- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul City, belakang AEON Mall dan Ikea Bogor (15 menit dari Bogor, 45 menit dari Jakarta)
- Tower/Floor/View: A / Floor 12 / Gunung Salak, saat sunset cantik sekali.
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Type 1 kamar, layout terpisah antara dapur / service area dengan kamar tidur.
Disewakan dengan harga unit studio lho - Full furnished, full view, cahaya matahari dan angin.
- 1 bed (queen size) berkualitas, lengkap dengan sprei, bantal guling, dan bed cover
- 1 lemari baju full cermin
- 1 lemari tv
- 1 meja kerja/makan
- 1 water heater
- 1 dispenser
- 1 kompor 1 mata
- 1 AC Daikin, dingin nya nyaman
- TV Led 32 inch plus sub woofer built in
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Type 1 kamar, layout terpisah antara dapur / service area dengan kamar tidur.
- Facility:
- Swimming pool & playground anak – anak
- Dekat lift
- Additional Info:
- Disamping Pasar Bersih dan EATERY, food court
- Dibelakang IKEA dan AEON Mall Sentul
- Dekat Campus trisakti dan Pasar Aphoong
- 5 menit ke SICC / Convention Centre dan hotel Harris
- 20 menit ke Bogor
- 45 menit ke Jakarta
- Rental Price: Rp 3,8 juta bisa dibayar bulanan, minimal 3 bulan, deposit 3 juta
- Contact: Contact / WA owner: Sherly 0811 385 0209
- WhatsApp: 08113850209
Sewa Apartemen Sentul Tower Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Sewa Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – 1 Bedroom Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul Selatan – Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 5 / Swimming pool view
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- New
- Fully furnished with a minimalist aesthetic style complete with TV, AC, Refrigerator and Water Heater
- Facility:
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Playground
- Mini market (Alfamart)
- Additional Info: Sentul Tower Apartment location is very strategic, next to traditional market and AEON mall, also very close to hospital and schools
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.350.000 / month
- Rp 25.200.000 / 6 months
- Rp 49.000.000 / year
- Deposit Rp 2.500.000 (will be returned when the contract ends.)
- The rent charge is include service and maintenance fee (IPL), doesn’t include water and electricity bills.
- Contact: Owner 08111188710
- WhatsApp: 08111188710
Sewa Harian & Mingguan Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – Studio Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Jl. Raya Babakan Madang No. 40, Citaringgul, Babakan Madang, Bogor 16810
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A & B / Lantai Disesuaikan dengan unit yang Ready
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unit Full Furnished
- Bed
- AC
- TV
- Kitchen Set
- Kulkas
- Toilet
- Shower
- Handuk
- Sikat Gigi
- Sabun Mandi
- Water Heater
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Kids Playground
- Parking Area
- Security 24Jam
- Mini Market (Alfamart)
- Additional Info:
- Location is located in Sentul City Real Estate complex, next to clean wet market Sentul City (easy to get groceries, food, daily supply, bank)
- Location is walking distance to :
- AEON Mall (open)
- IKEA Sentul (open)
- Car washing (open)
- Trisakti University (Sentul building)
- EMC Sentul Hospital (open)
- Location is close to :
- Sentul Highlands Gold Club
- Ah Poong, Food District, Children Playground, nature forest
- BPK Sentul School, Pelita Harapan, Sampoerna Academy,
- Sentul City Toll gate
- Shell & Pertamina Gas Station
- Starbuck at Sentul City Marketing Gallery
- 15 minutes driving via toll to Bogor South / Bogor North
- Rental Price:
- Transit :
- Rp 150.000 / 3 jam
- Rp 200.000 / 5 jam
- Rp 250.000 / 7 jam
- Fullday :
- Rp 300.000 / Weekday
- Rp 350.000 / Weekend
- Transit :
- Contact: 081285384001
- WhatsApp: 081285384001
- E-mail: Redsrooom@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – 1 Bedroom Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower Apartment
- Location: Sentul Selatan – Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 6 / Mountain view
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- New and first time to be rent
- Fully furnished complete with TV, AC, Refrigerator and Water Heater
- Family & Dining Room: 1
- Facility:
- Outdoor swimming pool
- Playground
- Mini market (Alfamart)
- Close to Aeon Mall
- Traditional Market
- Additional Info: Sentul Tower Apartment location is very strategic, next to traditional market and AEON mall, also very close to hospital and schools
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.000.000 / month (Min 3 Months)
- Rp 23.000.000 / 6 months
- Rp 43.500.000 / year
- Deposit 1 month rent (will be returned when the contract ends.)
- The rent charge is include service and maintenance fee (IPL), doesn’t include water and electricity bills.
- Contact: Owner – 08111188710
- WhatsApp: 08111188710
Disewakan Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – 1 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Apartemen Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul City
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A Lt.08 No.06 / View Kolam Renang
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisi Unit Full furnish Lengkap dengan Interior
- 2 AC
- 2 TV
- 1 Water Heater
- 1 Kulkas
- 1 Dispencer
- Kompor Listrik
- Cookerhood
- Facility: Kolam Renang
- Additional Info: Kelengkapan & Kondisi Unit seperti di foto
Harga Sewa =- 3 Bulan = Rp.15.500.000,-
- 6 Bulan = Rp.26.000.000,-
- 1 Tahun = Rp.50.000.000,-
- Harga belum termasuk IPL,Maintenance dan deposit
- Deposit Rp. 3.000.000,- deposit akan di kembalikan setelah sewa berakhir
- Selling Price: Harga Jual = Rp. 550.000.000,- Belum termasuk Biaya-biaya
Negotiable - Contact: Untuk detail informasi bisa Hub.
0817 599 699
0816 710 569
Dengan Shanda - WhatsApp: 0817599699
- E-mail: shanda_yanie@yahoo.com
DISEWAKAN Apartemen 1 BR SENTUL TOWER VIEW GUNUNG – Full Furnished, Full Cahaya dan Angin
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower Apartment
- Location: Sentul City
- Tower/Floor/View: A / Floor 12 / Gunung Salak
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Type 1 kamar, lay out terpisah antara dapur / service area dengan kamar tidur.Disewakan dengan harga unit studio lho.
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- View gunung, saat sunset cantik sekali.
- Full furnished, full view, cahaya matahari dan angin.
- 1 bed (queen size) lengkap sprei, bantal guling, dan bed cover
- 1 lemari baju full cermin
- 1 lemari tv
- 1 meja kerja/makan
- 1 water heater
- 1 dispenser
- 1 kompor 1 mata
- 1 AC Daikin, dingin nya nyaman
- TV Led 32 inch plus sub woofer built in
- WIFI kuat dan bagus ( penting untuk kelancaran pekerjaan )
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Facility:
- Swimming pool & playground anak – anak
- Dekat lift
- Additional Info:
- Belakang AEON Mall dan Ikea Bogor (15 menit dari Bogor, 45 menit dari Jakarta)
- Disamping Pasar Bersih dan EATERY, food court
- Dibelakang IKEA dan AEON Mall Sentul
- Dekat Campus trisakti dan Pasar Aphoong
- 5 menit ke SICC / Convention Centre dan hotel Harris
- 20 menit ke Bogor
- 45 menit ke Jakarta
- Rental Price:
- Per bulan Rp 3,5 juta saja
- Belum termasuk biaya air, token listrik, parkir
- Ada deposit 1 bulan sewa
- Sewa minimal 3 bulan
- Contact:
- 0816 1988 757
- 0811 385 0209
- WhatsApp: 08161988757
- E-mail: sherly.homeland@yahoo.co.id
Sewa Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor Barat – 1 Bedroom Full Furnish
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul Tower Apartement, Jl. Babakan Madang No.40, Citaringgul, Bogor, West Java, 16810
- Tower/Floor/View: B 2 /28 / Type Studio (Swiming Pool View)
- Size: 29 m2? m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Complete Full Furnish with Modern Elegance, First time to be Rent with all new equipment and new electronic devices so we Prefer a Good Tenant. Interior design enthusiasts are guaranted will not be disappointed, interior included :
- Full wallpaper, AC LG, Sharp TV 32”, cabinet, 2 pcs chair, 2 pcs big frame photo, 4 pcs kanvas art.
- Kitchen set with extra table+folding
- Small Refrigerator
- Hidden wall bed hardware 120×200 with sofa, spring bed + bed cover +complete pillow, wardrobe 2 Sliding door with Mirror
- Bathroom with water heater, shower and rack
- All equipment and electronic devices are guaranteed will not be disappointed.
- Facility: Security 24-hours, outdoor swimming pool, PAM, electrical 2300 watt, loundry shop, etc
- Additional Info: Sentul Tower Apartment located in Sentul City Bogor close to Market Place, AEON Mall, IKEA, EMC Hospital, Trisakti University, Jungle Land, Toll, Sentul Circuit, Golf Course, etc
- IDR 3.500.000 /month for 3 months minimum rent or IDR 38.000.000/year
- Negotiable
- Deposit 1 month rent (will be returned when finished rent)
- Include : Service charge and maintenance fee
- Exclude : Utilities (electric & water) bills, TV Cable, Internet
- Contact: Contact number for checking/observing the unit : Ibu Sri – 081210257147
For English Speaking Call Number : 081210257147 - WhatsApp: 081210257147
- E-mail: yogapratama297@gmail.com
Disewakan Murah Apartemen Sentul Tower A Bogor – 2 BR Unfurnish
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul City, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: A Lt 17 / 32
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnish
- Facility: Security 24-hours, outdoor swimming pool, PAM, electrical 2300 watt, loundry shop, etc.
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 399 Juta
- Rental Price: 3 TAHUN 60 JUTA Nego
- Contact: 08176000666
082111195178 - WhatsApp: 082111195178
Disewakan Unit Cantik Apartemen Sentul Tower View Gunung dan Pool – 1BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul, Bogor (15 menit dari Bogor, 45 menit dari Jakarta)
- Tower/Floor/View: A / Floor 12 / Gunung Salak
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unit cantik, Siap dihuni, Full furnished lengkap.
Unit full cahaya dan angin, view lepas, lihat gunung Salak. Lokasi tower di tengah - Facility:
- Full cahaya dan angin, view lepas, lihat Gunung Salak
- 1 bed (queen size)
- 1 bathroom
- Kitchen
- 1 AC Daikin
- TV Led 32 inch
- Kulkas 2 pintu
- Swimming pool & playground anak – anak
- Additional Info:
- Disamping Pasar Bersih
- Dibelakang IKEA dan AEON Mall Sentul
- Dekat Campus trisakti dan Pasar Aphoong
- Dekat Food court EATERY
- 20 menit ke Bogor
- 45 menit ke Jakarta
- Rental Price:
- Per tahun Rp 42 juta
- Per 6 bulan Rp 22juta
- Per 3 bulan Rp 11,5 juta
- Pembayaran per bulan @ 3,5 juta saja
- Belum termasuk biaya air, token listrik, parkir
- Harga belum termasuk deposit Rp 4 juta yang dikembalikan pada akhir masa sewa apabila tidak ada kerusakan
- Sewa minimal 3 bulan
- Contact: 08161988757
- WhatsApp: 08161988757
- E-mail: sherly.homeland@yahoo.co.id
Sewa Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – Tower B 2 BR Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower B
- Location: Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: B / Floor 8 Balcon mountain view
- Size: 44 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2 BR
- 1 AC
- Kitchen set
- Water heater
- 1 set dining table
- 1 set sofa
- Led 32 inch
- Refrigrator 2 doors
- Water kettle
- Rice cooker
- Facility:
- Swimming pool for kid
- Swimming pool for adult
- Jogging track
- Playground
- Basement parking
- 24 jam security
- Near hospital EMC
- Ikea Dan Aeon Mall
- Additional Info:
- Exit tol tanpa macet
- Apartment terdepan Sentul City
- 15 menit to Aeon mall
- 15 menit to Ikea
- 15 menit to Trisakti campus
- 15 menit to RS EMC
- Good invest full strategis
- Sewakan /dijual
- Good invest
- Sewakan 1 tahun 30jt diluar Deposit Pam +IPL+Token
- 3 bln 12.500.000
- (incl IPL+ deposit 1jt)
- Per bln 4.jt incl ipl
- Excluded Token+Pam+Deposit
- Refund next month after paid all bill
- Selling Price: Dijual 550 jt
Incl Adendum - Rental Price:
- Sewa per tahun Rp 30 jt
- Diluar IPL+Deposit 1 bln sewa+Token +Pam
- Deposit refund stlh semua bill lunas
- Contact: 08176000666
082111195178 - WhatsApp: 082111195178
- E-mail: jason.purnama@mariejoseph.sch.id
Sewa Apartemen Studio Full Furnished di Sentul Tower – Bogor
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower Apartment
- Location: Sentul City
- Tower/Floor/View: B/2/Mountain
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished (seperti di gambar)
- Facility: Full Set Interior
- Bed
- Cabinet
- Kitchen Set
- Kulkas
- Water Heater
- Kolam Renang
- Keamanan 24 Jam
- TV
- Additional Info: Dekat dengan area kuliner dan perbelanjaan (AEON Mall, Ikea, Food Court Padar Bersih Sentul City, Taman Budaya, dll), hanya 2 menit dari pintu tol sentul city
- Selling Price: Rp 650.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Bulanan : Rp 3.500.000
- Tahunan : Rp 35.000.000
- All in kecuali listrik
- Contact: 081288880162/08111366828
- WhatsApp: 081288880162
Sewa Transit / Harian / Mingguan / Bulanan Apartemen Sentul Tower Bogor – Studio 21 m2 Furnished – All Floor Available
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: All Floor
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good Condition
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Food store
- Gym
- Water heater
- Security parking
- dll
- Additional Info: Sewa Apartemen Harian Atau Transit, Unit Ready, 24 Jam Standby
- Rental Price:
- Bisa Untuk:
- Transit 3 Jam = Rp 200.000
- Transit 6 Jam = Rp 250.000
- Harian = Rp 450.000
- Mingguan = 7 Hari x Rp 300.000 = Rp 2.100.000
- Bulanan = 30 Hari x Rp 275.000 = Rp 8.250.000
- Free IPL, Listrik & Air
- Tinggal Bawa Baju Saja
- Tahunan = Contact Admin
- Aman dan Nyaman
- Bisa Untuk:
- Contact:
Hub.: 087829121988 - WhatsApp: 087829121988