- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek Residences
- Location: Taman Anggrek, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, D , E, F/City & Pool
- Size: Various Size m2
- Bedroom: 1 – 4
- Bathroom: 1 – 4
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi-furnished, furnished, Private Lift
- Facility: Swimming pool, children pool, fitness center, boxing room, ballet room, karaoke, billiard, cafe, sky lobby, multi-purpose hall, reception, sky garden, tenant direction, playground, sky Terrace, Food & Beverage center, Supermarket, Lifestyle center, parking lot, high-speed internet, ATM, access card, 24-hours security, CCTV.
- Additional Info:
- Located at the west of Jakarta, easy access to Central Park Mall (opens daily from 10.00 am to 10.00 pm)
- Walking distance to Taman Anggrek Mall (opens daily from 10 AM to 10 PM)
- Walking distance to TransJakarta (Busway) Central Park / Podomoro City Station
- Direct use highway to the airport (40 mins with no traffic jam)
- Close to Hospital Royal Taruma and Dharmais Hospital
- Close to Tarumanegara / Trisakti / Ukrida University (within 2 km)Close to exit and the entrance of highway (Tol Dalam Kota / Inner ring road for both direction)
- Selling Price:
- Studio = Rp 700.000.000
- 1 BR = Rp
- 2 BR = Rp 1.500.000.000
- 3 BR = Rp
- 1+1 BR = Rp 1.900.000.000
- 2+1 BR = Rp
- 3+1 BR = Rp 4.600.000.000
- Townhouse = Rp 6.500.000.00
- Rental Price:
- Studio = Rp 30.000.000 to Rp 45.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- 1 BR = Rp 40.000.000 to Rp 55.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- 2 BR = Rp 45.000.000 to Rp 70.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished
- 3 BR = Rp 65.000.000 to Rp 130.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- 1+1 BR = Rp 65.000.000 to Rp 100.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- 2+1 BR = Rp 100.000.000 to Rp 150.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- 3+1 BR = Rp 100.000.000 to Rp 200.000.000 (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- Townhouse = Rp 200.000.000, etc (Unfurnished – Fully Furnished)
- Contact: Helen – 081251387710
- WhatsApp: 081251387710
- E-mail: helen_maylinda@yahoo.com
2 br unfurnished
Jual Termurah Apartemen U Residence Tangerang – Studio Golf View, Beli Sekarang Langsung Untung Rp 370 Juta
- Apartment Name: U Residence
- Location: Jalan Boulevard Diponegoro No. 105, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: 2 / 6 / Golf?View
- Size: 31 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Working Space with Free Wifi
- Kids Playground
- Basement parking
- Shopping Center Supermal Karawaci dan e-Center
- AC Central
- TV Cable
- Security Alarm System
- Access Card
- 24-hour of Security and Receptionist.
- Additional Info:
- Studio Termurah Golf View, Beli Sekarang Langsung Untung Rp. 370 Jt
- Dijual U Residence Tower 2 – Unit Studio 31 m2 Golf View di Lantai 6
- Capital Gain per April 2021: Beli unit ini sekarang langsung untung Rp. 370 jt karena harga pasar sekarang Rp. 850 jt.
- Capital Rate: Kami bantu menyewakan. Hingga sekarang kami telah menyewakan lebih dari 90 unit studio U-Residence.
- Apartemen U-Residence 2 menyatu dengan Supermal Karawaci dan hanya berjarak 10 menit jalan kaki ke Kampus UPH
- Keunggulan:
- Developer PT Supermal Karawaci (Salim Group)
- Terhubung langsung ke Supermal Karawaci (world class mall) yang menyediakan international Foods Beverages, Hiburan, Banking dll.
- Selling Price: Rp 480.000.000
(Juga tersedia beberapa unit studio full furnished dan unit 2BR baik kosongan maupun full furnished) - Contact: Henri
- http://www.ini-apartemen.agent.co.id
- WhatsApp: 081310963617
- E-mail: henrisontisa@gmail.com
Dijual Murah Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur – Type 3 Kamar Interior Mewah, Hubungi Bess Properti Bassura
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl.Basuki Rahmat No.1,Cipinang,Jakarta Timur.
- Tower/Floor/View: Flamboyan (utama) / tersedia unit lain di Geranium / Heliconia / Edelweis / Dahlia / Alamanda
- Size: 42m2, 34m2, 21m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Tempat tidur, sofa, meja makan, kitchen set, 1 TV (di living room), kulkas, 2 AC, lemari, curtain, bed set, accessories.
- Spesifikasi standard gedung seperti Intercom, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, Speaker, Sanitairs.
- Bassura memberikan fasilitas MATV yang terhubung dengan beberapa channel seperti HBO, FOX, Fox Sport, Disney free of charge.
- Facility:
- Kolam renang anak/dewasa
- Tempat Sauna
- Tempat fitnes
- Lapangan Basket/Futsal
- Taman Bermain Anak
- Jogging Track
- Area parkir yang luas
- Security 24 jam
- Mall @Bassura City
- ATM Center
- Food Station
- Laundry
- Additional Info: Dijual Cepat 3BR fullfurnish Interior mewah seperti headline foto
Listrik : 2200 Watt
Harga Jual : Rp. 729 Juta/All in, Harga jual beli dalam bentuk PPJB.- Harga Jual masih bisa nego (unit tertentu)
- Harga sdh termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan PPJB (yang belum sertifikat)
- Harga belum termasuk Pajak Penjual dan Pembeli (yang sudah sertifikat)
- Pembayaran cash yang masih PPJB
- Pembayaran bisa KPA untuk unit yang sdh Sertifkat.
- Selling Price: Moment Terbaik Bagi Anda Yang Ingin Untung Di Properti Investasi Di Apartemen Lokasi Tengah Kota Dengan Harga Yang Masih Terjangkau.
- Type 2BR UF tower F lantai 20 Rp. 450.000.000,-
- Type 2BR UF tower F lantai 18 Rp. 500.000.000,- SHMRS
- Type 2BR D lantai 11 Rp. 510.000.000,- SHMRS
- Type 3BR uf tower G lantai 21 Rp. 650.000.000,-
- Type 3BR uf tower G lantai 03 Rp. 650.000.000,-
- Banyak unit lainnya tergantung request dan kebutuhan.
- Cara bayar bisa cash dan KPA untuk unit2 yang sudah SHMRS
- Kesempatan invest apartemen Bassura City sebelum harga naik
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished mulai Rp 25.000.000/tahun
- Studio Full furnished mulai Rp 42.000.000/tahun
- 1BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 26.400.000/tahun
- 1BR Full furnished mulai Rp 44.000.000/tahun
- 2BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 30.000.000/tahun
- 2BR Furnished mulai Rp 52.000.000/tahun
- 3BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 45.000.000/tahun
- 3BR Furnished mulai Rp 78.000.000/tahun
- Harga sewa furnish tergantung kondisi interior tower, minimal sewa 3 bulan bayar didepan (untuk tipe tertentu).
- Harga sewa sudah termasuk IPL (iuran pemeliharaan lingkungan)
- Harga sewa belum termasuk biaya rutin bulanan (listrik,air) dan biaya berlangganan
- Contact: Bess Properti dan Interior
Sales Office Tower Flamboyan Lt.Dasar (samping lobby)
Bergabung di Bassura City sejak tahun 2012
081283921717, 0818721717 (call only) - WhatsApp: 081283921717
- E-mail: bessproperti@gmail.com
Jual Murah Apartemen Jarrdin Bandung – New Normal, Strategis Lokasi Prime, Dekat Dago, ITB & Lembang
- Apartment Name: The Jarrdin Cihampelas
- Location: Jalan Cihampelas Belakang No. 10 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B / Lantai 10 / View Selatan – Kolam Renang
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kosongan / unfurnished (siap isi furniture / design interior, huni & disewakan)
- Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, pool, taman air, La Plaza, mini market, ATM center, parkir basement 3 lantai, food court / kios, garden, mosque. Additional : TV kabel & Wi-Fi, private CCTV.
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen The Jarrdin Cihampelas Bandung berada di jalan Cihampelas Belakang No.10 Bandung. Dekat Mall Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk), belakang Kampus STBA YAPARI. Lokasi sangat strategis, berada di pusat perbelanjaan kota Bandung, sangat dekat dengan Dago, Dago Pakar, Cipaganti, Setiabudhi & Wisata Lembang.
- Tersedia type lain : studio 18,5 & 24 m2, 2 BR 33 & 40 m2 hook & kios / area komersial
- Keunggulan lokasi:
- Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, akses via Tol Pasteur / Pasupati
- Akses mudah ditempuh, karena banyak travels seperti : Xtrans, Day Trans, Cipaganti Travel, dsb
- Sangat dekat pusat perbelanjaan factory outlet, wisata kuliner sepanjang Jalan Cihampelas, dan dekat Kebun Binatang Bandung
- Dekat dengan Mall Cihampelas Wall (Ciwalk), Baltos, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago Plaza
- Akses kendaraan umum 24 jam, dekat RS Advent, RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung, RS Paru Rotinsulu
- Dekat Kampus : ITB, STBA Yapari, Universitas Parahyangan Bandung, Unpad Dipati Ukur, SMA Pasundan 2 Cihampelas, SMA 2 Negeri Bandung, Sabuga (Sasana Budaya Ganesha).
- Selling Price: Rp 179.000.000, nego (exclude biaya balik nama / BBN)
- Rental Price: Potensi pendapatan sewa tipe studio 24 m2 (1 kamar) :
- Rp 250.000/hari (weekend), nego
- Rp 2.950.000 – 3.250.000/bulan, nego
- Rp 34.000.000 – 36.500.000/tahun, nego
- Contact: Info survey lokasi, please call or WA :
Radit Property : 081395064009 (quick response) - WhatsApp: 081395064009
- E-mail: Raditproperty.Bandung@gmail.com
Disewakan / Dijual Fully Furnished Unit Apartemen 1Park Avenue – Good Unit Best Price
- Apartment Name: 1Park Avenue
- Location: Jl. Kyai Moh. Syafii Hadzami, RT 9 / RW 6 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12240
- Tower/Floor/View: King/ Queen/ Royal/ Hamilton – Any Floor – Any View
- Size: 137.5/ 146.5/ 177 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 2+1 / 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished / semi furnished / unfurnished – available all
- Facility:
- Tennis, Basket Ball, and Mini Soccer Court (3 in 1), Fitness, aerobic and yoga, center, Sauna & steam, Games room (Biliard & Table Score), children playground, Business center, BBQ area, cooking class
- Multi function room, Swimming pool, Jogging track, Cinema & karaoke room, PIMA Mini Market
- Near PAPAYA Express Mart at 1 Park Residence, Daiso, Starbuck, Restaurant Sumibi (Japan Food) at 1Park Residence
- Additional Info:
- Developed by Intiland Development Inc., 1 Park Avenue stands on 2.5 ha area and it is adjacent to 1 Park Residences.
- Strategic and good location in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
- Easy access about 10 minutes driving to Senayan, 8 minutes to Pondok Indah, 15 minutes to CBD area, Binus International School, Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS).
- Located 5 minutes to Gandaria City Mall where You can do Your shopping groceries at a large Lotte Supermarket, Banks and ATM center, and many Restaurants.
- Surrounded by several shopping centers such as Pondok Indah Mall (PIM), Senayan City and Plaza Senayan.
- Selling Price:
- Rp 4.8 M, 2 BR (137,5 m2)
- Rp 5.4 M, 2 BR + Study Room (146,5 m2)
- Rp 6.8 M, 3 BR (177 m2)
- All Prices Negotiable
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR= $2300/month nego
- 2+1 BR= $ 2700/month nego
- 3 BR= $ 3000/month nego
- Contact: ADMIN – 081295727728
- WhatsApp: 081295727728
- E-mail: adm.jethro@gmail.com
Disewakan / Dijual Fully Furnished Unit Apartemen 1Park Avenue – Good Unit Best Price
- Apartment Name: 1Park Avenue
- Location: Jl. Kyai Moh. Syafii Hadzami, RT 9 / RW 6 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12240
- Tower/Floor/View: King/ Queen/ Royal/ Hamilton – Any Floor – Any View
- Size: 137.5/ 146.5/ 177 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 2+1 / 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished / semi furnished / unfurnished – available all
- Facility:
- Tennis, Basket Ball, and Mini Soccer Court (3 in 1), Fitness, aerobic and yoga, center, Sauna & steam, Games room (Biliard & Table Score), children playground, Business center, BBQ area, cooking class
- Multi function room, Swimming pool, Jogging track, Cinema & karaoke room, PIMA Mini Market
- Near PAPAYA Express Mart at 1 Park Residence, Daiso, Starbuck, Restaurant Sumibi (Japan Food) at 1Park Residence
- Additional Info:
- Developed by Intiland Development Inc., 1 Park Avenue stands on 2.5 ha area and it is adjacent to 1 Park Residences.
- Strategic and good location in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
- Easy access about 10 minutes driving to Senayan, 8 minutes to Pondok Indah, 15 minutes to CBD area, Binus International School, Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS).
- Located 5 minutes to Gandaria City Mall where You can do Your shopping groceries at a large Lotte Supermarket, Banks and ATM center, and many Restaurants.
- Surrounded by several shopping centers such as Pondok Indah Mall (PIM), Senayan City and Plaza Senayan.
- Selling Price:
- Rp 4.8 M, 2 BR (137,5 m2)
- Rp 5.4 M, 2 BR + Study Room (146,5 m2)
- Rp 6.8 M, 3 BR (177 m2)
- All Prices Negotiable
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR= $2300/month nego
- 2+1 BR= $ 2700/month nego
- 3 BR= $ 3000/month nego
- Contact: ADMIN – 081295727728
- WhatsApp: 081295727728
- E-mail: adm.jethro@gmail.com
LRT City Tebet Apartement Murah Lokasi Strategis di Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: LRT CITY Tebet
- Location: Jalan Mt Haryono Kav 25-26 Tebet Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 14
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- AC
- Swimming Pool
- Garden
- Carport
- Garasi
- Water Heater
- Gordyn
- Additional Info: BUMN untuk Indonesia
Project by:
PT. Adhi karya Persero Tbk.
The Premiere
Lrt City Tebet / Mt. Haryono- Premium Apartment, Comercial & Office
- Exclusive & Limited: Only 390 unit
- Prime location at mainroad MT. Haryono Tebet, Jakarta selatan.
- Highly Accesible & Integrated with 3 golden public transportation:
- Busway
- Cash back 50juta
- Voucher Furniture 25juta
- Tanpa DP
- Cicilan cuma 5 juta/bulan
- Bisa libur bayar angsuran 1 tahun
- Selling Price: Start from 800 Jutaan
- Contact: Get the unit with special deal
Indra – 087886600059 - WhatsApp: 087886600059
Jual Apartemen Green Park View Studio Plus Tower F – Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Green Park View
- Location: Daanmogot / sumur bor
- Tower/Floor/View: F / 10 / kolam
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- AC 1/2pk Baru
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Joging Track
- Feeder Busway
- Sarana Ibadah
- Minimarket
- Kios Kios
- Laundry
- Kantin
- Warung Makan
- Kedai Kopi
- Additional Info: Dengan Keunggulan Lokasi yang Strategis :
- Dengan Lokasi yang Sangat Strategis di pinggir Jalan Raya utama Jl. Daan Mogot KM 14 (persis di depan halte busway sumur bor)
- Dekat Dengan TOL Jor W1 dan W2
- Dekat Dengan Pusat Kota & Bandara Soeta
- Dekat Dengan 5 Mall Besar
- Dekat Dengan 4 Kampus Ternama
- Bebas Banjir & Bebas Terjebak Banjir
- Selling Price: Rp 150.000.000 NEGO
- Contact: Charlie 08158889693
- WhatsApp: 08158889693
- E-mail: charlie.wengcaili@gmail.com
Dijual 300 Juta Studio Furnished MURAH Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl Basuki Rahmat no 1
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished. Unit terpasang AC, kitchen set, Bed Set, Sofa, Kulkas, TV.
Spesifikasi standard gedung = intercom, MATV, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, speaker, Sanitairs. - Bassura memberikan fasilitas MATV yang terhubung dengan beberapa channel TV berbayar seperti HBO, FOX, Fox Sport, Disney. Ini semua gratis untuk Anda penghuni Bassura City.
- Fully furnished. Unit terpasang AC, kitchen set, Bed Set, Sofa, Kulkas, TV.
- Facility:
- Bassura City merupakan superblock yang memiliki kelengkapan fasilitas sebagai berikut: Access card, TV kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, food court.
- Fasilitas perbelanjaan = Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart/Indomart di dalam apartemen.
- Dekat dengan akses tol Dalam Kota, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok).
- Dekat kampus, pomp bensin, Pasar Gembrong.
- Memiliki shuttle bus langsung dari/ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta-Bassura City. Dekat dari Airport Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara.
- Dikelilingi Universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara.
- Additional Info:
- Unit Type Studio, Luas 21m.
- Kondisi Full Furnished. Perabot lengkap.
- Tower Edelweiss. Dekat dengan mall Bassura.
- Selling Price: Harga Cash 300 juta. Pembayaran harus cash. Tidak bisa KPA bank. Harga spesial. Jarang ada, hanya 1 unit.
- Rental Price: Unit ini tidak disewakan. Jika mencari unit sewa ada stock lain dengan kisaran harga sbb=
- Unfurnished
- Studio Rp 23.000.000/tahun
- 1 Bedroom Rp 25.000.000/tahun
- 2 Bedrooms Rp 28.000.000/tahun
- 3 Bedrooms Rp 40.000.000/tahun
- Note: Free service charge. Dipasang AC.
- Fully furnished
- Studio Rp 3.500.000/bulan
- 1 Bedroom Rp 4.000.000/bulan
- 2 Bedrooms Rp 4.500.000/bulan
- 3 Bedrooms Rp 6.500.000/bulan
- Note: Minimal sewa 3 bulan dibayar sekaligus
- Unfurnished
- Contact: Untuk cek lokasi harap menghubungi =
Mas Maul 08179905418 - WhatsApp: 08179905418
Dijual Apartemen Amethyst Tower Kemayoran (Strata Title) Akses Sangat Dekat ke Toll, Ancol, Dll
- Apartment Name: Amethyst Tower Kemayoran
- Location: Jl. Rajawali Selatan 2 No. 1, Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 32 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
- Mini market
- Kartu akses
- Keamanan 24 jam
- Laundry express
- Lift / elevator
- Gedung parkir 10 Lantai
- OYO rooms
- Retail & Komersial Area
- Additional Info: Lokasi sangat strategis akses toll Kemayoran, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Gunung Sahari, pusat grosir & bisnis Mangga Dua, dll.
- Selling Price: IDR 595.000.000
- Contact: 085-7171-35-272
Jual Apartemen Setiabudi Sky Garden Setiabudi Kuningan Jakarta Selatan – Best Price dan Siap Huni
- Apartment Name: Setiabudi Sky Garden
- Location: Jl. Setiabudi Selatan Raya no. 2 setiabudi Kuningan, Jakarta selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Sky / All
- Size: 79 – 155 m2
- Bedroom: 2 & 3
- Bathroom: 1 & 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished dan fully furnished
- Facility:
- Thematic garden & Green Area 600sqm
- Basketball court
- Swimming pool & children pool
- Kids Playground Out door & kids playroom In Door
- Family Mart
- Open Terrace & Fuction Room & Library
- Yoga and Aerobic Class
- Jogging track & basketball court & Gymnasium
- 24-hours security with CCTV system
- BBQ area
- Additional Info: Best Price & Limited Unit
- Developer:PT Jakarta Setiabudi International
Kami menyediakan dan menerima titipan unit untuk DiJual dan Disewakan
- Developer:PT Jakarta Setiabudi International
- Selling Price:
- 2 BR =
- 79m = Start Rp. 3 M – Rp. 3.3M
- 89m = Start Rp. 3.4 M – Rp. 3.9M
- 93m = Start Rp. 3.5 M – Rp. 4 M
- 3 BR
- 135m = Start Rp. 5.2M – Rp. 5.5 M
- 135m = Start Rp. 5.6M – Rp. 6M
- 155m= Start Rp. 5.8M – Rp. 7M
- Semua harga masih Nego dan tergantung kondisi unit Furnished atau Unfurnished
- Untuk lebih jelas dan ingin lihat real unit bisa menghubungi saya sebagai In House Marketing Weny (0858 9079 2111)
- 2 BR =
- Contact: Weny Chang = 0858 9079 2111
In House Marketing - WhatsApp: 0858907921111
- E-mail: Changweny03@gmail.com
Dijual Paling Murah Apartemen Essence Darmawangsa – Unit 3 Bedroom, East Tower
Apartment Name: Essence Darmawangsa
- Location: Jl. Darmawangsa X, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: East / High / City
- Size: 153 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- 24-hour security system
- Access card
- Private and comfort lobby
- Reserved Lot parking basement
- Swimming pool
- Walking and jogging track
- Tennis court
- Bicycle track
- Children playground
- Green garden
- Fitness center
- Spa and sauna
- Business center
- Minimarket (Circle K)
- Cafe
- Additional Info:
- Very strategic location in the Cipete area.
- Located in one of the most prestigious areas in South Jakarta.
- Surrounded by many public facilities such as shopping centers (Lippo Kemang Village,
Cilandak Town Square, Blok M, Pondok Indah, Gandaria City), various banks, famous hospitals, international standard schools (Mentari, JIS, Perancis School) - Walking distance to Lippo Kemang Village Mall
- Split Duct AC provided
- Ready for another best price unit.
- Selling Price: Rp, Cash Only
Others Unit Available :- East Tower, privat lift
- Size 134 sqm Rp 3.500.000.000
- Size 134 sqm Rp
- Size 153 sqm Rp
- South Tower, Privat Lift
- Size 269 sqm Rp 5.350.000.000 (Unfurnished)
Eminance Tower, Common Lift
- Size 83 sqm Rp 1.900.000.000 (unfurnished)
- Size 247 sqm Rp 4.500.000.000 (unfurnished)
- East Tower, privat lift
- Contact: 0818477553
- WhatsApp: 0818477553