- Apartment Name: Rainbow Springs Condovillas
- Location: The Springs Summarecon Serpong, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: G19/O05/O06
- Size: 125,57 m2
- Bedroom: 4
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- View bagus dan stok terbatas, View ke Hobbit Town (Eco Village) dan Lagoon Forest
- Satu Tower Terdiri dari 5 Lantai dan 1 Lantai hanya terdiri dari 4 unit, hanya 20 unit di 1 tower
- Setiap Unit memiliki Private Balcony
- Unit 1 dan lainnya tidak saling menempel
- Setiap Ruangan memiliki jendela sehingga Pencahayaan Alami di setiap ruangan sangat bagus
- Memiliki Dedicated Parking Lot dan FREE
- Setiap Unit memiliki Service Area untuk kamar tidur ART dan kamar mandi ART
- Unit Sudah Ready dan Siap Huni
- Facility:
Fasilitas yang ada di dalam area Rainbow Springs Condovillas :
- Jogging Track
- Tree House
- Lake Front Picnic
- Eco Village (Mural House, Wishing Well, The Green Labyrinth dan Urban Farm)
- Clubhouse
- Adult Swimming Pool
- Children Swimming Pool
- Barbeque Roof Garden
- Lagoon Forest (The River Play, Rope Playgrounds, The Pavillion, The Cubby House)
- Basketball court
- Skate park
- Dedicated Parking Lot (Free)
Lokasi :
- Rainbow Springs Condovillas ini posisinya berada di The Springs Summarecon Serpong, sehingga
- posisinya dengan dengan 3 mall besar yaitu Mall Summarecon Serpong, AEON Mall dan Living World
- Dekat dengan Sekolah dan Universitas ternama
- Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit
- Dekat dengan Pasar Modern
- Additional Info:
Promo Merdeka:
- Potongan Harga Langsung sebesar 17 juta rupiah
- GOOD NEWS FREE PPN 100% diperpanjang hingga Desember 2021
- Cara Bayar bertahap ke developer
- Subsidi bunga KPR 3,99% (CIMB, BCA, maybank, Permata)
- Unit sudah ready dan siap huni
- Dengan pilihan unit 2, 3 & 4 bedroom, Rainbow Springs CondoVillas hadir jadi jawaban hunian rasa Resorts di tengah kota. Setiap unit CondoVilla juga memiliki tambahan ruang tidur dan kamar mandi di area service room, dedicated parking, dan private balcony.
- Fasilitas EcoVillage, Forest Lagoon, ClubHouse, Lakefront Esplanade pada 70% lahan hijau semakin memberikan pengalaman #HolidayFromHome untuk Anda dan keluarga.
- Selling Price: Free PPN 100% Plus diskon cara bayar tunai keras:
Type 4BR harga 2,15 M-an jadi 1,88 M-an
Berbagai cara bayar yang ditawarkan developer :
- Tunai Keras
- KPA ke Bank
- DP 15% cicil 5x
- DP 30% cicil 15x
- Bertahap 24x atau 36x ke developer
- Contact: Yuk yang mau visit show unit atau visit unit readynya, bisa janjian dengan Ivon Summarecon ya atau yang mau tanya-tanya dulu juga boleh hubungi Ivon :
Ivonnie Pauline
0813 6424 7996
Marketing Langsung dari Summarecon SerpongInstagram: @ivonnie_summareconserpong
- WhatsApp: 081364247996
- E-mail: pivonnie@gmail.com
apartemen green park view
Sewa Luxury Apartment With City View at The Branz Simatupang Jakarta Selatan – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: The Branz Simatupang
- Location: Jl. T.B. Simatupang, Cilandak Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: City View
- Size: 122 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- 2 (Two) Private lift
- Dedicated parking space
- Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool and jacuzi
- Fitness center
- Children Playground and barbeque area
- Green jogging track
- Library
- Meeting room
- Laundry
- Cafe and Coffee shop
- Papaya convenient store
- 24-hour security and CCTV
- Additional Info:
- Japanese Developer: PT. Tokyu Land Indonesia & Japanese Contractor: Obayashi (All Japanese Perfection)
- Near by Hospital: Siloam, Mayapada, Klinik Mata Nusantara,
- Near by School: Sekolah Prasetya Mulya Management, Highscoope Indonesia, Jakarta International School (JIS), Jakarta Japanese School,
- Near by Mall: Mall Cilandak Town Square, Kemang Village Mall, Pondok Indah Mall
- Walking distance – 400 m from Fatmawati MRT Station
- Available for other properties: Hampton’s Park, Lexington, Pondok Indah Apartment Golf
- Selling Price: Ask for more detail
- Rental Price: $ 1750/month
- Contact: 081212504040
- WhatsApp: 081212504040
- E-mail: setiawanniko804@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Skyhouse BSD (Samping AEON Mall BSD) – Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Skyhouse BSD
- Location: Jl. BSD Raya Utama – samping AEON Mall
- Tower/Floor/View: 5 Tower/30 floors/view garden & City
- Size: 23m2 – 120m2
- Bedroom: 3 Bedroom
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartement Skyhouse BSD – semi furnished
- LOKASI strategis di Central Business District BSD City
- 1 menit ke AEON Mall BSD dan The Breeze Mall
- Selangkah dari BSD Green Office Park, ICE BSD, Unilever, Digital Hub dll
- Dekat dengan kampus Prasetiya Mulya, Monash University, IULI University, Sinarmas World Academy, atmajaya University, Jakarta Nanyang School, dll.
- RS Eka Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Hospital
- Selangkah menuju Gerbang Toll Serpong – Balaraja yang terkoneksi langsung ke Toll menuju Airport dan Jakarta
- Pangsa SEWA lebih dari 28.000 Mahasiswa dan Karyawan
- Area Bebas Banjir
——-HARGA MULAI Rp.400jt an SAJA——-
- PROMO dan cara bayar yg flexible:
- Free PPN*
- Pomo DP hanya 5%*
- Cicilan Mulai dari 3jt an saja*
- Cicilan developer TANPA BI CHECKING hingga 120x (10 tahun)
- Hadiah langsung Emas & Elektronik tanpa Diundi
*syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
- Unit Studio
- Unit 1 Bed Room
- Unit 2 Bed Room
- Unit 3 Bed Room
- Unit 3+1 Bed Room
- Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan menghubungi kami dengan cara klik link WA dibawah ini: wa.me/6285716660142
- LOKASI strategis di Central Business District BSD City
- Facility: Fasilitas yang tersedia:
- Swimming pool
- Jacuzzi & sauna
- Gym
- Yoga Room
- Children Playground
- Function Room
- Library
- Video Room
- Pergola
- Outdoor Activity Platform
- 4,16 hektar area hijau dan 1,7 hektar SkyGarden
- Additional Info: Semua unit apartemen kami dilengkapi dengan 7 Layer Security System
1. Car Plate Recognition System
2. Lobby access card
3. Lift access card
4. Video Intercom
5. 3 in 1 door lock
6. Steel door yg tahan api dan kedap suara
7. 360 CCTV 24 jam - Selling Price: Mulai dari IDR 400 jutaan
- Contact: 085716660142
- WhatsApp: 085716660142
- E-mail: rahmatnovaz@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Aspen Residence 2 BR Luas 52 m2 & 3 BR Luas 88 m2 di Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Aspen Residence
- Location: Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B
- Size: 52 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Unfurnished / full furnished
- Facility:
- Health & wellness center
- Fitness center & gym center
- Bakery & shops, BBQ area
- Spa & reflection pond
- Swimming pool & kids pool
- Lounge
- Visitor parking basement
- Jogging track
- Tropical garden & green area 70%
- Access card elevator (CCTV)
- 24-hours security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
- Laundry
- One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
- Additional Info:
- 3 min to MRT Station Lebak Bulus
- 3 min to TB Simatupang Business District
- 5 min to Desari Highway Gate
- 5 min to JORR Highway Gate
- 5 min to Cilandak Town Square
- 10 min to Karang Tengah Highway Gate
- Near to JIS, SIS, Korean International School, France International School, High Scope, Prasetya Mulya, Al-Izhar School, Cikal
- Near to Hospital (RS Fatmawati, Mayapada Hospital, Siloam Hospital, Pondok Indah Hospital)
- Near Pangkalan Jati Padang Golf and Pondok Indah Golf
- Selling Price:
- 2BR luas 52m2 unfurnisharga (nego)
- 3BR luas 88m2 full furnishharga 1.600.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: 0818 0624 0990
- WhatsApp: 081806240990
- E-mail: hendroproperty87@gmail.com
Jual Harga Perdana Apartemen Elevee Penthouse & Resident Premium by Alam Sutera – Pet Friendly – Strategic 2 Menit dari Exit Tol Jakarta-Alam Sutera
- Apartment Name: Elevee Penthouses & Resident Premium
- Location: Jl. Jalur Sutera Boelevard No. 12, Rt. 002 / Rw. 003, Panunggangan Tim., Kec Pinang, Kota Tangerang 15143
- Tower/Floor/View: South 1 & South 2/32 Floor/Pool, Facility, Forest Park & Downtown Alam Sutera
- Size: 87,8 / 109,2 / 138 / 149 / 156 / 225 / 228 / 243 Sqm (m2)
- Bedroom: 2 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Arsitek terkenal by BROADWAYMALYAN dari inggris
- Developer By Alam Sutera
- FREE AC ( Terpasang di setiap room)
- FREE Kitchen Full set By TOTO
- FREE Smart Home System (AC,Lampu,CCTV,Intercom)
- FREE 3 Pilihan Motif Lantai (HT 1: 1 dengan 3 motif warna seperti marmer)
- FREE Shower screen
- MAINTENANCE FREE Rp.12.500/sqm include PPN,Sinking fund,Parking(harga fix 3 Tahun)
- Parking lot 1: 1,2 ( Basement 3 Lantai )
- Semua unit memiliki Balcon,Study Room dan Utility Area
- Orientasi mata angin : Utara & Selatan
- 1 Lantai = 10 Unit & Include 4 lift Penghuni dan 1 lift barang
- PET FRIENDLY TOWER ( Limited units)
- Multy Layered System
- FREE Balik nama 1x ( Term & Contion)
- High Speed Internet Connection
- Hight Celling – Floor to ceiling 3.1 Meter.
- Facility: Elevee di lengkapi 40+ Fasilitas Kelas Duni
- Grand Floor facilities:
- Satu – satunya PET FRIENDLY TOWER dengan dedicated Pet Yard
- Leisure Lawn
- Kids tree Houses
- Lap Pool
- Water Splash Garden
- Yoga Lawn
- Kida Playground
- Recreational Pool
- Submerged Lounge Deck
- BBQ Pavilion Deck
- Indoor and Outdoor Gym
- Jogging Trail
- Library
- Reading Alcoves
- Co – working Space
- Parking 1 : 1,2
- Sky Facility:
- Sky Outdoor Cinema
- Sky Mini Golf
- Sky Mini Formula
- Sky Gym
- Sky E – Sport Playing Area
- Sky yoga deck
- Sky Leisure Lounge
- Sky Garden
- Sky Kids Playground
- Sky Callestic Training
- Sky Putting Green Area
- Sky reading poods
- Rooftop Fasilities
- Infinity Pool and Bar
- Sunken Meditation Alcoves
- Rooptop Yoga Deck
- Grand Floor facilities:
- Additional Info:
- Elevee Aparatement by Alam sutera. Berlokasi di TENGAH CBD ALAM SUTERA SELUAS 19Ha (Tepatnya di seberang Mall @ Alam Sutera). Berdiri di lahan seluas 4Ha dan berdampingan dengan Forest Park.
- 1 Min To: Commercial (Mall Alam Sutera, Decathion, Ikea), Office (Alfa Tower, Prominence Tower, Synergy Building), University (Binus Bunda Mulia, Swiss German University and Bina Nusantara)
- 2 Min To: Upcoming Jakarta – Merak Toll Gate
- Upcoming Access To Soekarno Hatta Airport
Jakarta – Tangerang Toll Gate - 5 Min To: Living Word Mall, Flavor Bliss, Pasar 8, Santa Lourensia Scool, Omni Hospital, Mercure Hotel.
- Elevee Apartement Alam Sutera terdiri dari 6 TOWER. Tahap Pertama yang di jual 2 TOWER terdiri dari :
- Selling Price:
- Type yang tersedia: Starting Rp 18.000.000/m2
- 2 BR (87,8 Sqm, 109,2 Sqm ) Harga mulai dari Rp 1.700.000.000-an
- 3 BR (138 Sqm) Harga mulai dari Rp 2.600.000.000-an
- 3 BR + 1 ( 149 Sqm & 156 Sqm ) Harga mulai dari Rp 2.900.000.000
- Cara Bayar:
- Tunai Keras
- Tunai bertahap 60X
- KPA DP 10%
- KPA DP 15%
- KPA DP 20%
- BALOON PAYMENT Rp.15.000.000/ tahun sisa KPA (2 BR)
- BALOON PAYMENT Rp.20.000.000/tahun sisa KPA (3 BR)
- Rental Price: 6 – 10 % (akan meningkat jika area sudah berjalan 100% )
- Contact: Lia 0859 – 6717 – 0485
- WhatsApp: 085967170485
- E-mail: Liat4130@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Assati, Vanya Park BSD – 3rd Floor, 3 BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Assati Garden House, Vanya Park BSD
- Location: BSD Vanya Park, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Agata Orange/3
- Size: 60.86 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 3
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Kitchen cabinet+sink, kompor, dining table, bar stool, cutlery & cooking
- Sofa, TV rack, AC 4, gorden
- Bed set, side table, wardrobe, desk and chair, hangers
- Water Heater 2, drinking water, etc
- Electricity 3500 WATT
- Facility:
- Club house Vanya Park
- The house faces the lake and the road
- 150 metre private Swimming pool
- Parking ratio 1: 1 for each apartment and house
- Shuttle bus
- Jogging track as wide as a natural lake
- 7 adventure park
- Security 24hours at the main gate and the apartment compound, with access card elevator
- Additional Info: Asatti comes with the feel of Resort Urban Adventure, specifically designed like staying inside a luxury resort hotel.
Assati Garden House combines landed house and low rise apartment (3-5 floors) with a 150 meter view swimming pool right in front of the apartment unit.
Very strategic location of the BSD City CBD area.
Nearby offices and centres:- Edutown Area: Froggy, Prasetya Mulya, IPEKA, IULI, Unika Atmajaya, Sinarmas World Academy, Jakarta Nanyang School.
- Office Building Area : Foresta Business Loft, BSD Green Office Park, Unilever Building, Bank BCA, Showroom Mercy, BMW, Astra.
- Mall Area & Convention Hall: ICE, AEON Mall, The Breeze, Intermoda Modern Market, ACE Hardware, Q-Big Commercial.
- Others : Xtreme Park, Greenwich Park, De Park, Foresta Bussiness Loft, WTC, Teras Kota, Plaza BSD, BSD Junction, Damai Indah Golf
- Selling Price: Rp.1.120.000 M
- Contact: +62 878-7708-3439
- E-mail: agusyoeproperty@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Baru Full Furnish di Kawasan BSD (AEON) Tangerang – Sky House Tipe Studio
- Apartment Name: Sky House
- Location: komplek AEON Mall
- Tower/Floor/View: Lionie/29/De-breeze
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: Working desk
- Condition: Brand new
Room fully furnished - Facility:
- Tempat parkir
- Swiming pool
- Gym
- BBQ area
- Kid garden dan joging track
- 24 jam security guard
- Additional Info: Lokasi dekat:
- 5 menit ke super mall AEON
- 5 menit ke D’Breeze and green office park dan XXI
- 10 menit ke ICE
- Dekat pintu toll BSD – Jakarta (under contr)
- Dekat RS eka hospital dan universitas prasetya mulya
- 10 menit mall & play ground Q-Big
- 15 menit stasiun KRL rawabuntu & cisauk
- 5 menit ke BSD Xtreme park
- 5 menit dekat kanyor Unilever
- Rental Price:
- Opsi-1 : Rp. 9,750,000 per 3 bulanan (@ 3,25), rate diluar IPL, PDAM, Listrik dan WiFi
- Opsi-2 : RP. 12,750,000 per 3 bulanan (@ 4,25), rate sudah termasuk IPL, PDAM, listrik dan diluar WiFi
- Contact: WA only 081288161973 / 08115470297
- WhatsApp: 08115470297
- E-mail: tutimariani2008@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Rainbow Springs Condovillas Gading Serpong Tangerang – 2+1 BR Unfurnished – Promo Merdeka Potongan Langsung 17jt, FREE PPN, View Favorit Hobbit Town dan Lagoon Forest
- Apartment Name: Rainbow Springs Condovillas
- Location: Gading Serpong, The Springs Summarecon Serpong – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: B09/B10/G19/O05/O06
- Size: 84,41 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- View bagus dan stok terbatas, View ke Hobbit Town (Eco Village) dan Lagoon Forest
- Satu Tower Terdiri dari 5 Lantai dan 1 Lantai hanya terdiri dari 4 unit, hanya 20 unit di 1 tower
- Setiap Unit memiliki Private Balcony
- Unit 1 dan lainnya tidak saling menempel
- Setiap Ruangan memiliki jendela sehingga Pencahayaan Alami di setiap ruangan sangat bagus
- Memiliki Dedicated Parking Lot dan FREE
- Setiap Unit memiliki Service Area untuk kamar tidur ART dan kamar mandi ART
- Unit Sudah Ready dan Siap Huni
- Facility:
Fasilitas yang ada di dalam area Rainbow Springs Condovillas :- Jogging Track
- Tree House
- Lake Front Picnic
- Eco Village (Mural House, Wishing Well, The Green Labyrinth dan Urban Farm)
- Clubhouse
- Adult Swimming Pool
- Children Swimming Pool
- Barbeque Roof Garden
- Lagoon Forest (The River Play, Rope Playgrounds, The Pavillion, The Cubby House)
- Basketball court
- Skate park
- Dedicated Parking Lot (Free)
Lokasi :
- Rainbow Springs Condovillas ini posisinya berada di The Springs Summarecon Serpong, sehingga
- posisinya dengan dengan 3 mall besar yaitu Mall Summarecon Serpong, AEON Mall dan Living World
- Dekat dengan Sekolah dan Universitas ternama
- Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit
- Dekat dengan Pasar Modern
- Additional Info:
Promo Merdeka:- Potongan Harga Langsung sebesar 17 juta rupiah
- GOOD NEWS FREE PPN 100% diperpanjang hingga Desember 2021
- Cara Bayar bertahap ke developer
- Subsidi bunga KPR 3,99% (CIMB, BCA, maybank, Permata)
- Unit sudah ready dan siap huni
- Dengan pilihan unit 2, 3 & 4 bedroom, Rainbow Springs CondoVillas hadir jadi jawaban hunian rasa Resorts di tengah kota. Setiap unit CondoVilla juga memiliki tambahan ruang tidur dan kamar mandi di area service room, dedicated parking, dan private balcony.
- Fasilitas EcoVillage, Forest Lagoon, ClubHouse, Lakefront Esplanade pada 70% lahan hijau semakin memberikan pengalaman #HolidayFromHome untuk Anda dan keluarga.
- Selling Price:
Free PPN 100% Plus diskon cara bayar tunai keras:
Type 2BR harga 1,52 M-an jadi 1,32 M-anBerbagai cara bayar yang ditawarkan developer :
- Tunai Keras
- KPA ke Bank
- DP 15% cicil 5x
- DP 30% cicil 15x
- Bertahap 24x atau 36x ke developer
- Contact:
Yuk yang mau visit show unit atau visit unit readynya, bisa janjian dengan Ivon Summarecon ya
Atau yang mau tanya-tanya dulu juga boleh hubungi Ivon :Ivonnie Pauline
0813 6424 7996
Marketing Langsung dari Summarecon Serpong
Instagram: @ivonnie_summareconserpong - WhatsApp: 081364247996
- E-mail: pivonnie@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Casa de Parco BSD – 1 Bedroom (42 m2) Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Casa De Parco
- Location: Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Gardenia/12/Unilever
- Size: 42 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- 2 air conditioner, in bedroom and main room
- Master bedroom with queen size bed with big wardrobe
- TV cabinet + sofa & TV (TV cable and internet optional)
- Kitchen set with 2 burner stove & Cooker hood
- Refrigerator
- Water Dispenser
- Dining table with 2 chairs
- Electric water heater
- Facility:
- Security : 24-hour security+ CCTV, Access card
- Sport: Thematic and kids swimming pool, indoor & outdoor gym, jogging track
- Meeting points: Spacious lobby, sky lounge, barbeque & eco park, children playground
- Daily needs: Minimart (Indomart, Alfamart, Simply Fresh), laundry and other commercial outlets
- Additional Info:
- This apartment is strategically located at the Central Business District of BSD City right in front of the future Digital Hub which has fast and easy access to BSD Commercial Areas, Offices and Education Centres
- 5-minute drive to Indonesia Convention Centre (ICE BSD), Aeon Mall, The Breeze and Prasetya Mulya Campus
- 10-minute drive to Q-BIG, Foresta Business Loft, Nan Yang International School
- 10-minute walking distance to Unilever Head Quarter, BSD Green Office Park, The Breeze, Ranch Market
- 10-minute drive to Atmajaya University, Intermoda Modern Market BSD & Cisauk Train Station
- Selling Price: Rp 900.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp 50.000.000/year
- Rp 26.000.000/6 Months
- Contact: +62818979274
- WhatsApp: 0818979274
- E-mail: yohanes_nio@yahoo.com
Sewa Apartemen Aspen Residence Brand New Murah di Jakarta Selatan, Dekat MRT, Depan Transjakarta ( Busway) Pondok Indah Residence – Lebak Bulus
- Apartment Name: Aspen Residences
- Location: Jl.Rs Fatmawati No.1,Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / All Floor
- Size: 40 – 142 m2
- Bedroom: Studio/1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1-3
- Study Room: 1 ( depend on size )
- Maid Room: 1 ( depend on size )
- Maid Bathroom: 1 ( depend on size )
- Condition: Semi furnished & Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Health & wellness center
- Fitness center & gym center
- Spa & reflection pond
- Swimming pool & kids pool
- Lounge
- Visitor parking basement
- Jogging track
- Access card elevator (CCTV)
- 24-hour security checkpoint & audio-video phone security system
- Laundry
- One Bell Park Mall and commercial area
- Additional Info:
- The best neighborhood in Pondok Indah – Fatmawati – TB Simatupang – Cilandak.
- Best location & best price in South Jakarta and many other supporting facilities includes premium supermarket, restaurants and cafes.
- Exclusive and strategic location, from CBD TB Simatupang-Cilandak-Pondok Indah-Cinere-Fatmawati.
- Modern living residences concept, 70% green area and resort tropis concept.
- The area is famous for its expatriate ambience, company oil & gas.
- Near to Jakarta International School (JIS), High Scope School International, Korean International School, France International School, Prasetya Mulya School, Al-Izhar School. Pondok Indah Hospital, RS Fatmawati, Siloam Hospital, Mayapada Hospital.
- Easy and convenient access from Toll TB Simatupang, Toll Depok – Antasari, Bintaro – Serpong – BSD – Alam Sutra
- Selling Price: Start from : Rp 900.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Tower A & B
- 2 BR = Rp 7.500.000 – Rp 8.500.000
- 3 BR = Rp 12.000.000 – Rp 13.500.000
- 2+1 BR = Rp 13.500.000 – Rp 15.000.000
- 3+1 BR = Rp 16.000.000 – Rp 19.000.000
- Tower C
- Studio = Rp 7.000.000 – Rp 8.000.000
- 2 BR = Rp 10.000.000 – Rp 11.000.000
- 2+1 BR = Rp 15.000.000 – Rp 16.000.000
- 3+1 BR = Rp 18.000.000 – Rp 19.000.000
- All price negotiable
- Minimal 1 Year
- Include Service Charge
- Tower A & B
- Contact: Jessica
Call / WA / Text / Showing Unit (Everyday Standby) - WhatsApp: 081311076076
- E-mail: jjessica2813@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Robinson Penjaringan Jakarta Utara – 3 BR 105 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Robinson
- Location: Jembatan 2 Raya No. 2, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: A/22/CBD
- Size: 105 m2 = 1,130 square feets
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Air Conditioner (AC 2 buah)
- 3 Bed (1 King Size, 2 Queen Size)
- Side Table 1 (nakas ranjang 1)
- Wardrobe 2 (Lemari pakaian 2)
- Study table 1 (Meja belajar 1)
- 2 pcs TV Console (2 buahh meja TV)
- Refrigerator 1 (kulkas)
- Dinning table + 4 seater (Meja makan + 4 kursi)
- Minimalis sofa 3 seater
- Cleopatra sofa Rilex
- Sofa pink classic 2 seater
- Shoe rack
- Kitchen set
- Stove (kompor Rinnai 2 tungku)
- 2 cylinder gas @12kg (2tabung gas besar 12kg)
- Washing Machine 1
- etc
- Facility:
- Indoor swimming pool
- Basement parking
- Minimart
- Food Court
- Laundry
- etc
- Additional Info:
- 20-25 minute to airport Soekarno-Hatta.
- 3 minute to high way city and Train station Angke (3 menit ke Tol luar dalam kota jakarta dan stasiun kereta api Angke)
- Walk distance 3-5 minute to Halte bus way wet market jembatan 2 (jalan kaki 3-5 menit ke halte bus way & pasar tradisional jembatan 2)
- 3-5 minute to favorite School Methodist, Kristen Yusuf, Dharma suci, International school. (Dekat sekolah SD, SMP, SMA Swasta dan internasional School).
- Just a few minute to Emporium Pluit Mall, Green Bay, Pik, Central Park, Citraland, Pluit Village, Citraland Grogol, Glodock Pancoran, Harco, Gajah Mada, Hayam wuruk, Mangga dua.
- 10 minute to University Trisakti, Tarumanegara, etc
- Very convenience (Sangat trategis lokasi apartement Robinson)
- Location is CBD, Central City Jakarta (Lokasi di Cbd Jakarta dan Pusat Kota)
- Rental Price:
- Rent Rp 45.000.000/year can abit negotiable (Harga sewa Rp 45.000.000/tahun bisa nego sedikit).
- Rent per 6 months Rp 24.000.000 with contract 1 year (sewa per 6 bulan Rp 24.000.000 dengan perjanjian masa kontrak per 1 tahun)
- Jaminan kunci Rp 4.000.000 (deposit)
- Deposit ini untuk pembatalan kontrak sebelum 1tahun tidak dikembalikan dan apabila ada kerusakan furnished, coret coret tembok, maka akan dihitung biaya perbaikan.
- Maintance and service charge Rp 600.000/month (biaya kebersihan dan keamanan Rp 600.000/bln)
- Pemakaian listrik, Air, Parkir motor/ Mobil dibayarkan sesuai pemakaian setiap per tanggal 10, setiap bulan ke kantor pengelola PPHRS.
- Contact:
- Contact bapak / ibu: Nani / Lina
- HP / Whatsapp: 081262351689 atau 0811889118
- WhatsApp: 081262351689
- E-mail: anida1818@hotmail.com
Jual Murah Apartemen Sky House BSD – Mulai 400 Juta-an, Lokasi Premium tengah CBD, Samping AEON Mall, ICE, Digital Hub, Unilever & Kampus
- Apartment Name: Sky House Bsd+
- Location: BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai) – tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie – Jervois – Duxton – Claymore – Bristol / 2-30 / Garden – City – Pool
- Size: 20 / 48 / 68 / 85 / 120 / 128 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished bathroom with water heater with bathroom sink & cabinet
- For 2 bed & above wet & dry bathroom with shower screen with aluminium palate
- Steel door with fingerprint, magnetic lock & password
- Free kitchen set granite stone, top & bottom cabinet, smoke removal device & have installation for smoke removal
- Floor HT 80×80, Parquet floor on floor (2bed & above)
- Free Air Conditioner (AC) & Installation
- INTERCOM & Panic Button
- Balcony with water installation (can use washing machine), anti-lightning
- Granite table (3bed & above)
- Lantai homogeneus style 80 x 80
- Pintu lapis baja tahan api
- 3 in one smart lock dan alarm
- Video intercom
- Wireless sensor infrared
- Panic button
- Soket listrik ( schneider )
- Kabinet dapur atas bawah
- Meja dapur granit
- Kompor gas 2 tungku ( rinai)
- Penyedot asap ( rinai )
- Ac setiap unit , 1 unit studio , 2 unit ( 2br & 3br)
- Water heater ( ariston )
- Sanitary ( toto )
- Mirror cabinet & wastafel
- Shower screen di setiap toilet
- Balkon doble glass anti petir
- Facility:
- Outdoor : Garden 4.16 ha , Sky Garden, DOG PARK, Jogging track, Swimming Pool, Yoga room, Gondola, Kids Playground, outdoor gym etc.
- Indoor : Jacuzzi & Sauna, Video room, VIP room, Gym & Billiardroom, childrenpayground, yogaroom, studyroom, multifunction room
- Facility Office Nearby:Green Office Park, GRHA Unilever, Wisma BCA, BRI Tower, NISP Tower, Mandiri Tower, UOB Tower, Foresta Bussiness loft, DIGITAL HUB, Traveloka, etc.
- School & University: Universitas Prasetiya Mulya,Sinarmas Academy, Jakarta Nanyang School, Universitas Atmajaya, IPEKA, etc.
Front the BREEZE outdoor mall & ICE BSD
Near Serpong – Balaraja highway
Train KRL & MRT Serpong, Cisauk & Rawa Bunt - Additional Info:
- Additional Info: SKY House BSD+ is easy for payment with Down Payment start 5% and installment until 120 month (10 years)
- SKY House BSD+ is located right in the center of CBD BSD near AEON Mall + Digital HUB +T The Breeze and project’s total area is 8.3-H with a 4.16H garden and some is 1.7H Sky Garden. Moreover, the project also comes with a plethora of living facilities such as luxurious swimming pools, jogging track, badminton court, kids’ playground, and many others.
- Sky House BSD+ is well equipped with modern building technology, a comprehensive intelligence community, 24-hour security, and a lush tropical garden.
Sky House BSD+ will subvert the traditional concept of residential in Indonesia with modern designs, a high-quality lifestyle, and other new residential development models.
- Holiday & Entertaintment:
- Beside AEON MALL & The Breeze Mall, ICE BSD, Lulu, Q-Big, Teras kota, Giant Extra, Court Megastore, ITC BSD, Ocean Park, BSD Extreme Park, Intermoda Traditional Market, Branchsto, Golf Damai Indah
Apartemen Sky House BSD+ merupakan apartemen yang di bangun oleh salah satu pengembang terbesar di dunia. Risland Development adalah grup real estate berskala global yang berkantor pusat di Hong Kong, memiliki lebih dari 1,500,000 unit properti di seluruh dunia,pengembangan proyek telah dilakukan di banyak negara termasuk Amerika Serikat, Selandia Baru, Thailand, India, termasuk Indonesia salah satunya adalah proyek Sky House Bsd+.Apartemen Sky House Bsd+ memiliki keunggulan berlokasi premium di jantung CBD BSD. Dibangun diatas lahan seluas 8.3 Hektar dengan jumlah 12 tower yang terkoneksi langsung dengan AEON Mall BSD sebagai shopping center terbesar tangerang, Sky House
- Selling Price:
- Studio Luas 20 m2 Start Rp 400 Juta-an cash
- 2 Bedrooms Luas 48 m2 Start Rp 900 Juta-an cash
- 3 Bedrooms Luas 68 m2 Start Rp 1,2 M-an cash
- 3+1 Bedrooms Luas 85 m2 StartRp 1,8 M-an cash
- 3+1 Bedrooms Luas 120 m2 Start Rp 2,5 M-an cash
STUDIO 12X – 24X – 36X – 48X – 60X (MONTH)
3 BEDROOM & 3+1 BEDROOM UP TO 100X – 120X ( MONTH )
NO BI CHECKING , ONLY KTP + NPWP- Get an installment promo of up to 120 months, Flat Dp, only 5% for the 3BR type, installments starting at IDR 14 million
- Get discount promos of up to 500 million certain types during a pandemic
- Get prizes instantly without being drawn
- precious gold
Dapatkan Promo cicilan sampai 120 Bulan Flat Dp hanya 5% untuk tipe 3BR Cicilan Mulai Rp 14 Juta-an
Dapatkan promo Diskon hingga 500 juta tipe tertentu selama pandemic
Dapatkan Hadiah langsung tanpa diundi
emas logam mulia - Contact: OFFICIAL MARKETING INHOUSE : HERA YULIA 085218580990
- WhatsApp: 085218580990
- E-mail: heraskyhouse@gmail.com