- Apartment Name: Marbella Kemang Residence
- Location: Bangka Raya 45 A Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B/10/Kemang City
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan siap huni harga Rp 6 juta saja harga miring, kondisi fully furnished
- Sofa 2 seater and carpet
- TV 32 inc and kabinet
- Meja makan set
- Kitchenset
- Kulkas
- Dispencer
- Microwave
- Mesin cuci
- AC
- Water heater
- Tempat tidur 160×200
- Lemari pakaian
- Ada balkon
- Dll pls call
- Facility:
- Lobby room
- Office mgt
- Receiptionist
- Cafe
- Mini Market Circle K
- Lapangan Tenis Futsal badminton
- Tempat main anak
- Swimming pool
- Fitness room
- Sauna n steam
- Jacuzzy
- Function nroom
- Parkir luas
- Dll pls call
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis dekat ke Mall pusat belanja dan pusat bisnis
- Lingkungan aman.
- Bebas Banjir
- Kawasan kemang tempat berkumpul nya para pebisnis.
- Tempat hang out
- Selling Price:
- 1 BR Rp 725 juta – 900 juta
- 2 BR Rp 925 juta – 1.3 M
- 3 BR Rp 1.750 M – 1.9 M
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR Rp 6 juta sesuai foto
- 1 BR Rp 5 juta – 7 juta stok available unit lainnya. bayk stok byk pilihan.hg miring
- Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property
Hp/wa. 087881525659
Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun
Spesialist Apartemen
Apt.Nine Resd
Apt.Kemang Village
Apt.Kemang Mansion
Apt.Darmawangsa Essence
Apt The Royal Olive
Apt Casa Grande
Apt.One Casablanka
Apt Cervino Village Casablanka - WhatsApp: 087881525659
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
apartment the royal olive
Sewa, Jual Apartemen Marbella Kemang Residence 1 BR Siap Huni 6 Juta Saja Lt Rendah
- Apartment Name: Marbella Kemang Residence
- Location: Bangka Raya 45 A Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B/2/selatan
- Size: 34 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan 1 BR siap huni Rp 6 juta. Furniture :
- Sofa
- Tv dan cabinet
- Kitchenset
- Meja makan dan kursi
- AC dan water heater
- Tempat tidur 160×200
- Lemari
- Gordyn n vitrace
- Dll pls call
- Facility:
- Lobby room
- Lobby receiption
- Office mgt
- Cafe
- Mini market Circle K
- Atm
- Swimming pool
- Fitness room
- Jaccuzzy
- Function room
- Barbeque area
- Lapangan tenis futsal batminton
- Parkir murah Rp 95.000 luas
- TV cable dan internet
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis
- Lingkungan aman
- Bebas banjir
- Akses mudah
- Selling Price:
- 1 BR Rp 725 juta – 900 juta
- 2 BR Rp 950 juta – 1.3 M
- 3 BR Rp 1.750 M – 2 M
- Rental Price: Available unit lain
- 1 BR Rp 6 juta (sesuai foto)
- 2 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
- 3 BR Rp 12.5 juta – 15 juta
- Contact: Ibu Nur BTF Jaya Property – (Hp/wa) 087881525659
Dipercaya Selama 12 th
Spesialist apartemen :
Apt. Marbella Kemang Resd
Apt. Kemang Mansion
Apt. Kemang Village
Apt.Darmawangsa Essence
Apt. The Royal Olive Resd
Apt. Nine Residence
Apt. Cervino Village
Apt. One Casablanka
Apt. Casa Grande - WhatsApp: 087881525659
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Marbella Kemang 1BR/2BR/3BR Bisa Pilih Cocok Untuk Invest
- Apartment Name: Marbella Kemang Residence
- Location: Bangka Raya 45 A Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B/City
- Size: 35/40/66/120 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan kondisi Fully Furnished Unit Ready siap masuk bawa koper saja. Furniture :
- Sofa 3 seater
- Tv dan kabinet
- Kitchenset
- Kulkas
- Dispencer
- Microwave
- Rice cooker
- Mesin cuci
- Meja makan set
- AC di setiap ruang
- Gordyn
- Kamar tidur utama bed 160×200
- Lemari pakaian
- Kamar tidur anak 160×200
- Lemari
- Standing lamp
- Water heater
- Dll pls call
- Facility: Fasilitas Lengkap :
- Lobby room
- Lobby receiption
- Security 24 jam
- Cafe
- Minimarket
- ATM box
- Redbox drink
- Fitness room
- Swimming poll
- Lapangan Tennis futsal badminton
- Parkir luas berbayar
- Internet berbayar
- TV cable berbayar
- Listrik PLN tercatat (bukan token)
- Dll pls call
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis
- Dikelilingi oleh Pusat Bisnis /perkantoran dan Mall seperti Blok M Mall, Lippo Kemang Village, Pasific Place, Darmawangsa Square, dll
- Lingkungan aman
- Bebas banjir
- Harga sewa jual sangat masuk budget
- Banyak peminat
- Selling Price:
- Rp 1 BR Rp 750 juta – 900 juta
- Rp 2 BR Rp 950 juta – 1.5 M
- Rp 3 BR Rp 1.750 M – 2.2 M
- Harga miring jarang ada
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR Rp 5 juta – 7 juta
- 2 BR Rp 7,5 juta – 10 juta
- 3 BR Rp12,5 juta – 16 juta
- Contact: Ibu Nur. BTF Jaya Property
Dipercaya selama 12 Tahun
Spesialis Apartemen
Bisa Titip Jual /Sewa
Apt. Kemang Mansion
Apt. Kemang Village Residence
Apt. Darmawangsa Essence
Apt. Nine Residence
Apt. The Royal Olive Residence
Apt. Cervino Village Casablanka
Apt. One Casablanca
Apt. Casa Grande
Apt. Sahid Sudirman
Apt. Kuningan City
Apt. Bellagio Residence.dll - WhatsApp: 087881525659
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
Jual / Sewa Apartemen Nine Residence di Jakarta Selatan – Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR Harga Miring Cocok Untuk Invest
- Apartment Name: Nine Residence
- Location: Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 12 Durentiga, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B /6-10-12-28/City,pool
- Size: 29-38-46-76 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Dijual type studio lux furnished sesuai foto. Harga sangat menarik, harga miring saat nya beli harga terbaik. Unit siap sewa siap huni, furniture Sbb :
- Kitchen set
- Kompor
- Cookerhood
- Mesin cuci
- Dispencer galon bawah
- TV 42 inch
- AC
- Water heater
- Meja makan
- Kursi makan
- Lemari 3 pntu hi-tech
- Tempat tidur 160×200
- Gordyn dan vitras
- Nakash
- Dll plc call
- Facility:
- Hunian menyatu dengan Lippo Plaza Mampang. Dengan fasiltas tersedia kebutuhan gaya hidup masa kini ada Maxx Coffee, Cinemax, Book Store, Cafe, Restaurant, Bank dan ATM
- Lobbyroom
- Lobby receiption
- Swimming pool
- Fitness room
- Functionroom
- Security 24 jsm
- Cctv
- Internet dan tvcable
- Parkir luas
- Dll pls call
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis
- Dekat ke Jln HR Rasuna Said Kuningan-Gatot Subroto-Sudirman-Thamrim
- Plaza Blok M-TB simatupang dll
- Bebas banjir
- Lingkungan aman
- Dekat pusat belanja, pusat kuliner
- Selling Price:
- Studio harga Rp 950 juta – 1.1 M
- 1 BR harga Rp 1.1 M – 1.5M
- 2 BR harga Rp 2.250 M – 2.3 M
- 3 BR+garden Rp 7 M
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 6 juta – 7.5 juta
- 1 BR Rp 8 juta – 10 juta
- 2 BR Rp 10 juta – 15 juta
- 3 BR Rp 20 juta – 25 juta
- Contact:
- Ibu Nur.BTF Jaya Property
- Hp/WA – 087881525659
- SMS – 081219655959
- Jual Sewa Apartemen.Interior dan Salon Apartemen.
- Apt.marbella kemang Resd
- Apt kemang mansion
- Apt kemang village
- Apt darmawangsa resd
- Apt.the Royal olive resd
- Apt Gardenia resd
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
Disewakan / Dijual Comfortable, Nicely Furnished Unit 2 / 2+1 / 3 Bedroom, BEST PRICE! (All Units Direct Owner)
- Apartment Name: 1Park Avenue
- Location: jl.KH.M.Syafi’i Hadzami No.1, Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Royal – Queen – King / Low – Middle – High floor / City – Pool
- Size: 137.5 / 146.5 / 177 m2
- Bedroom: 2BR, 2+1BR, 3BR
- Bathroom: 1/2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished / unfurnished
- Equipped with semi private lift and a balcony
- All units are in good condition and well maintained
- Facility: Billiard room, table soccer room, private dining or cooking class room, library & business center, mini cinema, karaoke room, kid’s playground, swimming pool, multi function court 3in1( basket ball, mini soccer, tennis), multi function room, fitness center, aerobic studio, barbeque area, mini market, driver waiting area, spacious lobby, outdoor lounge, parking lot and 24 hours security system
- Additional Info:
- 1PARK AVENUE designed by world’s renowned Aechitectural Firm, CSYA Singapore and created with water view, and green island concept
- Strategically located at Gandaria, South Jakarta, walking distance to Gandaria City Mall, and minutes away to Simprug, Pondok Indah, Pakubuwono, Permata Hijau, and SCBD area
- Available units for sell PRIMARY and SECONDARY, all units direct to the owner
- For more listing, please kindly visit our IG: @live_property
- For more information feel free to contact me at +62 822 1016 9090 (WA available)
- Selling Price:
- 2BR (137.5m2) starting price IDR 4.500.000.000
- 2+1BR (146.5m2) starting price IDR 4.500.000.000 (BEST PRICE)
- 3BR (177m2) starting price IDR
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR (137.5m²) Starting price USD $1,500/month
- 2+1 BR (146.5m²) Starting price USD $2,100/month
- 3 BR (177m²) Starting From USD $2,300/month
- All prices are negotiable
- Contact: Olive – inhouse marketing
+62 822 1016 9090 (WA) - E-mail: Olivia@abieproperty.com
Disewakan Apartemen 1Park Avenue Gandaria Jakarta Selatan – 2 BR / 2+1 BR /3 BR Comfortable, Nicely Furnished Unit and Best Price Deal by Inhouse Marketing
- Apartment Name: 1Park Avenue
- Location: Jl. KH M. Syafi’i Hadzami No. 1, Gandaria, Kebayoran Baru – Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Royal – Queen – King / Low – Middle – High floor / City – Pool view
- Size: 137 / 147 /177 m2
- Bedroom: 2/2+1/3
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished.
- Semi-private lift
- Dedicated parking slot
- Facility:
- Swimming pool and separate shallow children pool with water sprays and water islands.
- Comfortable nooks/sitting area for relaxing at the swimming pool. Whirlpool. Barbeque by the pool. Children playground. Function room. Fitness center/ gym. Aerobic space, Yoga corner, Karaoke Room, Cinema Room. Laundry and dry cleaning, Motorcycle parking, jogging track around a tropical garden, Tennis Court.
- CCTV and 24-Hours Security, Access card for entering the Apartment area. Access card parking for entering the basement. Security video call for each unit.
- Strategic and good location in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, easy access about 10 minutes to Senayan, 8 minutes to Pondok Indah, 15 minutes to CBD area, Binus International School, Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS) and Located 5 minutes to Gandaria City Mall where You can do Your shopping groceries at a large Lotte Supermarket, Various Banks and ATM, H&M retails and upmarket stores, Metro Department stores and many Restaurants.
- Additional Info:
- Available for sale PRIMARY and SECONDARY units with the best price
- All units direct to owners
- Co-broke are welcome
- Selling Price: Please contact me for more details.
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR starts $ 1800/month
- 2 BR+1 starts $ 2100/month
- 3 BR starts $ 2500/month
- Price are negotiable
- Contact: 082210169090 – Olive
- WhatsApp: 082210169090
- E-mail: Olivia@abieproperty.com
Jual Apartemen Marbella Kemang Residence – 1 BR Harga Miring Cocok Untuk Invest
- Apartment Name: Marbella Kemang Residence
- Location: Bangka Raya 45 A Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B/city
- Size: 33-35-40 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Dijual type 1 Bedroom ada 3 stok pilihan. Unit ready siap sewa siap masuk untuk dipakai sendiri. Furniture lengkap :
- Sofa dan TV cabinet
- Cermin
- Kitchen set
- Meja makan
- Kursi makan
- Kulkas, dispenser
- Standing lamp
- Watet heater, AC
- Tempat tidur
- Lemari pakaian
- Ada balkon
- Kursi dan meja Balkon
- Dll pls call
- Facility:
- Gate dengan security 24 jam
- Lobby room
- Receiptionist
- Mgt Office
- Cafe
- Mini market
- Swimming pool
- Fitness room
- Function room
- Lapangan tenis, futsal, badminton
- Parkir lot
- Dll pls call
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Kemang sangat strategis
- Lingkungan aman
- Bebas banjir
- Selling Price: 1 BR: Rp 800 juta, Transaksi cash non KPA
- Rental Price: 1 BR: Rp 5.5 juta- 6 juta – 6.5 juta – Rp 7 juta
- Contact: Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property
- Hp 087881525659
- WA 087881525659
- IG ibunur_property
JUAL-BELI-SEWA-Property *INTERIOR & Salon Apartemen.
Apt.Nine Resd
Apt.The Royal.Olive
Apt Kemang Village
Apt.Kemang Mansion
Apt Essence Darmawangsa
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Marbella Kemang Jakarta Selatan – 1 BR / 2 BR / 3 BR Bisa Pilih Cocok Untuk Invest
- Apartment Name: Marbella Kemang Residence
- Location: Bangka Raya 45 A Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B/city
- Size: 35/66/115 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Disewakan kondisi siap huni, siap sewa, Fully furnished sbb :
- Sofa dan carpet
- Tv dan cabinet
- Gordyn
- Ada balkon
- Kitchenset
- Meja makan
- Kursi makan
- Ada mesin cuci
- Tempat tidur 160×200
- Lemari
- Tempat tidur anak 100×200
- Water heater
- dll pls Call
- Facility:
- Lobby room
- Office mgt
- Security 24 jam
- Cafe
- Swimming pool
- Fitness room
- Lapangan tennis, futsal, badminton
- Children playground
- Parkir luas
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat premium strategis akses mudah ke Perkantoran dan Mall
- Lingkungan aman
- bebas banjir
- Selling Price:
- 1 BR Rp 750 juta – 900 juta
- 2 BR Rp 1.3 M – 1.4 M – 1.5 M
- 3 BR Rp 2.2 M – 2.4 M – 2.8 M
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR Rp 6 juta – 7 juta
- 2 BR Rp 8 juta -’10 juta
- 3 BR Rp 13.5 juta – 16 juta
- Contact: Ibu Nur – BTF Jaya Property
- WA. 087881525659
- Hp. 087881525659
- Hp. 081219655959 JUAL SEWA APARTEMEN*INTERIOR &SALON APARTEMEN. APT. Marbella Kemang Resd Apt. The Royal Olive Apt. Nine Resd Apt. Gardenia Boulevard Apt. Kemang Village
- E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Nine Residence di Jakarta Selatan – Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR Ready Mgt By Bu Nur
- Apartment Name: Nine Residence
- Location: Jl. Warung Buncit Raya no.12 Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A,B / 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 PH
- Size: 30, 38, 44, 76 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Sewa unit siap huni, Kami mengelola sewa menyewa dan jual beli. Bisa titip sewa /jual dipercaya selama 12 tahun.
- Kondisi Apartemen sangat baru dijamin interior baru 100% furniture dan elektroniknya.
- Design modern sangat diminati
- Furniture :
- Sofa
- Cabinet tv dan Tv
- Gordyn
- Meja makan dan kursi
- Kitchen set siap pake
- Mesin cuci modern
- Tempat tidur 160×200
- Lemari pakaian sliding
- Carpet
- Dll pls call
- Facility: Lobby room, security 24 jam, Cctv, lobby GS, swimming pool, fitness center, musholla, function room, parkir luas, ATM dan Bank, Restaurant, cafe, Supermarket (persiapan), Cinemaxx, book store, dll please call
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis dekat SCBD, Kuningan, Sudirman, Gatot Subroto
- Lingkungan aman
- Bebas banjir
- Selling Price:
- Studio mulai Rp 900 juta
- 1 BR mulai Rp 1 Milyar
- 2 BR mulai Rp 2.3 Milyar
- 3 BR mulai Rp 6 Milyar
- Rental Price:
- Studio = Rp 8 juta/bulan minimum 3 bulan sewa
- 1 Bedroom = Rp 9 juta – 10 juta minimum 6 bulan
- 2 Bedroom = Rp 15 juta minimum 12 bulan
- Contact: IBU NUR – BTF Jaya Property: (Hp/WA) 087881525659
Apt.Nine Resd
Apt Marbella Kemang Resd
Apt.The Royal Olive
Apt.Kemang Village - E-mail: Nur.hairin2017@gmail.com