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- Apartment Name: Puncak Permai
- Location: Jl. Raya Darmo Permai III, Kec. Dukuh Pakis, Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: B/3/City
- Size: 18 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisi semi-furnished (bukan interior) berisi:
- 1 ranjang uk. 160 x 200 cm, lemari pakaian, dan kitchen set.
- Elektronik: AC 1 PK, TV 32″, kulkas, water heater.
- Facility:
- Security 24 jam
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Lahan parkir
- Additional Info: Biaya peralihan & notaris ditanggung oleh penjual
- Selling Price: Rp 135.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Sewa tahunan Rp 18.000.000,- belum termasuk listrik, air & parkir langganan Rp 100.000,-/bulan.
- Service charge ditanggung pemilik.
- Contact: 085156242575
- WhatsApp: 085156242575
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Purimas
- Location: Rungkut Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Hanya 1 tower / 3 / city
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. AC, TV, kulkas, kichen set, gorden, kolam renang, foodcoud, lemari baju, meja kursi makan
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- 24-hour security
- Access card
- Car park
- Elevator
- Playground
- Additional Info: Dekat UPN, dekat bandara juanda, dekat bank, ATM, dekat stand aneka kuliner, dekat kota, dekat supermarket.
- Selling Price: Rp 250.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 2.1 juta per bulan
- Contact: Rofiq 081336478293
- WhatsApp: 081336478293
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Orchard Mansion
- Location: Above Pakuwon Mall (Supermal), Surabaya Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Orchard / lantai 1 (lantai kolam renang)
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished premium
- AC
- water heater
- TV
- Kitchen set
- Dispenser
- Lengkap tinggal bawa koper
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center (gym)
- Free parking
- Lobby / concierge
- Laundry
- Wifi / TV cable (optional)
- Hiburan (shopping mall, food center, kids playground)
- Sekolah
- Tempat ibadah
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 495 juta (nego)
- Rental Price: Rp 30 juta / tahun (nego)
- Contact: 081331128788
- WhatsApp: +6281331128788
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Orchard Mansion
- Location: Above Pakuwon Mall (Supermal), Surabaya Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Orchard / lantai 1 (lantai kolam renang)
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished premium
- AC
- water heater
- TV
- Kitchen set
- Dispenser
- Lengkap tinggal bawa koper
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center (gym)
- Free parking
- Lobby / concierge
- Laundry
- Wifi / TV cable (optional)
- Hiburan (shopping mall, food center, kids playground)
- Sekolah
- Tempat ibadah
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 425 juta (nego)
- Contact: 081331128788
- WhatsApp: +6281331128788
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Puncak Permai Surabaya
- Location: Jl. Darmo Raya, Surabaya Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: C/2/Hamparan Pohon
- Size: 21.28 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished (Kosongan)
- Listrik 1300 Watt
- Air PAM
- Kondisi baru dari awal
- Hadap pemandangan luas bukan hadap tower lain
- Lantai rendah
- Dekat akses lift
- Posisi di ujung tidak nempel sama unit lain
- Facility:
- Akses jalan mudah
- Dekat akses utama
- Parkir luas
- Additional Info: Call for details
- Selling Price: Rp 200.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp 15.000.000/tahun
- Rp 4.000.000/3 bulan
- Masih bisa nego
- Contact: 08118305556
- WhatsApp: 08118305556
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Puncak Permai
- Location: Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 18 / Barat (Lapangan Futsal)
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished (no electronic)
- Facility: Parkir, kolam renang, PDAM, listrik 2.200 Watt
- Additional Info: Kamar tipe 2 bedroom dijebol model studio
- Selling Price: Rp 220.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: 08176442440
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Bale Hinggil Surabaya
- Location: Jl. Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno, Medokan Semampir, Kec. Sukolilo, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60119
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B/Lantai 8/View Suramadu, Kota
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Indonesian
- Kondisi Baru, Bagus & Gress
- Sertifikat PPJB Notaris
- Type Studio Gross 25 m2
- View Suramadu
- Lantai rendah = 8
- Tower B (lebih mewah & ekslusive) lebih mahal Rp 40.000.000-an dibandingkan dengan Tower A
- Harga developer untuk Type studio Tower B sudah Rp 500.000.000-an
- English
- New, Good Condition & Gress
- PPJB Notary Certificate
- Type Studio Gross 25 m2
- View Suramadu
- Low floor = 8
- Tower B (more luxurious & exclusive) costs Rp 40.000.000 compared to Tower A
- The developer price for the Type B Tower studio is Rp 500.000.000
- Additional Info:
- Indonesian
- Detail Properti:
- Kondisi: Baru
- IMB: Ya
- Sertifikat: Lainnya (PPJB, Girik, Adat, dll)
- Kamar tidur: Studio
- Hadap: Utara
- Lantai bangunan: 8
- Luas bangunan (m2): 25
- Fitur keamanan: Pengawasan 24 jam + CCTV
- Area sekitar: Rumah Sakit, Sekolah, Kampus, dll.
- View: Suramadu, Kota
- Infrastruktur Area: Kolam renang umum, Lift, Mall
- Alamat: Jl. Dr. Ir. H Soekarno Merr IIC Surabaya
- Point Menarik:
- Lokasi Strategis 0 Jalan Utama Merr IIC
- Dekat dengan Bandara Juanda. Cuma 20 menit.
- Dekat dengan banyak Universitas (ITS, ITATS, Unesa, Stikom, Atesia, dll)
- Dekat dengan kawasan Industri, Galaxy Mall, Ruko Komersial, Asrama Haji, dsb.
- Dekat dengan wahana baru Transmart Studio, banyak wisatawan berkunjung.
- Lingkungan nyaman & aman (kunci kartu akses untuk kamar dan parkir)
- Jaminan tinggi 1thn lagi harga melambung 2x lipat.
- Pasif income disewakan mencapai 40jt lebih per bulan.
- Fasilitas lengkap & mewah pool, Plaza, Taman bermain, Plaza, Rest Area, Resto, dsb.
- Lantai Granit setara dgn Hotel Bintang 5.
- English
- Property Details:
- Condition: New
- IMB: Yes
- Certificate: Other (PPJB, Girik, Adat, etc.)
- Bedroom: Studio
- Face: North
- Building floor: 8
- Building area (m2): 25
- Safety features: 24 hours of surveillance + CCTV
- Surrounding area: hospital, school, campus, etc.
- View: Suramadu, City
- Infrastructure Area: Public swimming pool, elevator, Mall
- Address: Jl. Dr. Ir. H Soekarno Merr IIC Surabaya
- Points of Interest:
- Strategic Location 0 Main Road Merr IIC
- Close to Juanda Airport. Only 20 minutes.
- Close to many universities (ITS, ITATS, Unesa, Stikom, Atesia, etc.)
- Close to the Industrial area, Galaxy Mall, Commercial Shophouse, Hajj Dormitory, etc.
- Close to the new Transmart Studio vehicle, many tourists visit.
- Comfortable & safe environment (key card access for rooms and parking)
- 1-year high guarantee again the price soared 2x.
- Passive income for rent reaches 40 million more per month.
- Complete & luxury pool facilities, Plaza, Playground, Plaza, Rest Area, Resto, etc.
- Granite floor is equivalent to a 5-stars hotel.
- Selling Price: Rp 280.000.000 (Nego)
- Contact: Resa Okta – 082210256699
- Apartment Name: Puncak Merr Surabaya
- Location: Rungkut, sebelah IPH School, Jl Soekarno Merr Surabaya
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A/lantai 23/view Jalan besar Merr, jalan Soekarno.
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Stufio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Under construction (finishing)
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
- Shopping centre
- Lobby
- Taman
- Running zone
- Area parkir
- Dll
- Additional Info:
- Pembeli menggantikan uang yang sudah masuk dan meneruskan angsuran (oper kredit).
- Angsuran sebanyak 70x
- Angsuran awal sudah dilakukan sejak Mei 2019
- Angsuran pertama Rp 5.850.000
- UTJ Rp 5.000.000
- Angsuran per bulan Rp 5.350.000
- Selling Price: Rp 380.000.000 (harga tidak berubah dr harga awal membeli)
- Contact: Telp: 082245385159
- WhatsApp: 082245385159
- E-mail: