Facility: Swimming pool, 24 hours CCTV camera security, access card entrance, mini market, playground, free parkir (1 mobil dan 1 motor)
Additional Info: Unit terbesar di Menara Latumeten dengan fasilitas dan furniture lengkap tinggal masuk bawa koper. Lokasi sangat strategis dekat dengan UNTAR, TRISAKTI. Dekat dengan Mall Taman Anggrek, Citra Land, Central Park, Emporium Pluit. Unit sangat terawat, cocok untuk keluarga muda, mahasiswa, karyawan, dll.
Semi furnish, 1 AC,1 bed ukuran 160×200, , 1 lemari pakaian, 1 meja TV dan lemari buku (kondisi baru) , 1 lemari gantung dapur (baru) Kamar utama dan kamar kedua baru dicat.
Apartment siap ditempati.
Facility: Laundry, swimming pool, cafe makan, kios, minimarket, TV cable, internet, access card, ATM Center, Security 24 hours.
Additional Info:
20 menit ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan Kawasan Sudirman – Kuningan – Thamrin
Lift dan security 24 jam
Depan Season City Mal, Carrefour.
Lokasi dekat Universitas Trisakti, Tarumanegara, Ukrida, Mal Taman Anggrek, Podomoro City/Central Park, Citraland, Neo Soho,Emporium Pluit.
Location: Jl. Prof. Dr. Latumenten, Grogol, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia 11460, Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Tower AG / Lantai 17 / City View
Size: 36 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished Fasilitas : Cable TV, Wireless Internet, Service Area — Unfurnished Facility : Cable TV, Wireless Internet, Service Area
Gedungnya juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas untuk menunjang kenyamanan penghuninya, termasuk kolam renang, keamanan 24 jam, mini market, tempat bermain anak, elevator, dan kartu akses untuk menjamin keamanan Anda.
Dekat dengan Stasiun Kereta Grogol. —
The building is also equipped with various facilities to support the comfort of its residents, including a swimming pool, 24-hour security, mini market, children’s playground, elevator and access cards to ensure your safety.
Close to Grogol Train Station.
Additional Info: Dijual 1 unit apartemen menara latumenten. Dari Apartemen Menara Latumenten, Anda hanya membutuhkan waktu 20 menit ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta dan kawasan Sudirman-Kuningan-Thamrin. Di jalan utama Latumeten, apartemen ini dekat dengan halte busway dan akses tol dalam kota. Dikenal sebagai area bebas banjir, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentunya untuk berinvestasi di hunian ini. — Menara Latumenten Apartment For Sale From Menara Latumenten Apartment, you only need 20 minutes to Soekarno-Hatta Airport and the Sudirman-Kuningan-Thamrin area. On the main Latumeten road, this apartment is close to busway stops and inner-city toll access. Known as a flood-free area, you don’t have to worry, of course, to invest in this residence.
Lokasi apartemen berada di Pusat kota Jakarta Barat
Seberang Mall Season City
Dekat ke Ciputra Mall, Taman Anggrek Mall, Mall Central Park, Neosoho, Mall Pluit Village, Mall Ciputra dan Emporium Pluit, Universitas Triskti, Untar dan Ukrida, Stasiun Grogol, Halt busway, pintu toll, RS Royal Taruma.
Tower/Floor/View: Tower E / 7th Floor / City View (North)
Size: 34 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi furnished (1 AC & 1 lemari baju)
Kolam renang
Kids playground
Parking area
Additional Info:
Easy access (Stasiun KRL Grogol / Halte Busway Jembatan Besi / Pool Gojek & Grab Bike di depan apartemen), lokasi dilewati tol dalam kota, dan dekat dengan pintu masuk tol menuju Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Mall terdekat bisa dicapai dengan busway (Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Citraland, Emporium Mall), maupun jalan kaki (Season City Mall)
Rumah sakit terdekat (RS Atmajaya, RS Royal Taruma, RS Dharmais, RS Harapan Kita), bisa dicapai 1 rute busway
Condition: Unfurnished & 1 unit AC at master bedroom
Facility: Swimming pool, children’s playground, minimarket (Alfamart/ Indomaret), ATM, 24 Hour’s security system
Additional Info: Location in downtown, very strategic, across Season City Mall, Close to Busway Station (150 m, direction to Semanggi, Blok M), Central Park Mall, Taman Anggrek Mall, and Toll Gate, food center at grogol, only 20 minutes to Ancol beach, near to TK, SD, SMP, SMA, Universities, Hospitals.
Selling Price: Rp. 300.000.000
Rental Price:
Rp. 12.000.000 /6 months
Rp. 20.000.000 /year
Deposit: Rp 3.000.000 (owner will return the deposit in the end of contract, That deposit for repair, monthly cost guarantee).
Rent fee EXCLUDE monthly service charge, parking fee, water & electicity supply.