- Apartment Name: Educity
- Location: Pakuwon City Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Stanford lantai 02
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished, bersih
- Tersedia lemari
- Tv
- Kulkas
- Kitchen set
- Ac
- Kompor portable
- Rak TV
- Interior Dinding
- Facility:
- Fitness Center
- Kolam renang
- Playground
- Akses parkir 1 kendaraan
- Minimarket
- Taman
- Minimarket
- Additional Info:
- Dekat Sekolah Gloria, Cita Hati dan Xin Chong
- Dekat Pakuwon City Mall
- Dekat ITS
- Tanpa perantara (langsung dengan pemilik)
- Hunian yang tenang dan aman, terletak di Surabaya bagian Timur,
- Dekat Dengan Hoky Mart
- Rental Price:
Rp 2.600.000-3.000.000/bln belum termasuk IPL
- Contact: RISA 08113099976 FELICIA 082331746036 SUSAN 081809000998
- WhatsApp: 08113099976
- E-mail: liaisan879@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Studio Surabaya Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Disewakan Apartemen UC Surabaya – Studio Fully Furnish
- Apartment Name: UC Surabaya
- Location: UC Boulevard, CitraLand, Made, Kec. Sambikerep, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60219
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Berkley / lantai 16 unit 1607 / view Waterpark
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished
- queen Bed
- TV
- AC
- kulkas
- water heater
- meja belajar
- kitchen Set
- etc
- Facility:
- 24-Hour Security
- Access Card
- Cafe
- Elevator
- Laundry (Charge)
- Restaurant
- Supermarket
- Swimming Pool
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Di Belakang universitas Ciputra (tinggal jalan kaki)
- Tanpa perantara (pemilik langsung)
- Pembayaran bisa per 3 / 6 bulan
- Rental Price: Rp 2.600.000 / bulan
- Contact: 087759601339
- WhatsApp: 087759601339
Disewakan / Dijual Gress Apartemen di Surabaya Timur – East Coast Mansion Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: East Coast Mansion
- Location: Mulyorejo, Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Amor / Lt 9 / Kota
- Size: 22.5 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: BBQ area, keamanan 24 jam, kolam renang, gym, taman bermain anak, balkon
- Additional Info: Dekat universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Galaxymall 3, sekolah gloria, xin chong.
- Selling Price:
- Rp 600 juta nego
- Harga di atas diluar service charge, listrik, air
- Rental Price: Rp 40 juta / tahun (nego)
- Contact: Theresia 081331226688
- WhatsApp: 081331226688
Sewa Apartemen AMOR Tower PAKUWON CITY MALL Surabaya Timur – BULANAN / TAHUNAN – Studio Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Pakuwon City Mall
- Location: Pakuwon City Mall – Surabaya Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Amor Tower / 28
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnish
- Facility: Swimming pool, gym, lift, akses turun langsung di mall PAKUWON CITY 1.2.3,
- Additional Info: Service charge 460 ribu, listrik dan air excluded
- Rental Price:
- Rp 2.8 juta / bulan
- Rp 30 juta / tahun
- Contact: Chat wa only 081330636788
- WhatsApp: 081330636788
Sewa Apartemen Tanglin Mansion – Pakuwon Mall / Supermall Surabaya – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tanglin Mansion – Pakuwon Mall / Supermall
- Location: Surabaya Barat – Lontar – Wiyung
- Tower/Floor/View: Tanglin / 28 / city view
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Queen spring bed with Hydrolic
- Lemari
- LG TV 32″
- Pantry & Kitchen zink
- Kompor Listrik & kabinet
- AC
- Water Heater
- Mini Kulkas
- Facility:
- Car park
- Swimming pool
- Gym center
- Akses langsung (Direct access ) to new Supermall / PTC
- Additional Info:
- Strategic logation in West Surabaya.
- Ideal for business people, student, expatriates.
- Near to mall (Supermall Pakuwon Trade Centre, Ciputra World Mall, Lenmarc Mall, SPAZIO)
- Near with School and University (Petra School & Ciputra University)
- Rental Price:
- Yearly Rent: IDR 30,000,000,- / year (exclude service charge fee, electricity & water)
Maintenance fee/Service charge -+ 500/month. - Monthly Rent: IDR 3.000.000 (exclude service charge, electricity & water)
Deposit : IDR 1.500.000 - For monthly rental, Minimum 3 month
- Yearly Rent: IDR 30,000,000,- / year (exclude service charge fee, electricity & water)
- Contact: Imel 081-330636788
- WhatsApp: 081330636788
Sewa Apartemen Studio Educity Harvard Surabaya – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Educity Harvard
- Location: Pakuwon city
- Tower/Floor/View: Harvard/29/sea
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- AC
- TV
- Springbed
- Cupboard
- Dining table
- Refrigerator
- Swimming poll
- Garden
- Additional Info:
- Near market
- Near mall
- Near ATM
- Road main
- Rental Price:
- Rp 12.000.000 / 6 month
- Rp 22.000.000 / year
- Contact: 08123059170
- WhatsApp: 08123059170
Sewa Bulanan Apartemen Amor Pakuwon City Mall Surabaya – New Full Furnished Studio
- Apartment Name: Pakuwon City Mall
- Location: Pakuwon City Mall – Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Amor / 18 / Sea view
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Queen spring bed
- Working Table
- Lemari Baju (wardrobe) + Mirror
- TV 32″
- Pantry & Kitchen zink
- Kompor Listrik & kabinet
- AC
- Water Heater
- Refrigerator
- Facility:
- Car park
- Swimming pool
- Gym center
- Jogging Track
- Akses langsung (Direct access) to Pakuwon City Mall
- Additional Info:
- Strategic logation in East Surabaya.
- Ideal for business people, student, expatriates.
- Near to mall (Pakuwon City Mall, East Coast Centre & Galaxy Mall)
- Near with Hospital and University (RS Siloam Surabaya, RS Onkologi Surabaya, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Muhammadiyah
- Rental Price:
- Yearly Rent: IDR 30,000,000,- / year (exclude maintenance fee, electricity & water)
- Maintenance fee/Service charge -+ 500 / month.
- Monthly Rent: IDR 2.900.000 (exclude, electricity & water)
- Deposit : IDR 1.500.000
- For monthly rental, Minimum 3 month
- Contact: Imel 081330636788
- WhatsApp: 081330636788
Sewa Apartemen Bulanan Studio di Benson Pakuwon Mall Surabaya – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Benson Pakuwon Mall
- Location: Surabaya Barat – Lontar – Wiyung
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Benson / 28 / city view
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Queen spring bed
- Lemari Baju (wardrobe)
- TV 32 inch
- Pantry & Kitchen zink
- Kompor Listrik & kabinet
- AC
- Water Heater
- Mini Kulkas
- Facility:
- Car park
- Swimming pool
- Gym center
- Akses langsung (Direct access) to new Supermall
- Additional Info:
- Strategic logation in West Surabaya.
- Ideal for business people, student, expatriates.
- Near to mall (Supermall Pakuwon Trade Centre, Ciputra World Mall, Lenmarc Mall, SPAZIO)
- Near with School and University (Petra School & Ciputra University)
- Rental Price:
- Yearly Rent: IDR 30,000,000,- / year (exclude maintenance fee, electricity & water)
- Maintenance fee / Service charge -+ 500 / month.
- Monthly Rent: IDR 3.000.000 (exclude, electricity & water)
- Deposit : IDR 1.500.000
- For monthly rental,Minimum 3 month
- Contact: Imel (+62-81-330636788)
- WhatsApp: 6281330636788
- E-mail: 081330636788
Sewa Apartemen Surabaya Barat Harian Mingguan Bulanan – Apartemen Puncak Permai – Bersih & Murah – Studio 22 m2 Furnished
- Apartment Name: Puncak Permai
- Location: Jl. Raya Darmo Permai III, Surabaya Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: C/19/City
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished. AC, TV LED, kulkas, kompor, springbed, lemari pakaian, sofa.
Apartemen mempunyai 2 view yaitu city & pool ( lihat depan city ,jika lihat bawah pool)
Springbed ukuran 160 x 200 cm sehingga cukup untuk 2 orang - Facility: Gratis kolam renang & gym
- Additional Info: Lokasi strategis:
- Dekat Supermal / PTC, LENMARC, tempat hangout Loop, Mall Ciputra World
- Dekat Indomart,Alfamidi
- Dekat beberapa bank BCA,Mandiri,BNI, BRI, dan lain-lain
- Dekat Pasar Modern Darmo Permai
- Dekat hokky plaza buah
- Dekat banyak Depot , Pujasera & Resto
- Dekat exit toll (pintu toll kota satelit ,Mayjen Sungkono,HR.Muhammad,Darmo Permai)
- Dekat dokter / rumah sakit National hospital, Mitra keluarga
- Dekat Akademi Sages & sekolah Petra, Gloria , Elyon, Merlion,Mimi School
- Rental Price: Disewakan HARIAN , MINGGUAN , BULANAN
Tersedia beberapa unit Type 1 bedroom dengan harga sewa Rp 2.250.000/bulan
Harga tersebut sudah termasuk (include) service charge,tetapi belum termasuk air/listrik & langganan parkir kendaraanuntuk sewa harian /mingguan /kurang dari 1 bulan silahkan hubungi kami di wa : 081330661048
- Contact: 081330661048
- WhatsApp: 081330661048
Disewakan Apartemen The Square Surabaya – Suite Studio Full Furnished, Near to Universitas Petra
- Apartment Name: ?The Square
- Location: Siwalankerto 146 , Wonocolo, Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: The Square / Lantai 2 / City?View
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Dijual / Disewakan ( NEW RENOVASI 2024 )
Apartemen THE SQUARE,
Universitas Petra
- Type 1 BR Suite Studio Luas 30 m2, ada 2 unit jejer
- Lantai 2, Hadap Timur
- Full furnished
- View City Gedung baru UKPetra
- Surat Strata Title (Sudah Split / SHM apartemen & bisa di-KPA)
- Listrik 2.200 Watt
- Facility:
- Badroom :
– AC
– 2 Sinlge Bed Size (90cmx200cm)
– Desk/Meja Kerja/ Belajar
– AC 1 Pk
– TV 32 Inci Digital
– Mini Kulkas
– Lemari
– Wi – Fi
– Lemari 2 Pintu
Dapur :
– Kompor Listrik
– Magic com / Rice Cooker
– Peralatan Makan minimalis
– Peralatan Masak Standart
– Tempat Cuci Piring
– Peralatan Kebersihan
Bathroom :
– Water Heater ( Air Panas Dingin )
– Shower
– Kloset Duduk
– Eco Flush - – Hair Dryer
- – Setrika
- – Watafel
Balkon :
– Alat-alat kebersihan– Jemuran pakaianPublic Facility :
- Swimming Pool (Free)
- GYm Stastion (Free)
- Parking Gedung
Tenant :
- Billyard 40k/hours Lt G
- Venetian Food Lt LG
- Famali Mart Lt LG
- Alfamart Lt LG
- Kopi Kenangan Lt LG
Point of Interest :
– 1 minute walk to UKP Gedung W, I, P,
– 2 minute walk to UKP Gedung T
– 1 minute walk to Indomaret Point
– 12 minute drive to Royal Plaza
– 8 minute drive to Cito Mall
– 6 minute drive to Trans Icon mall
– 33 minute Drive to Airport JuandaThe Square Surabaya Hotel offers homely rooms with kitchenettes, free internet access and private balconies, steps from the Venesia Shopping Arcade and Petra University. The hotel boasts an outdoor pool, a fitness centre and a small convenience store.
All rooms are air conditioned and offer views of the city. They feature a modern en suite bathroom. Room amenities include a flat-screen TV
Siatuated a short drive away from Rungkut and Jemursari business area, The Square Surabaya Hotel provides shuttle services to other popular shopping areas like Tunjungan Plaza, located a 30-minute drive away. Juanda international Airport is a 15-minute drive away, while Surabaya Zoo is a 30-minute drive from the hotel.
There are ATMs, as well as, a bookstore in the hotel. Billiards and karaoke facilities are available for guests’ entertainment. Guests will also find local specialities and light snacks at the food court located in the shopping arcade.
- Badroom :
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp 36.000.000/tahun
- Exclude service charge, sinking fund, listrik, air
- Deposit 10%
- Contact: 085730102255
- WhatsApp: 085730102255
- E-mail: christinabudiartip@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Benson Pakuwon Mall Surabaya – Studio Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Benson Pakuwon Mall
- Location: Pakuwon Mall, Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Benson / 30 / City
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Fitness Center
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 620 juta (nego)
- Rental Price: Rp 35 juta per tahun
- Contact: 081213999955
- WhatsApp: 081213999955
Disewakan Apartemen Gunawangsa Manyar Surabaya – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunawangsa Manyar
- Location: Jalan Menur Pumpungan No. 62, Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: A / 11 / Kota
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- AC
- Water heater
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Kompor portable
- Lemari pakaian 2 pintu (sliding)
- Matras 160 x 200 cm
- Facility:
- 24-Hour Security
- CCTV In Public Area
- Swimming Pool
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis
- Berlokasi di pusat Kota Surabaya Timur, Aparemen Gunawangsa Manyar memiliki keunikan, keunikan – cukup jauh dari keramaian namun sangat dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas terbaik di sekitar anda.
- Sekolah dan kampus (Petra, Vita, Gloria, UNAIR, ITS, UNTAG, dll.), Pusat Kuliner (food festival di sepanjang Jalan Manyar Kertoarjo, dll.)
- Akses jalan menuju Jembatan Suramadu dan akses ring road (MERR), dll.
- Rental Price: Bulanan dan Tahunan hubungi kontak
- Contact:
- Fifi 085100202066 (owner)
- Vitri 081357749242 (staf)
- WhatsApp: 085100202066
- E-mail: rental.apartemen123@gmail.com