- Apartment Name: Kebagusan City
- Location: Jl. Baung Raya, Tanjung Barat, TB Simatupang, Pasar Minggu – Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/6/Pool View
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Well maintained, fully furnished unit
- Interior Amenities: Build-in Wardrobe, Lots of closet space, Open floor plan, AC, Bathroom, Waterheater, TV, DVD player, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Two burner gas stove, Sofa bed, Queen size bed, Multifunctional stowaway desk, Balcony.
- Electricity: 2200 Watts
- Facility:
- 24-hours front desk
- ample parking park
- swimming pool
- laundry services
- easy access to bluebird taxi
- 500 m to Tanjung Barat Train Station
- Additional Info: Secured Access Card
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000, negotiable
- Contact: Endang 0812 8863 4832
- WhatsApp:?081288634832
Jual Apartemen Studio Jakarta Selatan Langsung Pemilik Tanpa Perantara Murah
Jual Cepat Kebayoran Apartment Jakarta Selatan – Studio Room Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Kebayoran Apartment
- Location: Jl. Ulujami Raya, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Ruby / 18
- Size: 23.30 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Status per May 2020 sedang dalam final pembangunan:
- Pekerjaan HT Lantai
- Finishing Ruang Panel & Janitor
- Instal MEP
- over credit KPA atau Cash atau mix
- Rencana selesai pembangunan lantai 18 di akhir Jul 2020
- Facility: Sky swimming pool, green convenience, CCTV security system, jogging track, MATV, fitness / gym, sky garden, basement parking + 4 layer, lounge, playground, retail area, convenience Stores
- Additional Info:
- 150 meter ke halte Busway Koridor 13, Cildeug ? Tosari ? Tandean
- 1 km ke Stasiun Kebayoran
- 5 menit ke pintu Tol JORR W2
- 10?menit ke Gandaria City
- 20?menit ke Pondok Indah, Senayan, SCBD, Sudirman
- Dikelilingi pusat perbelanjaan, mall, perkantoran, RS
- Dikelilingi sekolah dan universitas
- Selling Price: Studio : Rp 650.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: Ferdi (082113714126)
- E-mail: ferdisianipar89@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Woodland Park Jakarta Selatan – Tipe Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Woodland Park
- Location: Jl. Kalibata Raya No. 22, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, 12740, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Matoa / 16 / Kolam Renang
- Size: 28,1 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished. TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Wireless Internet, Service Area, Water Heater, Hexos Fan, Kitchen Set, Cupboard
Furnished. TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Internet, Wireless Internet, Service Area, Water Heater, Hexos Fan, Kitchen Set, Cupboard
- Facility: Apartemen ini didukung beragam fasilitas gedung dan eksternal yang lengkap seperti taman, kolam renang, kolam renang anak, jalur jogging, sky lounge (Tower Cendana dan Tower Mahogany), lapangan golf mini, parkir luas, area pesta kebun, jalur sepeda, dan tempat bermain anak.
This apartment is supported by a variety of complete building and external facilities such as a garden, swimming pool, children’s pool, jogging track, sky lounge (Cendana Tower and Mahogany Tower), mini golf course, spacious parking, garden party area, bicycle lane, and children’s playground.
- Additional Info: Berlokasi strategis dengan akses mudah dan berbagai Fasilitas, Stasiun Kereta Kalibata KRL di sebelah gedung berjarak 1 menit untuk perjalanan yang mudah. Pusat Perbelanjaan di seberang apartement hanya 2 menit tempat Anda dapat menemukan makanan, bahan makanan, bioskop, foodcourt, dan super market.
Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma berjarak 10 menit dan Rumah sakit terdekat seperti Budhi Asih Cawang dan Rumah Sakit Tebet. Cocok sebagai Hunian Modern-Hijau dan juga sebagai Investasi masa depan.
Harga Sudah termasuk biaya Pajak, Notaris dan Pengalihan/ Balik Nama. Cash Only.—
Strategically located with easy access and various facilities, the Kalibata KRL Train Station next to the building is 1 minute for an easy trip. The shopping center opposite the apartment is only 2 minutes away where you can find food, groceries, cinema, food court, and super market.
Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport is 10 minutes away and the closest hospitals such as Budhi Asih Cawang and Tebet Hospital. Suitable as a Modern-Green Residential and also as a future investment.
Prices include taxes, notaries and transfer / transfer of names. Cash Only. - Selling Price: IDR 750,000,000 (Nego)
- Contact: Syarif – 0811-9310-890
- WhatsApp: 08119310890
Jual Murah Studio Furnished Apartemen Kebagusan City Rp 250 Juta – Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Kebagusan City
- Location: Jalan Baung no.1, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Royal (terbaru) / Lantai 22 / Timur
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished siap tinggal. Dilengkapi dengan :
- AC
- Water Heater
- Kulkas
- Lamari
- Kompor
- Dekat dengan gedung perkantoran Arkadia (kurang dari 5 menit)
- Facility: .
- 2 Kolam Renang
- Parkir Luar
- Masjid
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Kafe
- Restaurant
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 250.000.000,-
- Contact: Tasya – 081316481685
- WhatsApp: 081316481685
- E-mail: Tasyandjani@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Kemang Village Jakarta Selatan – Studio / 2BR / 3BR / 4BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Kemang Village
- Location: Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.36P, RT.14/RW.5,Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12150
- Tower/Floor/View: Intercon / Empire / Cosmopolitan / Infinity / Ritz / Tiffany / Bloomington
- Size: 38 / 43 / 96 / 113 / 120 / 135 / 165 / 170 / 204 / 220 / 240 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Security: 24 hours of Security and CCTV, private and comfortable lobby, private lift and Private balcony available, access card to unit and facility, and security video call, swimming pool, gym and fitness centre, yoga corner, tennis court, basketball court, jogging track
- Surrounded by tropical garden and aerobic space.
- Mall connected, Avenue of the star, Cinema XXI Lippo Mall Kemang.
- Restaurant Indonesian, Italian, Malaysian, Japanese, Ethnic restaurant connected to the area
- Additional Info:
- Located next to Lippo Mall Kemang.
- All tower connected through basement to the shopping mall.
- Walking distance to Kemang Raya.
- Easy access to JORR toll road, TB Simatupang, Pondok Indah and Cipete area.
- Close to SOS clinic, Brawijaya Hospital, Kemang Medical Care.
- Surrounded by International school such as SPH (Sekolah Pelita Harapan), AIS (Australian International School), NIS (Netherland International School) and Mentari School.
- Selling Price: Please WA for info
- Rental Price:
- Studio starting from Rp 8.000.000 /month
- 2 BR starting from Rp 14.000.000 /month
- 3 BR starting from Rp 20.000.000 /month
- 4 BR starting from Rp 36.000.000/month
- Minimun 6 month
- Negotiable
- Contact: 082111604123 ( Daulat )
# Menerima Titip Sewa Apartemen # - WhatsApp: 082111604123
- E-mail: s_daulat@yahoo.co.id
Dijual Apartemen Green Palace Kalibata City Jakarta Selatan – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Green Palace – Kalibata City
- Location: Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Nusa Indah / 2
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Kolam renang
- Additional Info:
- Kamar mandi sudah ganti direnovasi
- Sudah sertifikat
- Selling Price: Rp 355.000.000
- Contact: 081317758988
- E-mail: anitacatrin77@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen LRT City Tebet Jakarta Selatan – Studio Semi Furnished
- Apartment Name: LRT City Tebet Apartement Supported by Adhi Karya Persero Tbk
- Location: Mt Haryono Tebet, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: LRT/19
- Size: 24,12 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished
- Facility: All (Mall, office, happines garden, pool, pit bicyle, etc
- Additional Info: Headline News!!
Bumn Adhi Karya Persero Tbk
The Premiere Mth-LRT City
Masterpiece dari Adhi Karya, konsep dan investasi hunian mewah yang terjangkau di kelasnya
Posisi letaknya Heart of city Jakarta.
Draft desain sudah terintegrasi dengan akses transportasi umum modern murah dan nyaman
KRL commuter line & BRT Cikoko & TOD LRT station Cikoko
Campur tangan negara menciptakan ketenangan ber-invest yang aman di bawah management BUMN
Ordering and Seizing Now !!!
(Only 390 Unit)
Be Priority Lucky Person - Selling Price: Rp 800 Juta-an
- Contact: For info and discus consultant property Investment :
Rizal – 0878-50040556 - WhatsApp: 087850040556
Jual / Sewa Apartemen Taman Sari Sudirman Jakarta Selatan – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Taman Sari Sudirman
- Location: Sudirman – Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A / 5 – 17 / WTC
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Kolam renang
- Gym
- Parking
- Additional Info: Seberang World Trade Centre dengan view World Trade Centre (WTC) taman hijau dan 5 menit walking distance ke Ciputra World Lotte Shopping Mall
- Selling Price: Rp 820.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.500.000/bulan
- Rp.54.000.000/tahun
- Contact: Yonda 081368686500
- WhatsApp: 081368686500
- E-mail: Yondas@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Green Palace Kalibata Jakarta Selatan – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Green Palace – Kalibata City
- Location: RT.9/RW.4, Rawajati, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12750
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Raffles / lantai 10 / view taman
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
Fasilitas : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Internet
Facility : TV, Cable TV, Air Conditioning, Internet - Facility: Fully furnished. Kondisi bersih dan terawat.
Fasilitas : Keamanan 24 jam, access card, kolam renang, fitnes, jogging track, dll. Tersedia juga bank, ATM, sekolah, klinik,dll. Akses langsung ke mal dan basemen parkir. Dekat dengan stasiun KRL Duren kalibata, SCBD, Kuningan, P. Minggu.
Fully furnished. Clean and well-maintained condition.
Facilities: 24 hour security, access card, swimming pool, fitness, jogging track, etc. Banks, ATMs, schools, clinics, etc. are also available. Direct access to the mall and parking basement. Close to Kalib Durbata KRL station, SCBD, Kuningan, P. Minggu. - Additional Info: Dengan lokasi Apartemen Green Palace Kalibata yang strategis, Anda hanya memerlukan waktu 5 menit dari Tugu Pancoran. Apartemen ini dekat dengan 5 gerbang pintu Tol dalam kota dalam radius kurang lebih 1.5 Km (Tol Gatot Subroto, Tol MT. Haryono, Tol Kebon Nanas, Tol Cikampek, dan Tol Jagorawi). Selain itu, area ini bebas banjir dan dekat dengan stasiun KRL yang memberikan akses menuju Cikini, Gambir, Beos serta menuju Bogor, Depok, dan Bekasi.
With the strategic location of Green Palace Kalibata Apartment, you only need 5 minutes from Tugu Pancoran. This apartment is close to 5 tollgates within the city within a radius of approximately 1.5 Km (Gatot Subroto Toll, MT Haryono Toll, Kebon Nanas Toll, Cikampek Toll, and Jagorawi Toll). In addition, this area is flood-free and close to KRL stations that provide access to Cikini, Gambir, Beos and to Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi. - Selling Price: Price IDR 360,000,000 (Nego)
Harga masih nego dan sdh termasuk AJB,pajak, notaris.
Price IDR 360,000,000 (Nego)
Price is still negotiable and includes AJB, tax, notary. - Contact: Didi – 0811-8191-962
Disewakan / Dijual Apartemen GP Plaza – Studio 31 Sqm, Full Furnished di Palmerah Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: GP Plaza
- Location: Jl. Gelora II No. 1 Slipi, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 10270
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 31 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- 24-hours security
- Basement parking
- Infinity style swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Private access card to unit Apartment, and many more.
- Additional Info:
- Easy and near access to locations in Sudirman, Senayan, Slipi, Palmerah.
- Easy access to Busway and Railway Station (Commuter Line)
- Near Toll Gate (to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, to Semanggi and near Toll access to Tangerang).
- Near to Hospitals (RS Harapan Kita, RS Pelni, Darmais).
- Near to Malls (Senayan City, Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Semanggi Plaza).
- Near to Bina Nusantara University and certain Junior and Senior High Schools.
- Selling Price: Call or Wa for detail information
- Rental Price:
- IDR 66.000.000/12 Month
- IDR 36.000.000/ 6 Month
IDR 19.500.000/ 3 Month
- Contact: 0813 2868 3697 Michael Setiawan
- WhatsApp: 081328683697
- E-mail: Michaelstwn28@gmail.com
Jual / Sewa Apartemen Tamansari Semanggi Jakarta Selatan – Studio 38 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tamansari Semanggi
- Location: Jl. Akri, Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: B/23/Swimming Pool, Gatot Subroto, SCBD
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished using interior design and cozy studio unit 38 m2 include
- big modern kitchen equipped with 3 burner stove complete with cooker hood
- water dispenser
- microwave
- refrigerator
- kitchen utensils
- bathroom equipped with water heater
- bedroom equipped with double king size bed, wardrobe, LCD TV, DVD player
- working desk
- Facility:
- Access card for each resident floor
- Swimming pool (adult & children)
- Children’s playground
- Fitness center
- Commercial area on 1st & 2nd floor include Mini Market and Restaurants
- 24 hours security
- 3 levels of basement parking.
- Additional Info: Very strategic location, very close to Sudirman CBD, Senayan, Mega Kuningan, Ciputra World, Ambassador Mall, etc. 3 in 1 free access is available and only 150 m from nearby Busway Station.
- Selling Price: Rp, Negotiable
- Rental Price: Rp 6.500.000/Month
- Contact: 0811-148794 Call or WhatsApp
- WhatsApp: 0811148794
- E-mail: stelkrint@yahoo.com
Apartemen Disewakan / Dijual Cepat 1 BR, Studio Good View di Tamansari Semanggi Jakarta Selatan
- Apartment Name: Tamansari Semanggi
- Location: Jl. Akri no. 134 Kel. Karet Semanggi Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: A/B/5-29/Mega Kuningan
- Size: 31-75 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 BR / 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished: kitchen set, water dispenser (hot/cold), water heater, king size bed, wardrobe, 32″ LCD TV (wall mount), chairs/sofa & coffee table, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave.
- Facility: Parking lot, 24 hours CCTV and Mtre, mini market, coffee shop/restaurant.
- Additional Info: Strategic location & easy to access, near Toll road to Airport, Mega Kuningan area, Planet Hollywood, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Semanggi, ITC Kuningan & Ambassador Mall.
- Selling Price: Ask me price, Negotiable.
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 5,5 million – 6million/month
- 1 BR Rp 7,5 million – 8,5million/month
- 2 BR Rp 9 million – 10,5 million/month
- Minimum rent 3 – 6 months in Advance
- 1 years Negotiable.
- Contact: 081310004408
- WhatsApp: 081310004408
- E-mail: bestproperty20@yahoo.com