- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 9 seblah Exit Sekolah British international School
- Tower/Floor/View: B Ready stock / C inden / utara & Selatan
- Size: 21, 25, 36, 39 m2
- Bedroom: 1 & 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
Tower B Ready stock & Tower C Inden - Facility:
- One Gate System
- Parking Building 6 lantai Tersendiri
- Swimming Pool & Children Pool
- Telapark / BBQ Area
- Multifunction Room
- Basket Court
- Minimarket
- Loundry
- Coffee Shop
- Jogging Track
- CCTV 24 Hours
- Musholla
- Shuttle Buss
- Additional Info: Apartemen Emerald Bintaro
- Bersebelahan Persis British International School
- Dekat ke stasiun Commuter Line Jurang Mangu & Sudimara
- Dekat Dengan Toll JORR & Toll BXC
- Dekat dengan pusat Perbelanjaan, Seperti : Lotte Mart Bintaro, BXC Mall, Pondok Indah Mall, Hari – hari Bintaro, Informa / ACE Hardware, Living Plaza, dll
- Dekat dengan RS. international Premier Bintaro, RSPI Bintaro, MNC Bintaro, Mitra Keluarga Bintaro
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Global International School, Sekolah Jepang, Sekolah Penabur, Al-Azhar Bintaro, STAN, Sekolah Pembangunan Jaya, Mentari, High Scoop, Sekolah Amalia, dll
- Dekat dengan gedung perkantoran dan Expatriat Oil Company : Tripatra, Indi Tower, Gedung CIMB Niaga, PLN, BRI, dll
- Dekat dengan Pasar Traditional & Pasar Modern
- Dekat Dengan Pusat Jajanan / Kuliner Taman Jajan Bintaro, Lot 9 Bintaro, Happinese Cafe, Dll
- Dekat dengan Area Hijau seperti Taman Menteng Park, dll
- Tunai 1x
- Cicilan Tanpa Dp 24x
- Cicilan tanpa DP 36x
- KPA DP 15% 36x
- KPA DP 20% 36x
- Tersedia Berapa Tipe “
- Tipe Studio A luas 21,6 m2
- Tipe Studio B luas 25,3 m2
- Tipe 2 BR A luas 36m
- Tipe 2 BR B luas 36m
- Tipe 2 BR C luas 39,0m
- Tipe 2 BR luas 36,4m2
- Cara Bayar Tunai 1 x
- KPA Ke Bank Dp 10% 1x
- Kesempatan Terbatas !
- Diskon Puluhan Juta Rupiah
- Cash Back
- Insentive Ppn (note tower B)
- Free AC *
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp 324,000,000
- 2 BR Rp 500,000,000
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 4 Juta / Bulan
- 2 BR Rp 6 juta / Bulan
- Contact: Bram ~ 0812-8116-5557
(Sales inhouse PT,Jaya Real Property) - WhatsApp: 081281165557
- E-mail: bprbram@gmail.com
apartemen emerald bintaro
Disewakan Furnished & Unfurnished Studio,1BR,2BR Apartemen Emerald Bintaro
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl. Jombang Raya No.86, Parigi, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, 15227
- Tower/Floor/View: A,B / Low to Medium Zone / City view
- Size: Studio: 17-36 m2. 1BR: 31-36 m2. 2BR: 29-38 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1BR, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished & Unfurnished
- Facility:
– Furnished Units:- Bed
- AC
- TV
- Kitchen
- Kitchenware
- Refrigerator
- Toilet
- Shower
– Unfurnished Units:
- AC/Non-AC
Kondisi fasilitas unfurnished dapat berbeda di setiap unit.
– Building Facilities:
- Swimming Pool
- 24-Hour Security
- Access Card
- Basketball Court
- CCTV In Public Area
- Playground
- Additional Info:
- Soekarno Hatta International Airport can be accessed by 39 minutes driving (34.4 km)
- 57 minutes drive to Halim Perdanakusuma Airport (29.9 km)
- 6 minutes drive to Pondok Ranji Railway Station (2.3 km)
- 4 minutes drive to PKN STAN (1.5 km)
- Bintaro Plaza can be reached by 4 minutes walking (290 m)
- Bintaro Avenue can be reached by 11 minutes driving (4,2 km)
– Deposit dibutuhkan sebelum check in dan akan dikembalikan setelah check out dalam waktu 1-14 hari kerja jika properti berada dalam keadaan baik sesuai penilaian Travelio.
- Rental Price:
Furnished Unit– Studio:
Harian mulai Rp.400.000 (all in)
Bulanan mulai Rp.2.800.000 (termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)
Tahunan mulai Rp.28.000.000 (tidak termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)– 1BR:
Harian mulai Rp.400.000 (all in)
Bulanan mulai Rp.3.400.000 (termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)
Tahunan mulai Rp.35.000.000 (tidak termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)– 2BR:
Harian mulai Rp.500.000 (all in)
Bulanan mulai Rp.4.200.000 (termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)
Tahunan mulai Rp.41.500.000 (tidak termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)*Minimum stay 1 bulan
Unfurnished Unit
– Studio:
Bulanan mulai Rp1.700.000 (termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)
Tahunan mulai Rp.16.500.000 (tidak termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)– 2BR:
Bulanan mulai Rp.2.800.000 (termasuk IPL, tersedia installment)
Tahunan mulai Rp.27.100.000 (tidak termasuk IPL, tersedia installment) - Contact:
– Whatsapp : 0813 2425 9797
– Phone : 021 806 00904Find us at
– Instagram : @travelioid
– Tiktok : @travelioid
– Website : www.travelio.com - WhatsApp: 081324259797
- E-mail: sales@travelio.com
Sewa Apartemen Emerald Bintaro – Brand New 2 BR 38 m2 Premium Fully Furnished, Lantai 25
- Apartment Name: Bintaro Emerald
- Location: Jalan Jombang Raya (Dekat / Samping British International School), Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A / Lantai 25 / View British International School
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Tempat Tidur Kamar Utama Queen Size : 120 x200 cm
- Tempat Tidur Kamar kecil Single size : 100 x 200 cm
- Lemari Pakaian 2 Pintu di kedua kamar
- Kitchen Set (Cooker Hood, Kompor Portable Gas)
- Kulkas
- AC 2 Unit (Kamar Utama dan Ruang Tamu
- Televisi 32 Inch
- Wastafel dan Instalasi Mesin cuci sudah tersedia (Jika dibutuhkan)
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Gym
- FREE parking
- Security Access Card
- 24-Hour Security
- Cafe
- Nearby International School (British International School, Japan School, STAN and Pembangunan Jaya University)
- Nearby Hospital (International Bintaro Hospital, Pondok Indah 2 Hospital, Prodia Medical Check up)
- Nearby Shopping Center (Electronic City, Bintaro Exchange mall, Bintaro Plaza, Informa and ACE Hardware, Lotte Mart, Hero Supermarket, Giant Supermarket, Hari Hari Swalayan, Modern Market Bintaro etc
- Surrounded by many restaurants
- Near access to Railway Station of Pondok Ranji, Jurang Mangu and Sudimara which frequently used by professional worker)
- Rental Price:
- Bulanan : Rp 5.000.000
- 3 Bulan : Rp 14.500.000
- 6 Bulan : Rp 29.000.000
(Biaya tersebut sudah termasuk service charge, internet dan TV cable seharga Rp 500.000)
- Contact:
- Metty : 08174977761 (Whatsapp)
- Anisa : 085211254142 (Whatsapp)
- E-mail: mettymarthasari@yahoo.com
Dijual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – 1 BR & 2 BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald bintaro jaya
- Location: jl. Jombang Raya No. 86 , Parigi Bintaro Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: TOWER C INDEN
- Size: 21, 25, 36, 39 m2
- Bedroom: 1 & 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- One gate system
- Parking building 6 lantai tersendiri
- Swimming Pool
- Free Shuttle Buss
- Jogging Track
- Basket Court
- Parking Building Tersendiri
- Children Playground
- Garden
- Minimarket
- One Gate System
- CCTV 24 Hours
- Loundry
- Outdoor Gym
- Additional Info:
- Setelah sukses Terjual dgn Cepat Tower A & B kini dengan Bangga Pt Jaya Real Property
- Menghadirkan Tower C Pensempurnan dari tower Sebelumnya.
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro, berlokasi Strategis dan terintegrasi.
- Bersebalahan dengan Exit British International School
- 5 Menit ke Toll JORR / Toll Pondok Indah
- Dekat dengan Stasiun Commuter Line / KRL Jurang Mangu & Sudimara
- Dekat dengan International School seperti : Global International School, Japaness School, High Scoop, Mentari, Pembangunan Jaya, STAN, Al-azhar Bintaro, dll
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan, Seperti : Bintaro Exchange Mall, Lottemart Bintaro, Mall Pondok Indah, Hari hari Bintaro, Hero, dll
- Dekat dengan gedung perkantoran seperti : CIMB Niaga, PLN, Rumah sakit dan Expartriat Oil Company Tripatra, INDI tower
- Dikelilingi Pusat Kesehatan seperti : RS.Pondok Indah Bintaro, RS.Premier Bintaro, RS.Mitra Keluarga, dll
- Tersedia Beberapa Tipe :
- Tipe studio A size 21,6 m2
- Tipe studio B size 25,3 m2
- Tipe 2 BR A size 36,4 m2
- Tipe 2 BR B size 39,0 m2
- Tipe 2 BR C size 39,0 m2
- Tipe 2 BR D size 39,0 m2
- Cara Bayar
- Tunai 1 x,24x,36,48x
- KPA Dp 15% dpt dicicil 36 Bulan
- KPA Dp 20% dpt dicicil 48 Bulan
- Dapatkan Promo & Penawaran Menarik
- Special diskon
- Voucher Belanja Atau Cash Back
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp 300 juta
- 2 BR Rp 500 juta
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 3,500,000 / Bulan
- 2 BR Rp 5,000,000 / Bulan
- Contact: Tita – 087771891993
- WhatsApp: 087771891993
- E-mail: titadennise@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – Studio 21 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/12/British School
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Tempat tidur.
- Lemari pakaian.
- AC.
- TV.
- Kompor portable.
- Kulkas.
- Kitchen hood.
- Meja kecil.
- Kursi kecil.
- Facility:
- Kolam renang.
- Childen playground.
- Mini market.
- Loundry center.
- Jogging track.
- Basket court.
- Parkiran indoor/outdoor parking.
- Shuttle bus menuju station Jurangmangu dan BXChange Mall
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi 10 Menit dari tol Pondok aren dan tol Parigi.
- 15 menit menuju station Jurangmangu dan station sudirmara.
- Dekat freshmarket Bintaro.
- BXChange Mall.
- Rumah sakit premier Bintaro.
- Dekat Pasar Modern, Hari-Hari supermarket, Lotte mart.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 3.000.000/Bulan
- Rp 8.800.000/3 Bulan
- Harga di atas exc. Deposit Rp 1.250.000, akan dikembalikan setelah masa sewa selesai, Listrik dan Air
- Contact: 081802171718
- WhatsApp: 081802171718
- E-mail: ingg4r@yahoo.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro – Apartemen Kekinian Angsuran Hanya 1 Jutaan
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 7
- Tower/Floor/View: C/1-26 / City, pool, British School
- Size: 21 m2 s.d 40 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 bedroom
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished / Kosongan
- Siap Huni / Inden
- Facility:
- Jogging Track
- Swimming Pool
- Parking Building Tersendiri
- One Gate System / CCTV 24 jam
- Children Playground
- Function Hall
- Mini Market
- Laundry
- Free Shuttle Bus
- Coffe Shop
- Dll
- Additional Info:
- Akses Toll JORR dan Toll Pondok Indah / Toll Pondok Aren
- Selangkah menuju British International School
- 5 Menit Ke stasiun Commuterline Jurang mangu & Sudimara
- Dekat dengan Departemen Store & Pusat Perbelanjaan seperti : Mall Bintaro X change, Mall Pondok Indah, Lottemall Bintaro, Transpark Bintaro, Hari – hari Bintaro, Hero, dll
- Dekat dengan International School seperti : Global International School, Japanesse School, High Scoop, Mentari, Al-azhar Bintaro, Pembangunan Jaya, STAN, UPJ, dll
- Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro , IMC , RSPI Bintaro, Mitra Keluarga Bintaro
- Dekat dengan pusat jajanan & kuliner Seperti : Taman Jajan Bintaro, LoT 9 Bintaro, Pasar Traditional & Pasar Modern
- Dekat dengan Pusat Perkantoran, Oil Company Tripatra, INDI Tower, PLN, BRI, CIMB Niaga Bintaro, dll
- Selling Price:
- Studio : Rp 300.000.000
- 2 Bedroom : Rp 450.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 3.500.000
- 2 Bedroom : Rp 5.500.000
- Contact: Yuniar (Inhouse Marketing Jaya Real Property – Apartemen Emerald Bintaro)
- WhatsApp: 081389969892
- E-mail: yuniarsimbolon70@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Type Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl. Jombang, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia.
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 11 / City Pool
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit Emerald Bintaro Apartment bertipe Studio ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti listrik dengan kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC. Selain itu, Anda tak perlu repot-repot membawa perlengkapan dapur sebab di unit ini sudah disediakan Dining Set.
- Kode Unit: BEMA006
- Facility:
- Emerald Bintaro Apartment merupakan apartemen yang mewah berada di kawasan Pondok Aren, Bintaro Jakarta Selatan. Lokasi apartemen ini dekat akses Tol Pondok Aren – Pondok Indah hanya memerlukan waktu 3 menit saja yang akan memudahkan Anda apabila hendak bepergian ke Jakarta Pusat.
- Kawasan Bintaro juga merupakan daerah yang kebanyakan terdapat perumahan elit. Daerah sana juga banyak fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum. Oleh karena itu, banyak sekali masyarakat yang ingin menetap di sekitar sini.
- Apartemen Emerald Bintaro menyediakan fasilitas yang lengkap demi menunjang dan kenyamanan penghuninya. Anda bisa menikmati mulai dari fasilitas olahraga seperti jogging track dan kolam renang. Fasilitas penunjang lainnya seperti adanya medical centre, minimarket, area bermain anak, 24 jam keamanan dilengkapi dengan CCTV, outdoor dan indoor parking dan only ladies parking, serta memiliki fasilitas shuttle bus
- Additional Info:
- Jangan kelewatan apartment terbaik di Tangerang Selatan
- Unit pilihan terbaik di apartment Emarld Bintaro
- Pilihan apartment dengan value terbaik
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 46,000,000 / 12 Bulan
- Rp. 26,000,000 / 6 Bulan
- Rp. 13,000,000 / 3 Bulan
- Contact: Indra – 081295867835
- WhatsApp: 081295867835
Disewakan Harian/Bulanan Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl Jombang Raya (dekat British Internasional School), Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/ 8 / City
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished:
- Tempat tidur
- Sofa
- Gorden lengkap
- Lemari
- Kaca
- Televisi
- Kitchen set
- Dispenser
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Parking
- Security access lift card
- 24-hour security
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location.
- Nearby International School: British School, Japan School, Pembangunan Jaya University.
- Nearby Hospital: International Bintaro Hospital Ramsey, Pondok Indah 2 Hospital, Prodia Medical Check Up, Ichsan Medical Center.
- Nearby Shopping Center: Electronic City, Bintaro Exchange Mall, Bintaro Plaza, Informa & Ace Hardware, Lotte Mart, Hero, Hari Hari Pasar Swalayan Bintaro dll.
- Surrounded by many restaurants
- Near access toll to International Airport Soekarno Hatta.
- Near access to Railway Station of Pondok Ranji, Jurangmangu and Sudimara is frequently used by professional worker
- Rental Price:
- Sewa harian :
- Type Studio : Rp. 250.000
- Type 1BR : Rp. 300.000
- Type 2BR : Rp. 400.000
- Bulanan mulai harga Rp 3.000.000/bulan
- Sewa harian :
- Contact: Amelia Call/sms/Wa : 085810839632
- WhatsApp: 085810839632
Dijual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Studio & 2 BR Dapatkan Spesial Promo – Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Jl. Jombang Raya No.86, Parigi, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15227
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower C / city & pool
- Size: 21,25,36,39 m2
- Bedroom: 1 & 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Tower C indent
- Tower A&B ready stock
- Unfurnished
- Facility:
- One gate system
- Parking building 6 lantai tersendiri
- Swimming pool & children pool
- Telapark / BBQ area
- Multifunction room
- Basket court
- Minimarket
- Loundry
- Coffee shop
- Jogging track
- CCTV 24 hours
- Musholla
- Shuttle buss
- Additional Info: Apartemen Emerald Bintaro
- Bersebelahan Persis British International School
- Dekat ke stasiun Commuter Line Jurang Mangu & Sudimara
- Dekat Dengan Toll JORR & Toll BXC
- Dekat dengan pusat Perbelanjaan, Seperti : Lotte Mart Bintaro, BXC Mall, Pondok Indah Mall, Hari – hari Bintaro, Informa / ACE Hardware, Living Plaza, dll
- Dekat dengan RS. international Premier Bintaro, RSPI Bintaro, MNC Bintaro, Mitra Keluarga Bintaro
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Global International School, Sekolah Jepang, Sekolah Penabur, Al-Azhar Bintaro, STAN, Sekolah Pembangunan Jaya, Mentari, High Scoop, Sekolah Amalia, dll
- Dekat dengan gedung perkantoran dan Expatriat Oil Company : Tripatra, Indi Tower, Gedung CIMB Niaga, PLN, BRI, dll
- Dekat dengan Pasar Traditional & Pasar Modern
- Dekat Dengan Pusat Jajanan / Kuliner Taman Jajan Bintaro, Lot 9 Bintaro, Happinese Cafe, Dll
- Dekat dengan Area Hijau seperti Taman Menteng Park, dll
- Tunai 1x
- Cicilan tanpa DP 36x
- KPA DP 15% 36x
- KPA DP 20% 36x
- Tersedia Berapa Tipe
- Tipe Studio A luas 21,6m
- Tipe Studio B luas 25,3m
- Tipe 2 BR A luas 36m
- Tipe 2 BR B luas 36m
- Tipe 2 BR C luas 39,0m
- Daptakan Spesial Promo
- Diskon up to 5%
- Cash Back
- Free AC *
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp 300.000.000
- 2 bedroom Rp 490.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 3.500.000/bulan
- 2 bedroom : Rp5.500.000/bulan
- Contact: 0812-8116-5557
Bram (sales Consultant PT,Jaya Real Property - WhatsApp: 081281165557
- E-mail: bprbram@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan 1 Jutaan / Bulan Cicilan 60x – 1 BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro Jaya
- Location: Sektor 7 Sebelah Exit British International School
- Tower/Floor/View: C / 1 s/d 26 / Pool – City
- Size: 20 Sqm s/d 40 Sqm
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished / Kosongan
- Inden (Handover 2025)
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Free Shuttle Buss
- Jogging Track
- Basket Court
- Parking Building Tersendiri
- Children Playground
- Garden
- Minimarket
- One Gate System
- CCTV 24 Hours
- Loundry
- Outdoor Gym
- Additional Info: Apartemen Emerald Bintaro, berlokasi Strategis dan terintegrasi.
- Bersebalahan dengan Exit British International School
- 5 Menit ke Toll JORR / Toll Pondok Indah
- Dekat dengan Stasiun Commuter Line / KRL Jurang Mangu & Sudimara
- Dekat dengan International School seperti : Global International School, Japaness School, High Scoop, Mentari, Pembangunan Jaya, STAN , Al-azhar Bintaro, dll
- Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan, Seperti : Bintaro Exchange Mall, Lottemart Bintaro, Mall Pondok Indah, Hari hari Bintaro, Hero, dll
- Dekat dengan gedung perkantoran seperti : CIMB Niaga, PLN, Rumah sakit dan Expartriat Oil Company Tripatra, INDI tower
- Dikelilingi Pusat Kesehatan seperti : RS.Pondok Indah Bintaro, RS.Premier Bintaro, RS.Mitra Keluarga, dll
- Selling Price:
- Studio : Rp 300.000.000,-
- 2Bedroom : Rp 450.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp 3.500.000,-/Bulan
- 2Bedroom : Rp 5.500.000,-/Bulan
- Contact: Indra Birawan (Inhouse Apartemen Emerald Bintaro)
- WhatsApp: 081398070091
- E-mail: indra_bintarojaya@yahoo.co.id
Disewakan Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro Apartment
- Location: Jl. Jombang Raya (next to Britih International School)
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A, 1st floor, Garden & Building Parking
- Size: 38 m2 (Gross) and 30 m2 (nett)
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Kitchen Set:
3 chairs at dining table, including mini refrigerator, aqua dispenser (2 unit), 2 burner gas stove, gas for stove, plates, bowls, forks & spoons, frying pan, pot for cooking, knifes, cutting board, and cutting board.48 - Family Room
Two seater sofa, TV, AC (1 unit), with mini coffee table & small carpet - Master Bed Room
- Spring bed (size 160 x 200) including 2 pillows and 2 bolster, bed sheet and blanket (1 set)
- 3 door wardrobe with mirror
- 1 working table with lamp & 1 chair
- 1 book rack
- Kid Bed Room
- Spring bed (size 120 x 200) including 1 pillow and 1 bolster and bed sheet
- 2 door wardrobe
- Bath room
- Shower with curtain
- Closet
- Sink with mirror
- Spin Mop
- 1 Broom & Dustpan for indoor
- 1 broom & Dustpan for outdoor (Balcony)
- Kitchen Set:
- Facility:
- Mail box with key
- Free parking for 1 car
- Children play ground
- Swimming pool
- Laundry & indomaret & coffee shop
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp. 4.200.000 per month excluded electricity and water bill. Service charges paid by owner.
- Contact: Bapak Joko Pangripto: 0818 99 1365
- WhatsApp: 0818991365
- E-mail: suliyanti.jokopangripto@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Emerald Bintaro Tangerang Selatan Rp 5 Jutaan* Langsung HUNI
- Apartment Name: Emerald Bintaro
- Location: Bintaro Sektor 7 (Sebelah Exit British School)
- Tower/Floor/View: A dan B / 23 /Utara & Selatan (Biritsh School & Pool)
- Size: 21 Sqm s/d 38,5 Sqm
- Bedroom: Studio & 2 Bedroom
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- SIAP HUNI & Ready Stock
- Unfurnished (Kosongan)
- Facility:
- Gedung Parkir / Podium 5 Lantai (Parkir Indoor & Outdoor)
- Swimming Pool / Infinity Pool
- Minimarket
- 24 Hours CCTV
- Loundry
- Coffe shop By. Kopi KANI
- Sarana olah raga: Jogging track, lapangan basket & outdoor gym
- Shuttle Bus Bintaro
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis, dekat dengan stasiun Commuter Line Sudimara & Jurangmangu
- Akses Toll Bintaro – Pondok Indah
- Berada persis disebelah British International School
- Dekat dengan Japaness International School dan Sekolah BPK Penabur
- Dekat dengan Kawasan Perkantoran Dan Expatriat Seperti : Tripatra, INDI TOWER, INDIKA, Gedung CIMB Niaga ,dll
- Dekat dengan Rumah sakit Premier Bintaro & Rumah sakit Pondok Indah Bintaro
- Dekat dengan Pusat Perbelanjaan seperti lottemart Bintaro, Giant Bintaro, Hari- hari Bintaro, HERO Bintaro, Bintaro Exchange Mall, Pondok Indah Mall, dll
- Dekat dengan pasar traditional & Pasar Modern & Taman Jajan Bintaro , dll
- Selling Price:
- Type Studio : IDR 300.000.000,-
- Type 2Bedroom :IDR 650.000.00
*) Get Offer : Special Disc Plus PPN 0%
- Rental Price:
- Studio : IDR 3.000.000/month
- 2 Bedroom : IDR 5.000.000/month
- Contact: Rini Arian (Inhouse Marketing Jaya Real property)
- WhatsApp: 081263933258
- E-mail: rinify.rinie@gmail.com