Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 09/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to MMC hospital, Siloam hospital, Jakarta hospital
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 03/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished. Lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, dispenser, kulkas)
Keamanan 24 jam
Kolam renang
Parkir Basement
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis bisa berjalan kaki ke Central Kawasan Bisnis Sudirman dan Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA dan Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Dekat dengan Stasiun MRT Bendungan Hilir, halte Busway Karet (Transjakarta)
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Dekat Kedutaan Besar di Kuningan (India, Australia, Inggris, Malaysia, Singapura)
Dekat Universitas Atmajaya, Lasalle College Indonesia, Universitas Bakrie, Hubungan Masyarakat London School (LSPR)
Rental Price:
Rp 5.500.000 per bulan
Termasuk servis charge
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan per bulan untuk kontrak lebih dari 2 bulan
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 10/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to MMC hospital, Siloam hospital, Jakarta hospital
Facility: Swimming Pool, Gym, Parking lot, 24hours Security, Minimarket, Restaurant and Lift with Access Card.
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business Distric Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square)
Near to MRT Bendungan Hillir Station
Near Halte Karet Trans Jakarta/Busway Stop
Near Shopping Center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambasador Kuningan City, Lotte Avenue
Near Atmajaya University, Ciputra World
Rental Price:
Rp 4.500.000 per month min. 6 bulan
Rp 4.750.000 per month min. 3 bulan
Rp 5.000.000 per month (with monthly payment) min. 3 bulan
Location: JL.Bek Murad no.42 Karet Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/B/3-16
Size: 28.8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fullyfurnished
Facility: Parking lot, 24 hours CCTV and security, access card for lift access, personal mailbox, swimming pool, fitness centre, mini market, coffee shop/restaurant.
Additional Info: Strategic location & easy to access, near Toll road to Airport, Mega Kuningan area, Planet Hollywood, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Semanggi, ITC Kuningan & Ambassador Mall.
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Karet Sudirman (Behind HSBC/WTC Sudirman) Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A / 15 / WTC View
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Atmajaya University and Ciputra World).
Rental Price: Rp 6.000.000 per month, Min. rent 3 month.
Exclude maintenance fee
Long Term Contract with Monthly Payment is Available
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 20/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Atmajaya University and Ciputra World).
Rental Price: Rp.5.500.000,- per month
Including maintenance fee and periodically AC services
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A/09/pool
Size: 28.8 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with: air condition, water heater, water dispenser,
refrigerator, TV, kitchen set, dining table and wardrobe.
24-hour security
Swimming pool
Basement Parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to central business district Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (wisma metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA, and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop and close to shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Atmajaya University and Ciputra World)
Location: Jalan Bek Murad No.42 RT.9/RW.1 Karet Kecamatan Setiabudi RT.9, RT.9/RW.1, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940
Tower/Floor/View: A / Lt-3 / Sudirman WTC
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic all new.
Air conditioning, rice coker, Toaster, Electrict Stove, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator, exchauses, smart TV 43?, IKEA sofa 2 seat, IKEA King Sofa, IKEA Wardrobe 2 doors, IKEA bedset with 4 drawer, Vinyl wood Floor, IKEA Accesories, Wall Backdrop & Electrical safety box, Internet WiFi receiver, 2 access card
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Internet WiFi
Additional Info:
Very strategic location for expatriate to stay in this room, free view to WTC Sudirman.
Convinience walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop, Car Free Day (CFD).
Close to shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue)
Atmajaya University and Ciputra World.
Selling Price: Rp 850.000.000
Rental Price:
Rp 5.000.000/month (6 months rental)
Rp 4.750.000/month (years rental)
Exclude: Maintenance fee, power & water consumtion