Village kasablanka Apt.Kemang Village Apt.The Royal Olive Resd Apt.Darmawangsa Essence Dll
Location: Jln. Darmawangsa X No.86 Kebayoran Baru-Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Eminen/City
Size: 83 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Dijual cepat dengan kondisi siap huni fully furnished cukup bawa koper saja. Furniture lengkap
Sofa letter L
Tv dan cabinet
Meja makan set
Kamar tidur utama set lengkap
Kamar anak set lengkap
Mesin cuci
Dll pls call
Ada foto unit
Lobby room
Security 24 jam
Fitness center
Lapangan Tennis
Children playground
ATM center
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price: Rp. 2 M Nego (di bawah harga pasar). Harga bisa tak terulang
Rental Price: Sewa 2 Bedroom Rp 20 juta available unit lain
Contact: Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property Hp.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialist Apartemen Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun Bisa Titip JuAL Sewa Apt.Marbella Kemang Resd Apt.Kemang Mansion Apt.Kemang Village Resd Apt Nine Resd Apt The Royal Olive Resd Apt.Cervino Village Casablanka Apt.Casa Grande Apt.Puri Casablanka Apt.Bellagio Resd Dll
Location: jl.KH.M.Syafi’i Hadzami, Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: King, Queen, Royal/ any floor/ city or pool
Size: 137.5 / 146.5 / 177 m2
Bedroom: 2 /2+1/3
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished/ semi furnished / unfurnished Well maintained unit & Semi private lift
Facility: Multi function court (3in1) – Tennis, basket ball and mini soccer, fitness center – gym & classroom, adult & children swimming pool, jogging track & healthy stone walking area, multi function room, children playground (indoor& outdoor), cafe & restaurant, BBQ area, entertainment room, mini theater, karaoke room, cooking classroom and residence lounge
Additional Info: Good location property at Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, near to Gandaria Shopping Mall, 7 minutes to Simprug and Pakubuwono, 8 minutes to Pondok Indah, 10 minutes to Senayan and Permata Hijau, 15 minutes to SCBD area.
Selling Price:
2BR 137.5 sqm : IDR 4.300.000.000
2+1BR 146.5 sqm : IDR 4.400.000.000 (nego)
3BR 177 sqm : IDR (nego)
Rental Price:
2BR 137.5 sqm: starting price $1600/mo
2+1BR 146 5 sqm: starting price $2100/mo
3BR 177 sqm: starting price $2300/mo
All prices are negotiable and minimum 1 year rent
Contact: 0822 1016 9090 – Olive (Inhouse marketing) Please kindly follow my IG @live_property for more listings and if you need more details about any other apartments please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank You.
Condition: Disewakan type 2 Bedroom luas besar 73m2 (luas rata2 66m2).
Kondisi fully furnished siap huni.internet sdh running ga perlu proses lg.
Furniture :
Sofa 3 seater L
Tv 32 inch
Kabinet tv
AC ada 3
Meja makan
Kursi makan 4
Tempat tidur utama 160×200
Tempat tidur anak 100×200
Mesin cuci
Balkon besar
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Security 24 jam
Swimming pool
Tempat bermain anak
Lapangan tenis futsal badminton
Parkir luas
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Selling Price:
1 BR Rp 700 juta – 800 juta
2 BR Rp 950 juta – 1.2 M
3 BR Rp 1.750 M – 2.2 M
Rental Price: Sewa sesuai foto harga Rp 10 juta/bulan.
Harga sudah include MFSF
Available unit lain hg 8jtan
Contact: Ibu Nur.BTF Jaya Property Hp.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis apartemen Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun. Bisa Titip Jual / Sewa. Apt.Nine Resd Apt.Kemang Village Apt.the Royal Olive Apt .Essence Darmawangsa Apt.Cervino Village Dll
Location: Jl. KH.M.Syafi’i Hadzami No.1, Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12240
Tower/Floor/View: Hamilton, King, Queen, Royal / Higher and Lower floor / Pool and City
Size: 137.5 / 146.5 / 177 m2
Bedroom: 2BR, 2+1BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Fully furnished / Semi furnished / Unfurnished
Semi private lift for each unit
All unit have maid room, maid bathroom, wet kitchen
Facility: Multi function Court (3in1) – Tennis, basket ball, and mini soccer, fitness center, gym & classroom, adult & children swimming pool, jogging track & healthy stone walking area, multi function room, children playground (indoor & outdoor), cafe & restaurant, mini market, barbeque area, entertainment room, mini theater, karaoke room, cooking classroom, and residence lounge, 24 hour security
Additional Info:
Minutes away from Gandaria City Shopping Mall, Simprug, Pakubuwono
Good location in Gandaria, Kebayoran Lama
More units available for rent or sale (primary and secondary) at 1Park Avenue. Please kindly contact me for details.
Location: Jln Buncit Raya no.12 Durentiga Mampang Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/B/city
Size: 38/44/75 m2
Bedroom: 1/2/3
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Disewakan dengan kondisi fully furnished luxury interior. Banyak pilihan dengan harga terjangkau. Furniture :
Sofa Tvcabinet dsn tv
Tempat tidur
Meja makan
Kursi makan
Mesin cuci
Water heater
Dll pls call
Lobby room
Lobby receiption
Fitness room
Function room
Security 24 jam
Parkir luas
Dll pls call
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis dekat ke Kuningan, Gatsu, Sudirman, Tb Simatupang
Lingkungan aman
Bebas banjir
Lokasi di jalan besar ada mrt
Selling Price:
Studio Rp 800 juta – 1 M
1 BR Rp 1.2 M – 1.3 M
2 BR Rp 1.9 M – 2.2 M
Rental Price:
Studio Rp 6 juta – 7.5 juta
1 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
2 BR Rp 12 juta – 15 juta
Contact: Ibu Nur. BTF Jaya Property
Hp.087881525659 #ibunurAgent1000klien Spesialis Apartemèn Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun. Jual -Sewa Apartemen dan Interior. Salon Apartemen Apt Marbella Kemang Residence Apt Nine Residence Apt The Royal Olive Residence Apt.Kemang Village Apt Kemang Mansion