Location: Jl.kebon Kacang Raya,Kebon Melati,Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10230
Tower/Floor/View: Minat call langsung
Size: 58 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished
Facility: Security 24hours, Atm 24hours, Taxi 24hours,Restaurant, Minimarket, Pizza hut delivery, Apotik century health, Dental care, Salon, Coffee shop, Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Gym, Tennis court, Jogging track, Children playground, Laundry, BBQ area, Etc.
Additional Info:
Walking distance 5 – 10 minutes to Thamrin city Mall, Grand Indonesia Mall, Plaza Indonesia, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Bunderan HI.
Strategic location for business area Thamrin, Sudirman, Kuningan.
Good for investment and convenient to the place of residence.
Location: Jl. Casablanca Raya kav. 88 Menteng Dalam, Tebet – Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Bella
Size: 76 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Fully Furnished
Facility: Fitness center, swimming pool, children playground, tennis court, mall, 24 hours security, emergency backup power, 24 reception, business center, supermarket, cinemas, hair salon, TV cable, internet, IDD line telephone, cafe, laundry
Additional Info: AC, kitchen set (microwave, stove, refrigerator, water dispenser), spring beds, TVs, dining table & chairs, sofa, water heater, curtains, washing machine, etc
Apartment Name: My Home – The Residence Ascott Ciputra World 1
Location: Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: High floor / City view
Size: 142 / 182 m2
Bedroom: 2 / 3 BR
Bathroom: 2
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Good condition
Fully furnished
Connecting to Mall Lotte Shopping Avenue
24-hours security & CCTV
Premium facility
Swimming pool
Gym & fitness center
Tennis court
Basketball court
Badminton court
Kids playground
BBQ area
Concierge service
Reserved parking space
Additional Info:
Ciputra World is the newest landmark in Jakarta’s Commercial Landscape and is the product unique combination of talents.
The Perfect Location – The Golden Triangle – the area is delineated by Jakarta main traffic arteries Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Gatot Subroto & jalan Rasuna Said.
Form the Commercial Hearts of Jakarta.
At the Centre of Golden Triangle on the Jln. Prof. Dr. Satrio.
Very comfortable and luxurious place to stay and very close to Ciputra Artpreneur Center (Museum, Theatre & Gallery), Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ranch Market, Studio XXI, Lotte Duty Free, Raffles Hotel, My Home Apartemen & Ascott Service Apartment
Close to Casablanca Mall,
Best location at Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Only 15 minutes to Sudirman
Only 35 minutes to SCBD, only 5 minutes to Mega Kuningan and Menteng.
Swimming pool (exercise pool, jacuzzi and childrens pool)
Children Playground
Mall Kota Kasablanka
Additional Info:
Casa Grande Residence is a premium and luxury apartment in Casablanca with an area of 12,9 hectares which is connected to Kota Kasablanka Mall. Kota Kasablanka itself is a superblock that contains facilities such as a food and entertainment center, and a luxury office building called Eighty 8 Office Tower.
Casa Grande Residence consists of 4 towers for the first phase, namely Montana Tower, Montreal Tower, Mirage Tower and Avalon Tower. For the second phase there are 3 towers, namely Angelo Tower, Bella Tower, and Chianti Tower which will be added in 2019.
Casa Grande Residence has 3 types of rooms with 1 Bed Rooms, 2 Bed Rooms, and 3 Bed Rooms to choose from. This apartment promises luxury and comfort for its residents with high-quality facilities. This apartment is a symbol of modern Jakarta and is a high end apartment category. You are also spoiled by the integration of this apartment with Kota Kasablanka Mall, which is only 2 minutes away, thanks to a private door to the mall. The Mirage tower entrance to the mall is via a guarded entrance (close to Hagen Daasz) and the food/ restaurants.
Because of the presence of Kota Kasablanka Mall near Casa Grande Residence, you can meet monthly shopping needs to Carrefour, eat at a food court or restaurants, entertainment in theaters and shop for other needs at tenan mall. If you want to visit the hospital, you can drive for 10 to 15 minutes to the MMC Hospital. For the Central Business District, you can go to Jalan Rasuna Said in at least 10 minutes, Mega Kuningan 20 minutes and Sudirman 25 minutes.
Selling Price: Not for sell.
Rental Price: IDR 200 Millions per year (IDR 16.7Million per month on 12 month contract) – Negotiable.
Contact: Arifin Mohammad : +6281294303636 (mobile, WA and text message).
Location: Jl. Dr KRT Radjiman, Kel. Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: B / 8nd Floor / Hook, view bagus
Size: 34 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Full furnished new, tinggal pakai
AC 1 PK, TV, kulkas 2 pintu, kitchen set, kompor gas & exhaust fan, sofa dan meja ruang keluarga, 2 lemari baju dan 1 meja belajar, 2 tempat tidur dan kasur, listrik 1.300 watt, PDAM
Facility: Security 24 jam, lift, parkir motor dan mobil, kolam renang, taman, tempat bermain anak, Mini market, laundry, toko obat, tempat makanan, Salon
Additional Info:
Apartemen terletak di Sentra Jakarta Timur (satu gerbang dengan Perumahan Jatinegara Indah)
2 akses tol (JORR & Dalkot)
Terminal Rawamangun, Pulogadung & Pulogebang
Halte busway Buaran
Stasiun Buaran & Klender
Pusat perbelanjaan (Buaran Plaza)
15 menit ke Kelapa Gading
Dekat klinik
RS Mediros
Rental Price:
Rp 32.000.000/tahun
Rp 16.300.000/6 bulan
Rp 8.000.000/3 bulan
Rp 2.800.000/bulan
Deposit Rp 1.000.000. Setelah check-out uang akan kembali full jika barang tidak ada yang rusak dan pembayaran listrik dan air sudah terselesaikan.
Pembayaran dilakukan setelah tandatangan kontrak
Sudah termasuk: service charge (IPL), ditanggung pemilik
Belum termasuk: biaya listrik dan air, ditanggung penyewa
Location: Jalan Denpasar Raya, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Any / City
Size: 68 – 73 / 87 – 101 / 123 – 143 m2
Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Maid Room: 0 / 1
Maid Bathroom: 0 / 1
Condition: Semi furnished / fully furnished
Facility: South Hills offers many facilities to spoil the residents, for example: swimming pool and jacuzzi, BBQ area, gym, function Hall, library, movie room, kids playground, and billiard room.
Additional Info:
Located on Jalan Denpasar – Kuningan, South Hills is located only a stone throw away from Rasuna Said, Rasuna Epicentrum, Mega Kuningan, and Jalan Dr. Satrio.
South Hills offers 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment, all served by a private elevator, ensuring the highest privacy for the residents.
Rental Price:
1 Bedroom with Private Elevator (68sqm – 73sqm) starts from USD1,200/month
2 Bedroom with Private Elevator (87sqm – 101sqm) starts from USD1,700/month
3 Bedroom with Private Elevator (123sqm – 143sqm) starts from USD2,500/month
Excluding 10% tax
Minimum 1 year lease and payment in advance
Contact: Adjie +6281399325348 (Also Available on WhatsApp)
Location: Jl. Raya Kalibata No.1, Rt.9 Rw.4, Rawajati, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Herbras/15
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: AC 2 units, full interior, stove with gas, sofa, dining table and chairs, bed, wardrobe and dressing table in each room, refrigerator, just go in with a suitcase.
Strategic Location.
Parking Area.
ATM Centre & CBD.
Sport Area dan Gym Centre
24 Hours Security
Additional Info: Kalibata City dwelling a middle class apartment with 18 towers integrated with the Kalibata Square mall which has easy access such as the Railway because it only has to cross to Duren Kalibata station, located right next to Kalibata Plaza, 5-15 minutes to the CBD area of South Jakarta, (MT Haryono , Gatot Subroto, Kuningan, and Sudirman). A very comfortable residence at an affordable price and easiest access
Location: Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No. 18, RW. 4, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: Ubud/ 20 / City View
Size: 83 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Unit Kuningan City (Denpasar Residence) bertipe 2 BR ini cocok sekali bagi Anda yang menginginkan tempat tinggal dengan ruangan yang seluruhnya sudah dilengkapi dengan berbagai furnitur yang mewah dan ekslusif. Di unit yang berada di lantai 20 dan menghadap ke City ini sudah tersedia tempat tidur yang dilengkapi dengan AC. Unit ini juga dilengkapi dining set, kulkas, listrik, tempat tidur, TV, dapur. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir dengan daya listrik di unit ini, karena mempunyai kapasitas yang besar.
Jaminan best value dan price untuk unit sebagus ini.
Unit baru di-general cleaning, semua AC baru diservis, unit ready siap ditinggali dan bisa langsung di-survey.
Fasilitas di apartemen ini menggabungkan unsur modern dengan keeksotisan Bali sehingga akan sangat memanjakan penghuninya, seperti taman tematik Bali, kolam renang anak-anak & dewasa, gym, sauna, lapangan tenis & basket, lintasan lari, taman bermain anak, ruang pertemuan, jacuzzi, mini golf, dan pusat kebugaran. Penghuni apartemen pun akan diberikan kartu akses pribadi menuju Kuningan City Mall.
Apartemen Denpasar Residence terletak dilokasi yang strategis, karena berada di sentral bisnis atau segitiga emas Jakarta (Thamrin, Kuningan, Sudirman), dekat kantor Kedutaan Besar, Mega Kuningan, dan pusat perbelanjaan seperti Ciputra World, Mall Ambassador, ITC Kuningan.
Additional Info:
Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
Bisa bayar cicilan per bulan (minimal kontrak 6-12 bulan)