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Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & J
Size: 21m², 28m², 34m², 48 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Furnish, Semi Furnish, Unfurnish
Kolam Renang
Arena Bermain
Lapangan Basket
Mini Market
Mall Basura
Additional Info: Charge tambahan ada Deposit
Rental Price: Per bulan, per 3 bulan, per 6 bulan, per tahun
Studio 3,5 juta – 4 Juta / Bulan 10 juta – 11 juta / 3 bulan
1BR 4 juta / bulan – 11 juta / 3 bulan
2BR 4,5 juta – 5 Juta / Bulan – 12 juta – 14 juta / 3 bulan
3BR 7 juta / bulan – 20 juta / 3 bulan
Contact: 0881-2536567
WhatsApp: 08812536567
Apartment Name: Signature Park Grande
Location: MT Haryono / Cawang
Tower/Floor/View: The Light / 3rd Floor / Pool View (Best View)
Size: 25 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: Gym, Swimming Pool, Hot Pool, Jogging Track, Garden, Sauna, Mini Market (Family Mart, Indomart, Lawson), Laundry
Additional Info: Akses Terbaik:
2 Menit ke Stasiun LRT
5 Menit ke Terminal Busway
5 Menit ke Pintu Tol Dalam Kota
7 Menit ke Stasiun KRL
10 Menit ke Pintu Tol Cikampek / Tol Becakayu
Rental Price: Rp 4.500.000 / bulan (minimal 3 bulan), sudah include biaya IPL (di luar tagihan listrik/air)
Contact: Hotnida (0811 83 99 48)
WhatsApp: 0811839948
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & J
Size: 21 m2, 28 m2,34 m2, 48 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Furnish, Semi Furnish, Unfurnish
Kolam Renang
Arena Bermain
Lapangan Basket
Mini Market
Mall Basura
Additional Info:
Harga sudah termasuk IPL
Perbulan, per 3 bulan, per 6 bulan, per tahun
Rental Price:
Studio 3,5 juta / bulan – 10 juta / 3 bulan
1BR 4 juta / bulan – 11 juta / 3 bulan
2BR 4,5 juta / bulan – 13 juta / 3 bulan
3BR 7 juta / bulan – 20 juta / 3 bulan
Contact: 0881-2536567
WhatsApp: 08881220604
Apartment Name: Tifolia
Location: Pulomas, Pulo Gadung Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 30 View pulomas
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Area parkir
Di depan halte busway & LRT
Kolam renang
Lintasan Joging
Kedai kopi
Kartu akses
Alarm kebakaran
TV Kabel First Media, Biznet, GIG
Additional Info:
Bisa Sewa Tahunan, Bulanan, Harian
Info lanjut / info UNIT LAINnya yang dijual hubungi kami Xeina Property (Kantor kami di Apartemen Gading Mediterania RUKO NO 37 B)
Rental Price:
Rp 25.500.000 / Tahun
Rp 2.600.000 / Bulan
Rp 250.000 / Hari
Contact: Seino Xeina Property 081908670095
WhatsApp: 081908670095
Apartment Name: Tifolia
Location: Perintis Kemerdekaan Pulo Gadung
Tower/Floor/View: Tifolia/06,18,38/Pulomas pacuan kuda
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Area parkir
Di depan halte busway & LRT
Kolam renang
Lintasan Joging
Kedai kopi
Kartu akses
Alarm kebakaran
TV Kabel First Media, Biznet, GIG
Additional Info:
Apartemen Callia hadir di lokasi yang sangat strategis di Jakarta Timur, tepatnya berada di kawasan Kelapa Gading. Apartemen siap huni yang telah selesai dibangun dan berdiri kokoh di Jakarta ini dibangun oleh PT Duta Anggada Realty, Tbk selaku pengembang.
5 menit ke pintu tol
5 menit ke Mall Kelapa Gading
5 menit ke Mall ITC Cempaka mas
Sekolah terdekat ke Don Bosco, Al-Azhar, Seville, Mahatma Gandhi, At Taubah, Taskku, Fransiskus 2
Universitas terdekat adalah ASMi, Global Sevilla Campus, Kalbis Institute, I3L, Jayabaya, Trisakti, YARSI, Muhamaddiyah.
Rumah sakit terdekat: Rumah Sakit Columbia Asia, Rumah Sakit Internasional Pulomas Omni, Rumah Sakit Kartika, Rumah Sakit Islam.
Cocok untuk anda yang sedang membutuhkan apartemen di Kelapa Gading
Rental Price: Rp. 19.000.000 / tahun
Contact: Rayhan Pro
WhatsApp: 081198544118
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Kasablanka, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: C/12/CG
Size: 20 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1 [satu]
Condition: Furnished
Kolam renang
Mall Bassura City
Keamanan 24 am
Additional Info: Lokasi Strategis
Rental Price: 3 juta per bulan
Contact: 0811168440
WhatsApp: 0811168440
Apartment Name: MT Haryono
Location: Jalan Otto Iskandardinata Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: TB / 07 / Lobby
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Facility: Taman bermain, kolam renang, security 24 jam
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di Jakarta Timur
Dekat dengan Stasiun Cawang, Terminal Bus Kampung Melayu, RS Premier Jatinegara
Akses dekat ke Jalan Dewi Sartika, Otista, dan Pancoran
Biaya sudah termasuk service charge
Rental Price: Rp 3.900.000 / bulan, hubungi jika ingin negosiasi
Contact: 081219203080 (Donny)
WhatsApp: 081219203080
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Jendral Basuki Rachmat, RW 10, Cipinang Besar Selatan, Kota Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: 17/26/20 – Edelweiss / Flamboyan / Flamboyan
Size: – m2
Bedroom: Studio, 2BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Condition: Full furnished + Water Heater, Wifi
Facility: Security 24jam, kolam renang, Laundry, Coffeshop, Taman bermain, Gym, dll
Additional Info:
Lokasi Apartement Bassura city sangat strategis
Free IPL / Maintenance / Service Charge
Rental Price:
Studio Minimal sewa 3 bulan Rp 10.500.000
Perbulan Rp 3.500.000
Deposit Rp 2.500.000
2BR minimal sewa 3 bulan bayar Rp 14.00.000
3BR minimal sewa 3 bulan Rp 20.000.000
Perbulan Rp 6.800.000
Deposit Rp 3.000.000
Harga sewa masing-masing unit belum termasuk air & listrik, member parkir motor/mobil, Wifi.
Contact: 085794780800 / 082246300946
WhatsApp: 085794780800
Categories Sewa Apartemen , Sewa Apartemen 2 Kamar Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen 3 Kamar Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen Bassura City , Sewa Apartemen Bulanan , Sewa Apartemen Bulanan Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen Harian , Sewa Apartemen Harian Bassura City , Sewa Apartemen Harian Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen Studio Jakarta Timur , Sewa Apartemen Tahunan
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
Size: 21 / 28 / 34 / 48 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnish / Fully Furnish
Kolam Renang
Arena Bermain
Lapangan Basket
Mini Market
Mall Bassura
Atm Center
Comercial Are
Additional Info: Legaliitas SHM/PPJB
Rental Price:
Studio Rate 3,5 juta – 4 juta
1BR Rate 4 juta – 4,3 juta
2BR Rate 4,5 juta – 5 juta
3BR Rate 6 juta – 7 juta
Contact: 08812536567
WhatsApp: 08881220604
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: jln. Bassuki Rahmat No. 1A Cipinang Besar, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: Jasmine, Heliconia, Geranium
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished AC, bedset, kitchen set
Facility: Lokasi strategis, mall, kolam renang, fitness center dan fasilitas umum lainnya
Additional Info: Call for details. Biaya sewa termasuk IPL, tidak termasuk listrik, gas, air & langganan parkir.
Rental Price:
Rp 4.500.000 / Bulan
Rp 13.000.000 / 3 Bulan
Rp 24.000.000 / 6 Bulan
Rp 42.000.000 / Tahun
Contact: SMS / WA 0816 1800 527 dan 0895 3491 50 323
Apartment Name: Tifolia
Location: Pulomas
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 10
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: AC, Tiang Gorden, Pool, Access Card
Additional Info:
Near Kelapa Gading
Tifolia Apartment is located at the heart of Kelapa gading prestigious area and Pulomas area, Jakarta Greater city.
Public transportation becomes extremely easy for us to reach due to the fact that it is surrounded by Transjakarta busway (just right in front of your home passed by Transjakarta Corridor 2 Pulogadung-Harmoni, Corridor 2-3 Kalideres-Pulo gadung, and Corridor 2-1 Pulo gadung- Bundaran Senayan) and Light Rapid Transit LRT (just right beside your home) that will help you to travel easier, cheaper and more efficient which, in turn, may help you to save your money by using public transportation which just located in front and beside of your home, so enjoy.
However, using your own car/ motorcycle can also be incredibly easy since it is near to city toll gate, and located between Boulevard Kelapa Gading road (Kelapa gading main road) and Perintis kemerdekaan Road.
In addition for the one who like shopping, your home also offers you lots of places to go from shops to high end mall, for instance: Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Of Indonesia, Bella Terra Mall, Mall Artha Gading, Carrefour, ITC Cempaka Mas, Hospitals, Hotels, National and International schools, Kwik Kian Gie University, ASMI University and and many more.
You will also find Jakarta best culinary place in the city at Boulevard kelapa gading and Mall kelapa gading.
You will get the best view from our unit, since the unit is located on the 10th floor.
Only last 2 unit available on the 10th Floor which available for rent from us, and it is newly Painted Unit and Really Clean. I firmly believe you and your family will love to stay at The Apartment.
Rental Price: Rp 19.500.000
Contact: David +62 878 7802 8723
WhatsApp: 6287878028723
Apartment Name: Sentra Timur
Location: Cakung Pulogebang
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full Furnished
Banyak tempat makan
Dekat Terminal Pulogebang
Dekat Gerbang Tol
Additional Info: –
Rental Price:
3 Jam Rp.150.000
6 Jam Rp.200.000
Studio Rp.250.000
2 Kamar Rp.350.000
Cheapinn Customer Service:
WA: 0822-10000-335
Office: Sentra Timur Apartemen Tower Orange Kios O7M
WhatsApp: 082210000335