- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan No.1, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Flamboyan / 8th floor / City
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Gym, Jogging Track, Tennis Court
Fasilitas sebelah kalibata plaza, diatas persis mall kalibata square, akses card per tower, keamanan terjamin, bebas banjir, terletak disebelah persis stasiun kereta api kalibata, dekat dengan sudirman, kuningan dan gatot subroto (pusat kantor jakarta)
nilai investasi ++ karena dekat kantor dan banyak ekspat dan eksekutif kantor yang tinggal disini. - Additional Info:
- Kami terima titip pemasaran Unit Kalibata City dan Green Palace Juga. Akan kami pasarkan dengan baik unit yg Anda miliki. Segera Hubungi wa.me/6281211115590 (081211115590) Kalibata City ID. Kami Juga Memiliki Channel Youtube dan Instagram yang selalu terupdate, bisa di Folllow dan di Subcribe
- Bisa Cek Video di YT : KalibataCity ID
- Instagram : @kalibatacity.id
- Tiktok : @kalibatacity.id
- Selling Price: The price is Also More Affordable, negotiation & complete info please contact me..
Rp 395.000.000 - Rental Price: Info please contact me..
- Contact: Serious interest, please call or whatsApp “Fatih” 081211115590 (KalibataCity ID)
available all others type unit, Info => www.kalibatacitymurah.com - WhatsApp: 081211115590
- E-mail: kalibatacity.id@gmail.com
apartemen kalibata 2br
Dijual Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Borneo 2BR Full Furnished – Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Kalibata Raya
- Tower/Floor/View: Borneo/10/Jalan Raya
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Harga untuk Full-Furnished: Rp. 339 (nego)
– Full wallpaper dan Lantai Parkit
– Upgrade listrik sudah 2200 watt
– AC 1/2 pk Sharp
– Spring Bed kamar utama
– Lemari baju kaca kamar utama
– Lighting roof di berbagai sudut
– Kaca besar artistik kamar kedua
– Kaca besar kamar mandi
– Kitchen Set
– Sofa Bed
– Exhaust fan kamar mandi
– Rak susun dinding
– Dispenser
– Water heater low watt
– Internet broadband + Wifi super cepat
– TV Digital indoor antenna + setopbox HD free all channel
– dll sesuai hasil nego dan kesepakatan setelah survey unit
– Balkon luar + best view jalan raya dari balkon. Lantai 10 tidak terlalu tinggi (angin kuat) dan tidak terlalu rendah (ada nyamuk/bising)
– Toko dan sekuriti 24 jam
– Taman bermain anak
– Free open space Gym
– ATM Bersama
– Slot parkir mobil dan motor
– Fasilitas merchant di Tower Borneo: Fore, Mixue, Tentang Kopi, Nasi Padang 24 jam, Laundry, Nasi Rames (Sunda dan Manado), Martabak Orins, Mie Ayam n Es Teler, Fotocopy, Shopee Express, dll
– Parkir motor luas (open dan basement), dekat masjid, akses ke mall KCS dan Kalibata Mall sangat dekat
– Ada kolam renang di tower green palace (bisa akses)
– Dekat dengan pusat durian dan kuliner Kalibata, sekolah SD, SMP, dan SMA Negeri, dll
– Transportasi mudah dan lokasi sangat strategis ke berbagai lokasi: sangat dekat dengan stasiun KRL, ada angkot depan gerbang, pangkalan Gojek, dan juga busway
– Cocok untuk yang masih single, small family, karyawan/karyawati, mahasiswa, atau pensiunan
– Cocok juga bagi yang akan investasi dan menyewakan properti/unitnya langsung
– Jika pembeli ingin menyewakan unit apartemennya, unitnya dapat langsung disewakan per bulan/tahun (banyak customer yang antri untuk sewa >> dijamin 100% langsung dapat penyewa bulanan atau tahunan)
– Biaya PPJB ke AJB dan SHM ditanggung penjual dan pembeli (dibagi 2)
– Biaya balik nama SHM atas nama pembeli ditanggung pembeli
– Biaya pajak ditanggung masing-masing
– Biaya notaris dibagi 2
Terima kasih
- Facility:
- Balkon luar + best view jalan raya dari balkon. Lantai 10 tidak terlalu tinggi (angin kuat) dan tidak terlalu rendah (ada nyamuk/bising)
- Toko dan sekuriti 24 jam
- Taman bermain anak
- Free open space Gym
- ATM Bersama
- Slot parkir mobil dan motor
- Fasilitas merchant di Tower Borneo: Fore, Mixue, Tentang Kopi, Nasi Padang 24 jam, Laundry, Nasi Rames (Sunda dan Manado), Martabak Orins, Mie Ayam n Es Teler, Fotocopy, Shopee Express, dll
- Parkir motor luas (open dan basement), dekat masjid, akses ke mall KCS dan Kalibata Mall sangat dekat
- Ada kolam renang di tower green palace (bisa akses)
- Dekat dengan pusat durian dan kuliner Kalibata, sekolah SD, SMP, dan SMA Negeri, dll
- Transportasi mudah dan lokasi sangat strategis ke berbagai lokasi: sangat dekat dengan stasiun KRL, ada angkot depan gerbang, pangkalan Gojek, dan juga busway
- Cocok untuk yang masih single, small family, karyawan/karyawati, mahasiswa, atau pensiunan
- Cocok juga bagi yang akan investasi dan menyewakan properti/unitnya langsung
- Terima kasihBalkon luar + best view jalan raya dari balkon. Lantai 10 tidak terlalu tinggi (angin kuat) dan tidak terlalu rendah (ada nyamuk/bising)
- Toko dan sekuriti 24 jam
- Taman bermain anak
- Free open space Gym
- ATM Bersama
- Slot parkir mobil dan motor
- Fasilitas merchant di Tower Borneo: Fore, Mixue, Tentang Kopi, Nasi Padang 24 jam, Laundry, Nasi Rames (Sunda dan Manado), Martabak Orins, Mie Ayam n Es Teler, Fotocopy, Shopee Express, dll
- Parkir motor luas (open dan basement), dekat masjid, akses ke mall KCS dan Kalibata Mall sangat dekat
- Ada kolam renang di tower green palace (bisa akses)
- Dekat dengan pusat durian dan kuliner Kalibata, sekolah SD, SMP, dan SMA Negeri, dll
- Transportasi mudah dan lokasi sangat strategis ke berbagai lokasi: sangat dekat dengan stasiun KRL, ada angkot depan gerbang, pangkalan Gojek, dan juga busway
- Cocok untuk yang masih single, small family, karyawan/karyawati, mahasiswa, atau pensiunan
- Cocok juga bagi yang akan investasi dan menyewakan properti/unitnya langsung
- Terima kasih
- Additional Info: *Note: Jika pembeli ingin menyewakan unit apartemennya, unitnya dapat langsung disewakan per bulan/tahun. (banyak customer yang antri untuk sewa)
- Selling Price: Rp. 339.000.000
- Contact: 08118181147
- WhatsApp: 08118181147
- E-mail: anggun135ok@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Kalibata City – Green Palace & Residences Kalibata Jakarta Selatan – 2BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City – Green Palace & Residence
- Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata, Rawajati, Pancoran – Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Green Palace : Mawar; Residence : Cendana
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Acces Card, 2 AC, Kitchen set, Refrigerator, Beds, TV, Sofa
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: By wa
- Contact: 087 88 131 2008
- WhatsApp: 087881312008
Sewa Bulanan/Tahunan – DIJUAL Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Gaharu ? 2BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan 12750
- Tower/Floor/View: G (Gaharu) /2 BR / No. 9CR
- Size: 33 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished and homey apartment unit, ready for occupation.
• Living Room: Two-seater oscar sofa bed with 4 pillows, 32 inch LED TV HD ready (can play movie or music with USB), TV table, low Watt 2 doors refrigerator, carpet and mat, hot and cold dispenser (low watt)+gallon water, shoes cabinet, wide mirror behind the sofa bed, drop ceiling lamp, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, covered with wallpaper.
• Kitchen: 1,5 meters luxury designed kitchen set with granite table,70 centimeters Modena gas stove 2 burner with 12 Kg gas cylinders, 60 cm Modena slim exhaust hood, Modena kitchen sink, adjusted kitchen taps, glass bar table with 2 chairs and chandelier, trash can, back door curtain, cooking utensils (pot, pan, tea pot, etc), tableware (spoons, plates, forks, etc), and cleaning tool (broom, brush, canebo, dust pan, mop, etc).
• Main Room: Queen size Airland spring bed + divan, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, headboard with light, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, bedside, dressing table with chair, luxury curtain, modified room lights, trash can, mat, covered with wallpaper. • Second Room: 100 x 200 cm Airland spring bed + divan, headboard, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, exhaust fan from the main room, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, study table with chair, modified room lights, trash can, covered with wallpaper.
• Bathroom: Wide mirror, closet seat, stainless shower and taps, stainless towel rack, mat, trash can, covered with white paint.
- Facility: National & international TV cable channels, children playground, jogging track, security 24 hours, access card, parking card, centralized gas, parking lot, Kalibata City Square, food court and restaurant, supermarket, ATM center, mosque and sport facility.
- Additional Info: Facility outside of the Apartment: *Very near to Kalibata Train Station, STEKPI Campus, 15 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono), easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Blue Bird taxi pool. Ideal for students, married couple and small family. *Positions benefit: Gaharu building is the nearest tower from the street and the only one tower which has direct escalator to the Kalibata City Square. The unit (9-CR) is located at the center between 4 lift that operated in Gaharu building. The unit has a wide view area (food Court, garden view).
- Selling Price: IDR 495.000.000 – SHM
- Rental Price: IDR 4.000.000/month (exclude electricity bill + IPL)
- Contact: 085220020242 (WA/Call)- Mrs.Syifa
- WhatsApp: 085220020242
- E-mail: Snuufysyifa@yahoo.com
Jual Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Borneo 2BR Full Furnished – Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata No.1, RT.9/RW.4, Rawajati, Kec. Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Borneo, lantai 12, view taman
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished – Include TV, kulkas AC 2
- Facility: Lapangan basket, mall, bank, mesjid, taman, food court, dll
- Additional Info:
- Dekat Stasiun Kereta Api Duren Kalibata, tinggal jln kaki saja
- Lintas Busway Blok M – Kampung Rambuta
- Lintas Bus Menuju Bandara Soekarno Hatta
- RS Budi Asih Cawang 10 menit saja
- Selling Price: Rp 400 juta
- Contact: 081314147147
- WhatsApp: 081314147147
- E-mail: Dr_hermans@yahoo.com
DIJUAL / SALE Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Gaharu – 2BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan 12750
- Tower/Floor/View: G (Gaharu) /2 BR / No. 9CR
- Size: 33 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished and homey apartment unit, ready for occupation.
- Living Room: Two-seater oscar sofa bed with 4 pillows, 32 inch LED TV HD ready (can play movie or music with USB), TV table, low Watt 2 doors refrigerator, carpet and mat, hot and cold dispenser (low watt)+gallon water, shoes cabinet, wide mirror behind the sofa bed, drop ceiling lamp, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, covered with wallpaper.
- Kitchen: 1,5 meters luxury designed kitchen set with granite table,70 centimeters Modena gas stove 2 burner with 12 Kg gas cylinders, 60 cm Modena slim exhaust hood, Modena kitchen sink, adjusted kitchen taps, glass bar table with 2 chairs and chandelier, trash can, back door curtain, cooking utensils (pot, pan, tea pot, etc), tableware (spoons, plates, forks, etc), and cleaning tool (broom, brush, canebo, dust pan, mop, etc).
- Main Room: Queen size Airland spring bed + divan, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, headboard with light, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, bedside, dressing table with chair, luxury curtain, modified room lights, trash can, mat, covered with wallpaper. • Second Room: 100 x 200 cm Airland spring bed + divan, headboard, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, exhaust fan from the main room, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, study table with chair, modified room lights, trash can, covered with wallpaper.
- Bathroom: Wide mirror, closet seat, stainless shower and taps, stainless towel rack, mat, trash can, covered with white paint.
- Facility: National & international TV cable channels, children playground, jogging track, security 24 hours, access card, parking card, centralized gas, parking lot, Kalibata City Square, food court and restaurant, supermarket, ATM center, mosque and sport facility.
- Additional Info:
- Facility outside of the Apartment:
- Very near to Kalibata Train Station, STEKPI Campus, 15 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono), easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Blue Bird taxi pool. Ideal for students, married couple and small family.
- Positions benefit: Gaharu building is the nearest tower from the street and the only one tower which has direct escalator to the Kalibata City Square. The unit (9-CR) is located at the center between 4 lift that operated in Gaharu building. The unit has a wide view area (food Court, garden view).
- Facility outside of the Apartment:
- Selling Price: IDR 480jt – SHM (Nego)
- Rental Price: IDR 4jt/month (exclude IPL + electricity bill)
- Contact: 085220020242 (WA/Call)- Mrs.Syifa
- WhatsApp: 05522002022
- E-mail: Snuufysyifa@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Gaharu Jakarta Selatan – 2BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 1, Jakarta Selatan 12750
- Tower/Floor/View: G (Gaharu) / 2 BR / No. 9CR
- Size: 33 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished and homey apartment unit, ready for occupation.
- Living Room: Two-seater oscar sofa bed with 4 pillows, 32 inch LED TV HD ready (can play movie or music with USB), TV table, low Watt 2 doors refrigerator, carpet and mat, hot and cold dispenser (low watt)+gallon water, shoes cabinet, wide mirror behind the sofa bed, drop ceiling lamp, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, covered with wallpaper.
- Kitchen: 1,5 meters luxury designed kitchen set with granite table,70 centimeters Modena gas stove 2 burner with 12 Kg gas cylinders, 60 cm Modena slim exhaust hood, Modena kitchen sink, adjusted kitchen taps, glass bar table with 2 chairs and chandelier, trash can, back door curtain, cooking utensils (pot, pan, tea pot, etc), tableware (spoons, plates, forks, etc), and cleaning tool (broom, brush, canebo, dust pan, mop, etc).
- Main Room: Queen size Airland spring bed + divan, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, headboard with light, 1/2 PK low watt air conditioner, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, bedside, dressing table with chair, luxury curtain, modified room lights, trash can, mat, covered with wallpaper.
- Second Room: 100 x 200 cm Airland spring bed + divan, headboard, 2 pillows + bolsters and bed linen, exhaust fan from the main room, 2 sliding doors wardrobe with mirror, study table with chair, modified room lights, trash can, covered with wallpaper.
- Bathroom: Wide mirror, closet seat, stainless shower and taps, stainless towel rack, mat, trash can, covered with white paint.
- Facility: National & international TV cable channels, children playground, jogging track, security 24 hours, access card, parking card, centralized gas, parking lot, Kalibata City Square, food court and restaurant, supermarket, ATM center, mosque and sport facility.
- Additional Info: Facility outside of the Apartment:
- Very near to Kalibata Train Station, STEKPI Campus, 15 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono), easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Blue Bird taxi pool. Ideal for students, married couple and small family.
- Positions benefit: Gaharu building is the nearest tower from the street and the only one tower which has direct escalator to the Kalibata City Square. The unit (9-CR) is located at the center between 4 lift that operated in Gaharu building. The unit has a wide view area (food Court, garden view).
- Selling Price: IDR 490 juta – nego (SHM)
- Contact: 085220020242 (WA/Call) – Mrs.Syifa
- WhatsApp: 085220020242
- E-mail: Snuufysyifa@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen 2BR di Kalibata City Jakarta Selatan – Murah & Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata No.1, RT.9/RW.4, Rawajati, Kec. Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Gaharu / Lt 5
- Size: 33.3 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnish
- Facility: Ac, Water Heater, Tv, Kulkas, Kasur, Sofa, Kompor
- Additional Info: Bisa Nego
- Selling Price: Rp 425.000.000
- Contact: 081807390730
- WhatsApp: 081807390730
Disewakan Apartemen Kalibata City – Residence, Regency dan Green Palace – Studio, 2BR dan 3BR Fully Furnished, Semi Furnished dan Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Kalibata Residence, Regency dan Green Palace
- Location: Jl.Kalibata Raya No.1 Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Akasia, Borneo, Herbras, Gaharu,Tulip, Raffles, Lotus, Palem, Viola
- Size: 21, 33, 36 dan 52 sqm
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR dan 3BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished, Semi Furnished dan Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Kalibata Residemce dan Regency: Security 24 jam, secure parking, playground, laundry, resto, coffee shop, minimarket, ATM, akses ke mall Kalibata City Square, lokasi sangat strategis, dekat stasiun kereta dll.
- Green Palace: Security 24 jam, secure parkiing, playground, fasilitas lengkap ada gym, kolam renang, jogging track, lapangan tenis, lapangan basket, atm, laundry, resto, coffe shop, minimarket, sekolah, akses ke mall Kalibata City Square dll.
- Additional Info: Wa chat or call for details
- Rental Price:
- Kalibata Residence dan Regency:
- Studio: Rp 2,8 juta / Bulan sd Rp 3 juta / Bulan
Deposit Rp 1,5 juta sd 2 juta - 2BR: Rp 3,5 juta / Bulan sd Rp 4 juta / Bulan
Deposit Rp 2 juta sd 2,5 juta
- Studio: Rp 2,8 juta / Bulan sd Rp 3 juta / Bulan
- Green Palace:
- Studio: Rp 3,5 juta / Bulan sd Rp 4 juta / Bulan
Deposit Rp 1,5 juta sd 2 juta - 2BR: Rp 4,5 juta / Bulan sd 5 juta
- 2BR type besar: Rp 5,5 juta / Bulan sd Rp 6 juta / Bulan
Deposit Rp 2 juta sd Rp 2,5 juta - 3BR: Rp 6,8 juta / Bulan ad Rp 7,5 juta / Bulan
Deposit Rp 2 juta sd Rp 2,5 juta
- Studio: Rp 3,5 juta / Bulan sd Rp 4 juta / Bulan
- Kalibata Residence dan Regency:
- Contact: 081314900126
- WhatsApp: 081314900126
- E-mail: oishshiera@gmail.com
Disewakan Furnished & Unfurnished Studio,1BR,2BR Apartemen Kalibata City
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan, RT.9/RW.4, Rawajati, Pancoran, Kalibata, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12740
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus,Gaharu,Kemuning,Borneo,Akasia,Sakura,Damar,Eboni/Low to High zone/City view
- Size: Studio: 16-20 m2, 1BR: 28-33 m2, 2BR: 28-36 m2
- Bedroom: Studio/1BR/2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished & Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Furnished:
- Super Single Bed (120×200)
- Wardrobe
- Air Conditioner
- TV 32″
- Pillow
- Hanger
- AC Remote
- Remote TV
- Living Room
- Kitchen Set
- Refrigerator
- Bathroom
- Unfurnished:
- AC
- Bedroom
- Kitchen Cabinet
- Toilet
- Shower
- Mirror
- Building:
- ATM On Site
- Cafe
- Jogging Track
- Laundry (Charge)
- Playground
- Restaurant
- Shops
- Furnished:
- Additional Info:
- Soekarno Hatta International Airport can be accessed by 45 minutes driving (32.7 km)
- 20 minutes drive to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
- Only 9 minutes walk to Duren Kalibata Station (750 m)
- 8 minutes walk to Tax Service Office (600 m)
- 5 minutes drive to Trilogy University (1.4 km)
- Kalibata City Square and Plaza Kalibata. Both of them can be accessed just by less than 10 walking.
- Ragunan Zoo can be visited by driving for 31 minutes (8.9 km)
- 29 minutes drive to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (9.5 km)
- Monumen Nasional is 39 minutes drive away (11.5 km)
- Rental Price:
- Furnished:
- Studio :
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 3,206,923(include maintenance fee, available for installment)
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 29,544,654(exclude maintenance fee, available for installment)
- 1BR :
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 3,641,159 (include maintenance fee, available for installment)
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 32,203,977(exclude maintenance fee, available for installment)
- 2BR :
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 3,775,761(include maintenance fee, available for installment)
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 33,550,000(exclude maintenance fee, available for installment)
- Studio :
- Unfurnished:
- Studio
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 2,150,000 (include maintenance fee) (min stay 3 months)
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 21.000.000 (exclude maintenance fee)
- 2BR
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 2,420,498 (include maintenance fee) (min stay 3 months)
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 24.599.999(exclude maintenance fee)
- Studio
- Furnished:
- Contact: +62 21 806 00904 (by phone)
- WhatsApp: 081219141832
- E-mail: sales@travelio.com
Jual Apartemen Kalibata City Tower Depan 2BR Furnished – Samping Mall Sertifikat SHM – Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata No.1, RT.9/RW.4, Rawajati, Kec. Pancoran, Kota Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Flamboyan
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Fasilitas penghuni
- Mall Kalibata City (lengkap dari a-z)
- Masjid kalibata city
- Gereja kalibata city
- Jogging track
- Keamanan 24 jam
- Lapangan tennis,futsal dan basket
- Gym dan swimmingpool
- Kalibata city memiliki semua kelengkapan kebutuhan penghuni hypermarket Farmers, family mart, indomart, alfamart
- Cafe dan foodcourt terlengkap
- Transoprtasi umum 24 jam
- Lokasi strategis dijakarta selatan dekat kemanapun
- Additional Info: Hunian yang berada di lokasi strategis di jaksel
- Investasi menjanjikan dimasa datang
- Dijual 2 bedroom furnished sertifikat SHM tower flamboyan samping mall
- Negosiasi ditempat
- Bisa disurvey setiap hari (jam flexible) menyesuaikan calon pembeli
- Info lanjut by phone or wa
- Ready unit 2 br furnished dan unfurnished Sertifikat SHM harga bervariasi.
- Selling Price: Rp 355.000.000
- Contact: 081288844408
- WhatsApp: 081288844408
- E-mail: buyutlaut@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Kalibata City Residence 2BR Furnished SHM Low Price Termurah
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jln raya kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Eboni
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Mall Kalibata City
- Masjid Nurullah Kalibata city
- Gereja GBI kalibata city
- Jogging Track
- Parkir landed dan Basemen 4 lantai
- Klinik gigi
- Klinik kecantikan
- Apotik Century
- Alfamart ,indomart,familymart
- Lapangan basket,futsal dan Tennis
- FARMERS Hypermarket
- Wine store
- Japanese food
- Cinemax bioskop
- Starbuck
- Breath talks roti
- Dunkin donuts
- Foodcourt
- Dll
- Fasilitas umum
- Dekat bandara halim 20 menit
- RS tria dipa 15 menit
- Stasiun kereta kalibata 5 menit
- 60 menit bandara soeta
- Rs Budi asih 15-20 menit
- 20 menit Tol pancoran
- Dan fasilitas2 lainnya yg mendukung dan memudahkan aktivitas penghuni apartemen
- Additional Info: Dijual cepat dengan Harga terbaik lantai rendah,sudah SHM onhand
Siapa cepat harga termurah untuk 2 Bedroom furnished diresiden
Call or Wa utk detail unit - Selling Price: Rp 318.000.000
- Contact: 0812.888.444.08
- WhatsApp: 081288844408
- E-mail: buyutlaut27@gmail.com