- Apartment Name: Dramaga Tower
- Location: Depan Kampus IPB Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Lt. 8/view kampus IPB
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: AC, TV, kulkas 2 pintu, tempat tidur dobel, kompor tanam
- Additional Info: Call for details
- Rental Price: Rp 2 juta perbulan sudah termasuk service charge
- Contact: 08111728729
- WhatsApp: 08111728729
- E-mail: hildayanti797@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Bogor Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Sewa Apartemen Gunung Putri Square Bogor – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square Bogor
- Location: Jl. Mercedes Benz, Cicadas, Wanaherang, Gunung Putri, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Pinus / 7 / City
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Tv
- AC
- Wifi
- Kulkas
- Dispenser
- Alat masak
- Alat mandi
- Facility:
- ATM Center
- Taman
- Minimarket
- Food Court
- Additional Info:
- 15 menit ke pintu tol Gunung Putri, pintu tol Cibubur
- Dekat ke taman wisata, area industri
- Rental Price:
- Weekday :
- 3 jam Rp 120.000
- 6 jam Rp 150.000
- Fullday Rp 300.000
- Weekend :
- 3 Rp 150.000
- 6 jam Rp 180.000
- Fullday Rp 350.000
- Weekday :
- Contact: WA : 085156366758 (Aldo)
Instagram : @sewaapartemenkeren
Bekerja sama dengana Travelio dan Tiket.com - WhatsApp: 085156366758
- E-mail: rafkialdo12@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Harian Murah di Gunung Putri Square Bogor – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square
- Location: Jl. Menrcedes Benz, Cicadas, Wanaherang, Gunung Putri, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Finus/16/kota
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Ful furnished
- Kitchen set
- Lemari
- Meja
- Tv
- Kulkas
- Disfenser
- Alat mandi
- Dll
- Ac
- Tempat tidur king size
- Facility:
- Access card
- Taman bermain
- Kantin
- Mini market
- ATM center
- Additional Info:
- Dekat ke tempat hiburan
- Tempat rekreasi
- Dekat ke pintu tol gunung putri
- Rental Price:
- 3 jam Rp 120.000
- 6 jam Rp 150.000
- Fulday Rp 225.000
- Contact: 082311645759
- WhatsApp: 082311645759
- E-mail: Boysandy902@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen 2 BR Fully Furnished – Podomoro Golf View Depok
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis (KM 19 tol Jagorawi), Depok, Jawa Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / 20 / Garden
- Size: 32 m2
- Bedroom: 2 (Connecting)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: News
- Facility:
- Fully furnished
- Air panas
- Tv
- Kulkas
- Kompor
- Sofa
- 2 kamar 3 tempat tidur
- Listrik 2200 watt
- Ac 2 unit
- Additional Info:
- Interior apartemen mewah
- Lokasi 50 meter dari gerbang tol dan satu kawasan dengan Mesjid At Thohir
- Rental Price:
- Harian : Rp 850 ribu
- Bulanan : Rp 4 juta
- Tahunan : Rp 40 juta
- Contact:
- Moegi
Whatsapp: +62 811814322
Contact 2 : Tiara IzhatyWhatsapp : 089631399121
- Moegi
- WhatsApp: 62811814322
- E-mail: moegi65@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Gunung Putri Square Harian Dan Mingguan – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square
- Location: Jl. Mercedes Benz No.257, Cicadas, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16964
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Pinus
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- AC
- TV
- Kulkas
- Perlengkapan mandi
- Perlengkapan makan
- Kompor
- ATM Center 24 Jam
- Security 24 Jam
- Parkir 24 Jam
- Kantin
- Mini Market
- Additional Info: Hai hai kakak
Lagi cari sewa apartemen harian?Lagi cari tempat untuk sewa mingguan?Nih kami punya solusinya 🙂Lokasi kami ada di Apartemen Gunung Putri Square dijamin termurah dan ternyaman lohYuk cek list harga kami ka, langsung klik aja nomor nya ka 🙂Start from 120K aja loh kakGa percaya? Yuk buktikan kak 🙂Caranya gampang banget loh
- Chat WA/TLP
- Tentukan jam booking
- Tentukan durasi sewa
- Deal
- Janjian ketemu dibesmen tower pinus
- COD/Transfer
- Terima kunci
- Enjoyy
Simple kan kk 🙂 klo ada yg murah ngapain yg mahalKlo ada yg mudah ngapain yg ribetFasilitas gimana kak? Selow kaka tersayang 🙂- AC
- TV
- Wi-Fi 25 Mbps
- Kulkas
- Perlengkapan mandi
- Perlengkapan makan
- Kompor
- ATM Center 24 Jam
- Security 24 Jam
- Parkir 24 Jam
- Kantin
- Mini market
Apa saja syarat sewa nya kak? Nih kak aku jelaskan 🙂- KTP/SIM/Identitas Jelas
- Dilarang keras memakai seragam sekolah
- Dilarang membuat gaduh saat sewa berlangsung
- Dilarang membawa miras/narkoba atau sejenis nya
- Kami tidak melayani pertanyaan sewa PLUS PLUS
- Dilarang membawa sajam & Senpi
- Room di isi maksimal 2 org dewasa & 1 anak
- Dilarang membawa aset properti room
Gimana keamanannya kak? Selow kakaKeamanan terjamin asalkan kaka tidak berbuat kriminal dan merugikan kami yaa kak - Rental Price:
- Senin s/d Kamis
- 3 Jam 120
- 6 Jam 150
- Fullday 230
- Jum’at s/d Minggu
- 3 Jam 150
- 6 Jam 180
- Fullday 250
- Mingguan 1,6jt Note : Fullday start check in jam 2 siang & check out jam 11 siang, harga dpt berubah tanpa pemberitahuan
- Senin s/d Kamis
- Contact:
- Admin 1 : 082213005652 (Adi)
- Admin 2 : 085158810319 (Rima)
- WhatsApp: 082213005652
- E-mail: rimaabim681@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Harian Murah Gunung Putri Square Bogor – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square
- Location: Jln. Mercedes Benz Cicadas Wanaherang Gunung Putri Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Pinus/kota
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Tv LED / bisa YouTube
- Wifi
- AC central
- Dispenser
- Kulkas
- Alat masak
- Alat mandi
- Lemari pakaian
- Spring bad king size
- Sopa bad
- Facility:
- Parkiran luas
- Cctv
- Securiti 24 jam
- Additional Info: Dekat ke
- Pintu tol gunung putri
- Kawasan wisata
- Kawasan industri
- Privasi terjaga.
- Kepuasan anda adalah prioritas utama kami.
- Rental Price:
- Weekday
- Transit 120 ribu
- Fullday 225 ribu
- Weekend
- Transit 150 ribu
- Fullday 250 ribu
- Fullday:
- Check in jam 14:00 paling cepat.
- Check out jam 12:00 besok nya paling lambat.
- Weekday
- Contact: Phone/wa.
- 085215837815.
- 082299737076
- WhatsApp: 085215837815
- E-mail: ridwanabdullah466@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Harian Dan Transit Gunung Putri Square – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square
- Location: Jl. Mercedes Benz
- Tower/Floor/View: Pinus/20/city
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility: AC, TV, kulkas, sabun, shampoo, handuk, aqua, kompor, alat makan, alat masak
- Additional Info: Sewa apartemen harian dan transit di gunung putri square. Buat nanya2 atau booking langsung aja chat via whatsapp (FAST respon) 0812 8089 7698, Bisa juga dtg langsung
- Kamar bersih
- Proses terjaga
- Privasi di jamin aman
- Chat admin aja langsung ka kita standby 24jam biar kaya mekdi ;), Kuy gaskeun
- Rental Price:
- Nahla room 0812-8089-7698
https://maps.app.goo.gl/XEUvCkfUQYZpYuTa9 - Full day
- weekday 225
- weekend 250
- Transit
- Weekdays
- 120rb /3jam
- 150/3jam
- Weekend
- 150rb/6jam
- 185/6jam
- Weekday = senin s/d kamis
- Weekend = jumat s/d minggu dan tgl merah
- Weekdays
- Fullday
- Minimal check in jam 14.00
- Maksimal check out jam 12.00 di hari berikutnya
- Transit check in bebas maximal chekout transit jam 2malam
- Nahla room 0812-8089-7698
- Contact:
- Dinda : 0812 8089 7698
- Andri : 0813 1670 5130
- WhatsApp: 081280897698
- E-mail: Ap.vilda@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Gunung Putri Square – Type Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gunung Putri Square
- Location: Jl. Mercedez Benz 257 Gunung Putri, Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Pinus / Lt. 9 / view selatan
- Size: 21,18 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished with
Bed set size 160 x 200
Kitchen set
Wardrobe closet
2-seat sofa
Smart TV 32 inch
Dispenser hot & cold - Facility: CCTV 24 hours, access card
- Additional Info:
- Rental Price:
- Rp 2.000.000 / month, include service charge and PAM
- Minimum 2-month rent
- Exclude electricity bill, parking
- Deposit fee Rp 1.000.000 (refundable)
- Contact: +6287883470855
- WhatsApp: 6287883470855
- E-mail: ibnujumena@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Studio Jasmine Park (JP) di Bogor – Lantai 15, Full Furnished – Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: (JP) Jasmine Park
- Location: Jl. Letjen Ibrahim Adjie No.1, Laladon, Kec. Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16610, Indonesia
- Tower/Floor/View: Green / 15 / city and swimming pool view
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- New unit
- Direct owner
- Facility:
- Fasilitas unit:
- Room feature
- Kasur orthopedic Ukuran 2 orang (queen size)
- Dilengkapi:
- AC
- Smart TV
- Dispenser
- Lemari sliding
- Swimming Pool
- Access card
- Restaurant Grill And Dip (All You Can Eat)
- Gym
- Fasilitas unit:
- Additional Info: Strategic location
- Nearby landmarks :
- IPB University
- Bogor Outer Ring Road/Toll
- Transmart Shopping center and superindo
- Hospital (RS Medika Bogor)
- McD restaurant
- Bogor Station
- Nearby landmarks :
- Rental Price:
- Monthly rent IDR 2.500.000 per month
- Yearly rent IDR 30.000.000
- Exclude maintenance fee, water, electricity (token)
- Contact: 081289134381 – owner
- WhatsApp: 081289134381
- E-mail: bolay.1319@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Podomoro Golf View (PGV) Cimanggis Depok – 2BR, Bersih, Nyaman & Tenang
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View (PGV)
- Location: Cimanggis Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Balsa / 8
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Gress masih baru
- 2 unit AC
- Access card
- Kitchen set
- Spring bed
- Lemari pakaian
- Meja rias
- Facility:
- Free parking
- Akses dekat dengan pintu tol
- Masjid At-Thohir
- Dekat dgn Coffe Shop (Right coffe)
- Dekat dgn Golf Emeralda
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Strategis di tengah2 untuk ke Jakarta maupun Bogor
- Parkir luas
- Basement
- Security 24Hours
- Mini market
- Mailbox
- Laundry, etc
- Rental Price:
- Min. Sewa 6 bulan
- 6 Bulan Rp 21 juta
- 1 Tahun Rp 40 juta
- Contact: 0818874584
- WhatsApp: 0818874584
- E-mail: handitya_sani@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Luxury Fully Furnished – Podomoro Golf View 2BR Cimanggis Depok
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Exit toll Cimanggis km 19 ,Gunung Putri, kabupaten Bogor, Jagorawi toll road
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / 26 / Mountain and housing
- Size: 52 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Brand new luxury fully furnished
- Bed + bed cover
- Wardrobe
- Dressing table + mirror
- Curtain
- Tv
- Ac
- Sofa
- Kitchen set, bar stool, stove and cooker hood
- Refrigerator
- Microwave
- Coffee maker
- Dinner set
- Facility:
- Cafe and resto
- Mosque
- Sport centre and swimming pool
- Jogging track
- Security 24 hrs
- Additional Info:
- 45 minutes to Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport and 1hr 15 minutes to Soetta International Airport
- Shuttle bus to Jakarta
- Close to central business district area (Ciputra Mall, Transpark Mall, Plaza Cibubur, Melia Hospital and Mitra Keluarga Hospital)
- Rental Price: Please call
Rental out for at least 6months periods - Contact: Ana 081316975877
- WhatsApp: 081316975877
- E-mail: anawijaya31@yahoo.co.id
Sewa Studio Full Furnished – Apartemen Podomoro Golf View Bogor – Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Exit Tol Cimanggis (50 meter exit tol langsung masuk kawasan apartement)
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Balsa Lantai 8
- Size: –
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Sewa Studio Furnished (Sudah Lengkap tinggal bawa koper Tidak Perlu isi)
- Facility:
- 1 (satu) buah tempat tidur 160 cm x 200 cm
- 2 (dua) bantal tidur
- 1 (satu) buah lemari pakaian
- 1 (satu) set AC Panasonic 3/4 PK
- 1 (satu) buah Sofa
- 2 (dua) kursi makan
- 1 (satu) buah TV LED 32 inch merk SAMSUNG
- 1 (satu) buah Kulkas portable
- 1 (satu) set Kompor dan Cooker Hood Modena beserta tabung gas 5,5 kg dan selang gas
- 1 (satu) set korden di jendela
- 1 (satu) set korden di pintu balkon
- 1 (satu) set Kitchen Set
- 1 (satu) set Backdrop TV
- 1 (sau) akses card
- Pemilik langsung
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Rp 12 juta / 6 bulan atau 22 juta / tahun
- Belum termasuk biaya :
- IPL 1.489.500/ 6 bulan dan
- listrik / air sesuai pemakaian.
- Deposit = 3 juta (Jika masa sewa berakhir setelah dicek tidak ada kerusakan dan tunggakan listrik/air maka akan dikembalikan)
- Contact: 085691445245 (Tirta)
- WhatsApp: 085691445245
- E-mail: sagitatirta.customs@gmail.com