Location: Jl. Alternatif Cibubur No.230, Harjamukti, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16454
Size: 22 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Trans Park Studio Cibubur memiliki konsep sebuah Megablock 4 in 1 yang meggabungkan First Class Mall, World Class Theme Park, 4-Star Hotel, dan Luxury Residences dalam 1 kawasan. Lahan seluas 4,2 Hektare dan terintegrasi dengan Trans Studio Mall, Trans Studio Cibubur, 4-Star Hotel Mercure, dan Luxury Trans Park Apartment.
Berada di atas Depok Town Square (Detos): Hypermart serta banyak tempat makan (Solaria, HokBen, A&W, Imperial Kitchen, serta makanan food court) dan laundry
Persis berseberangan dengan Margo City Mall melalui jembatan (mall terbesar dan terlengkap di depok): Sushi Hiro, Gyu Kaku, Starbucks Reserve, Uniqlo, Farmer’s Market, dll
Additional Info: Kontak melalui WA untuk melihat unit by appointment (H-1 bisa)
Condition: Furnished. Furnished. spring bed, kompor, kulkas, AC, TV, lemari 2 pintu, TV cabinet, meja tulis kursi, dispenser.
Facility: Private access card, 24 hours security, swimming pool, CCTV, free shuttle bus to UI-Gunadarma, basement vehicle-park, access to DMall & Hotel Santika Depok
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis, menempel Dmall dan hotel Santika, dekat pusat pertokoan, dekat stasiun kereta api dan pintu tol
Apartemen nyambung ke Dmall, Hotel Santika.
100 m ke Pasar tradisional Kemiri
2.3 km ke Universitas Indonesia
2.3 km ke Universitas Guna Darma
2.5 km ke Rumah sakit Mitra keluarga
2.2 km ke ITC Carefoure
2.5 km KRL stasiun Pocin, KRL stasiun
Akses dari arah Jakarta hanya 15 menit dari Pintu TOL Tanjung Barat. Selain akses dari arah Jakarta melalui Pintu Gerbang Tol Tanjung Barat, apartment ini bisa diakses melalui Tol JAGORAWI yang keluar melalui Tol CIJAGO, akses Tol Depok-Cinere-Antasari (DESARI).
Location: Jalan Margonda Raya No. 1 Kemiri Muka Beji Kota Depok
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 3 / Hadap Timur ke arah Mall Margo City dan Jalan Margonda Raya Depok
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Ruangan di lengkapi dengan AC 1 pk dan gordyn dan memiliki balkon dengan pintu kaca.
Kamar mandi dengan shower, water heater.
Kitchen set, spring bad 160 dan sofa bad meja belajar/ rias, kursi belajar, TV LED 40 inc, lemari pakaian 2 pintu, kulkas 2 pintu, kompor mata 2, tabung gas.
Facility: Security 24 jam
Additional Info: Lokasi strategis menempel universitas Indoneisa dan ada jalur akses dari apartemen ke kampus universitas Indonesia. Persis di belakang RS UI Depan Margo city Samping kampus gunadarma Apartemen didalam lokasi Mall Depok Town Squer
Condition: Kondisi unit apartement full furnished and cozy dijamin tinggal bawa koper saja… Sudah ada peralatan makan, peralatan kebersihan, peralatan masak kurang apa lagi.. bener-bener tinggal bawa koper saja !!!
Peralatan makan
Peralatan masak
Peralatan kebersihan
Closet duduk
Wastafel cuci tangan
Water heater
Kasur + 2 bantal + 2 guling
Sofa bed
Lobby cozy
Ruang meeting
Jogging track
Swimming pool
Additional Info:
5 min fakultas kedokteran Universitas indonesia
5 min stasiun KRL pondok cina
5 min Hypermart
5 min cinemax bioskop
5 min foodcourt
10 menit toll cijago
10 menit Universitas indonesia
10 menit Universitas Gunadarma
15 menit mall margocity
15 menit RS bunda
15 menit kfc
15 menit marugame udon
15 menit pizza hut
Rental Price:
3 month Rp 11 juta * exclude air, listrik, wifi, service charge & deposit 3 juta *
6 month Rp 19 juta * exclude air, listrik, wifi, service charge & deposit 3 juta *
1 years Rp 36 juta * exclude air, listrik, wifi, service charge & deposit 3 juta *
Contact: 081381368927 (Fadhil) *Chat dahulu jika mau telfon
Akses langsung ke Mall Depok Town Square dan Mall Margo City
Akses masuk UI terdekat melalui Stasiun Pondok Cina (400 m) untuk pengendara motor ataupun pejalan kaki. Sangat dekat dengan Halte Bikun Balairung dan Fakultas Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan
Rental Price:
Rp 35 juta pertahun (bisa nego) di luar service charge, biaya air dan biaya listrik
Ada deposit yang akan dikembalikan setelah masa sewa berakhir sebesar 4 jt
Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No. 1, Depok (Depok Town Square)
Tower/Floor/View: 2 / 1619 / City View and 2 / 1620 / City View
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: Studio with 1 bed (+1 sliding bed)
Bathroom: 1 (shower with water heater)
Condition: Fully furnished with fresh design (Water Heater, Air Conditioner, TV 32”, water dispenser, mini refrigerator (60 liter), writing table and chair, wardrobe, gorden, kitchen set, mini bar table).
Facility: 24 hours security, high speed connection for internet and TV cable, secured access card, swimming pool, parking, close to University of Indonesia and Gunadarma University.
Additional Info: Transport: Near to train station (Stasiun kereta api Pondok Cina), close to markets (Hypermart, Matahari, food markets, etc at Detos).
Rental Price: Rp. 22.000.000/year (Excludes deposit, monthly service, internet/TV Cable, electric and water bills).
Tower/Floor/View: 1/21/Margo City, Margonda street
Size: 24 m² m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Kitchen set (Electrical stove, microwave, 1 door refrigenerator, plates)
Dining table with 2 chairs
Air Conditioner
2 single bed
2 study/ make up table + wall mirror
2 cupboards
Good view (Margocity, margonda street)
Good bathroom (shower, toilet seat, mirror) (Suitable for 2 people)
Facility: 24 hours security, door with accsess card, swimmming pool, kids pool, kids playground, detok mall, spacious parking, surrounded by greenery, jogging track, supermarket.
Additional Info:
Brand new unit, strategic location, apartement build with Depok Town Square Mall with many facilities like salon, spa, food court, matahari dept store, hypermart, Timezone, 21Cineplex, Bookstore, etc.
Next to toll road (Cinere – Jagorawi) next to gramedia bookstore, next to UI (University of Indonesia) and on progress UI Hospital – Gunadarma University and others campus like Universitas of Pancasila, etc.
Next train station, Pondok cina. 24 hours transportation
Rental Price: Rp 3.500.000 / Month include maintenance fee (Refundable Deposit 1.000.000) Exclude: Electricity, Water, Parking lot, Internet, Tv Cable, etc