- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 / 2+1 / 3+1
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Furnished / Semi Furnished / Unfurnished
- Good Condition
- Clean Unit
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- 3 swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Basketball
- Table tennis
- Gymnastics Field
- Security 24/7, dll
Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- Close to university areas (UNTAR/Trisakti/Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Selling Price: For buying and selling prices contact me directly I will offer the best price
- Rental Price:
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished
- Studio (31 m2) : Rp 25.000.000 s.d 27.000.000 / year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : Rp 31.000.000 s.d 35.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2): Rp 38.000.000 s.d 45.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2): Rp 45.000.000 s.d 55.000.000 / year
- Fully Furnished
- Studio :
- Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
- Rp 29.000.000 s.d 37.000.000 / year
- 2 BR :
- Rp 5.000.000 s.d 7.000.000 / month
- Rp 45.000.000 s.d 58.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR : Rp Rp 47.000.000 s.d 55.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR : Rp 56.000.000 s.d 70.000.000 / year
- Contact: Hendra – 082313131308
Web : hendradafitra.agent.co.id
Address : Seasons City Mall Floor GF2 Block A2 No 7 Grogol, 11320 West Jakarta Indonesia - WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com
apartemen latumenten 2 br
Dijual Apartment Seasons City Type 2 Bedroom Fully Furnished di Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Prof Dr Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Dijual Kondisi Furnish
- Tower B lantai 20 Furnish Harga termurah (Foto 4,5)
- Tower B lantai 12 Furnish (Foto 6)
- Tower C lantai 27 Furnish ( Foto 1,2,3)
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha, 5 swimming pool, Mini Waterboom, Jogging track, Gym, Basketball, Table tennis, Gymnastics Field, Jacuzzi, Sauna Room ( Coming Soon), Security 24/7, dll
- TM Seasons City : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (Hokben, KFC, Solaria, Yosinoya, A&W etc), Modern Market (Coming soon Hapi Mart)
- Additional Info:
- Only 15 minutes to Soekarno – Hatta International Airport
- Strategic Location
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Easy access, Close to tollgate ( Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Super Facilities, Complate with a waterpark in area of 1,8Ha
- 24 hours security
- Step toward to the shopping center (TM Seasons City)
- Surrounded by a leading international school & universities (Trisakti,Untar, Ukrida) on West Jakarta
- Selling Price:
- Tower B lantai 20 <2BR> Harga 490.000.000
(kondisi masih di tempati oleh pemilik, unit terawat dan bersih – Nego Halus)
- Tower B lantai 12 <2BR>Harga 580.000.000
(Kondisi sangat terawat hadap kolam renang – Nego Halus)
- Tower C lantai 27 <2BR>Harga 620.000.000
(Kondisi sangat-sangat terawat, belum pernah disewakan, pemakaian pribadi dan jarang di tempati, kondisi furnish 90% seperti baru – Nego Halus) - Tower C Lantai 30 <2+1BR> Harga 685.000.000
(Kondisi saat ini semi furnish, unit terawat dan bersih untuk info lebih lanjut dapat hubungi kami – Nego Halus)
Note : Kondisi saat ini Pembelian hanya bisa cash karena masa transisi perpanjangan HGB Bank tidak mau terima.
- Tower B lantai 20 <2BR> Harga 490.000.000
- Rental Price: .
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished :
- Studio (31 m2) : Rp 20.000.000 s.d 25.000.000 / year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : Rp 30.000.000 s.d 35.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2): Rp 38.000.000 s.d 45.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2): Rp 45.000.000 s.d 55.000.000 / year
- Fully Furnished
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
Rp 27.000.000 s.d 32.000.000 / year
- 2 BR :Rp 5.000.000 s.d 7.000.000 / month
Rp 37.000.000 s.d 42.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR :Rp Rp 45.000.000 s.d 50.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR :Rp 55.000.000 s.d 70.000.000 / year
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished :
- Contact: Jpro88 – Christy – 08888990888
- Address Office : Apartement Seasons City Lantai P6 dalam Lobby tower C
Untuk Showing unit bisa janjian minimal H-1
- Address Office : Apartement Seasons City Lantai P6 dalam Lobby tower C
- WhatsApp: 08888990888
- E-mail: agent.jpro88@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City Type 2 Kamar Hook Unfurnish Luas 55m2 – Tahunan di Jelambar, Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jln Latumenten no 33 Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 28 / kota hadap timur
- Size: 55 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnish / Kosongan. Hanya tersedia 2AC di Kamar Utama & Anak
- Facility:
1. TV Cable free
2. Kebersihan Lingkungan
3. Scurity / keamanan 24 Jam
4. Engenering 24 Jam
5. Interkom terkoneksi (Engering, Receiptionis Loby, & Scurity)
6. Kolam renang (Dewasa & anak-anak
7. Play Ground / taman bermain anak
8. Gym / tempat fitness (free)
9. Lokasi parkir Mobil dan motor Luas dengan Space Lega.
10. Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (Galon, Gas LPG, makanan, dll Delivery unit)
11. Lokasi Mall di bawah apartemen
12. Halte Busway di depan Gedung apartemen
14.Lapangan Basket
15. dan Olahraga lain banyak lagi - Additional Info: Lokasi Strategis depan pintu masukTol dan keluarTol, 15 menitke Airport, dan 10 Menitke Semanggi-Sudirman. Dekat dengan Roxy Mas, Tanah Abang, ManggaDua, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Taman Anggrek, Central Park. Dekatdengan UNTAR, TRISAKTI, BPK Penabur, RS. Royal Taruma.
- Rental Price: Rp.33.000.000,- / Sewa 1thn
- Note : Harga belum termasuk biaya IPL / maintenance fee juga Deposit !!
- Contact: Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi: “CHINDO”CALL : 087778321264 Whatsapp : 08777 8321264 Call office :021-29074105* TERIMA TITIP JUAL, TITIP SEWA, CARI UNIT, DAN, INTERIOR DESAIGN PROPERTY) *Alamat : Mall Seasons City Lantai GF2 Block A2 No.7-8 (UNILAND PROPERTY) Grogol, 11320 Jakarta Barat – Indonesia=============SOLUSI PINTAR MEMILIH PROPERTY=============
- WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City Jakarta Barat – 2 BR Full Furnished, View Selatan, Hadap Swimming Pool & City View, Favorit View
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 8 / Swimming Pool – Selatan
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished, Siap Huni
- Facility:
- TV Cable free
- Kebersihan lingkungan
- Security / keamanan 24 jam
- Engenering 24 jam
- Interkom terkoneksi (Engineering, Receptionist, Lobby & Security)
- Kolam renang (dewasa & anak-anak)
- Playground / taman bermain anak
- Gym / tempat fitness (free)
- Lapangan basketball
- Trek joging & taman penghijauan
- Gazebo di taman
- Lokasi parkir mobil dan motor luas dengan space lega.
- Masjid tempat ibadah besar untuk muslim
- Charge mobil listrik tersedia lantai P6
- 1Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (galon, gas LPG, makanan, dll, delivery ke unit)
- Lokasi mall di bawah apartemen
- Halte Busway di depan gedung apartemen
- Di sekitar gedung / mall bnyak bank, dan banyak lagi
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis depan pintu masuk tol dan keluar tol, 15 menit ke airport, dan 10 menit ke Semanggi-Sudirman. Dekat dengan Roxy Mas, Tanah Abang, Mangga Dua, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Taman Anggrek, Central Park. Dekat dengan UNTAR, Trisakti, BPK Penabur, RS Royal Taruma.
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000, Nett
Legalitas Unit tersedia :- Sertifikat SHM / Strata Title
- Asuransi Gedung
- Rental Price: Rp 40.000.000, Nett Nego No Respon!
Harga paling Murah
View favorit double View - Contact: Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi: “CHINDO”
CALL : 087778321264
Whatsapp : 08777 8321264
Call office :021-29074105
Alamat : Mall Season City - WhatsApp: 082177777990
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com
Sewa Tahunan / Bulanan Apartemen Seasons City Jakarta Barat – Tipe Studio / 2 BR / 2BR+1 / 3+1 BR Full Furnished, Unfurnished, Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Furnished / Semi Furnished / Unfurnished
- Good Condition
- Clean Unit
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- 3 swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Basketball
- Table tennis
- Gymnastics Field
- Security 24/7, dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- Close to university areas (UNTAR/Trisakti/Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Selling Price: For buying and selling prices contact me directly I will offer the best price
- Rental Price:
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished
- Studio (31 m2) : Rp 25.000.000 s.d 27.000.000 / year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : Rp 31.000.000 s.d 35.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2): Rp 38.000.000 s.d 45.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2): Rp 45.000.000 s.d 55.000.000 / year
- Fully Furnished
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
- Rp 29.000.000 s.d 37.000.000 / year
- 2 BR :Rp 5.000.000 s.d 7.000.000 / month
- Rp 45.000.000 s.d 58.000.000 / year
- 2+1 BR :Rp Rp 43.000.000 s.d 50.000.000 / year
- 3+1 BR :Rp 56.000.000 s.d 70.000.000 / year
- Studio :Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000 / month
- Unfurnished – Semi Furnished
- Contact: Hendra – 082313131308
Address : Seasons City Mall Floor GF2 Block A2 No 7 Grogol, 11320 West Jakarta Indonesia
Terima Titip Sewa / Jual Beli Property Primary / Secondary - WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com
Sewa Bulanan / Tahunan Apartemen Seasons City – 2 BR 48 m2 Furnished, Murah, Lantai Rendah, Double View, Tower C, Siap Huni
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: C / 10 / Utara
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished Siap Huni !!
- Facility:
- TV Cable free
- Kebersihan Lingkungan
- Security / keamanan 24 Jam
- Engenering 24 Jam
- Interkom terkoneksi (Engering, Receiptionis Lobby, & Security)
- Kolam renang (Dewasa & anak-anak
- Playground / taman bermain anak
- Gym / tempat fitness (free)
- Lokasi parkir mobil dan motor luas dengan Space Lega.
- Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (Galon, Gas LPG, makanan, dll Delivery unit)
- Lokasi mall di bawah apartemen
- Halte Busway di depan Gedung apartemen
- Lapangan Basket dan tmpr Olahraga lainnya
- Dan banyak lagi
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis depan pintu masuk Tol dan keluar Tol, 15 menit ke Airport, dan 10 menit ke Semanggi-Sudirman. Dekat dengan Roxy Mas, Tanah Abang, Mangga Dua, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Taman Anggrek, Central Park. Dekat dengan UNTAR, Trisakti, BPK Penabur, RS Royal Taruma.
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000
Jual BU dan cepat !! - Rental Price:
- Rp 42.000.000/tahun, Murah
- Rp 5.500.000/bulan
- Note: Harga belum termasuk IPL dll
- Contact: Tunggu apalagi segera hubungi : ” CHINDO”
CALL : 087778321264
Whatsapp : 087778321264
Alamat :
Mall Seasons City Lantai GF2 Block A2 No.7-8
Grogol, 11320 Jakarta Barat – Indonesia
=============SOLUSI PINTAR MEMILIH PROPERTY============= - WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Seasons City Type Studio, 2BR, 2BR+1, 3BR+1 Furnish dan Kosongan – Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No.33 Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: A / B / C VIew Kota dan Kolam
- Size: 31.75, 48, 55, 65, 84 m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished,lengkap dengan kitchen set, AC,TV, ranjang, lemari, kulkas, sofa, hordeng lengkap, water heater (tidak semua unit ada).
- semi, sebagian barang
- unfurnish , sama sekali tdk ada barang
- Facility: Super lengkap dengan konsep mixed used (Apt., Mall, Kantor, Bank) dengan fasilitas mewah di atas ketinggian 45 m.
- Additional Info: Lokasi Apartemen Season City dekat dengan Mall Season City, Roxy Mas, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Central Park. Ada XXI dan banyak lagi. Lokasi Seasons City yang sangat strategis dapat diakses melalui lima pintu Tol dalam kota. Kawasan Pluit, Thamrin dan Semanggi dapat dicapai hanya dalam waktu lebih kurang 10 menit. Sementara Soekarno Hatta International Airport dapat dicapai dalam waktu sekitar 15 menit. Selain itu terdapat koridor Busway di depan Seasons City. (Only 15 Minutes to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Strategic location. Easy access, close to the Toll gates.)
- Selling Price:
- ** Unfurnished
- Studio: Rp 360.000.000 s.d Rp 450.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR: Rp 550.000.000 s.d Rp 650.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2 BR+1: Rp 700.000.000 s.d Rp 850.000.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR: Rp s.d Rp (83,7 m2)
- ** Full Furnished
- Studio: Rp 380.000.000 s.d Rp 450.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR: Rp 580.000.000 s.d Rp 700.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2 BR+1: Rp 650.000.000 s.d Rp 850.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR: Rp s.d Rp 1.300.000.000 (83.7 m2)
- ** Unfurnished
- Rental Price:
- Kosong / Unfurnish
- Studio (31m2) : Harga = Rp. 24.000.000 sd 26.000.000 / tahun
- 2BR (48m2) : Harga = Rp. 28.000.000 sd 35.000.000 / tahun
- 2BR+1 (64m2) : Harga = Rp. 35.000.000 sd 45.000.000 / tahun
- 3BR+1 (84m2) : Harga = Rp. 48.000.000 sd 58.000.000 / tahun
- * Bulanan
- Studio = Rp 4.000.000 – 5.000.000 / bulan
- 2 BR = Rp 5.500.000 – 6.500.000 / bulan
- 3 BR = Rp 7.500.000 – 9.000.000 / bulan
- * Tahunan
- Studio= Rp 34.000.000 – 36.000.000
- 2 BR = Rp 43.000.000 – 53.000.000
- 2+1 BR = Rp 45.000.000 – 65.000.000
- 3 BR = RP 60.000.000 – 75.000.000
- * Bulanan
- Note: Harga belum termsuk maintenance fee dan listrik-air (untuk bulanan & tahunan).
Perbedaan harga tergantung dari bentuk furnish atau interior unit.
- Kosong / Unfurnish
- Contact: Contact Number/WA Hub.i META = 087878782684 (XL) / ANDRI = 081298888984 (SIMPATI) Alamat Office : Mall Seasons City lantai GF2 Blok A2 No.7 Depan Pintu Selatan 2, Grogol Jakarta barat (TERIMA TITIP SEWA – TITIP JUAL APARTEMEN SEASONS CITY)
- WhatsApp: 087878782684
- E-mail: metaapg@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City – Tower A B C Tipe Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR, 4BR, 5BR
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten Raya No.33 Jembatan Besi, Tambora, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: A B C / 7-33 / Kota dan Kolam
- Size: 31 / 48 / 64 / 84 / 200 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 2+1 / 3+1 / 3+2
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 2+1 3+1 3+2 Only
- Maid Bathroom: 2+1 3+1 3+2 Only
- Facility:
- Swimming pool super luxury
- Waterboom
- Gajebo tempat santai bersama keluarga
- Lapangan Basket
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Tenis Meja
- Tv Cabel
- Security 24 jam
- Kolam air hangat
- Additional Info:
- Bawahnya mall ada bioskop 21.
- Lokasi strategis dekat pintu kluar masuk tol, halte busway, dan stasiun kereta.
- Dekat dengan kampus ternama (Untar, Trisakti, Ukrida).
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 350-500juta
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 500-700juta
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 600-750juta
- 3+1 BR (84 m2-> Rp 850 juta-1,2M
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 2,5-3,5M
- Rental Price:
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 23-27 juta / tahun
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 27-35 juta / tahun
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 35-45 juta / tahun
- 3+1 BR (84 m2)-> Rp 40-50 juta / tahun
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 55-70 juta / tahun
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 4-5 juta / bulan = Rp 28-36 juta / tahun
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 4-6 juta / bulan = Rp 36-50 juta / tahun
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 40-50 juta / tahun
- 3+1 BR (84 m2)-> Rp 48-70 juta / tahun
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 100-140 juta / tahun
- Contact: MAXLAND 88 (AGENT PROPERTY SEASONS CITY) Mall Seasons City lt.GF1 Blok C.21 No.7 (Kantor milik sendiri, tidak sewa).Mau beli, sewa, titip unit (Apartemen, Rumah, dll) untuk dijual or disewakan jg bisa.Silahkan hubungi kami di 0818783777 (Mohon konfirmasi dulu lewat WA sebelum telepon) trims.
- WhatsApp: 0818783777
- E-mail: maxland88property@gmail.com
Jual Cepat BU Apartemen Seasons City Type 2BR Furnished – Lantai Rendah, View Swimming Pool Luas 48 m2 Tower B SHM – Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jln. Latumenten No 33
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 8 / Swimming Pool
- Size: 48m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility: Fasilitas =
- TV Cable free
- Kebersihan Lingkungan
- Security / keamanan 24 Jam
- Engenering 24 Jam
- Interkom terkoneksi (Engering, Receiptionis Loby, & Scurity)
- Kolam renang (Dewasa & anak-anak
- Play Ground / taman bermain anak
- Gym / tempat fitness (free)
- Lokasi parkir Mobil dan motor Luas dengan Space Lega.
- Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (Galon, Gas LPG, makanan, dll Delivery unit)
- Lokasi Mall di bawah apartemen
- Halte Busway di depan Gedung apartemen
- Lapangan Basket
- dan banyak lagi
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Strategis depan pintu masuk Tol dan keluar Tol,
- 15 menit ke Airport dan 10 Menitke Semanggi-Sudirman.
- Dekat dengan Roxy Mas, Tanah Abang, Mangga Dua, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Taman Anggrek, Central Park. Dekat dengan UNTAR, TRISAKTI, BPK Penabur, RS. Royal Taruma.
- Selling Price: Rp. 500.000.000,- Nett !!
- Harga Murah dibawah NJOP !
- Khusus Pembelian Cash !
* Legalitas Unit tersedia :
1. Sertifikat SHM / Strata Title
2. IMB
3. AJB
4. Asuransi Gedung
5. PBB
- Contact: Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi: “CHINDO”
- CALL : 087778321264
- Call office :021-29074105
Alamat :
Mall Seasons City Lantai GF2 Block A2 No.7-8 (UNILAND PROPERTY)
Grogol, 11320 Jakarta Barat – Indonesia
- WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City Type Studio, 2BR, 2BR Hook, 2+1BR dan 3+1BR Full Furnish, Unfurnish, Bulanan, Tahunan – Tambora Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jln. Latumenten No. 33
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B/C
- Size: 32m², 48m², 55m², 58m², 68m², 84m²
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR, 2BRHook, 2+1BR, 3+1BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Condition:
- Full furnished,lengkap dengan kitchen set, AC,TV, ranjang, lemari, kulkas, sofa, hordeng lengkap, water heater (tidak semua unit ada).
Semi Furnished, sebagian barang
Unfurnish , sama sekali tdk ada barang
Kondisi sesuai keinginan costumer
- Full furnished,lengkap dengan kitchen set, AC,TV, ranjang, lemari, kulkas, sofa, hordeng lengkap, water heater (tidak semua unit ada).
- Facility: Fasilitas =
- TV Cable free
- Kebersihan Lingkungan
- Security / keamanan 24 Jam
- Engenering 24 Jam
Interkom terkoneksi (Engering, Receiptionis Loby, & Scurity) - Kolam renang (Dewasa & anak-anak
- Play Ground / taman bermain anak
- Gym / tempat fitness (free)
- Lapangan Bakset
- Lokasi parkir Mobil dan motor Luas dengan Space Lega.
- Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (Galon, Gas LPG, makanan, dll Delivery unit
- Lokasi Mall di bawah apartemen
- Halte Busway di depan Gedung apartemen
- dan banyak lagi
- Additional Info:
- Info: Lokasi Apartemen Season City dekat dengan Mall Season City, Roxy Mas, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Central Park. Ada Carrefour, XXI dan banyak lagi. Lokasi Seasons City yang sangat strategis dapat diakses melalui lima pintu tol dalam kota. Kawasan Pluit, Thamrin dan Semanggi dapat dicapai hanya dalam waktu lebih kurang 10 menit. Sementara Soekarno Hatta International Airport dapat dicapai dalam waktu sekitar 15 menit. Selain itu terda
- Info: Lokasi Strategis depan pintu masukTol dan keluarTol, 15 menitke Airport, dan 10 Menitke Semanggi-Sudirman. Dekat dengan Roxy Mas, Tanah Abang, ManggaDua, Mall Emporium, Citraland, Taman Anggrek, Central Park. Dekatdengan UNTAR, TRISAKTI, BPK Penabur, RS. Royal Taruma.
- Selling Price:
- Unfurnished
- Studio : Rp 400.000.000 – Rp 475.000.000 (31.75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 580.000.000 – Rp 650.000.000 (48.9 m2)
- 2 BR +1 : Rp 850.000.000 – Rp 950.000.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp 1.000.000 – Rp (83.7 m2)
- Full Furnished
- Studio : Rp 450.000.000 – Rp 550.000.000 (31.75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 650.000.000 – Rp 680.000.000 (48.9 m2)
- 2 BR +1 : Rp 900.000.000 – Rp 1.100.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp – Rp 1.500.000.000 (83.7 m2)
- Unfurnished
- Rental Price:
- Kosong / Unfurnish
– Studio(31m2) : Harga = Rp. 24.000.000 sd 26.000.000/tahun
– 2br(48m2) : Harga = Rp. 28.000.000 sd 35.000.000/tahun
– 2br+1(64m2) : Harga = Rp. 35.000.000 sd 45.000.000/tahun
– 3br+1(84m2) : Harga = Rp. 48.000.000 sd 58.000.000/tahun - FULL FURNISH
- Bulanan
– Studio = Rp 4.000.000 – 5.000.000/bulan
– 2 BR = Rp 5.500.000 – 6.500.000/bulan
– 3 BR = Rp 7.500.000 – 9.000.000/bulan - Tahunan
– Studio= Rp 34.000.000 – 36.000.000
– 2 BR = Rp 43.000.000 – 53.000.000
– 2+1 BR = Rp 45.000.000 – 65.000.000
– 3 BR = RP 60.000.000 – 75.000.000 - Note: Harga belum termsuk maintenance fee dan listrik-air (untuk bulanan & tahunan).
Perbedaan harga tergantung dari bentuk furnish atau interior unit.
- Kosong / Unfurnish
- Contact: Informasi Lebih Lanjut
Hub : CINDO UNILANDCall / WA : 087778321264Alamat Office : Mall Seasons City lantai GF2 Blok A2 No.7 Depan Pintu Selatan 2, Grogol Jakarta barat
- WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Seasons City – Tower A / B / C, Tipe Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR, 4 BR, 5 BR
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten Raya No.33 Jembatan Besi, Tambora, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: A B C / 7-33 / Kota dan Kolam
- Size: 31 / 48 / 64 / 84 / 200 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 2+1 / 3+1 / 3+2
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 2+1 3+1 3+2 Only
- Maid Bathroom: 2+1 3+1 3+2 Only
- Facility:
- Swimming pool super luxury
- Waterboom
- Gajebo tempat santai bersama keluarga
- Lapangan Basket
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Tenis Meja
- Tv Cabel
- Security 24 jam
- Kolam air hangat
- Additional Info:
- Bawahnya mall ada bioskop 21.
- Lokasi strategis dekat pintu kluar masuk tol, halte busway, dan stasiun kereta.
- Dekat dengan kampus ternama (Untar, Trisakti, Ukrida).
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 350-500juta
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 500-700juta
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 600-750juta
- 3+1 BR (84 m2-> Rp 850 juta-1,2M
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 2,5-3,5M
- Rental Price:
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 23-27 juta / tahun
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 27-35 juta / tahun
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 35-45 juta / tahun
- 3+1 BR (84 m2)-> Rp 40-50 juta / tahun
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 55-70 juta / tahun
- Studio (31 m2)-> Rp 4-5 juta / bulan = Rp 28-36 juta / tahun
- 2 BR (48 m2)-> Rp 4-6 juta / bulan = Rp 36-50 juta / tahun
- 2+1 BR (64 m2)-> Rp 40-50 juta / tahun
- 3+1 BR (84 m2)-> Rp 48-70 juta / tahun
- 3+2 BR (200 m2)-> Rp 100-140 juta / tahun
- Contact: MAXLAND 88 (AGENT PROPERTY SEASONS CITY) Mall Seasons City lt.GF1 Blok C.21 No.7 (Kantor milik sendiri, tidak sewa).Mau beli, sewa, titip unit (Apartemen, Rumah, dll) untuk dijual or disewakan jg bisa.Silahkan hubungi kami di 0818783777 (Mohon konfirmasi dulu lewat WA sebelum tlp) trims.
- WhatsApp: 0818783777
- E-mail: maxland88property@gmail.com
Dijual Cepat Apartemen Seasons City – Tipe 2 BR Fully Furnished – Kawasan Strategis, Dekat dengan Universitas, Pintu Keluar-Masuk Tol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Season City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 8 / Swimming Pool & City View
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Full Furnished Siap Huni
- Clean Unit
- Good Condition
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- 3 swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Basketball
- Table tennis
- Gymnastics Field
- Security 24/7, dll
Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefo
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- Close to university areas (UNTAR/Trisakti/Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Selling Price: IDR 530.000.000 (Price can be negotiated when you have checked the show unit)
I will give you the best price – The documents are AJB and Certificate of Ownership
– You can get KPA credit through the bank
– Prices do not include Buyer Tax & Notary Fees - Rental Price: Only For Sell, Rent prices contact me directly I will offer the best price
- Contact: Hendra 082313131308 / 083113131308
Address : Seasons City Mall Floor GF2 Block A2 No 7 Grogol, 11320 West Jakarta Indonesia
Accept Selling, Renting, Unit Search and Interior Design Property - WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com